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2023 Sep 11, 1:42pm   2,183 views  56 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I am in Poland now, they soon have elections. An interesting and true ad for one of their political parties and referendum:


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1   Patrick   2023 Sep 11, 2:07pm  

I got the video from that, thanks @Bd6r

Sep 8
Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki released a video comparing how peaceful September 4th was in Poland compared to the Malmö, Sweden

He asks Poles to vote in the migration referendum on October 15 so that the types of riots which happened in Sweden won’t happen in Poland

2   Ceffer   2023 Sep 11, 2:13pm  

Are they getting more sympathetic to the Russkies, in anticipation of annexing a big bite of Ukraine?
3   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 11, 2:48pm  

Time for Poland to just incorporate Galicia-Volynhia.
4   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Sep 11, 4:37pm  

On Twitter, Visegrad24 is a total propaganda bot for the Ukeys.

I ended up blocking it.
5   Bd6r   2023 Sep 11, 6:09pm  

Ceffer says

Are they getting more sympathetic to the Russkies, in anticipation of annexing a big bite of Ukraine?

No, but they do joke about annexing Krolievec aka Konigsberg aka Karalauci aka Kaliningrad. Support for Ukraine is absolutely predominant and usual East European hatred for everything Russian is present with an added layer of a strong dislike of Germans. The brother of current conservative government leader Kaczynski was killed by Putin in plane crash.

Another interesting factoid: EU and Germany pressured them to shut down lignite power plants while Germany itself is now starting those since renewable, unicorn fart powered energy turned out to be unreliable after they lost Russian gas and closed down nuclear. Poles will build 3 new nuclear power plants and did not shut down coal so they appear to be a bastion of common sense in Europe.

On a lighter note: bras are apparently zakazany for womyn under age of about 30 which is nice. Other than a few drunks and 2 homeless people in a nearly million city (!!!) I did not see anything unpleasant and it feels very safe, much better than in Germany. Almost no “diversity” apart from Asian tourists and few people from Azerbaijan and Georgia. Lots of Ukrainians from Eastern Ukraine which I can recognize from their way of speaking Russian, nearly all womyn with children and elderly but a few males also. A million and half of them preferred to run to Poland and not Russia which “liberated” them
6   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 11, 6:16pm  

Ceffer says

Are they getting more sympathetic to the Russkies, in anticipation of annexing a big bite of Ukraine?

AmericanKulak says

Time for Poland to just incorporate Galicia-Volynhia.

Wet dreamz parade, LOL.
7   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 11, 7:00pm  

Bd6r says

Another interesting factoid: EU and Germany pressured them to shut down lignite power plants while Germany itself is now starting those since renewable, unicorn fart powered energy turned out to be unreliable after they lost Russian gas and closed down nuclear. Poles will build 3 new nuclear power plants and did not shut down coal so they appear to be a bastion of common sense in Europe.

LOL. Der Speigel and DeutscheWelle won't be reminding their viewers of how badly the Centrist pro-EU politicians F'd that up for the past decade or so.
8   Patrick   2023 Sep 11, 7:07pm  

Bd6r says

usual East European hatred for everything Russian is present with an added layer of a strong dislike of Germans

That's the same impression I got both on my college trip and just this summer in Poland. Poland is unfortunately stuck between two countries which have a history of, let us say, disrespecting their territorial integrity.
9   Patrick   2023 Dec 23, 5:30pm  


Poland’s public television news stations went off the air yesterday as police conducted massive raids to seize public news station TVP, with fears becoming realized that Prime Minister Donald Tusk would move quickly to crack down on press freedoms once he assumed power.

