It was the DOD all along. Trump knew.

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2023 Jan 26, 8:22pm   18,762 views  152 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Jan 24

Since DOD funded them, developed them, mandated them and sold the world on them, slim chance anyone’s calling on DOD will have any effect. My hopes for stopping them are lower every day. The hammer is in a downward motion, populations are docile, tired and ignorant. It’s too late. They got us, although I will NEVER understand how few of unelected evildoers got billions of us.

Trump was at least nominally in charge of the DOD. Trump continues to push the toxxine and brag about operation "Warp Speed" which was actually years in the making.

Trump knew. That's why he has to keep pretending that the toxxine is safe when it is really very dangerous. He doesn't want to get blamed for the mass death that the toxxine is causing.

The DOD had been wanting to try out the toxxine even before Trump got into office, which means mean that Obama knew about it too.


DOD Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Dec. 9, 2020

Today, the Department of Defense announced its deliberate and phased plan to distribute and administer initial and subsequent allocations of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Department continues to work closely with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. As one of the 64 jurisdictions to which the United States government has allocated vaccines, the DOD plans to administer its initial allocation of 43,875 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to CONUS and OCONUS populations of DoD uniformed service members, both active and Selected Reserve components, including members of the National Guard; dependents; retirees; civilian employees; and select DoD contract personnel as authorized in accordance with DoD regulation. ...

The distribution of the allocated COVID-19 vaccines will begin once the Federal Drug Administration authorizes the COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use and in accordance with Operation Warp Speed guidance.


Whether or not you want to believe it, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has managed the Covid response in its entirety. The vaccination biowarfare and tyranny we have experienced over the past three years have been pure theatre — or, in other words, a very sick show. The DoD was, quite simply, running a war effort in which Americans were manipulated, deceived and coerced concerning the virus origins and vaccine mandates. “Safe and effective’” proved to be neither. ...

Latypova studied the contracts Pfizer had with the U.S. government. As per the contracts, the product is shipped to the DoD, which retains 100 percent control and ownership of the vials until their contents are injected into people. She did not find any documentation on a sampling of the vials for the purpose of verification of their contents vs. the label. And the contracts specify that “it is expressly forbidden by the international vaccine supply contracts to perform the vial tests for label conformity.” ...

Note that the DoD “contracted Pfizer in May of 2020 for production of at least 100 million doses by October 31, 2020, and up to 500 million doses later. Pfizer’s initial contract award was for $10 billion, with many additional incentives for delivering more doses faster. Similar contracts were made with numerous other ‘vaccine’ manufacturers, and hundreds of other suppliers,” as reported by Latypova.

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100   Patrick   2024 Jan 8, 10:54am  


COVID, the response, the mRNA vaccines (inception to deployment) was a military operation, operation warp speed (OWS) was a military operation; I was at HHS & as I look back today I can say, it was military, I was told they are there for logistics aspects of the roll-out; I was not 'in the loop' but I attended & saw enough to say it was MILITARY near 100%

The floor that OWS ran out of in Washington was above my office, my floor and the persons I interacted with daily were near pure military, I mean full army and navy uniforms, arms etc. Full. Even scientists I spoke too were in military uniform. ...

I think many players jumped into COVID for grift to make money, and some, to topple Trump…he was clueless as to the devastation of the response (lockdowns and closures that was coming that Fauci and Birx conned him into accepting) and the deadliness of the mRNA technology and subsequent mRNA vaccine…he did not know, he trusted, he was clueless yet blindly trusted. A mistake that hurt us. He has to own that and explain how his 2nd term will be different as to that, and how he would make people ‘whole’ again e.g. reverse liability protection under the PREP Act (Azar) and set up a victim compensation fund for those harmed by lockdowns and vaccine and ensure full accountability for any one linked to the vaccine and lockdowns that hurt American people.
101   Patrick   2024 Jan 9, 9:53am  


More Pesky Evidence that Covid was a Giant US Defense Dept. Planned Op and Trump was playing a role

Those Intelligence Spooks dropping a dime on Trump being ill-prepared and not taking THE SMART BOMB VIRUS seriously probably knew that.

