Why Hamas Atrocities Lead the Left to Hate Israel More - WSJ

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2023 Oct 22, 6:00am   2,229 views  47 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

You might think that an atrocity like Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel would lead opponents of the Jewish state to temper their attacks. Instead, from college campuses to mainstream media outlets, elite left-wing circles have responded to the terror group’s barbarism by intensifying their denunciations of Israel. That may seem counterintuitive, but it’s typical. The worst demonization of the Jewish state has typically followed the worst atrocities against it.

Recall the Palestinian suicide-bombing campaign in the early 2000s. Then, as now, many in the West responded to the carnage by criticizing the Jews. International nongovernmental organizations resurrected the Soviet-era claim that Israel is an “apartheid” state. The United Nations joined the chorus and in 2001 met for a global conference “against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” in Durban, South Africa. Denunciation of Israel dominated the agenda.

Fast-forward two decades and Jews experienced the deadliest attack since the Holocaust. In response, many in the West have accused Israel of being a genocidal nation. The Washington Post’s Karen Attiah wrote on Oct. 13 that the U.S. “cannot stand by as Israeli officials engage in genocidal language and describe genocidal intent against Palestinians for the actions of Hamas.” England’s Guardian published at least three opinion pieces this week warning the same. Hundreds of international-law scholars from around the world signed a statement reporting that they’d found signs in Israel that “warn of a potential genocide in Gaza.”
One such “sign” is the Oct. 9 statement by Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, that Israel is “fighting human animals” Mr. Gallant was speaking about Hamas, not the Palestinian people, and the Israel Defense Forces have deliberately attempted to minimize damage to civilians in Gaza.

In one respect, this response is transparent projection. Hamas’s charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Jews and Israel. By kidnapping, raping and slaughtering innocent civilians, the terrorist group gives every indication that it believes what it says. Yet its sympathizers in the West aren’t merely projecting. Their behavior is an example of cognitive-dissonance reduction, the process by which people reconcile new information that contradicts their firmly held priors. The result is an ostensibly coherent system of thought.

Western activists for Palestinians are dedicated to two nearly theological precepts: that Israel is evil, and that no Palestinian action is ever connected to any Palestinian outcome. Each precept is grounded in longstanding—and borderline racist—conceptions of Jews and Arabs.

This cognitive trap expresses itself in how Israel’s opponents in the West speak about the conflict with the Palestinians. Concern that “time is running out” for reaching a two-state solution never leads to calls for the Palestinians to hurry up and accept a negotiated compromise. They ignore that the Palestinians rejected statehood and peace in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2014. They ignore that Hamas’s belligerence is the cause of Israel’s blockade of Gaza, a defensive measure by a nation under assault.

Hamas’s gruesome attack poses a threat to this worldview, and the only way to resolve it is by heightening Israel’s imagined malevolence. The terrorist atrocities don’t trigger a recoiling from the cause in whose name they were carried out; they lead to an even greater revulsion at the victim.

This was the playbook 20 years ago when Palestinian terror groups sent young men and women to blow themselves up in Israeli buses, restaurants and cafes—immediately after they rejected offers of an independent Palestinian state, including the Gaza Strip and more than 90% of the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital. The only way to make sense of the violence was to imagine an Israel even worse than what was already believed.

The Oct. 7 pogrom raised the rhetorical stakes. If the only thing that can explain a Palestinian action is Israeli evil, then Israel’s opponents have to imagine a level of Jewish evil commensurate with what Hamas did—shooting children in front of their parents, setting houses on fire with residents inside, raping women, beheading innocent people, mutilating bodies.

When it is forbidden to criticize murderers or the society that created them, all that is left is to defame the victims. The accusation that Israel is committing genocide the week after Hamas’s massacre is entirely predictable. It tells us nothing about Israel and much about its enemies.

Mr. Mor is a lecturer at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel.