A group of senior Law and Justice (PiS) politicians, including party leader Jarosław Kaczyński and former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, arrived at the headquarters of state-run TV broadcaster TVP on Wednesday afternoon as the new pro-EU government moved to seize control of state-run press in dramatic authoritarian fashion.
10   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 24, 5:31am  

Bd6r says

Another interesting factoid: EU and Germany pressured them to shut down lignite power plants while Germany itself is now starting those since renewable, unicorn fart powered energy turned out to be unreliable after they lost Russian gas and closed down nuclear. Poles will build 3 new nuclear power plants and did not shut down coal so they appear to be a bastion of common sense in Europe.

Yep! Also, the German pols brag about their "Production" being Green, but hesitate to talk about their total "Consumption" by energy source.
11   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 2:27pm  


Polish Conservatives Under Siege

The former ruling party is having difficulty navigating parliamentary isolation as cultural revolution comes to Poland. ...

Nonetheless, a period of weakness on the right is giving the country’s new government carte blanche to reshape society according to Western establishment dogma. Transgender soldiers, abortion on demand, and so-called hate-speech laws are firmly on the agenda less than three months into the new government’s tenure. No domestic political solution figures to materialize in the short term. Polish Catholics, traditionalists, and globalism skeptics are in for a bumpy ride.
13   Patrick   2024 Mar 16, 3:03pm  

That gets me "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else."
14   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 16, 3:06pm  

Patrick says

That gets me "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else."

Works for me:

15   Patrick   2024 Mar 16, 3:07pm  

Ah, the url used to end in "mediaviewer" or something like that.
16   Patrick   2024 Mar 17, 1:26pm  

From someone in Poland who found patrick.net:

Dear Patrick,

Please find pictures from Poland, farmers' protests against poisoned food from Ukraine

"no more hospitality, you ungrateful bastards"

the slogan rhymes in Polish

Kind regards,

18   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 18, 9:17am  

Patrick says

farmers' protests against poisoned food from Ukraine

Oh, it's "poisoned" now? Only yesterday it was "too cheap". 🤡

Clown world.

PS. The whole situation stems from the idiotic recommendation by Poland's minister of agro for Polish farmers to hold off selling their grain because at the time Pukin's fleet was blocading Black Sea ports and "everybody knew" the price had nowhere to go but up. When the Red fleet collapsed under USV and missile strikes so did the blockade and prices had fallen too.

PPS. What's even more funny is that grain imports from USSR into Poland has doubled compared to 2022 levels while Ukrainian imports are currently back to 2022 levels. Yet these supposedly "independent" protesters/farmers are displaying Pukin's portraits... "Coincidence? Don't think so"
20   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 20, 10:28am  

Poland outlines new rules for use of firearms at border amid escalating migration crisis.

Poland’s government has proposed new rules for the use of firearms by uniformed officers amid an escalation of the security crisis at the border with Belarus. Prime Minister Donald Tusk ordered them to be prepared following the death of a soldier who was stabbed while trying to stop migrants from crossing.

The measures would remove criminal liability for the use of weapons in certain cases when officers are acting in self-defence or repelling “attacks on the border”.

“The deteriorating security situation means that the armed forces are and should be used more and more often for operational, reconnaissance and deterrence purposes,” wrote the defence ministry, which was responsible for preparing the bill.

“This means that soldiers should be equipped with personal weapons during these activities and, more importantly, should have the authority to use, if necessary, means of direct coercion and weapons,” they added, quoted by the Rzeczpospolita daily.

24   Ceffer   2024 Sep 14, 2:20pm  

Yup. Foreign sheep dipped secret agent man Blinken didn't pull the wool over Poland's eyes for his neocon bullshit.
25   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 14, 2:58pm  

The_Deplorable says


"Poland has always been a part of Russian empire anyway" 🤡

PS. Who are these people? What's "MEP"?
26   The_Deplorable   2024 Sep 14, 4:27pm  

"PS. Who are these people? What's "MEP"?"

Member of the European Parliament.
27   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Oct 20, 2:19pm  

Poland overtakes Russia in value of exports for first time

Poland has surpassed Russia in terms of the value of exports for the first time on record, new World Bank data for 2023 show. They also reveal that Poland has risen to become the 19th largest exporter in the world.