Donald Trump should have IMMEDIATELY come out and defended himself and said, “FUCK YOU, ABC, SEE I’M ON THE SHOT ALREADY.”

But he didn’t.

Because ??? Because this was Pro Wrestling. This was Hair Pulling.



With Faked Media Hair-pulling Catfights of Diversion. ...

Bob Malone allegedly got a call from CIA “old friend” Michael Callahan on January 4, 2020 and had also caught Covid, recovered via Pepcid AC… AND HAD A GODDAMNED BOOK OUT IN FEBRUARY, 2020 ON the “NOVEL" CORONAVIRUS.
102   Patrick   2024 Jan 9, 10:08am  


On January 7, 2024, my research uncovered an official Department of Defense publication (DoD) from May 15, 2020, describing the masterplan for Operation WARP Speed, confirming DoD’s unprecedented role in running Warp Speed as a military operation:(1)

U.S. Department of Defense


Trump Administration Announces Framework

and Leadership for ‘Operation Warp Speed’

May 15, 2020 |The opening paragraph of the release places the U.S. military at the center of developing and controlling WARP Speed:(2)

"On Friday, the Trump Administration announced the appointment of Moncef Slaoui as chief advisor and General Gustave F. Perna as chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the administration’s national program to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (medical countermeasures).

Dr. Slaoui is a venture capitalist and, formerly, Chairman of Global Research and Development and Chairman of Global Vaccines at GlaxoSmithKline, where he led the development of five major novel vaccines. As the four-star general in charge of the U.S. Army Materiel Command, General Perna oversees the global supply chain and installation and materiel readiness for the U.S. Army, including more than 190,000 military, civilian, and contract employees."

From the start, Warp Speed was a Great Reset operation with the chief advisor, a “venture capitalist,” and the man in charge was a four-star general in the U.S. Army. This is an extraordinary example of the military-industrial complex at work, this time directing and organizing the greatest assault ever made on the lives of Americans and the U.S. Constitution. It is the U.S. Army acting as the assault troops for the global predators. ...

Among the Deep State organizations described in the DoD press release as collaborators was “NIH’s ACTIV partnership for vaccine and therapeutic development.” ACTIV is essentially a Great Reset Center in the federal government for these collaborations between government and outside sources of wealth of power. Representatives on NIH ACTIV include The Gates Foundation, many top drug companies, and key government agencies.

In a sworn statement for a legal case dated October 21, 2021, Robert Malone, MD declared himself an “active member of NIH ACTIV” (p. 4 ) and further listed his participation in “Accelerated COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines: ACTIV Therapeutics Clinical Working Group, NIH. Invited Participant. June, 2020-present” (p. 16).(10)

We were the first to make public Dr. Malone’s participation in NIH ACTIV, and more recently Dr. Malone has declared he is no longer a member. It seems probable that his role on ACTIV made him aware from early on that Operation Warp Speed was, in fact, a DoD operation and the drug companies had a sham role, but we are not aware of his bringing that information to the health freedom movement when he arrived.

As documented in his same sworn statement dated October 21, 2021, Malone also has a long and very active business and professional involvement with the Department of Defense, including managing large contracts and sitting on important committees at DoD and DTRA, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a defense and a combat support agency within DoD. Malone also denies any more recent or current involvements with DoD and DTRA.