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2   HeadSet   2023 Oct 22, 8:32am  

Lefty hate of Israel? Hardly, more like lefty rhetoric. How many Dem elected officials are calling for an end to the billions sent to Israel every year, or even for the recall of the two carrier groups recently sent? Lefties like dual Israeli-American citizen Senator Schumer? Big Lefty donors to colleges have cancelled any students who publicly criticize Israel or say anything positive about Hamas. The leftys in power in the US are firmly in bed with Israel.
3   DhammaStep   2023 Oct 22, 9:24am  


When it is forbidden to criticize murderers or the society that created them, all that is left is to defame the victims.
4   Patrick   2023 Oct 22, 9:24am  


Their behavior is an example of cognitive-dissonance reduction, the process by which people reconcile new information that contradicts their firmly held priors. The result is an ostensibly coherent system of thought. ...

Hamas’s gruesome attack poses a threat to this worldview, and the only way to resolve it is by heightening Israel’s imagined malevolence. The terrorist atrocities don’t trigger a recoiling from the cause in whose name they were carried out; they lead to an even greater revulsion at the victim.

I think he's exactly right about this.

It's painful to know you are wrong. People seek to reduce pain. Therefore, they alter their perception of reality to justify their false beliefs.

It's similar with the vaxx. A lot of people know they were very wrong to take it and to demand that others take it. This is painful. So they alter their perception of reality to minimize the pain. This comes out in a number of ways, such as "It was the best information we had at the time" (false) or "We should move on" (letting the criminals escape).
5   socal2   2023 Oct 22, 9:26am  

HeadSet says

The leftys in power in the US are firmly in bed with Israel.

Yes there are still some old school Democrats that have their heads screwed on straight.

Sadly they are a dwindling number as the AOC's, Omars, Tlaibs and all the Islamist, BLM/Marxist and LGBTQ Jew haters are rising amongst the ranks. These Lefty radicals sure as shit have already taken over all our universities. Hating on Israel is all part of their "oppression" BLM woke narrative so they can further break down our society and open our borders. "Israel has borders, walls and checkpoints - bad!!"

Why on earth any Conservative or Libertarian would support the Islamist/Leftist campaign against Israel is beyond my comprehension.
6   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 22, 10:10am  

why would i give any fucks for Israel? i have too many of my own problems. besides adl and splc been treating me like utter shit. so fuck it, they can take care of themselves, fucking fags.
7   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 22, 10:13am  

socal2 says

HeadSet says

The leftys in power in the US are firmly in bed with Israel.

Yes there are still some old school Democrats that have their heads screwed on straight.

Sadly they are a dwindling number as the AOC's, Omars, Tlaibs and all the Islamist, BLM/Marxist and LGBTQ Jew haters are rising amongst the ranks. These Lefty radicals sure as shit have already taken over all our universities. Hating on Israel is all part of their "oppression" BLM woke narrative so they can further break down our society and open our borders. "Israel has borders, walls and checkpoints - bad!!"

These are also the same people who signed the infamous "group of 30" letter.
8   AD   2023 Oct 22, 10:16am  


Yes there are still some old school Democrats that have their heads screwed on straight.

Sadly they are a dwindling number as the AOC's, Omars, Tlaibs and all the Islamist, BLM/Marxist and LGBTQ Jew haters are rising amongst the ranks. These Lefty radicals sure as shit have already taken over all our universities. Hating on Israel is all part of their "oppression" BLM woke narrative so they can further break down our society and open our borders. "Israel has borders, walls and checkpoints - bad!!"

Politics is a slowly-evolving spectator sport. Go back 30 years and examine Democrats like Earl Hutto and Zell Miller.

9   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 22, 10:33am  

GNL says

GREAT example.

Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers. But the Bitchute Right is taking the BLM/Antifa/PressTV argument that it is, when it hasn't.
10   AD   2023 Oct 22, 10:47am  

AmericanKulak says

GREAT example.

Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers. But the Bitchute Right is taking the BLM/Antifa/PressTV argument that it is, when it hasn't.

No but I watched a press conference of an IDF official who spoke in English on Fox;s Live Now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveNOW_from_Fox

The IDF official said the US is providing Navy protection with aircraft carriers and destroyers.

