Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,484 views  4,148 comments

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3107   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 9, 6:59am  

HeadSet says

I heard a Soviet general speak about "Finlandization." He said it was odd that the West describes Finland that way when Finland is the only country that militarily defeated the USSR. The general said that Soviet tanks had visited many European capitals and even Peking, but never have Soviet tanks visited Helsinki even though the Soviets lost a million men trying to conquer Finland.

The Finns got in bed with Nazi Germany in order to stave off eventual conquest in the Winter War. Therefore there was no way the Allies were going to come to their defense if the Sovs decided to press the issue post V-E Day.

And after the war, when the Soviets had millions under arms and just doing occupation duty in E. Europe, Finland was fucked. This wasn't the basketcase Red Army that existed just a few years before.

Everybody knew this. The Finns especially. Apparently this general you are quoting never got this history lesson.

Just like what the Russian Federation is fielding now against Ukraine vs 18 months ago. Something that the Ukey Nazi Fluffers here don't know or refuse to believe when told.
3108   Ceffer   2023 Dec 9, 12:01pm  

Since our enemies are in Europe and Britain and the Gestapo CIA/MI6 etc. etc., and the Ukrainian thing is an ancient Slav/KMaf Nazi soap opera that the neocon infiltrators have forced on us, Putin cutting a swath through Switzerland might be the lesser of two evils. There is nothing at this point that indicates that Putin is working to eliminate 95 percent of humanity for demon overlords, so our chances with him are better.
3109   stereotomy   2023 Dec 9, 1:53pm  

Let Eurasia eat itself, and let Africa AIDs itself to death.

All the US has to do is say fuck it to the rest of the world, which will subsequently be eaten and subsumed by the Rothschilds and Globohomo, who themselves will soon starve/die due to the exhaustion of ready adrenochrome.
3110   Patrick   2023 Dec 9, 5:55pm  


Ep. 47 Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree. Here’s a statement from Gonzalo Lira’s father.

Wow, Gonzalo Lira's father is a man worth listening to.
3111   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 9, 6:06pm  

I didn't know Lira was a US Citizen. I thought he was Italian.
3112   Patrick   2023 Dec 9, 6:09pm  

I think his parents are from Chile.
3114   AD   2023 Dec 10, 11:59am  

Patrick says

Could be the Ukrainian artillery shelling in Russian occupied areas of Donbas, eastern Ukraine

Donbas was already very pro-Russian because it was Stalinized.

Stalin put Russians in that region. I read now Russia is moving eastern Russians to eastern Ukraine in the same context of Stalinzation.

Russia learned the hard way that Ukraine is not pro-Kremlin outside of Donbas area; just examine how the Russian military fared in Bucha and in the region east of Kiev.

The Kremlin is now trying to slowly grind down the political will and sovereignty of Ukraine to get its citizenry to accept the Kremlin's cease fire conditions.

3115   Patrick   2023 Dec 10, 3:03pm  


America Provoked and Fed This War

What I want to address today is the burden of guilt that the United States bears for this pointless tragedy.

First, Washington arrogantly blew off a long series of Russian warnings — escalating warnings, year after year — that Russia would go to war if we continued to try to pull Ukraine into the orbit of Western militaries and defense contractors. The Russians objected to the idea of Ukraine joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); and more specifically, they objected to ongoing U.S. covert and overt involvement in Ukraine’s frequent political crises, and in its civil war in the Donbas.

(Is it surprising that Russia objects to NATO, a hostile military alliance, scheming and skulking on its doorstep? Decades ago, when Cuba joined in an anti-American alliance with the Soviet Union, we were so infuriated at the idea of a nuclear-armed power sneaking around on our doorstep that we took the world to the brink of annihilation.) ...

The final year before the Russian invasion was one of escalating, tense diplomacy — a time when the Russians repeatedly asked for the U.S. and NATO to stop our CIA covert ops and other provocations and get out of Ukraine — or to at least negotiate about that situation — and Washington repeatedly brushed them off.

