Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) may have been from vaccines all along

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2022 Aug 14, 7:38pm   29,533 views  217 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


As long-time proponents of vaccination — professionally involved in vaccine development, promotion of the dangerous HPV vaccine and accepting of COVID-19 vaccines as a solution to lockdowns — the three declaration authors positioned the decline in childhood vaccination rates at the head of their list of “disastrous” lockdown consequences.

Far from witnessing a disaster, however, observers by June 2020 had begun noticing a wonderful silver lining — a “surprising” pandemic effect on the death rate among infants, in particular, with 200-plus fewer infants dying per week, amounting to a 30% reduction in expected child deaths within a few months.

To explain the “something mysterious” saving the lives of infants, these analysts, along with Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, pointed out how the missed infant vaccines coincided with a “precipitous drop” in reports of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

SIDS deaths — which by definition affect children who are normal and healthy — and sudden unexplained deaths in children over age 1 typically occur in close temporal proximity to vaccination, with nine out of 10 SIDS deaths following two- and four-month “well-baby” visits.

An analysis of three decades of VAERS data found 75% of reported post-vaccination SIDS cases occurred within seven days of childhood shots.

Japanese pathologists who identified SIDS cases taking place within a week of vaccination agree that “suspicious cases do exist,” leading them to encourage forensic pathologists to “devote more attention to vaccination” in SIDS events.

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119   mell   2023 Sep 20, 7:48am  

Misc says


Looks like you misread what I wrote.

You see smallpox has been eliminated from the planet except for the samples the US, Russia and France have in safekeeping. I didn't say anything about polio.

By eliminating smallpox, that vaccine has saved millions upon millions.

True, but that works only for viruses which don't mutate, or rarely mutate, and generally have no other, non-human, hosts. It would never work for a corona virus, unless they can zoom in on a trait common to all variants.
120   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 20, 11:02am  

I do not mean to change the subject of this discussion but since you mentioned this...

mell says
"...that works only for viruses which don't mutate, or rarely mutate, and generally have no other, non-human, hosts. It would never work for a corona virus, unless they can zoom in on a trait common to all variants."

It is important - critical in fact - to mention here that we have medications that kill all the Corona virus variants. Specifically, Ivermectin and HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine). And in the presence of medications that cure Covid, Vaccines under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) are not allowed and they are in fact illegal.
121   stereotomy   2023 Sep 20, 5:05pm  

The_Deplorable says

I do not mean to change the subject of this discussion but since you mentioned this...

mell says

"...that works only for viruses which don't mutate, or rarely mutate, and generally have no other, non-human, hosts. It would never work for a corona virus, unless they can zoom in on a trait common to all variants."

It is important - critical in fact - to mention here that we have medications that kill all the Corona virus variants. Specifically, Ivermectin and HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine). And in the presence of medications that cure Covid, Vaccines under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) are not allowed and they are in fact illegal.

Well, technically, ivermectin and HCQ don't kill viruses. They inhibit viral (as well as bacterial and parasitical) replication and growth. It's up to one's immune system to mop up and kill the remaining pathogens. The mop up procedure is usually 100% effective because one's body ramps up its immune defenses to fight the pathogen, while the pathogen is forced to stand still and take it because it can't out-replicate the damage the immune system inflicts.

I've taken ivermectin several times in the past 3 years. Each time, while my symptoms were completely repressed, it still took me 7-10 days to completely conquer the infection. Based on my experience, I'd claim it's more accurate to say that ivermectin and HCQ are near 100% effective at incapacitating pathogens, allowing the body to effect a complete cure.
122   Patrick   2023 Sep 22, 1:07pm  


In the context of emerging revelations of regulatory body incompetence and corruption, e.g. The Perseus Report, the WCH Health and Science Committee notes that:

Several research studies now indicate that vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes with higher rates of many chronic diseases than non-vaccinated children.

The integrity of scientific research and the regulatory process of childhood vaccines, including the new nasal ‘flu’ vaccine, now being administered en masse in schools is in question.