Recall the media reported about an American destroyer in the Persian Gulf knocking down cruise missiles fired toward Israel from Yemen. I am not sure on a scale of 0 to 100% how much truth there was to that story or was it for mostly geopolitical optics ?

11   Ceffer   2023 Oct 22, 10:49am  

Pick a side, any side. Moloch is waiting for his sacrifices. Both sides accuse the other of the exact same crimes. They are all the same side, and the same crimes, with the pending human sacrifices of the populace waiting in between.

Israeli sacrifices taste just as good as Palestinian sacrifices, although Israeli sacrifices are better asset harvesting material. Israeli assets are as good as signed, sealed and delivered to the banksters as soon as their genetics are cleared. Evolved, impoverished, desperate survivors will be press ganged to another lily pad to act as crop seeds to start asset accumulation again under another banner.

Are the Israelis ripe yet? The Palestinians are an encumbrance to beach front property?

Who are the real winners?

Think like a Klaus.
12   AD   2023 Oct 22, 11:19am  

Ceffer says

Who are the real winners?

Think like a Klaus.

How much is Klaus and the WEF illumaniti or insiders are pulling the strings globally ? How much influence do they with China and Russia ?

13   HeadSet   2023 Oct 22, 3:26pm  

AmericanKulak says

GNL says

GREAT example.

Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers. But the Bitchute Right is taking the BLM/Antifa/PressTV argument that it is, when it hasn't.

Israel did not ask PUBLICLY, but Biden is sending in 2 carrier groups to fight for Israel. If I say let Israel fight their own battle (which they would clearly and decisively win), would I be called an anti-Semite?
14   AD   2023 Oct 22, 3:28pm  

HeadSet says

Israel did not ask PUBLICLY, but Biden is sending in 2 carrier groups to fight for Israel. If I say let Israel fight their own battle (which they would clearly and decisively win), would I be called an anti-Semite?

part of this is to provide air support in case iran and hezzbolah attack from the north ... i guess the F-18s from the aircraft carrier can deliver precision bombs

15   Ceffer   2023 Oct 22, 3:57pm  

ad says

Israel did not ask PUBLICLY, but Biden is sending in 2 carrier groups to fight for Israel.

OR, they are being sent as sitting ducks a la Pearl Harbor to expand American involvement in the progress of WWIII. The Biden Actor SES handlers are transparently playing both sides against the middle, as usual, financing both unisides, shifting nominal 'loyalties' back and forth, making sure that the 'sides' think they have a chance of 'winning' or enlisting allies.

It's the war and killing that they need, not any side, and if everybody dropped their arms and refused the inductions to war and battle, it would be the Illuminati's worst nightmare.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 23, 8:16am  


You might think that an atrocity like Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel would lead opponents of the Jewish state to temper their attacks. Instead, from college campuses to mainstream media outlets, elite left-wing circles have responded to the terror group’s barbarism by intensifying their denunciations of Israel.

Please list a single article from a mainstream propaganda source condemning Israeli government. One in this country since we're all American's(right?).

I've seen real news sources condemn Israeli government for violence against civilians and children, and for the false flag where they allowed their own citizens to be killed. I've seen Israeli's, in and outside of Israel also condemn the government. The only people/entities I see supporting it are extremists who always attempt for force everyone into false paradigms, and have lots of bloodlust since they don't have kids, and don't to fight themselves. And the mainstream propaganda networks.
17   apex   2023 Oct 25, 10:02am  

AmericanKulak says

Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers.

Kek. Israel doesn't ask. "Ask", lmao
18   Ceffer   2023 Oct 25, 11:50am  

When I have tried to use the WSJ for bird crap catcher, the parrots refuse to enter the cage. That, and the paper is useless for cleaning windows any more.
19   socal2   2023 Oct 25, 1:02pm  

Ceffer says

When I have tried to use the WSJ for bird crap catcher, the parrots refuse to enter the cage. That, and the paper is useless for cleaning windows any more.

