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would only post links to opinion pieces as “proof”.
AmericanKulak says
WTF happened in this country?
KKK assholes, Black Panther assholes, I saw Elvis in a UFO assholes, used to be on TV and Talk Radio all the damned time.
Not just Morton Downey or Art Bell or Donahue, but on PBS, CNN, Fox, etc. Early Youtube was chock full of crazy assholes.
And it wasn't long ago.
Sometime around 10 years ago, in the last few years of Obozo's second term, it suddenly became Verbotten to have any assholes on ANY media.
It's unAmerican bullshit.
Even though Kanye is a nutty asshole and Fuentes has a gaping asshole. They have a right to be assholes.
What happened is the liberals sat with their thumbs up their asses while university professors turned the millenials into fascist assholes, who in turn co opted the media who then propagandized everyone all while calling the freedom loving opposition “fasci...
Ye - who def is a bit cooky and has an ego - makes points many others have made before.
mell says
Ye - who def is a bit cooky and has an ego - makes points many others have made before.
Yes but he isn't discussing it to create open dialog about the issue. He's building a hill to die on, and is trying to take the whole MAGA movement with him. Then and only then will the Liberals who have spurned and shunned him, will see his brilliance and offer him their open arms.
My hope is that the Supporters of a Patriotic Free America, will realize all of this, just quietly nod in agreement. But not take the bait and let it all crash back down on the fools trying to capitalize on this manufactured moment.
Understand, Ye is being the Manifestation of every vile nuance of everything the Left and RINOs have been projecting on us from the start. To now elicit open dialog about disdain for Jews, would be the smoldering gun that they need to send it over the edge. Un...
I think if we do nothing, and do little to acknowledge his statements. Then the Liberals can't won't be repulsed by our response. Since they like to be out of phase with every action we take. They run right into Ye's rhetoric and red pill themselves against Jews.
That's the beauty of the curse of the Libtards trying to stamp out freedom of speech.
The idea that you're being forced to surrender at the idea that someone is having a breakthrough realization about Christ's love should terrify all of you, religious or not.
Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.
DhammaStep says
Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.
This looks familiar...
I have a very serious question for you: do you really believe you have any say in how you're portrayed in their media?
DhammaStep says
I have a very serious question for you: do you really believe you have any say in how you're portrayed in their media?
Yep sure I do, I can play them a cheap worn out fiddle, with rubber band strings, and corn silk bow.
DhammaStep says
Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.
This looks familiar...
Your point is a little too ambiguous for me, could you please elaborate?
I remember when people laughed at this…
Oh boy has it aged well
FREE SPEECH at it's best.
original link