Pharmaceutical corporations have a long-standing history of misrepresenting products that cause injuries and deaths. Pfizer, for instance, has paid the largest criminal settlement in history for drug fraud. The childhood vaccination schedule provides these unscrupulous corporations with unregulated access to the bodies of our children.

Modern society is experiencing unprecedented rates of autism, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, depression and more, for which the root cause/s have not been established.

Much of what we have been told about the success of early vaccines, including smallpox and polio vaccines is emerging as untrue. Clean water, modern plumbing, hygiene, refrigeration, and improved nutrition are real factors that have correlated with the dramatic reduction in many infectious diseases over the past century.

National regulatory agencies have never done the necessary evaluation to determine whether vaccines given to children alone or together according to the ever-expanding childhood vaccination schedules are associated with poor health outcomes compared with children who are not vaccinated.

National regulatory agencies have been turning a blind eye to the mounting evidence linking childhood vaccination with autism that has emerged since a possible link was first suggested in 1998.

National regulatory agencies have also been turning a blind eye to the mounting evidence linking childhood vaccination with other diseases, including asthma, allergies, and bowel disease.

The vast majority of children find vaccination with needles painful and long-term psychological harms, including disruption to breastfeeding and maternal bonding, have not been properly evaluated.

There are serious concerns among experts that existing childhood vaccines will be converted to mRNA technology, which has never been proven safe for use in vaccines for adults let alone children, and that this will be done without public awareness, consent and a robust research and regulatory process.

With regard to Covid-19 vaccination, evidence from independent experts and official international databases show that the Covid-19 vaccines are not effective and are not safe, raising serious questions around the authorisation of the Covid-19 vaccines for babies and children.
125   Patrick   2023 Sep 26, 5:41pm  


Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine

My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS.
129   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 4:26pm  


The Real Risks of Childhood Vaccines

Childhood Deaths Dropped By 30% During the Pandemic ...

In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing how infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. This was confirmed by a reanalysis of the data in February 2023, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus. The paper confirmed their 2011 conclusion that there’s a positive correlation between vaccine doses and infant mortality rates.

In 2020, national and international health authorities (and even the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration), bemoaned the fact that Covid fears and lockdowns had the ‘unfortunate’ side effect of lowering routine childhood vaccination rates. Yet evidence is now coming to light that the predicted decline in vaccinations might actually have had a positive impact.
130   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 15, 5:03pm  

My SIL had her kid vaxxed with literally dozen vaccines at once. The poor lad almost croaked. We spaced out the usual kid vaxx stuff over months and our kids barely noticed it.
131   Patrick   2023 Oct 23, 10:16pm  


There are statistically significant positive correlations between neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given.

When developed nations require two versus zero neonatal vaccine doses, or many versus fewer infant vaccine doses, our study suggests there may be unintended consequences that increase all-cause mortality.
132   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 24, 7:41am  

Patrick says

"There are statistically significant positive correlations between neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given."

Yes, and this is worth repeating:

134   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 1:08pm  


Vaccinating pregnant women is completely sinister. By causing harms in utero parents won’t see their children regress after vaccines because they are injured before they are even born. Children who would have died from SIDS become miscarriages instead. Pediatricians were initially the point of the spear for the iatrogenocide but now obstetricians and gynecologists are leading the charge as well. It is impossible to overstate the total depravity of western allopathic medicine today.

