Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   135,566 views  1,312 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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439   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 1:06pm  



As CJ Hopkins points out, the Leviathan we are fighting does not have an ideology. It’s fascism, but with no racial animus, driven entirely by an unquenchable hunger for power and profit. There’s no goose stepping, no brown shirts, no snarling SS officers, no military parades, no military presence at all really. Because it’s not tied to any one nation-state it can be implemented under various guises in many countries all at once. The current crisis has all of the aspects of fascism — genocide, the quest for global domination, the goal of total control of society — with almost none of the offensive pageantry that could be used by the opposition. It’s completely horrifying and also very clever. It’s like they asked an artificial intelligence program, “How can the Third Reich succeed this time, correcting for all of the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of National Socialism?” and this is the plan that came back.

I do sometimes wonder if the world is now being run by people taking their advice from AI.
440   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 25, 12:25am  

California DMV shuts down driverless vehicles

California DMV shuts down driverless vehicles because they are unsafe.
Bottom line: If an automatic process cannot fail safe then it cannot be automated.

From the link:

"The California Department of Motor Vehicles suspended General Motors' Cruises' autonomous vehicle deployment and driverless testing permits across the state, citing safety concerns and incidents.

"When there is an unreasonable risk to public safety, the DMV can immediately suspend or revoke permits," California DMV wrote in a press release."

See https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/california-dmv-halts-cruise-robotaxi-service-due-public-safety-concerns
441   Ceffer   2023 Oct 25, 12:34am  

Patrick says

I do sometimes wonder if the world is now being run by people taking their advice from AI.

Of course they are. That small group of psychos could not begin to 'manage' the world without some form of AI. Why do they want everybody 'chipped' and electronically lobotomized, and 95 percent murdered?

It's alleged that Israel gave over more of its border surveillance to AI and less importance to human observers. Part of the assault was Hamas Uniside flac'ing the AI with all kinds of stuff that made it difficult for the AI to make sense of it. Then again, who told them how to do that?

A lot of what is happening by way of decision making are huge military gaming computers feeding in alternate scenarios, like Monte Carlo analyzers, to project moves and counter moves. The other sides do, too, which is why actions and reactions are constantly being modified on the basis of changing informations.
442   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 25, 11:56am  

Eric Holder says

What if that government openly declares and pursues policy of extermination of your people and your country? What's there to talk about?

If that "goverment" has the following paragraphs in their charter:

You can have a charter that says you'll kill me and my family, but I won't use that as justification to start bombing you tomorrow. What you do matters more than what you say. And as I'm anti-war, I would try to talk before defending myself and my family if given opportunity. Your justification doesn't play out on a human level because it's despotic government, not how real people treat each other.

Now if you're saying there's no humanity in government, and their end goal is to kill most of us, including their own citizens, that I'll agree with. It's the bullshit government worship(ANY government) I can't stomach.
444   Patrick   2023 Oct 25, 3:56pm  

Thanks @The_Deporable

But how do they know this if the vote was secret ballot?
445   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 25, 9:01pm  

Patrick says
"But how do they know this if the vote was secret ballot?"

Pat, CBS, and CNN amongst others are naming the Republicans who opposed Jim Jordan on all three votes. The NYT and NPR are saying this was a secret ballot! My take at this point is that this was not a secret ballot.
446   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 4:22am  

NuttBoxer says

Eric Holder says

What if that government openly declares and pursues policy of extermination of your people and your country? What's there to talk about?

If that "goverment" has the following paragraphs in their charter:

You can have a charter that says you'll kill me and my family, but I won't use that as justification to start bombing you tomorrow. What you do matters more than what you say.

On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?
447   Reality   2023 Oct 26, 5:59am  


On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?

So what are you suggesting? Nuking Qatar (where the banksters provide the bulk of Hamas funding nowadays, including franctionally reserving the $6 billion from the Biden administration into tens of billions)? Nuking Tel Aviv (where the intelligence organization originally founded Hamas as a rival to PLO, and may still be providing funding and pulling the strings, referencing the topic of the thread)? Nuking the City of London and the occupied DC (where the modern crusader kingdom plan was conceived to deliberately expose millions of Jews to a sea of hostile natives, making them graze on the grass fattening up fast then slaughtering them in a new Holocaust, just like easy money in the 1920's fattened up the Jewish middle class and gay middle class in Germany before hiring Nazis to slaughter them so the banks could keep the victims' bank balances and insurance savings/asset balances; in recent years disarming Israeli civilians using the Wall which can be stood-down any time allowing civilians to be slaughtered by hired agents)? What about the civilian populations of Qatar, Tel Aviv, London (outside The Square Mile, as nuke blast and fallout radius is much greater than a mile) and DC? Do you really want to kill millions of civilians just for the shenanigans of the few dozen to a few hundred banksters in the know and a few thousand to a few tens of thousand of their Narcissistic agents?

