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The armed assailants stole more than $18,000 worth of equipment as well as footage.
Patrick says
The armed assailants stole more than $18,000 worth of equipment as well as footage.
I heard that Breed used city funds to reimburse the Czeck journalists for that loss. I bet locals would love such treatment after they experienced car break-ins.
The Dream Keeper Initiative: How San Francisco Defunded the Police for a Historic Racial Equity Cash Grab
In 2020, san francisco announced it would defund its police department of $120 million to fund a racial equity program called the dream keeper initiative — here's how the money was spent...
To date, DKI has disbursed $107 million in 165 grants to organizations across nine ‘impact areas’ ranging from “Economic Mobility” and “Health and Wellness” to “Narrative Shift” and “Capacity Building.” Almost half this money has gone to “Economic Mobility,” largely in the form of a $20 million grant to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, a department that funds affordable housing projects through the city. Part of this grant supports the DKI Down Payment Assistance Loan Program (DK-DALP), which offers lower and middle-class black San Franciscans looking to purchase property in the city up to $530,000 in the form of no-interest, indefinitely deferred loans of up to $500,000, and $30,000 “wealth building grants.”
Since 2021, almost $9 million, or around 12% of total funding, has gone to supporting the 30 new hires tasked with “supporting DKI full-time” in various departments across the city. Eight DKI jobs, costing the city a total of $1.7 million, were created in the Human Rights Commission alone.
The funding priorities of the Initiative are, in many cases, difficult to parse. DKI has only allotted around $5.3 million to “Education and Enrichment” grantees, but has spent almost $10 million on “Narrative Shift” — an area funding “small nonprofits who have experience…delivering actionable projects centering racial equity that harness the power of storytelling for advocacy.” Strangely, the largest recipient of Narrative Shift money is not a ‘small nonprofit,’ but the SF Human Rights Commission itself, which received over $5.6 million from the impact area. When I asked Dr. Saidah Leatutufu-Burch, DKI Director, about this, she told me that “the HRC grants [this] funding to the narrative shift grantees, nonprofit organizations.” The circular logic here is frustrating: the HRC, which already manages the disbursement of DKI funds to “Narrative Shift” individuals and organizations, granted itself $5.6 million, which it says it’s disbursing to “Narrative Shift” grantees.
An emblematic “Narrative Shift” grantee is Clari-T Media ($200,000 grant), a “multimedia, marketing communications & technical literacy solutions nonprofit agency” focused on “solutions-based stories.” The company’s YouTube and Facebook pages feature hours-long livestreams of “listening sessions” and hearings related to the ongoing push to provide cash reparations to black San Franciscans, along with a series of interviews with local residents. Most of the 100+ videos Clari-T has posted since 2020, often promoted with graphics with text reading “REPARATIONS UNLOCKED,” superimposed on stacks of $100 bills and gold nuggets, have fewer than 100 views.
A man who recently moved to San Francisco has revealed the shock he has felt after moving to the crime-infested Democrat-led California city.
After city officials cleaned up San Francisco for Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s visit earlier this month, crime, open drug use, and rampant homelessness are already back.
One new resident has told Fox News that he’s stunned by what he has seen after moving to the liberal “utopia.”
“This is a disgrace,” Jeremy Bernier told FOX’s Carley Shimkus on Monday.
“I’ve been to 50-plus countries and traveled the world.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.
“It’s just ground zero of the fentanyl crisis.
“You’ve got people literally smoking fentanyl, taking these drugs out on the streets.
“You’ve got the tents and camps while you’ve got a playground with children playing right nearby, and this is blocks away from the mayor’s office.
“It’s just unbelievable to me that a city and country with such immense wealth can have such blatant poverty and suffering.” ...
“Whatever your party is, you can look at this and see this needs to be solved,” he said.
the car owner ends up paying out of pocket at least $300 to fix the window
Patrick says
Gosh, you think it might have something to do with idiocy like this?
It isn't idiocy, it's kickbacks. Nobody is getting kickbacks from tech workers sleeping in pods.
If we double the speed of your CPU programs instead of running instantaneously, will run twice as fast as instantaneously.
It’s the Bay Area brownout.
DeSantis held up a picture of our map in response to questions regarding the homeless crisis in San Francisco. Many commentators say it was one of the top moments of the debate.
As they say, “a picture tells a thousand words.”
We launched this map in 2019 by plotting nearly 120,000 case reports of human feces on city streets during the period 2011 through 2019. And yes, we did use brown pins.
The entire city was covered.