Our earlier disclosures about Malone’s background were among his reasons for bringing a $25 million defamation lawsuit against us and against Dr. Jane Ruby, on whose show I discussed related issues. The judge has recently dismissed Malone’s defamation suit against all of us. The judge has also warned Malone that he might declare his lawsuit “frivolous,” and he has ordered Malone to explain why he should not be forced to pay the legal expenses of the Breggins and Dr. Ruby.(11)

The implications of the DoD’s role in Operation WARP Speed are complex and require continuing unraveling. But these investigations may not substantially change the big picture because the ultimate villains are higher up the totalitarian totem pole and remain the same: the international governance being imposed upon the world by the global predators, including many multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured from the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) to the global banking system and the military-industrial complex—all of which we thoroughly document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.
103   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 9, 2:06pm  

Patrick says
"More Pesky Evidence that Covid was a Giant US Defense Dept. Planned Op and Trump was playing a role"

Impossible because the vaccines did not reach the American people during the Trump presidency. Vaccine injuries and deaths started when Biden became President.
104   Patrick   2024 Jan 9, 3:59pm  

Trump still tries to take credit for that toxic slime though.

He's very proud of it.
106   stereotomy   2024 Jan 10, 3:16am  

Ike knew what he was talking about - he had seen the true face of the beast. In the early years of the cold war, during his administration, there used to be periodic briefings on potential casualties to a nuclear exchange with the USSR (after 1953). At a certain point, Ike eventually became so horrified that they stopped the projections and briefings. I guess at that point they thought that someone could win a nuclear war.

After Ike, MAD became the mantra. No one can win, all will die, so let's make even more bombs and bankrupt our civilization just to make sure.
107   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 10:12am  


On Feb 4, 2020 - AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national security threat”. This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The US Government organized itself for war, but lied to the public that it was a zoonotic virus and a healthcare event. Anyone who suggested otherwise was heavily censored and surveilled online, including me. They continue to pretend it was/is a natural virus evolution to this day. It appears that the DOD initiated the covid plandemic and did not tell Trump until after. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone has a very good hypothesis on how that likely occurred. Trump made a U-turn on his position on lock down between March 9 and 11. However, he is on video getting surprised by Mike Pompeo’s “live exercise” comment on March 20, 2020. ...
108   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 9:36am  


... somehow, at the very beginning of February, while the WHO was still reporting that Covid-19 was not airborne, DoD somehow already had enough information not only to determine Covid-19 was a National Security Threat but to begin deploying countermeasures like recruiting scientists at AstraZeneca to rush development of a so-called vaccine.

February 4th is crazy early. Trump — the President of the United States and allegedly the commander of the armed forces including the Department of Defense — continued comparing Covid to the flu through March 9th — over a month later:

Assuming the dating is correct, the leaked audio proves that DoD considered Covid-19 way more serious than flu, but — and this is the critical part — for some reason they didn’t bother to tell the President. Trump would not have been yammering on twitter in March downplaying Covid if he’d known in February the DoD considered Covid to be a unique national security threat justifying vaccine developers to stop everything they were doing and put everything onto Sars-2.

As far as I can tell, DARPA’s Pandemic Preparedness Program was formally initiated into the military’s shady, high-tech skunkworks and bestowed with a generous $200M budget in 2018 — which was fortunately just one year before the Covid outbreak (and two years after Trump took office, and a year before the elections). Whew! What a relief! What perfect timing! And boy howdy, the kooky DARPA government scientists moved at warp speed, getting the brand new preparedness group off the ground and up to operational status just in the nick of time, since one year later the Pee-Pee-Pee was fully prepared to handle the Covid-19 global pandemic.

It’s almost like it was meant to be. You could even say the PPP and the Pandemic were made for each other.

I bet Trump was so glad to find out he had a Pee-Pee-Pee on standby when the pandemic started, don’t you? Or at least, he would have been glad, had he been told anything about the fine men and ladies assigned to the DoD’s undercover, top secret, tailor-made-for-Covid Pandemic Preparedness Program.

Or maybe in hindsight, Trump might not have been perfectly enthusiastic about the military’s hyper-budgeted top-secret pandemic group after all, given how things worked out, you know? Or, given how the military was — secreting its fine work protecting the National interest even from the President — somehow racing even faster than Warp Speed?