Yet you are citing the NYTimes "Visual Inspection" in the WWIII thread as authority still doing your retarded Gaza hospital truther bit?
20   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 1, 12:03am  

Well, where are all the F/A-18s bombing Gaza and the Green Berets being tunnel rats (not just advising from an office in Tel Aviv)?

Didn't happen. And smartphones are ubiquitous in Urban Gaza. There's no way video didn't leak many months later.

Pallywood is still uploading videos where the bodies of "dead martyrs" open their eyes and move their pupils, but despite those videos emerging from Middle East Eye, Electronic Intifada, and PressTV and shared widely on Leftist/Jihadist accounts, some will claim they're IDF fakes.


Don't say "Rest in Power" to a WHITE! That's for Blacks only!!!

22   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 13, 9:35am  

What I am eating during Ramadan

23   richwicks   2024 Mar 13, 10:34am  


This cognitive trap expresses itself in how Israel’s opponents in the West speak about the conflict with the Palestinians. Concern that “time is running out” for reaching a two-state solution never leads to calls for the Palestinians to hurry up and accept a negotiated compromise.

There will be never a two state solution. Netanyahu said he would never allow it. Yitzhak Rabin was murdered because he was going in that direction.

Israel is a state that was created by MOSTLY European and Russian Jews who were terrorists, that forcibly took over the land and deflecting any criticism of this with "but the holocaust", which absolutely did happen, but is also vastly exaggerated. Palestine was a safe haven for Jews during the Inquisition right up to WWII, and it isn't any more.

Armed resistance of an occupied people isn't surprising and Israel will never negotiate with them. They just keep expanding settlements in the West Bank, and they will take over Gaza in time. They don't care if they have to kill the Palestinians, drive them out, whatever, they just want to get rid of them, and they will in time.

Israel is a terrorist state built on terrorism and lies. Whatever. Doesn't matter, people can't see it, because you can't criticize anything a Jewish person does, because you will be called anti-Semitic. The same stupid tactic is used when you criticize a black person, you're racist, or if you criticize a democrat, well, you're just a fascist. People are cowards, they are blind, it's been this way forever.
24   richwicks   2024 Mar 13, 10:36am  

Patrick says


There's no evidence of any rape by Hamas. If you can find an example, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it. This is just more atrocity propaganda like the 40 beheaded babies, or Jewish bodies being rendered in soap.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 15, 7:35am  

Here's where RWSGFY's head explodes a la Scanners:

26   WookieMan   2024 Mar 15, 8:16am  

richwicks says

There's no evidence of any rape by Hamas. If you can find an example, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it. This is just more atrocity propaganda like the 40 beheaded babies, or Jewish bodies being rendered in soap.

Are you on crazy pills dude? Someone was likely raped in my town last night or will be tonight. Go to a bar and look at the single dudes. And I'm not talking a geezer bar, which isn't an insult as I prefer them. Two of my SIL's have been raped. One multiple times. This is America we're talking about.

Hamas males are FOR SURE raping their own women and any Israeli captives. Isreal probably has men raping Palestinians. We had elite people going to the USVI fucking minors.

I generally respect your comments Rich, but this one is out of touch by a long shot having in-laws that were raped here in America. We're talking the Middle East. They stone women to death for fucks sake. I'd have to look it up, but I think rape is legal for Muslims. Most nations didn't allow them to drive cars, which I kind of agree with. Palestinian males are raping anything that can walk. Age of consent, if they have it, is super low. Muslims will fuck anything really.

Low IQ society and religion. They have soooooooooo much resources in the ground and continue to fuck it up. Dubai and Qatar kind of being the exceptions. Iran could be an amazing place if they fucking got rid of religion. The whole region could be. Their fucking Shia and Sunni fucks make it a perpetual fuck shit of death. I hate fictional religious books
27   richwicks   2024 Mar 15, 8:34am  

WookieMan says

Are you on crazy pills dude? Someone was likely raped in my town last night or will be tonight.

Not by Hamas.

A smattering of people got out for a few hours, and took hostages back. Even if they had a mind to do some raping, they didn't do it before they returned. The reason to take hostages is a bargaining chip, and also to show them what kind of conditions they live under. Even if they have a desire to rape these women, I'm doubtful they would.