And when Russia finally did invade?

At that point, we rubbed our hands together gleefully, and poured exponentially more weapons and money into the conflict. The war metastasized to a far greater size and scale. Congress spent more on this new war in Ukraine than it did on roads and bridges for America. U.S. war profits soared. Soon, we were treated to surreally instructive scenes like that of the U.S. President speaking from a podium at a munitions factory in Alabama, surrounded on stage not by fellow human beings, but by missiles all standing at attention in place of people. ...

And now that the war is approaching an inevitable turning point — to continue with a strained analogy, now that the silverback gorilla has beat the 10-year-old senseless — the war-profiteering sales pitch is more cynical than ever.

The White House can no longer convincingly claim it’s helping Ukrainians when it demands another $60 billion “for the war.” So, it’s switched to claiming it’s helping Arizonians and Pennsylvanians:

... They’ve also adopted the shrillest of scare tactics. President Joe Biden this week, berating Congress for not supporting his latest request for billions more for Ukraine, raised the specter that this disgusting new American weakness would lead to “something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops.” In a classified briefing to Congresspeople, Biden’s defense secretary echoed that, reportedly demanding they vote more money for the Ukraine war effort or “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.”

We Forced Ukraine to Tear Up a Signed Peace Agreement

Which brings us to the second great, damning charge against Washington: Mere days into the war, there was already a grave danger: the possible outbreak of peace. Such a development would have derailed the defense contractor gravy train. It would have also dashed the lunatic dreams of men like Raytheon board member-turned Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that we could use this moment — this wonderfully convenient Ukraine war — to “weaken Russia.” ...

Washington’s schemers leapt into action, and actively sabotaged this promising peace agreement.

That’s right. Beltway insiders overruled the Russians and the Ukrainians, and sent them both back to work on our war. ...

Hundreds of Thousands Dead, It’s the ‘Best Money We’ve Ever Spent!’
That the White House stepped in to torpedo peace talks for its own ghoulish ends has been attested to now by everyone from top Ukrainian officials and U.S. foreign policy scholars to a former German chancellor and a former Israeli prime minister.

“The Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They first had to ask the Americans about everything they discussed,” said former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, in an interview with the newspaper Berliner Zeitung. Schroder participated in mediating the peace talks. He says, “My impression is that nothing could happen because everything else was decided in Washington.” ...

Half a million young Slavic men — Russian and Ukrainian — have been killed or maimed.

Millions of families have become refugees.

Our government saw this tragedy coming and welcomed it.

I suspect that Blinken and Nuland simply wanted all those Slavs to die as a revenge for the anti-Semitism their grandparents experienced.
3117   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 10, 7:17pm  

Patrick says

What I want to address today is the burden of guilt that the United States bears for this pointless tragedy.

Sorry. But I don't have burden of guilt. I have been calling BULLSHIT about all this since Day One.

It is the Ukry Nazi Fluffers who bear this burden.
3118   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 10, 8:02pm  

Once again, kiddies....

> Russian victory is impossible
> Russian victory unlikely
> Russia cannot be allowed to win
> Russia is winning but at what cost?
> Damn Israel!
> Russian victory was inevitable (Narrative is now here)
> Ukraine was a corrupt hellhole anyway

3120   Ceffer   2023 Dec 11, 12:40pm  

Zelensky is on the road to feel out the power of his blackmail currency and establish flight paths out of Ukraine. I hope he winds up someplace where they serially fleece the shit out of him and his plunder, or do a Trotsky on him. Slow burn or fast burn, as long as it's a burn.
3121   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 11, 2:55pm  

Ceffer says

Zelensky is on the road to feel out the power of his blackmail currency and establish flight paths out of Ukraine. I hope he winds up someplace where they serially fleece the shit out of him and his plunder, or do a Trotsky on him. Slow burn or fast burn, as long as it's a burn.

original link
3122   Ceffer   2023 Dec 11, 5:45pm  

It'd be fun to get a McAfee dump and a Zelensky dump all at the same time. It wouldn't be good gamesmanship on timing and slow release, but it would definitely be fun to hear the echoes of panic from the Pentagon to the Swiss Alps.
3123   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 11, 5:47pm  

Ceffer says

It'd be fun to get a McAfee dump and a Zelensky dump all at the same time. It wouldn't be good gamesmanship on timing and slow release, but it would definitely be fun to hear the echoes of panic from the Pentagon to the Swiss Alps.