Last night saw the long-advertised debate between Republican presidential candidate and standout Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and some guy named Gavin (if that’s his real name) Newsom. Governor DeSantis came out strong and wasn’t taking any bull-S. Literally. At one point, he even confronted Newsom with a stinky poop map of San Fransisco:
Like a magician unveiling the missing Ace of Spades, Governor DeSantis whipped out a map from a website that reports sightings of human feces in San Francisco. Gross! But oddly, like a homeless drug addict who just found a half-full two-liter bottle of cherry Ripple, Newsom uncontrollably chortled in weird, inappropriate ways while DeSantis was pointing out “features” on the disgusting sewage map. Worse, even when he wasn’t chuckling maniacally, the California Governor was grinning wider and more unnervingly than an over-caffeinated chimpanzee indulging in alternating bouts of wild self-gratification and feces flinging.
The result was politically devastating for Governor Newsom, who is either blithely unaware or perhaps unexpectedly overjoyed that his political future was incinerated faster than a Los Angeles courthouse after a mostly-peaceful BLM protest. (Or BM protest, you decide.)
In this next clip, behold DeSantis flaying Gavin alive — using a dull flaying knife — over basic dinner-table economic issues. It was Newsom’s own fault; he set DeSantis up perfectly by advancing the buffoonish claim that California offers an inviting, lower tax environment for “working families and the working poor.” DeSantis melted him faster than a plastic toy soldier dissolving in the microwave...
... Maybe most telling of all, when I surveyed corporate media headlines this morning, they all declared the debate to be an uninteresting and politically insignificant “tie,” allowing that, if perhaps DeSantis did win by a nose, it was only because conservative host Sean Hannity tipped the scales. For example, Politico ran its story headlined, “It was Hannity and DeSantis v. Newsom in messy Fox debate.” ...
It’s still early, but one wonders whether Newsom might have completely ended his political career last night. It seems almost certain to end his presidential ambition, at least. Leftists expected their Golden Boy and recall survivor Newsom to wipe the floor with Ron DeSantis. But — to liberals — if he can’t “even” beat DeSantis, how could he possibly survive against Trump?
Newsom to wipe the floor with Ron DeSantis. But — to liberals — if he can’t “even” beat DeSantis, how could he possibly survive against Trump
Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis exposed the graphic imagery from “woke” children’s books that his state has been pushing to ban from schools.
As DeSantis noted, those books are being promoted by the Democrats and can still be found in California’s schools.
DeSantis showed the graphic images during his debate on Thursday night with California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom.
The moment came during the Fox News debate in Georgia after Newsom was trying to defend his record on parental rights.
DeSantis argued that the materials children are shown in schools must be “age appropriate.”
“The role of the school is to educate kids, not indoctrinate kids,” DeSantis asserted.
“It’s not to impose an agenda.
“It’s to do the basics,” DeSantis continued.
“And what we’ve said in Florida is it’s inappropriate to tell a kindergartener that their gender is a choice, it’s inappropriate to tell a second grader that they may have been born in the wrong body.” ...
The book is “called, ‘Gender Queer,’” DeSantis explained.
“Some of it’s blacked out,” he noted as he held the images up.
“You would not probably be able to put this on air.
“This is pornography. It’s cartoons.
“It’s aimed at children and it’s wrong.
I still don't get it.
Gavin is stoned immaculate and MKUltra neurologically nonplussed in his sock puppet role. Maybe they'll kill him and make another CIA mask array.
San Francisco Office Vacancies Reach 35%, Breaking New Record
City is ‘getting so close to hitting bedrock’
According to a new study released on Friday, San Francisco’s office vacancy rate hit a new high of 35% in December, climbing up from 29.4% earlier this year as the economic situation in San Francisco continues to get worse.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, San Francisco had a near 100% office occupation rate throughout the city, thanks in large part to the continuing tech boom and a steady demand for office space. However, with the pandemic, many companies began breaking leases to save money, while others embraced stay-at-home work and declined to continue using office space. Even after restrictions were dropped in 2021 and 2022, more companies switched to a work-from-home model or allowed more work-from-home positions, keeping many companies from returning to offices. In addition, high crime rates as well as a growing number of lease expirations by non-returning companies helped keep vacancy rates well above 20%.
In 2022 however, another major factor spiked vacancy rates yet again. Mass layoffs in the tech industry, which began in earnest in October 2022, quickly wiped out the need for large office complexes and long-term leases. Fueled by economic uncertainty, high inflation, rising insurance costs, more people working from home, the rise of AI and automation, the continued rise of e-commerce, and many companies overcompensating, many large companies shed thousands of employees overnight. Tens of thousands of cuts came from longtime Silicon Valley stalwarts Google, Amazon, Intel, Lyft, Yahoo, Meta and Salesforce, with the second quarter of 2023 even producing many corporate, non-tech layoffs for companies in the city as well.
In 2022 however, another major factor spiked vacancy rates yet again. Mass layoffs in the tech industry,
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