The proper number of vaccines for pregnant women is zero. The proper number of vaccines for infants and toddlers is zero. The proper number of vaccines for teenagers, adults, and seniors is zero. The vaccine era is over.
136   Patrick   2023 Nov 10, 5:25pm  


💉 I told you the narrative tide was turning! Here comes exhibit number 732. Local News12 New York ran a story this week that shocked me both because of what happened as well as because they ran the story at all. Here is the unbelievable headline: “Orange County 15-month-old dies 2 days after 'well-visit' vaccinations.” The story included text, a video segment on the story, and it unironically reprinted in full (with a live link) the reporter’s ‘anti-vaxx’ tweet about the infant’s tragic death:

If you’re a twitterer, please give Ms. Gomez’s tweet a like and a grateful, restrained comment, and maybe a re-tweet. It’s important to encourage local reporters like Ms. Gomez to cover these cases, instead of helping the medical-industrial complex bury them in a shallow grave behind Anthony Fauci’s offices:


On October 17th, Katherine Palombi took her “perfectly healthy” daughter Melody to her pediatrician's office, the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick — News15 actually named the practice — for Melody’s 15-month well-visit. The pediatrician gave Melody three vaccine injections: varicella, DTaP and Hib. Two days later, without any warning that anything was wrong, Melody suddenly and unexpectedly stopped breathing and her tiny baby heart attacked her.

EMS and then St. Anthony’s hospital medical staff provided emergency care but nothing helped. And listen to this: News12 asked the hospital for the baby’s records. The records showed Melody had liver failure, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest. All at once. With no warning. Two days after a well-visit where the pediatrician found nothing wrong.

An autopsy is pending, but come on.

The article got even more interesting. News12 asked the pediatrician, Herbert Kania Pediatric, for a comment. Of course they had no comment. If I were their lawyer, I’d have told them not to comment too: a lawsuit seems likely. From the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group’s perspective, this kind of news and bad publicity could destroy the practice.

We have come a long way to the point where news outlets feel empowered to report about vaccine injuries. Once the floodgate opens, it will become impossible to contain the flood of outrage and cries for justice. I think we are about to discover that the pandemic has cracked the rotten vaccine walnut wide open.
137   Patrick   2023 Nov 10, 5:45pm  


In more bad news for the medical-industrial complex, yesterday NBC ran a story headlined, “CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S.” The sub-headline explained, “Forty states saw rises in parents citing religious or other personal concerns for not vaccinating their young children.”

On Thursday, the CDC’s alarmed whitecoats reported the profit-shredding statistic that vaccine sales have slipped to all-time lows! In other words, the number of exemptions from routine childhood vaccines have reached an all-time high.

Go Idaho! A five percent exemption rate might not seem like much, but the trend is what’s alarming the CDC’s drug sales department. Three years ago, only two states had an exemption rate over 5%. And the medical machine’s problem seems to be bigger than just childhood vaccines.

There’s a developing image problem for the whole medical system.

"There is a rising distrust in the health care system," said Dr. Amna Husain, a North Carolina private practice pediatrician and American Academy of Pediatrics spokesperson. Dr. Husain explained that vaccine exemptions "have unfortunately trended upward” along with a rising distrust in the health care system writ large.

How could this have happened?

NBC dutifully trotted out its merchants of fear. "We really have to have our guard up," said Dr. Julie Morita, executive vice president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former head of the Chicago Department of Public Health. "We've forgotten how bad these diseases actually are."

Have we forgotten? Or have we been brainwashed into believing the diseases are worse than they really are in order to sell unnecessary, unsafe, and ineffective medical treatments?

Just how bad are the diseases? NBC darkly described a recent “measles outbreak,” making it sound like a horror movie about aerosolized Ebola or something. But in the end, only about 80 kids tested positive for measles, and nobody died (although 36 terrified parents hauled their hapless kids to the treatment centers for hydration after some diarrhea).

I think after trying and hanging Pfauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, and Cohen, and everyone who mandated the deadly Wuhan Virus toxxine, next the people need to hang everyone on Pfizer's payroll promoting childhood jabs. The scum gets paid, and your child gets maimed or killed.

The corruption stinks and everyone can smell it now.
139   Patrick   2023 Nov 12, 2:28pm  


We are arguing that ‘ALL vaccinations of all kinds for children must stop immediately until this phenomenon is fully understood – there is no downside. In fact the children will actually be healthier WITHOUT any vaxxes.