2 people who dumped info we should know both got prosecuted by our faggot government. that makes people feral leaking good info.
3124   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 12, 9:44am  

Pukin's surtogate Sergei Markov on reasons for and goals of SCHMO and whether it should've been started in the first place:


Puts to rest the following favorite fallacies of p.net:

1) "they were mass-killing Dumb Ass peeps" - just like Lavrov confirms only 8 deaths in whole 2021;

2) "the goal of the SCHMO is to grab exactly what Red Army has grabbed so far and therefore victory parade is in order" - confirms that the goal was the regime change and total occupation;

3) "Ukie were going to attack and occupy the USSR proper" - confirms that the max Ukie were to pursue was the restoration of their legal borders in Dumb Ass region;

4) doesn't even mention the stupid stuff like "Nazis" or "bioWEAPONSlabs" - even the fucking Soviet propagandists have moved on from that moronic shit.
3125   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 12, 10:07am  

A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the intelligence said on Tuesday.

The report also assessed that Moscow's losses in personnel and armored vehicles to Ukraine's military have set back Russia’s military modernization by 18 years, the source said.

The Russian embassy did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Russian defense ministry and Kremlin officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

The source said the recently declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 with 360,000 personnel.
Since then, the report found, 315,000 Russian troops, or about 87% of the total with which it started the war, have been killed or injured, the source said.

The source said those losses are the reason Russia has been forced to loosen recruitment standards and draft convicts and older civilians to deploy in Ukraine.

"The scale of losses has forced Russia to take extraordinary measures to sustain its ability to fight. Russia declared a partial mobilization of 300,000 personnel in late 2022, and has relaxed standards to allow recruitment of convicts and older civilians," the assessment said, according to the source.

The Russian army has been left with 1,300 armored vehicles on the battlefield and is having to bolster those forces with T62 tanks produced in the 1970s, the source said.

Reporting by Jonathan Landay; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Daniel Wallis
3126   Ceffer   2023 Dec 12, 11:07am  

Yeah, I also believe the 50 to 1 death and casualty rates they used to report for the Vietnam war, because, well, Western Intel agencies with agendas of Satanic lies, money laundering, trafficking, and black market distributions are always the fonts of truth I seek out for information.

"We lost like pitiable wretched 90 pound weaklings, but we really won, because we really, really hurt that Soviet Bear kicking sand in our faces. Really. They really, really went OUCH."

They will be 'ouching' all the way to the partition while the Kiev nazis scatter like rats to their yachts and estates.
3127   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 12:15pm  

I am sure that it is pure coincidence that my Twitter feed is flooded with all kinds of Ukrainian propaganda crap while Zelensky is in DC hobnobbing with the senators.

And calling Republican congresscritters 'Putin-loving MAGA Nazis' is a surefire way to get more money from Congress, I am sure. Ignoring the role of the House also is a brilliant move, too.
3128   HeadSet   2023 Dec 12, 12:18pm  


A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops,

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.
3129   AD   2023 Dec 12, 1:47pm  

HeadSet says


A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops,

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

Because "US intelligence" is filled with career bureaucrats who are Democrat agents and lemmings, just like the rest of the federal bureaucracy.

3131   socal2   2023 Dec 12, 1:54pm  

HeadSet says

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

Do you have an estimate of Russian casualties? All this talk about Russia "winning" is worthless if we don't know their true cost.