Poland’s exports of goods and services reached $469 billion last year (up from $433.7 billion in 2022), compared to $466.6 billion in sanctions-hit Russia (down from $640.9 billion in 2022).

The size of Russia’s economy ($2.02 trillion in 2023) remains over twice as large as Poland’s ($811.23 billion) and the Russian population (144 million) is almost four times larger than Poland’s (37 million).

However, Russia has seen its exports slump since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the resultant international sanctions placed on it, while Poland’s long-term rise in exports has accelerated since 2020.

Both countries’ exports began to grow rapidly in the early 2000s, boosted by global economic growth. While Poland’s rose fairly steadily, Russia’s figures have been more bumpy as they are largely based on oil and gas exports, commodities with high price volatility.

Russia’s rise halted for several years after 2014, when it annexed Crimea. Later, its exports briefly peaked at $640.9 billion in 2022, likely due to increased purchases by buyers who wanted to obtain Russian raw materials before the sanctions imposed on the country after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine took full effect.

Poland has been one of Ukraine’s closest allies during the war and also one of the strongest advocates for implementing tougher sanctions on Russia.

Last year, the world’s biggest exporter was China ($3.5 trillion), followed by the United States ($3.1 trillion) and Germany ($2.1 trillion). Poland ranked 19th, just behind Belgium ($535 billion) and Spain ($616 billion).

28   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 20, 2:36pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Poland overtakes Russia in value of exports for first time

What a load of statistical shit.

People in countries like Egypt and Pakistan would literally starve without Russian wheat keeping prices down because of its 'valueless' exports of the stuff. Plus other crops. Plus fertilizers other nations need to grow their own crops domestically.

Then there's minerals like titanium and nickel. Rare Earth's, too.

So German industry upped their production in Poland and that is somehow 'more valuable'.
29   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 3:24pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Poland overtakes Russia in value of exports for first time

Having been to Poland last year, I can confirm that their economy is doing extremely well lately.
32   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 5:13pm  

That fits with my impression of Poland's economy. It was clearly doing very well and expanding rapidly.
36   Patrick   2024 Dec 16, 10:27am  

Given Poland's history of getting invaded from both sides, this is a good idea.
37   WookieMan   2024 Dec 16, 11:29am  

Patrick says

Given Poland's history of getting invaded from both sides, this is a good idea.

Without posting a photo of myself or kid, that's fucking damn near spot on what we look like my oldest and myself. Youngest has dirty blond from the wife but similar facial features. Nephew is black. So yeah.
40   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 21, 6:48pm  

Hungary has granted political asylum to a former Polish government official suspected of corruption. Poland has called Hungary’s action a hostile act.

“A member of the Polish Sejm, a former deputy minister of justice, accused of embezzling huge sums of state funds, fled from a Polish court to Hungary and was granted political asylum there,” Sejm Speaker Szymon Gołownia began his speech on Thursday.

“We consider the decision of Viktor Orbán’s government to grant political asylum to Mr. Romanowski, a suspect in a crime wanted under a European arrest warrant, as an act hostile to the Republic of Poland and the principles of the European Union. We will announce our decisions tomorrow,” Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski briefly commented on Hungary’s decision.

Marcin Romanowski, 48, is a suspect in the case of embezzlement of PLN 58 million from the Justice Fund. On Thursday, the Warsaw District Court announced the issuance of a European arrest warrant for the former deputy justice minister, who is also a current member of the Sejm from the Law and Justice party. On December 12, the prosecutor's office issued a warrant for the politician's arrest. The prosecutor's office accuses Romanowski, who as a politician of Solidarity Poland (and then Sovereign Poland) was the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who oversaw the Justice Fund from 2019 to 2023, of committing 11 crimes, including participation in an organized criminal group and organizing competitions to receive money from the fund.

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