Maybe DARPA has a time machine? ...

In February 2020, why didn’t the Pentagon tell President Trump it had determined Covid was a National Security Threat?

In February 2020, why didn’t the Pentagon tell President Trump the PPP had been activated?

Who made the decision to activate the PPP, and when?

In February 2020, why didn’t the Pentagon tell President Trump it was talking to (at least) AstraZeneca about a warp speed Covid vaccine? Why didn’t Trump know vaccines were already in the works with US military assistance so he could reassure the public?

What explains the fortuitous creation of DARPA’s PPP just in time to manage the covid crisis? Another happy coincidence?

Why was the military’s involvement in the early pandemic response kept secret? Whose decision was that?

When, exactly, did DoD make the determination that Covid was a National Security Threat? Who made that assessment? Who knew about it?

WHY was Covid assessed as a National Security Threat? Was it because Covid was assessed to be a bioweapon?

Most importantly, WHY didn’t the U.S. military TELL the American people that Covid was a National Security Threat? Why was that hidden? Who made that decision?

I am not okay with being kept in the dark. How about you?

If anyone on the House Oversight Committee is reading this, you should immediately subpoena for testimony “Colonel” Matt Hepburn, his superior officer, AstraZeneca’s Mark Esser, and Astra’s CEO. Let’s get to the bottom of this! Maybe there are perfectly reasonable answers to all those questions, probably there are, but the people who paid for every bit of it are owed a complete and transparent explanation.

The DoD was planning to release Pfauci's virus for more than a year and hid that from Trump, because the goals were to fuck up Trump's excellent economy, provide an excuse for mail-in ballot fraud so that Bidet could start some nice wars. And that's exactly what happened.
109   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 12:47pm  


March 9th 2020 to March 11th 2020, what happened to POTUS Trump? Was he threatened? He knew, his gut, all his instincts were that COVID was 'nothing' yet what happened in 2 days?

The 6 days that changed the world and the 2 specific days, what happened in 48 hours? What did he see? Who told him what? He knew it was a fraud, yet what happened?

How did POTUS Trump go from this on March 9th 2020 where he knew and was saying this is really less than the flu and we could handle this, just relax:

to this where he would use the full federal government to lock us down, what happened in 2 days, let alone 6 days?:

Super-interesting. Very much like what happened with Zuckerberg, who flipped from telling his employees "Woah, this is weird gene-modifying stuff, don't take it" one day to "Everyone must take this" a few days later.
110   Patrick   2024 Feb 12, 3:50pm  


POTUS Trump, I support you, fully, I WILL give you another chance, I think you are the best chance we have, but you are wrong. Please stop saying the lockdowns worked and the vaccine worked for they did not. Never did, nothing worked. Had we done nothing, far fewer would have died. It is the response under OWS and lockdown lunacy that killed most, the medical management killed our people. The isolation of elderly in the hospitals, the sedation, the dehydration, the propofol, the midazolam, the lorazepam, the fentanyl, the morphine, the deadly Remdesivir that should have never gotten EUA, the ventilator. All conspired to kill our peoples.

Stop saying the lockdowns and vaccine worked, for most level headed, even basically educated people know it never did. You do not need big degrees to know this. The critical thinking public knows this. The population knows this. Stop.
111   Patrick   2024 Feb 15, 2:30pm  


Trump Sold Out America by Promoting Covid Shots: Analyst
February 15, 2024

“In either case, Trump should not be president,” opines Fitts, “just as toxic injection mandater Joe Biden shouldn’t, either.”

Catherine Austin Fitts: You can say Trump was on board for a depopulation [with Covid jabs] or Trump got rolled. Either one is not a very good case to be made that he ought to be president.

Greg Hunter: I just can’t believe that he would say, sure, let’s kill millions of people.

Catherine Austin Fitts: But go back. Then you’re saying he’s incompetent, because if I knew what I knew [about vaccines] — don’t tell me I knew more than Trump. I just don’t buy that.

