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US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.
Do you have an estimate of Russian casualties? All this talk about Russia "winning" is worthless if we don't know their true cost.
I have personally seen thousands of Russian casualties just on the drone Youtube and Telegram videos.
If Russian casualties are even a quarter of what most Western estimates are - it is still an appalling loss of life that will set Russian demographics back decades
— The New York Times ran an all too telling headline yesterday confirming what we have long known: the government has no idea what it’s doing in Ukraine. It still wants another $100 billion dollars to do it, whatever it is, of course. Just pour money on the problem and and hope for the best:
And Russian soldiers are infamous in their baby making abilities with females under their tender occupation care, too. They go door to door to perform gang-rapes every day. That's when they aren't raping them right on the street for all to see.
Listen to you.
I bet you jerk off to the Hamas jihadi snuff films of them raping and killing Jews too.
HeadSet says
US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.
Ukraine fooked again.
Tuberville also dismissed claims by Kiev’s backers that Russia will advance elsewhere into western Europe once it defeats Ukraine’s forces. The Republican argued that Moscow “can’t beat Ukraine on the eastern side,” and questioned how it was expected to push further across Europe.
Senator is displaying an ignorance of Russian history.
The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.
Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.
The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.
The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.
How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point? How many tanks, jets, BMP's, helicopters, naval ships have been lost?
What about Wagner? That was a major Putin asset until they turned on him. The Putin Patnet fanboys continue to dodge this vital question.
If Russia's losses are even 1/4 of Western estimates, it is an appalling loss of life and material.
This is the most embarrassing cockup of a war of any major power in modern
Face it - this war will drag on at least until after next year's US Presidential election
Ukraine just needs to hang on.
Did I miss Ukraine invading Russian sovereign territory?
How dare USSR's former Commie slave colonies in Eastern Europe want to be more oriented to the West after half a century of economic and social repression from the Marxists and drunks next door!
Has video.
How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point? How many tanks, jets, BMP's, helicopters, naval ships have been lost?
Doesn't matter? Why do you persist with this nonsense?
Face it - this war will drag on at least until after next year's US Presidential election. Russia has barely made any gains since they lost much of the initial territory in 2022. Ukraine just needs to hang on.
The continuing expansion of NATO and the encirclement of Russia by the West is the cause of this war, and not Putin's desire to expand Russian territory.
"How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point?"
Pretending that Ukraine is winning will not change the fact.
Putin's total fuck-up of a war failed as he gained 2 new NATO members right next door all the while losing major naval basing in Crimea.
Is all that worth the hundreds of thousands of casualties Russia has suffered over the last 1.5 years along with exposing to the whole world what a 2nd rate shit show military Russia has?
Again - how totally pathetic that Russia can't "win" by defeating their next door neighbor that is supposedly filled with pro-Russian citizens needing liberation? If Russia can't manage logistic supply lines right next door, they are no threat to anyone else on the planet.
If Russia can't manage logistic supply lines right next door, they are no threat to anyone else on the planet.
Absolutely true, Russia is not a threat. The warmongers need to stop claiming that a Russian victory in Ukraine means Eastern Europe is next.
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