It may well be true that the world would have been a better place without the banksters, and without either the 3% Semites (Jews) or the 97% Semites (Arabs), (the "we are God's chosen people" and "have the right to cheat, rob, rape and kill non co-religious" bullshit is really conducive to producing Narcissists and psychopaths treating other people as cattle, when in reality themselves being farmed as cattle by higher order Narcissists/psychopaths), but the given reality is that they are all existing already, and the latter two in very large numbers. Seems to me escalating conflict is very anti-semitic either way, and may well spell the end of all the civilian populations of Israel, which is what the banksters want, after 75 years of Israeli savings rate at around 30% every year must have built up an enormous claim against the banksters in the liability books of the latter.
448   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 8:44am  

Oh, no, I suggest MOAR negotiations with Hamas and sending 100 sacrificial virgins to the other side of the fence every month to further demonstrate the good will.
449   Reality   2023 Oct 26, 9:47am  


Oh, no, I suggest MOAR negotiations with Hamas and sending 100 sacrificial virgins to the other side of the fence every month to further demonstrate the good will.

Instead of sending sacrificial virgins (or more likely sacrificial settlers), perhaps arming civilian Israelis and civilian Garzans, so that hired killers would not have a free-shooting zone and would therefore back off instead, perhaps even turning their guns on their financiers who had previously sacrificed their brothers and sisters (the bank accounts of the hired guns get kept by the banksters too when the killers get killed, without having to pay out; what the narcissistic/psychopathic killers think is their prize money get recycled too by the banksters when the killers get killed. Now you see why banksters encourage revenge killings by both sides. Banksters literally want both sides dead so they get to keep all the money).
450   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 26, 10:10am  


On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?

This is sensationalist, I never heard reliable reports of anyone being raped. The Israeli's who were returned said they were treated well.

I would absolutely defend myself, and it wouldn't matter to me if they were Hamas, or Mossad in disguise, would be same response. But I think you're really talking about afterwards. First, and most importantly I would ask what the fuck with my government not beating this attack back. What happened to our wall, our monitors, our defenses, and our military? Why were these people given carte blanche for six hours? Anyone I could find who was directly responsible for exposing me like that, I'd go for them first, especially since they are traitors to my people and country.

But I wouldn't bomb kids, or civilians, NO MATTER WHAT.
451   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 10:15am  

I'm talking about cucked idiocy of negotiating with people who openly declare their will to kill you, sending them money, etc. There is nothing to negotiate about with this kind because they always come to fullfill their promise and negotiate only to lull you into complacency and lowering your guard.

But hey, it's your funeral, so negotiate away with that murderous neighbor of yours.

PS. "No evidence of rape" and "they treated 4 hostages well" somehow makes eveything else a-ok? This is cucked beyond words.
452   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 10:57am  

NuttBoxer says

But I wouldn't bomb kids, or civilians, NO MATTER WHAT.

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.
453   socal2   2023 Oct 26, 12:08pm  

Patrick says

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.

I think he still isn't sure Hamas massacred thousands of Israeli civilians while he looks for the real culprit of the Gaza hospital parking lot strike.
454   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 26, 12:15pm  

Patrick says

NuttBoxer says

But I wouldn't bomb kids, or civilians, NO MATTER WHAT.

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.

455   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 12:24pm  

socal2 says

Hamas massacred thousands of Israeli civilians

About 1,400 in the recent attack, unless you're counting previous attacks too.
456   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 1:12pm  

Patrick says

socal2 says

Hamas massacred thousands of Israeli civilians

About 1,400 in the recent attack, unless you're counting previous attacks too.

458   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 27, 9:58am  

Patrick says

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.

If I say don't ever bomb civilians, you assume there's exclusionary criteria? That doesn't make sense. Stop viewing everything through the lens of government nationalism(bigotry/hatred), and false dichotomies, and I think you'll clearly understand my condemnation is universal. But you could scroll through my comments just as easily looking for any instance where I've ever stated the approval you've insinuated. When you don't find, realize how easily genocide is promoted when people by into de-humanizing rhetoric.
459   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 27, 10:03am  


I'm talking about cucked idiocy of negotiating with people who openly declare their will to kill you, sending them money, etc. There is nothing to negotiate about with this kind because they always come to fullfill their promise and negotiate only to lull you into complacency and lowering your guard.