Matters of gigantic importance for immediate massively funded research:

Reverse transcription into ova and spermatozoa to R/O permanent transgenerational effect into 2 sub-species of humanity: those changed and those not

The cause of the massive increase in autism

The cause of a continuing decline in spermatozoa concentration and recently declining birth rates internationally’
140   Patrick   2023 Nov 12, 2:51pm  


Childhood Deaths Dropped By 30% During the Pandemic

In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing how infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. This was confirmed by a reanalysis of the data in February 2023, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus. The paper confirmed their 2011 conclusion that there’s a positive correlation between vaccine doses and infant mortality rates.

In 2020, national and international health authorities (and even the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration), bemoaned the fact that Covid fears and lockdowns had the ‘unfortunate’ side effect of lowering routine childhood vaccination rates. Yet evidence is now coming to light that the predicted decline in vaccinations might actually have had a positive impact.

According to Dr. Mercola, data from the first few months of the Covid pandemic seems to confirm this link; the death rate for American children dropped during lockdowns when many parents were unable to take their children for their scheduled vaccinations. During this period childhood deaths dropped by 30% going from an average of seven hundred deaths per week to fewer than five hundred during the months of April and May 2020.

142   The_Deplorable   2023 Nov 18, 1:09pm  

Recall that...

146   Patrick   2023 Nov 19, 11:11pm  


RFK Jr. Explains Why Vaccines Are a ‘Dream Product’ for the Manufacturers

“If you could get your vaccine onto the CDC mandatory schedule, it’s worth about a billion dollars in profit to your company for every vaccine every year.”

‘In the early 1980s, vaccine manufacturers were losing BIG money. For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits.

So Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”

The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act was then signed, which turned vaccines into a “dream product.” Here’s why:

#1 - There’s no liability, therefore no incentive to perform safety testing.

#2 - No liability means no injury lawsuits, which means big savings for the vaccine manufacturers.

#3 - The need for advertising and marketing is also eliminated because the products are mandated for kids to go to school.

“If you could get your vaccine onto the CDC mandatory schedule, it’s worth about a billion dollars in profit to your company for every vaccine every year,” denoted Robert Kennedy Jr.
147   Patrick   2023 Nov 22, 1:06pm  


Imagine being a pediatrician, and:

every year giving more & more vaccine doses; and

every year seeing more & more cases of autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, life threatening allergies, cancer, diabetes, & epilepsy; and

still not making the connection. Not even being curious.
149   Patrick   2023 Dec 2, 11:19am  


In the late 1970s, 11 babies died of SIDS in one area of Tennessee. They'd had the same vaccine from the same batch. You can argue whether the vaccine was the cause, but what's interesting is Wyeth's (now Pfizer) response. Call an emergency meeting with the scientists to determine if something had gone wrong with the batch and led to the deaths? Hell, no. Their response was to stop sending a single batch to a single area, instead splitting batches across the country, so no clusters like the Tennessee cluster could be noticed again. (If you think Pharma execs are more moral now than then ... well, enjoy that belief.)

151   Patrick   2023 Dec 4, 9:11pm  


During the first year of the pandemic when most children didn’t have access to medical care there was a big drop in pediatric deaths. 10,579 fewer pediatric deaths, to be exact! Could health care access be detrimental to children? Could more children be harmed by medical interventions than are helped?

152   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 5, 12:57am  

Patrick says

During the first year of the pandemic when most children didn’t have access to medical care there was a big drop in pediatric deaths. 10,579 fewer pediatric deaths, to be exact! Could health care access be detrimental to children? Could more children be harmed by medical interventions than are helped?

Yes it is possible. It is also possible that by isolating people at home less children were exposed to infectious diseases that would have killed them. Probably it is a little of both. Make no mistake that globalists want people dead, but sometimes even their efforts have unintended consequences.

Don’t worry, the have a plan (vaccines, carbon credits, chem trails, war, digital ID and CBDC) to kill or control the survivors.

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