112   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 15, 3:10pm  

From the link: “Catherine Austin Fitts: You can say Trump was on board for a depopulation [with Covid jabs] or Trump got rolled.” [1]

Nonsense: Trump was not in office when the vaccine arrived with all the thousands injuries and deaths. The injuries and deaths happened during the Biden presidency and continue to this day. So, why blame Trump? To his credit, President Trump announced in May 2020 that he was taking Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a prophylactic against Covid. And HCQ proved to be a therapeutic and a prophylactic medication against Covid - HCQ wipes out Covid from the human body within hours.

[1] https://expose-news.com/2024/02/15/catherine-austin-fitts-trump-put-10-billion-dollars-into-a-programme-to-depopulate-the-us/
113   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 3:27pm  

The_Deplorable says

My take is that it is downright impossible for the public to forget some 300,000 deaths and over 1,000,000 debilitating injuries.


There are 800,000 Iraqis dead over a weapons of mass destruction program that didn't exist. How many Americans know that?

Most "people" around you are NOT people. They are cattle.


See? Look at the "far left". Their mortal enemy is now a respected politician, even though he's a mass murderer. They aren't people.

They have no principles, they have no long term memory, they will entirely ignore that the vaccines killed people, even if their children and spouses and parents, and so on, died as a result and they won't have a problem with it. In fact, they'll get hostile if you point out the vaccines were dangerous and they were tricked and it killed their loves ones and so on.

Fuck 'em. I'm fed up with these things. They have no morality, no sense, no principles, no thinking, nothing. They really are cattle.
114   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 15, 6:54pm  

richwicks says
"There are 800,000 Iraqis dead over a weapons of mass destruction program that didn't exist. How many Americans know that? Most "people" around you are NOT people. They are cattle."

No Rick, We The People remember that useless war in Iraq and the fact that 5,000 Americans were killed... And who can forget Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother who lost her son in that useless war?

"Cindy Sheehan's soldier son Casey was killed near Baghdad. Now her one-woman protest at the gates of the US president's Texas ranch has become a metaphor for a nation's increasing unease about involvement in an unwinnable conflict... Never has the Iraq war been so unpopular. Most Americans now think the US-led invasion of 2003 was a mistake, and by a margin of almost two to one disapprove of Mr Bush's handling of it. Like Ms Sheehan, they want some or all of the 138,000 US troops in Iraq brought home, and soon....

The loss of 14 Marines in the roadside bombing near Haditha on 3 August... brought home as never before the relentlessly rising cost of a conflict in which almost 1,850 US soldiers have now died. Three days after Haditha, Cindy Sheehan set up camp at a junction in the road three miles south of the President's ranch - as near as the Secret Service would permit... By Sunday evening more than 100 people were camped there, including some who had driven 1,000 miles or more... For several hours during the day, their numbers were swollen by hundreds of anti-war protesters." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-grieving-mother-who-took-on-george-bush-306158.html
115   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 7:05pm  

The_Deplorable says

No Rick, We The People remember that useless war in Iraq and the fact that 5,000 Americans were killed... And who can forget Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother who lost her son in that useless war?

I said, most people aren't people. There are some, but desperately fewer than I believed. I've been living in denial about this fact for most of my life.

I really don't care about US soldiers now, they are part of the problem. If any significant number of them gave a shit about their oath to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, they would have stormed Langley Virginia, Washington DC, WallStreet NY, and Silicon Valley, over a decade ago. They are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy, or they used to be that, now they are just pawns to make offense contractors money.
116   HeadSet   2024 Feb 15, 8:09pm  

Patrick says

Trump Sold Out America by Promoting Covid Shots: Analyst

As I said long ago, the best way to tell that the curtain is being pulled on the Covid hoax is when the media states blaming Trump. This will morph into those lefty vaxx fascists saying they were victims themselves who were duped by Trump.
117   HeadSet   2024 Feb 15, 8:20pm  

richwicks says

If any significant number of them gave a shit about their oath to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, they would have stormed Langley Virginia, Washington DC, WallStreet NY, and Silicon Valley, over a decade ago.