But hey, it's your funeral, so negotiate away with that murderous neighbor of yours.

PS. "No evidence of rape" and "they treated 4 hostages well" somehow makes eveything else a-ok? This is cucked beyond words.

You've provided no evidence, failed to address any of the points I've made, and spun up theoretical scenarios to justify your vitrol and hatred of mankind. I say mankind because you have now extended yourself from all Russians, to all Arabs. You are the terrorist you rail against, the despot you despise. When you de-humanize anyone, you make it easier to dehumanize all of us.

I've been this angry in the past, and it accomplished nothing, and alienated a lot of people I was close to. I hope you get some help, but have no interest in spending time on someone buried in hatred.
460   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 27, 10:06am  

Eric Holder says


Once in a while you have good points, but most of your comments are purely opinion like this. You don't provide evidence to the contrary, and deride evidence provided to you. Pointless.
461   Reality   2023 Oct 27, 2:07pm  


I'm talking about cucked idiocy of negotiating with people who openly declare their will to kill you, sending them money, etc. There is nothing to negotiate about with this kind because they always come to fullfill their promise and negotiate only to lull you into complacency and lowering your guard.

Seems to me there are at least 4 parties to the conflict: Israeli civilians (whether believing in Zionism or not, or even understanding what Zionism entails: ultimately the destruction of Jews in Israel, so the banksters can keep 75+yrs of 30% annual income average savings rate among Israelis, amounting to more than 20x GDP, a sum that the banksters can never hope to pay back), Palestinian civilians in Garza (whether they understand the nature of Hamas or not, a fraud organization facilitating the Zionist project of first concentrating wealth and then killing account holders), Hamas, and Zionists (who to a large degree control Israeli government, although sometimes Israeli government can also have non-Zionists but they seem to get assassinated by Zionists). Both Hamas and Zionists are known for indulging in terrorism, including assassinating men of peace such as Yitzhak Rabin, who was not at all cucked or a coward but a successful general in the IDF with remarkable military success from real battlefields before becoming former prime minister of Israel. Sending money to Hamas, according to Qatar (bankers) is carried out under instructions from the Jewish (but likely Zionist) American State Department and from the currently Zionist Israeli government. The allegedly Garzan criminals who carried out the attacks against Israeli civilians on October 7th are likely mostly dead by now (not sure about the Israeli Defence Force members who were on stand-down for 6+hours then opened fire indiscriminately at both the raiders and the hostages), so they can no longer personally collect or spend whatever pay was promised them (i.e. money already recycled if in their bank accounts). If they had thought about their own likely deaths and assigned payment from the recruiters (from Hamas, Mossad, etc. through Qatar bank accounts) to their relatives, the bombings after October 7th ensured the supposed recipients are either dead or homeless/without documents to collect/spend the prize money. So the continued pay is likely for the middlemen / operatives who did the recruiting and now have to be paid to keep their mouths shut and/or carrying out future false-flag operations against civilians.

BTW, the claim that Hamas represents Palestinians in Garza is also suspect at best: there are 2.3 million Palestinians in Garza, only 20-30k (i.e. 1% of population) are Hamas members. Palestinian civilians did not have freedom to own guns, so any claim of "democracy" is no better than that of North Korea being represented by Kim, or Canadians being represented by Trudeau, or Americans being represented by Biden. All of them are frauds when the voters don't have the freedom to own firearms comparable to government goons. Do you believe all American civilians are legit targets for attacks after Biden or Obama droned some wedding party in some god-forsaken corner of the world? If you do, then you are literally a terrorist.
462   HeadSet   2023 Oct 27, 3:34pm  

Reality says

so the banksters can keep 75+yrs of 30% savings

If an accountholder dies, does not the account go to heirs? So how do bankers benefit?
463   Reality   2023 Oct 27, 3:50pm  

HeadSet says

If an accountholder dies, does not the account go to heirs? So how do bankers benefit?

That's why there are "banking secrecy" laws preventing surviving family members from getting answers from banks on what accounts the dead had. The banks are required by law not to disclose; the laws of course were bought and paid for by the banksters. The survivors would only receive the money in accounts that the dead had previously disclosed to the heirs. 90+% of husbands and wives don't get along with each other very well after a few years, and have accounts hidden from the other.