WookieMan says

Hamas males are FOR SURE raping their own women and any Israeli captives. Isreal probably has men raping Palestinians. We had elite people going to the USVI fucking minors.

Oh, I'm certain Hamas rapes their OWN women, but I'm doubtful they are raping the captives unless they plan to kill them. Israel rapes Palestinian prisoners all the time, male and female, young and old.

PART of the reason they took prisoners was to show them the conditions they live under. You think the US has propaganda nonsense? We are 10% as bad as Israel. Israel host constant propaganda. Most Israelis have no clue at all what their government is doing to the Palestinians. One of the women that was released said she was treated well, she ate with her kidnappers, and nothing happened. Our media purposely mistranslated what she said.



She didn't speak English, her daughter or grand-daughter translated what she said, and our "news" took some steps back. She never claimed she was beaten. She's 85, beating an 85 year old - that's death for a woman.

I'm just pointing out the propaganda. There were no 40 beheaded babies, there is no evidence of the hostages being raped, at least two of the hostages have been killed by the IDF in Gaza, several Israelis were killed by the IDF on October 7th due to the Hannibal Directive. The Israeli government is a brutal terrorist government, it always has been.

That's not to say Hamas is a good government. People always fall into these stupid dichotomies where they INSIST that people pick between two shit sandwiches. Both are unpalatable.

I know Israel will NEVER negotiate in good faith with the Palestinians, they never have before, and never will. I don't know what the the Palestinians can do other than fight back. That's the situation the Palestinians are in.
28   socal2   2024 Mar 15, 8:42am  

richwicks says

There's no evidence of any rape by Hamas. If you can find an example, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it. This is just more atrocity propaganda like the 40 beheaded babies, or Jewish bodies being rendered in soap.

Even the anti-Semites at the UN admit Israeli hostages have been raped.

UN report finds ‘convincing’ information that hostages in Gaza were raped
29   socal2   2024 Mar 15, 8:45am  

NuttBoxer says

Here's where RWSGFY's head explodes a la Scanners:

Even Ukraine has some retarded Leftist anti-Semites.

Those girls (are they?) look like the run of the mill Antifa blue-hairs protesting to chemically castrate children.
30   richwicks   2024 Mar 15, 9:34am  

socal2 says

Even the anti-Semites at the UN admit Israeli hostages have been raped.

UN report finds ‘convincing’ information that hostages in Gaza were raped

Don't give me CNN, give me the UN report, then I have to start investigating the credibility of those who prepared it.

CNN has claimed that the Mueller Report showed evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. I have that report. I've not gone through the whole thing, but there's not a person on the planet that can point me to a page, a quote, a paragraph that supports their claims.

What I want to see, is evidence. Like something a rape kit would produce. I'm tired of people pointing to what they KNOW is bullshit "news media" reporting on a report, that they don't link to. Let's not forget what CNN is, and always has been:

original link

That's from 1990. That's probably not a blue screen, what is important is the antics during the commercial breaks and that bad acting during "the attack". It's all bullshit. Why would anybody listen to CNN at this point?
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 15, 9:57am  

socal2 says

Even Ukraine has some retarded Leftist anti-Semites.

Those girls (are they?) look like the run of the mill Antifa blue-hairs protesting to chemically castrate children.

Even America has them, just post a picture of yourself below this comment to demonstrate...

Now I don't mean all the insulting stuff you just said about Leftists, just that you are one. You are supplying the insults.
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 15, 10:00am  

WookieMan says

Are you on crazy pills dude?

Apparently you are. Ohh, wait, I forget you don't research or click on links, so you never saw where I linked to the story about those women released by Hamas who blamed the Israeli government for abandoning them, and said they were treated very well during captivity.

