Biden pledges to 'keep the American people safe' after 2 deadly mass shootings

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2021 Mar 23, 5:51pm   1,890 views  32 comments

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12   richwicks   2021 Mar 25, 1:25am  

Karloff says
Aren't these people supposed to swear to uphold the Constitution?

Don't you realize by now that the main requirement of a politician today is to lie to you?

The mass shooting in Colorado was a Syrian refugee. You know what would be a good thing to do? Stop bombing Syria and creating refugees.

Our politicians intentionally create strife and problems. That's all they do. That is their job, to keep the population at each other's throats, so we don't hang these people. That's all they do, nothing else.
14   Ceffer   2021 Mar 25, 10:11am  

"Biden pledges to 'find excuses to keep crooked Swamp Creatures safe from the wrath and retaliations of the American People' after 2 deadly mass shootings"

There, fixed it.
15   Bd6r   2021 Mar 27, 9:06am  

Another mass shooting by a Fucking White male, or not since media do not talk about race of shooters?

16   theoakman   2021 Mar 27, 10:52am  

10 people. Sad story. It would be nice if they paid attention to Chicago like this.
17   HeadSet   2021 Mar 27, 10:54am  

Rb6d says
Another mass shooting by a Fucking White male, or not since media do not talk about race of shooters?


From the linked article:
Virginia Beach was the site of a mass shooting in May 2019, when a longtime public utilities employee opened fire on his co-workers with a handgun. He killed 12 people and injured several others. He died after an extended shootout with the police.

The shooter in that incident was a Black man. I would bet the shooter in today's incident of 8 people shot is Black as well. Note that two unrelated incidents occurred - that 8 person shooting at the Oceanfront and a single shooting incident across town. If the person in the single incident shooting is White, the news will splash reports with White shooter in VA Beach" to obscure if a Black did the mass shooting.
18   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 27, 11:36am  

Rb6d says
Another mass shooting by a Fucking White male, or not since media do not talk about race of shooters?


19   Bd6r   2021 Mar 27, 11:38am  

FuckCCP89 says

Consequently, will be forgotten ASAP.
20   clambo   2021 Mar 27, 1:40pm  

I'm going to keep myself safe.
Concealed carry.
Snap a cap up the guy's azz if necessary.
21   Patrick   2021 Mar 27, 6:44pm  

HeadSet says
I would bet the shooter in today's incident of 8 people shot is Black as well.

The probability that today's shooter is black is 99.9% since it was a black crowd:

Ahmon Jahree Adams, 22, of Chesapeake, Va.; and Nyquez Tyyon Baker, 18; and Devon Maurice Dorsey Jr., 20; both of Virginia Beach. ...

Officers found a woman, identified as Deshayla E. Harris, 29, of Norfolk, Va., who had been shot at 19th Street, near Pacific Avenue.

Invented first name + English last name is almost always black.
22   HeadSet   2021 Mar 27, 8:19pm  

Patrick says
HeadSet says
I would bet the shooter in today's incident of 8 people shot is Black as well.

The probability that today's shooter is black is 99.9% since it was a black crowd:

Ahmon Jahree Adams, 22, of Chesapeake, Va.; and Nyquez Tyyon Baker, 18; and Devon Maurice Dorsey Jr., 20; both of Virginia Beach. ...

Officers found a woman, identified as Deshayla E. Harris, 29, of Norfolk, Va., who had been shot at 19th Street, near Pacific Avenue.

Invented first name + English last name is almost always black.

Also Virginia Beach is host to Black festivities this time every year.
23   HeadSet   2021 Mar 27, 8:26pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Rb6d says
Another mass shooting by a Fucking White male, or not since media do not talk about race of shooters?



The opening line to that NYT article: A man was fatally shot by an office then further on: community members who were concerned that Mr. Lynch might not have been armed.

Looks like the NYT wants to fan the flames by implying yet another innocent Black killed by police.
24   rocketjoe79   2021 Mar 27, 9:17pm  

The real mass murder is happening in Chicago Every Day:

25   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 30, 8:16am  


Joe Biden Plans to Relocate BLM Thugs Into Neighborhoods as Part of His ‘Racial Equity’ Plan
26   WookieMan   2021 Apr 30, 8:18am  

HeadSet says
From the link:
Biden ordered all flags at the White House to be flown at half-staff.

You've got it wrong. They're being flown at half staff because Democrats are too lazy. Too hard to raise it to the top. Not a knock on military either as I know they generally care about the country.
27   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 30, 8:26am  

The number of Americans killed by rifles of all sorts, not just “weapons of war”, is like 400.
When their “assault rifle” ban has no impact on the death rate, the Eye of Sauron will move to hand guns and of course eventually to steak knives.
29   rocketjoe79   2021 Apr 30, 11:12am  

Why doesn't Biden start by saving Black Lives in the Chicago War Zone?

Because I've heard Black Lives Matter.

from https://heyjackass.com/ today:

April To Date (vs 2020)
Shot & Killed: 51 (-4%)
Shot & Wounded: 247 (+27%)
Total Shot: 298 (+22%)
Total Homicides: 55 (-5%)

This is about two killings PER DAY.

Random, determined crazy people can't be stopped from killing other people. But maybe we can stop "Systemic Violence" in very dangerous places. Let's start with Chicago.
30   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 30, 2:43pm  

What's needed is Jogger Control.

Thousands of Bikers show up in Sturgis or Daytona Beach. Other than a few dozen more public drunkenness or simple assaults, nothing happens, except millions of dollars are added to the local economy.

Compare to any "Urban Weekend" or "Freak Fest" in Virginia Beach or Atlanta or Miami Beach featuring an "Urban Crowd" --- Multiple Murders, sometimes rioting and looting.
31   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 30, 3:51pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
What's needed is Jogger Control.

Thousands of Bikers show up in Sturgis or Daytona Beach. Other than a few dozen more public drunkenness or simple assaults, nothing happens, except millions of dollars are added to the local economy.

Most of them are legally armed, so it's not for the lack of weapons in the crowd. It's the culture.

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