More importantly, when banksters organize Holocaust and other wars and revolutions, entire victim families die, so no member of the family would be able to withdraw money. That's why Hitler the Austrian was somehow placed at the head of the German army to carry out Anschluss as the first step of German expansion, and a full cycle before that a Corsican Italian (Napoleon) was placed at the head of a French army to invade northern Italy and destroy the accounting books of Genoese banks and Venetian banks so that the banks no longer had to pay back depositors. The opposing armies melted away (after taking bribes) in front of Napoleon, who was the son of the Corsican representative to the City of London when Corsica was variously "independent" or territory of Britain (after being snatched from an Italian city state) before being given to France. A century before Napoleon was the War of Spanish Succession and the Great Northern War; a century before that, the 30-Years War, etc.. All bankster wars designed to kill account holders en masse.

Remember in even main stream history, the Knight Templars restarted banking in Europe (some 500 years) after the collapse of banking in late Roman Empire. How did they do that? They invented the Pilgrimage and Crusades! Europeans of means were encouraged to take the perilous journey to Jerusalem; because the risks on the way, the travelers had to park money with the Knight Templars before embarking on the journey and then pick up money when they arrived, that's the theory, and they would have park the money with the KT again on the way back, that is assuming they came back. Since it was a perilous journey, many did not make it or make the way back. After the crusaders led by the church and KT took Jerusalem, their apparently military superiority likely also attracted local depositors in the middle-east, in addition to gullible European pilgrims and donors. However, as we have learned from the the Bernie Madoff insider scam, managing money for profit is a lot harder than making up false statements. After occupying Jerusalem for about 88 years, the Knight Templar insisted on marching out to do battle with a numerically far superior Muslim army under Saladin, instead of relying on the very expensive city walls that had given them success every time previously; Battle of Hattin (what 4th of July was previously known in the world, before US Independence) was when the crusader army was deliberately destroyed, so that Jerusalem would fall, and all the bank books could be destroyed so that the first bank of revival could welch on its depositors after 88 years of ponzi scam operation. Apparently, in the long run (after full economic cycle is accounted for), the primary source of profit for banks is abandoned accounts! Now we can understand why Holocaust, why Huguenot Wars, why communist revolutions, etc.. They are all banksters' effort to kill off account holders. Contemporary to WW1+WW2, there was the "Spanish Flu," in reality systematic medical malpractice via Asprin overdose; around the time of Napoleonic Wars, there was the sudden medical obsession with bleeding patients to death pretending to be the cure, despite 5000 years of medical history proving letting out 20-30% of a patient's blood would kill the patient. Now we have been looking at mass murders via mRNA/spike-protein and the bankster-hired actors pushing for WW3. Why? Because when the Holocaust took place killing millions of Jews and gays (some of the most prolific savers), the biggest beneficiaries were the banks (and bank-like whole-life insurance companies) holding their accounts where the victims had their life-time savings!
465   Ceffer   2023 Oct 27, 4:25pm  

Yup. If you are Israeli, and you can see the headlights and read the logo on the thresher "John Deere, sponsored by your friendly Rothschild Messiahs", then it is probably too late to fear the reaper.
466   Patrick   2023 Oct 27, 4:48pm  

Booger says


It is important to understand a key principle in modern Democratic politics: if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. Today, it’s Joe Biden’s table, and he’s happy to provide the entertainment.

Remember, unlike Joe Biden, all of these oligarchs are good with money. They aren’t giving away tens of millions of dollars out of the goodness of their heart. They want something in return. In each and every case, Joe Biden serves a purpose for them — maybe many purposes.

Let’s meet Joe’s billionaire cabinet:

Dustin Moskovitz (net worth: $11.6 billion)

Eric Schmidt (net worth: $26.2 billion)

Jeffrey Katzenberg (net worth: $900 million)

Laurene Powell Jobs (net worth: $13.7 billion)

Reid Hoffman (net worth: $2.1 billion)

Tom Steyer (net worth: $2.1 billion)

Yes, they are all pure evil, but I suspect that there are much bigger players we do not hear about. Remember, the Fed can print as much cash as it wants at any time, and is never seriously audited.


The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has stated that "the financial statements of the Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors are audited annually by an independent outside auditor."[7] The bill's sponsor, Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), countered by stating that the present audit process exempts the Fed's "most crucial activities".[8]

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