Just more of your disassociation brought on by lack of research(I won't say ignorance, that doesn't sound nice).
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 15, 10:03am  

richwicks says

Don't give me CNN

Socal SWEARS CNN is totally credible now! He's forgotten all about their Scamdemic propaganda. It's a medical condition actually. Gellman Amnesia...
34   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 15, 11:23am  

INDY PENDANT MEDIA! Underwritten by Iran, China, and Qatar!
35   socal2   2024 Mar 15, 12:41pm  

NuttBoxer says


Here is the same report from the UN itself.


What credible and independent evidence do YOU have that Hamas did not rape Israeli victims and hostages?
36   richwicks   2024 Mar 15, 12:53pm  

socal2 says

What credible and independent evidence do YOU have that Hamas did not rape Israeli victims and hostages?

The same credible and independent evidence people have that Santa Claus isn't real - that is, there is no evidence he's real. You can't prove a negative.

If Israel has actual evidence, they would present it. If they don't, they will not produce evidence because they have none, and Israel has a VERY LONG HISTORY of producing atrocity propaganda. As I've already pointed out repeatedly, there were not 40 beheaded babies, this was a complete lie. There was no baby burned to ashes in an oven either.

Israel lies, and they lie SO FUCKING MUCH, that anything they say without tremendous evidence should dismissed. These are the fucks that keep crying wolf. Remember this?

That was Nutty Yahoo saying that Iran was JUST ABOUT TO GET a NUCWEAR WEAPON!!!! REALLY THIS TIME IT TWUU!

They are fucking liars, and I'm sick of people believing them at this point. They didn't just become liars, they always have been. These are the mother fuckers that claimed Saddam Hussein got yellow cake uranium from Niger, remember that, 25 years ago? Fuck them, tired of the dopes that are like "but Israel said" - Israel says a lot of stuff, and most of it, if not all of it, is bullshit.

I don't even think as many people were killed on October 7th as Israel claims. That's what their credibility is to me at this point and it's not undeserved. All they do is lie. They make our government look credible and reliable in comparison.
37   socal2   2024 Mar 15, 1:34pm  

richwicks says

If Israel has actual evidence, they would present it.

There is 100X more evidence of Hamas atrocities in the Hamas-massacre link I provided than anything you and Nutboxer has provided.

Again - how retarded do you people have to be? We have hundreds of hours of videos showing Hamas proudly killing civilians. Forgot - you already admitted you can't be bothered to review it.

It's like 9/11 troofer morons denying that massive jet liners full of fuel took down the WTC towers despite hundreds of videos from all angles and recorded phone calls from passengers on the planes saying Islamist terrorists hijacked the planes.

There is something about Jews and Islamists that cause some people on the Right to lose their fucking minds.
38   richwicks   2024 Mar 15, 2:02pm  

socal2 says

There is 100X more evidence of Hamas atrocities in the Hamas-massacre link I provided than anything you and Nutboxer has provided.

Don't point me to a haystack and say there are plenty of needles.

Specific examples.
39   WookieMan   2024 Mar 15, 2:09pm  

NuttBoxer says

Apparently you are. Ohh, wait, I forget you don't research or click on links, so you never saw where I linked to the story about those women released by Hamas who blamed the Israeli government for abandoning them, and said they were treated very well during captivity.

Just more of your disassociation brought on by lack of research(I won't say ignorance, that doesn't sound nice).

I don't need to research. I don't give a fuck. War is killing and pillaging. Pillaging involves rape. Both sides. Please read what I'm fucking writing. The Palestinians are for sure raping hostages. I won't be nice. You're a common retard if you don't think it's happening on both sides.... Jesus christ.

Not the best source, but you're not providing anything else: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/u-n-finds-clear-and-convincing-information-that-hostages-have-been-raped-in-gaza/ar-BB1jnCCw





This round it's the Palestinians. You rape my wife I'll kill everyone you know. That is not a joke. And that's why this bull shit will never end over there. Fuck 'em. They're gonna genocide each other regardless. Just let them do it at this point.
40   richwicks   2024 Mar 15, 3:33pm  

WookieMan says

This round it's the Palestinians. You rape my wife I'll kill everyone you know

Your wife take the shot? Coerced into it? If she "dies suddenly", I'm making a prediction: You won't do anything.

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