Why haven't you done this? Are you unwilling to take action, but expect others to risk all while you stay safe? In ANY country, the military better be on a short lease or those people with the weapons will establish rule. If the military could use the "domestic enemies" excuse to go after politicians, then local governments would be subject to the whims of local battalion commanders. "General Powers thinks that all women have a Constitutional right to an abortion at any time, so any politician who violates the Constitution by voting for abortion restrictions will be seized and thrown into the brig."
118   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 9:34pm  

HeadSet says

Why haven't you done this? Are you unwilling to take action, but expect others to risk all while you stay safe?

I will just be the lone nutcase that gets shot and killed, and the media would then say I was a Trump white supremacist NeoNazi.

I work on more subtle ways of subterfuge. My project now is to entirely eliminate the need for central servers for EVERYTHING and since I'm working on it, I'm not going to talk much about it. Your phone is capable to replacing facebook, twitter, and youtube, NO PROBLEM.

All the pieces are there, but nobody has put it together.

Censor that motherfuckers.

But you know what I will never, fucking do? Work for the goddamned government.
119   Patrick   2024 Feb 16, 8:36am  

richwicks says

My project now is to entirely eliminate the need for central servers for EVERYTHING

I'm all for this.

The biggest impediment is that browsers refuse to accept incoming connections. Well, there are a few obscure ways, like WebRTC.
120   Patrick   2024 Feb 25, 11:52am  

Some quotes of Trump pushing the death jab:

But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August

21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going etting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021
121   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 25, 12:14pm  

HeadSet says

As I said long ago, the best way to tell that the curtain is being pulled on the Covid hoax is when the media states blaming Trump. This will morph into those lefty vaxx fascists saying they were victims themselves who were duped by Trump.


Vaccine skepticism doesn't help Trump, the media would just blame him for Long COVID Vaccine effects, conveniently forgetting they were bashing Trump for not locking down the country, lauding police arresting people jogging alone at 5AM on the beach, and fluffing all the Dem Governors and Fauci. They'll also "forget" their 100% backing for Biden's vaccine requirement for all employers via OSHA and the "Winter of Death" comments he made.
122   Patrick   2024 Apr 3, 9:56am  


"The National Institutes of Health has slapped BioNTech with a notice of default over alleged royalty payments the biotech owes the agency related to sales of its Pfizer-partnered COVID-19 vaccine Comirnaty, according to the company’s SEC filing."

What’s new about this sordid story is it was the last bit of confirmation of the original root source of the mRNA tech: every bit of it was excreted by that massive government health agency, the wellspring of mRNA, the National Institutes of Health. The article showed, as we’d long presumed, that neither Pfizer nor BioNTech were smart enough to whip up a brand-new vaccine technology and turn it into a covid vaccine in just a few weeks.

It was always a government project.

In February of last year, the first signs of trouble proved that, like Pfizer, Moderna wasn’t smart enough to make mRNA either. The New York Times ran a story back on February 23rd, 2023, headlined “After Long Delay, Moderna Pays N.I.H. for Covid Vaccine Technique. The article explained a patent dispute had arisen between government NIH scientists and Moderna, since the NIH scientists insisted they were the original source of the mRNA technique...

So let’s play follow the money. Recall that, under a weird loophole, NIH scientists may earn money from patents obtained from their government work, and need not turn that money over, or even disclose any royalties they earn. It’s likely that both Fauci and Collins, for example, have made millions from the covid jabs—but they are not required to tell whether they have, or how much they’ve earned (and they have both repeatedly declined to say).

Here’s my primitive attempt to describe the complex, interlocking parts of this wonderful public-private partnership and what may have happened:

Just saying. Here’s another good question. Since it has now become clear that the covid mRNA tech originally came from the NIH: why didn’t the NIH brag about inventing it from day one? Why are we only finding out now, after they started fighting over the money?

