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It’s also more than a little infuriating that the political class has treated the festering poison of institutionalized hostility towards Whites, sorry “whiteness”, with insouciant complacence for decades now, but suddenly discovers its capacity for moral outrage the moment America’s wealthiest and most privileged victim group has to endure insults to their fragile dignity. It’s especially unsympathetic given that Jewish academics have for generations played an outsize role in fostering the anti-White, anti-Western, anti-male, and anti-civilizational bigotry animating the post-enlightenment progressivist ideology of antisocial injustice. Now that they’ve belatedly realized that the multicultural melanated master race they’ve lovingly cultivated as a battering ram against heritage Amerikaners sees Jews as just another group of White supremacists, they suddenly have a problem with their rampaging golem. Excuse me while I dig around in my closet, I’ve got the world’s tiniest shofar packed away somewhere, and I’m going to play it just for them.
But its the white people doing this to white people, isn't it?
In Effort To "Foster Greater Inclusivity," Baking Company Hosts Baking Competition Which Excludes Whites
it's hilarious watching guys like cuban blow themselves up on twitter and reveal themselves as hilariously unable to think by analogy, extrapolate, or foresee simple objections like:
to speak of "the best AA woman" you can find instead of "the best person you can find" is, quite literally, the definition of racism and prejudice.
you're "pre-judging" this person based on race and gender and assuming that these characteristics must somehow imbue some sort of valuable "diverse perspective."
but how do you know it's true?
how do you know this this one specific vector of diversity is the important one?
why not a gay arab or a pilipino? why not tall people or short people or people from cleveland? why not a conservative to offset all the woke?
you're literally ascribing virtue (or inability to have such) to race and gender as a core assumption like it's some sort of trait intrinsic to being black or female.
this is the foundation of racism. ...
it’s just glorious.
it’s the best part of “right now.”
ivory towers are crumbling into ruin and the smug sili valley simplicos are not only hoisting themselves by their own petards, but doing it live as free performance art for the proles.
you could not buy amusement like this at any price.
i doubt this is the bread and circuses they had in mind.
A senior BBC employee described white people as a “barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed,” while also calling the UK a “bigoted” country.
Tell us what you really think.
Dawn Queva, who is a scheduling coordinator at BBC Three, made the comments on her Facebook page. It is unclear whether they were made before or after she was hired by the BBC, which appears to have done no checks on her background.
While Queva appears to vehemently hate white people, that didn’t stop her living in the UK, a country she branded “bigoted” and “genocidal,” while also referring to Britain as the “UKKK,” a reference to the Ku Klux Klan.
According to the BBC staffer, white people are “barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed” who disturb the natural order of the planet.
Dawn Queva, a BBC3 senior scheduler & playout planner has been found making vile anti-Semitic comments on Facebook.
But the only thing that will get her in trouble at all is her anti-Semitism, not her hatred of white people.
In the academic world, professors publish or perish. Often coveted perks like tenure are tied to the quantity of an academic's published work.
One key aspect of getting published is having one's work peer-reviewed, but that's going to be very difficult for people of a certain race and sex going forward.
If a European-male with a Phd submits his work to any of Sage publishing's 1,000 academic journals, he's likely going to find himself on the other side of a desk rejection (academic publishing's cute title for a rejection form letter).
Honestly, that's been the case for most of the past four years, but now they're saying it out loud with their new DEI rules.
Professor Adam Ellwanger a professor at the University of Houston-Downtown is blowing the whistle about the changes at the publishing organization.
It all began when his papers started being rejected without any review, and then he was sent the following demographic survey forms. ...
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