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They are not afraid. Why?
Covid is about the Securitization of Bodies
1. Pharma/Big Chem/Big Wireless/DoD introduce chronic illness via their “medicines”, bioweapons (SARS-CoV-2), and toxic products.
2. Now that you are ill, Global Monopoly Capitalism (Pharma, Bill Gates, WHO, McKinsey, Biden...) asserts that the state owns your body as a matter of law — a sort of “pandemic eminent domain”. That’s what mandates, vaccine passports, 15 minute cities, and social credit scores imply — state ownership of your body.
3. But the real play here is that they want to LEASE YOUR BODY BACK TO YOU (keep you barely alive via expensive medicines) on a monthly subscription plan for the rest of your life.
Pay the subscription fee, you live, don’t pay, you die.
Securitization is pooling assets (mortgages, debts, loans, anything with a revenue stream) and repackaging them into interest-bearing securities (stocks & bonds that can be traded on the open market).
The value of a share of a pharmaceutical company is not just based on its product portfolio. The price of a Pharma stock reflects its product portfolio and the degree of media, political, academic, and regulatory capture that the company has achieved that enables it to force its products upon the population.
They are not afraid. Why?
I will be resisting by any means necessary, not doing this shit again, and I will be vocal about encouraging others not to either:
In short, no virus can possibly explain this graph:
... Why did NYC do so much worse than Chicago?
What did they do? WHy did so mnay people die?
We’re not sure because nobody is telling us, and the hospitals did not allow any observers in.
It seems however that either the hospitals were killing people with treatment, or the data is fraudulent, or both.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Thank you, acting Madam Deputy President., In the last set of estimates I asked the TGA* if they could provide to me which part of the coronavirus genomic sequence did they use to indicate that someone was positive to COVID, and whether that genomic sequence also makes up other coronaviruses.
And Professor Murphy responded, "We can provide our notice the specific primer and the part of the virus that's used for. We do not believe there was cross reactivity with other coronaviruses, but we can provide on notice. Experts at the Doherty Institute would be happy to provide that information."
Well, I finally got the answer that I have been waiting on for a very long time last week and, surprise, surprise, I'll read it out to you.
"There are a range of primers used in Australian laboratories developed commercially or in-house each targeting different areas of the SARS coronavirus. Depending on a laboratory's individual established workflow target genes include—" and I'll note the RdRp gene.**
Now the Australian, this is the bit that you'll like, "The Australian government cannot provide the primer sequence information for commercially available test kits, as this information is commercial in confidence."
So get a load of this. Get a load of this. For almost two years, we shut down an entire country, OK? We spent hundreds of billions of dollars, instilled fear into every man, woman, and child because of a virus. But when it comes to actually asking the Health Department for the part of the sequence that they use to indicate whether or not this virus, someone had a positive response to that virus, they can't provide it because it's "commercial in confidence."
Well, excuse me, but I didn't know that a virus could be patented. Or, am I missing something here?
I haven't felt this recklessly enraged since the housing bust. I think I'll have to side with richwicks at this point. What good is trying to save those who don't want to be saved from their fervent belief in wokeness/branch-covidianism?
that implies his email address is still active.
An official CDC FOIA response confirms that the validation of the SARS-CoV-2 genome has not been completed to scientific standards!
CDC Unable to Scientifically Verify Full SARS-CoV-2 Genome, Leaving Potential for Semi-Random Construct.
... The CDC stated that they lack the capability to isolate a single virion from all other genetic material present in a sample, and that they don’t have records that this has ever been performed or even is possible.
They also indicated that they do not possess or have knowledge of any single read or complete assembly that would mathematically confirm the complete genome of a virion.
Furthermore, the CDC relied exclusively on publicly available sequence data and did not employ the RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) technique to verify the manually identified genome ends by Chinese researchers. Verification of these ends is crucial, as the presence of additional bases beyond the first and last positions of the reference genome would suggest that RACE amplification does not capture the true terminal sequences. Although RACE amplicon data for SARS-CoV-2 has not been published, findings from the same researchers who studied the RaTG13 virus suggest that this may be the case, highlighting the need for independent validation.
Long-read sequencing has not yet convincingly demonstrated the complete sequence of the genome, as errors and missing sequence ends prevent the generation of a high-confidence genomic model.
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