Why was the NIH origin of the mRNA technology long kept a secret?

It was the new genetic gold rush! Not just NIH scientists, not just big pharma, but even the jabby doctors were getting paid. Here, for example, is Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s vaccine provider incentive schedule:

123   richwicks   2024 Apr 3, 6:36pm  

Patrick says

The biggest impediment is that browsers refuse to accept incoming connections. Well, there are a few obscure ways, like WebRTC.

Browsers have to be supported initially, but they should be done away with.

There's a technology called WebAssembly - it allows you to write code in multiple languages that compiles to a byte code that can be executed on any architecture within a sandbox.


You can see a few examples there. Using web assembly slows it down, but you can see what it's capable of doing. Web Browsers are more complex than operating systems, meaning that there's absolutely no way to handle security holes. Web Assembly wouldn't need security, but the sandbox would.

I think we need to redo the web. Most of what was done was done in the rush in the late 1990s, so look at the mess we ended up with. Even with XML-HTTP, it doesn't follow the rules of XML.
125   Patrick   2024 Apr 18, 11:38am  


Trump thought he was in charge, DOD thought otherwise...

Reviewing the DOD Press Conference from May 15, 2020. ...

Here’s an idea - why don’t some brave US Congresspeople subpoena Col Matt and Col Wendy Summonds-Jackson from the DOD to explain the Pee-3 racketeering strategy, and the manufacture of large quantities of “deadly covid virus” at Ft. Dietrick and at Sanofi/Protein Sciences at the time when NO “covid pathogen” was yet circulating on US soil?

Any takers for this idea?

Can we ask Col Matt and Col Wendy how they cooked the virus at Ft. Dietrick and what happened with those “stocks” afterwards?

Ron Johnson?

Rand Paul?

Thomas Massie?



I guess not… Let’s get back to the press conference.

Trump thought he was the Commander in Chief. LMAO, says the DOD. Not in these words, but the message is pretty clear…

The press conference revealed Trump's brief and ultimately failed attempt to yank the DOD’s leash that he naively thought he had. The brave fake Pee-3 warriors were charging ahead with their fake battle with the fake virus for very real profits and power and did not feel the need to involve POTUS in minor things like authorize $ billions for this activity. It appears that on March 25th, without getting the go-ahead from President Trump, Jennifer Santos, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Policy, proceeded to utilize the Defense Production Act in relation to directing United States private industry, including defense contractors (Title I) and commercial domestic industrial base (Title III). This move likely pissed off the Boss, as, at least according to the theory of the US government, only POTUS can invoke the Defense Production Act. ...

The Pentagon simply charged ahead in the fake battle by showering real money on their bioweapons manufacturing consortium, screw the formal command structure, who needs it. Trump retaliated the only way he could, by firing Santos, who was promptly moved to another cushy spot in the Navy by her direct superiors. So the firing event, while filled with drama, was quite impotent indeed. ...

Ultimately, this pissing match made zero difference. Santos was moved to another post but HER UNAUTHORIZED DECISION stood. The Defense Production Act was used in violation of the chain of authority to distribute billions of dollars in no-bid contracts (including to fake-adversary nation of China) by the DOD’s clear insubordination to the POTUS authority. All Trump could do is only lash out at Jennifer Santos personally. ...

At this point, during Trump Administration, the mainstream media is highly suspicious of the ability to develop safe and effective vaccines by end of the year, only 28 weeks away. Imagine that! They knew how to do journalism back in the good old 2020! Specifically, the question is asked:

‘And I wanted to ask you also about what the secretary said at the White House, and I'm quoting him. He said we will deliver by the end of this year a vaccine at scale to treat the American people and our partners abroad. He's very definitive that it will be by the end of this year, which is 28 weeks from now. What makes Secretary Esper, what evidence does he have? What does he know that makes him able to be himself absolutely definitive that there will be a safe and effective vaccine 28 weeks from now?’

