by RWSGFY ➕follow (4) 💰tip ignore
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When it is forbidden to criticize murderers or the society that created them, all that is left is to defame the victims.
Their behavior is an example of cognitive-dissonance reduction, the process by which people reconcile new information that contradicts their firmly held priors. The result is an ostensibly coherent system of thought. ...
Hamas’s gruesome attack poses a threat to this worldview, and the only way to resolve it is by heightening Israel’s imagined malevolence. The terrorist atrocities don’t trigger a recoiling from the cause in whose name they were carried out; they lead to an even greater revulsion at the victim.
The leftys in power in the US are firmly in bed with Israel.
HeadSet says
The leftys in power in the US are firmly in bed with Israel.
Yes there are still some old school Democrats that have their heads screwed on straight.
Sadly they are a dwindling number as the AOC's, Omars, Tlaibs and all the Islamist, BLM/Marxist and LGBTQ Jew haters are rising amongst the ranks. These Lefty radicals sure as shit have already taken over all our universities. Hating on Israel is all part of their "oppression" BLM woke narrative so they can further break down our society and open our borders. "Israel has borders, walls and checkpoints - bad!!"
Yes there are still some old school Democrats that have their heads screwed on straight.
Sadly they are a dwindling number as the AOC's, Omars, Tlaibs and all the Islamist, BLM/Marxist and LGBTQ Jew haters are rising amongst the ranks. These Lefty radicals sure as shit have already taken over all our universities. Hating on Israel is all part of their "oppression" BLM woke narrative so they can further break down our society and open our borders. "Israel has borders, walls and checkpoints - bad!!"
GREAT example.
Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers. But the Bitchute Right is taking the BLM/Antifa/PressTV argument that it is, when it hasn't.
Who are the real winners?
Think like a Klaus.
GNL says
GREAT example.
Israel hasn't asked for any US Soldiers. But the Bitchute Right is taking the BLM/Antifa/PressTV argument that it is, when it hasn't.
Israel did not ask PUBLICLY, but Biden is sending in 2 carrier groups to fight for Israel. If I say let Israel fight their own battle (which they would clearly and decisively win), would I be called an anti-Semite?
Israel did not ask PUBLICLY, but Biden is sending in 2 carrier groups to fight for Israel.
You might think that an atrocity like Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel would lead opponents of the Jewish state to temper their attacks. Instead, from college campuses to mainstream media outlets, elite left-wing circles have responded to the terror group’s barbarism by intensifying their denunciations of Israel.
When I have tried to use the WSJ for bird crap catcher, the parrots refuse to enter the cage. That, and the paper is useless for cleaning windows any more.
This cognitive trap expresses itself in how Israel’s opponents in the West speak about the conflict with the Palestinians. Concern that “time is running out” for reaching a two-state solution never leads to calls for the Palestinians to hurry up and accept a negotiated compromise.
There's no evidence of any rape by Hamas. If you can find an example, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it. This is just more atrocity propaganda like the 40 beheaded babies, or Jewish bodies being rendered in soap.
Are you on crazy pills dude? Someone was likely raped in my town last night or will be tonight.
Hamas males are FOR SURE raping their own women and any Israeli captives. Isreal probably has men raping Palestinians. We had elite people going to the USVI fucking minors.
There's no evidence of any rape by Hamas. If you can find an example, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it. This is just more atrocity propaganda like the 40 beheaded babies, or Jewish bodies being rendered in soap.
Here's where RWSGFY's head explodes a la Scanners:
Even the anti-Semites at the UN admit Israeli hostages have been raped.
UN report finds ‘convincing’ information that hostages in Gaza were raped
Even Ukraine has some retarded Leftist anti-Semites.
Those girls (are they?) look like the run of the mill Antifa blue-hairs protesting to chemically castrate children.
Are you on crazy pills dude?
Don't give me CNN
What credible and independent evidence do YOU have that Hamas did not rape Israeli victims and hostages?
If Israel has actual evidence, they would present it.
There is 100X more evidence of Hamas atrocities in the Hamas-massacre link I provided than anything you and Nutboxer has provided.
Apparently you are. Ohh, wait, I forget you don't research or click on links, so you never saw where I linked to the story about those women released by Hamas who blamed the Israeli government for abandoning them, and said they were treated very well during captivity.
Just more of your disassociation brought on by lack of research(I won't say ignorance, that doesn't sound nice).
This round it's the Palestinians. You rape my wife I'll kill everyone you know
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