I have personally seen thousands of Russian casualties just on the drone Youtube and Telegram videos.

If Russian casualties are even a quarter of what most Western estimates are - it is still an appalling loss of life that will set Russian demographics back decades.
3132   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 3:31pm  

socal2 says

Do you have an estimate of Russian casualties? All this talk about Russia "winning" is worthless if we don't know their true cost.

Sorry, but there you are wrong. Just gaslighting narrative. Russia isn't losing this war. Ukraine is...and suffering a far greater attrition cost than Russia has.

> Russian victory is impossible
> Russian victory unlikely
> Russia cannot be allowed to win
> Russia is winning but at what cost? (socal2 stuck here)
> Damn Israel! (Zelensky is here)
> Russian victory was inevitable (Narrative is now here)
> Ukraine was a corrupt hellhole anyway (you were always here.)
3133   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 3:37pm  

socal2 says

I have personally seen thousands of Russian casualties just on the drone Youtube and Telegram videos.

Hahahaha. What a load of shit.

PHYSICALLY impossible shit at that.

socal2 says

If Russian casualties are even a quarter of what most Western estimates are - it is still an appalling loss of life that will set Russian demographics back decades

See above. Ukraine is far more fucked and has nothing to show for it should it end up under Russian occupation.

And Russian soldiers are infamous in their baby making abilities with females under their tender occupation care, too. They go door to door to perform gang-rapes every day. That's when they aren't raping them right on the street for all to see.
3134   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 4:44pm  


— The New York Times ran an all too telling headline yesterday confirming what we have long known: the government has no idea what it’s doing in Ukraine. It still wants another $100 billion dollars to do it, whatever it is, of course. Just pour money on the problem and and hope for the best:

3135   HeadSet   2023 Dec 12, 6:05pm  

Patrick says

It still wants another $100 billion dollars to do it, whatever it is, of course

3136   socal2   2023 Dec 12, 6:17pm  

PumpingRedheads says

And Russian soldiers are infamous in their baby making abilities with females under their tender occupation care, too. They go door to door to perform gang-rapes every day. That's when they aren't raping them right on the street for all to see.

Listen to you.

I bet you jerk off to the Hamas jihadi snuff films of them raping and killing Jews too.
3137   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 8:41pm  

socal2 says

Listen to you.

I bet you jerk off to the Hamas jihadi snuff films of them raping and killing Jews too.

Seems you are ignorant of historical fact. Or are, but can't respond other than with ad hominems.

Then again you saw on the internet THOUSANDS of Russian troops get killed.
3138   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 8:42pm  

You see? It's like I've always said: "You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word."
- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

3139   Ceffer   2023 Dec 12, 10:24pm  

socal2 says

HeadSet says

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The so called Intel report on Russian losses is bogus on its face and is likely intended to assuage the beguiled and fooled propaganda addicts cheering for the Ukraine Nazis that all that money and assets spent on Ukraine somehow weren't wasted. The propaganda addicts were fooled about all aspects of the war and Ukraine's winning, but now that it is clearly lost, it was SO worth it to damage Russia.

It's a nice Satanic inversion, as you would expect from the Intels, because it was Putin grinding down all of the NATO and US military assets, not vice versa. NATO is virtually unprotected now, the 'investments' were all for nought, but the propaganda masters hope to keep the propaganda consumers agog and entranced.
3140   Patrick   2023 Dec 13, 11:53am  

Not entirely analogous though, since the first three were Muslim and Zelensky is Jewish.
3142   HeadSet   2023 Dec 13, 12:19pm  

Patrick says

Actually, a peace deal may involve losing the Black Sea coast up to Odessa anyway, as the Russians do not want to take the chance of the Black Sea becoming a NATO lake.
3146   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 14, 7:00am  

Ceffer says

Ukraine fooked again.



Maybe this was the video socal2 thought were THOUSANDS of Russians dying, instead?

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