Amusingly, there is a long back and forth, challenging the government's ability to predict the unpredictable in precisely 28 weeks.
127   stereotomy   2024 Jun 7, 7:21am  

"Kenny just died suddenly."

128   Patrick   2024 Jun 19, 2:10pm  


Reuters reports that the Pentagon was running anti-vax campaigns abroad at the same time they were pushing vaccines here

With all the vaccine mandates the government was pushing out in 2021, you would have thought they really saw Covid-19 as a threat.

The Pentagon seemed especially concerned, discharging any soldier who did not get the shot. Those military guys really wanted to save people from the Rona.

Unless those people lived in the Philippines.
A new investigation by Reuters shows that at the same time our government was so worried about the spread of Covid-19 around the world, the Pentagon was actively engaging in an anti-vax campaign in the Philippines.

The operation involved hundreds of social media accounts that were set up to discourage Filipinos from getting China's Sinovac vaccine. They were all posting something similar to this:

"Is it true? COVID came from China and the VACCINE also came from China, don't trust China!" ...

But the issue in the Philippines had nothing to do with Covid-19 or the vaccines. It was all about the South China Sea.

When Covid broke out, the Filipino president offered to end the islands' opposition to China's claim on the South China Sea in exchange for access to the Sinovac vaccine, which China granted.

The deal upended a U.S./Philippines security agreement, and so, we launched a psy-op against the Chinese vaccine.
130   Patrick   2024 Jun 21, 7:59pm  


Speaking of which, this would be the best opportunity for Mr. Trump to come clean, if he can, about his role in the mRNA vaccine roll-out that has now morphed into what looks like the biggest disaster in modern medicine. It appears obvious that, as president, Mr. Trump was buffaloed by “the experts” in a culture that worships expertise. How exactly would he have opposed the White House Coronavirus Task Force headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci? And backed by the combined forces of the CDC, the FDA, the NIAID, the NIH, and every medical board from sea to shining sea? Should he have just said, Nah, we’re not gonna do that? I don’t think so. But there won’t be a better moment, or a bigger audience, to explain how all that actually worked, and went wrong.
131   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 22, 7:40pm  

Patrick says

"https://jameshowardkunstler.substack.com/p/a-door-closes-a-window-opens "
Speaking of which, this would be the best opportunity for Mr. Trump to come clean, if he can,
about his role in the mRNA vaccine roll-out that has now morphed into what looks like the biggest
disaster in modern medicine.

This ignores the fact that the vaccine was released after Trump left office, meaning, he didn't know
the vaccine was a poison. The latest from Trunp is this:

Donald Trump: "When I am back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut
federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate
or a vaccine mandate,"
132   Patrick   2024 Jul 3, 10:29am  



"If Big Pharma defrauds American patients & taxpayers or puts profits above people, they must be held accountable."

OK, good, but what about the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mandated violation of the bloodstreams of billions of people?
134   Patrick   2024 Oct 16, 10:03am  


Here is a theory of how the US Government uses Pandemics/Vaccines to take over the world.

A thread (ft @MikeBenzCyber)

Peter Hotez argued that the US should treat anti-taxer like terrorists.

But earlier in his career he wrote a very interesting article about how to use vaccines as "Instruments of Foreign Policy"

Here is Peter Hotez's article in the National Library of Medicine titled,

"Vaccines as instruments of foreign policy."


Why did a chairman of a Pharmaceutical company become the Secretary of Defense?🤔

This theory has precedent.

Here is USAID getting busted using their Cuban HIV clinic to incite a rebellion to overthrow the country.


Example 2: the CIA getting busted running a "fake vaccination scheme" in Pakistan to "hunt Osama Bin Ladin."


The conspicuous story of AIDS in Africa.

If this is true...

What about Zika, MERS, SARS & COVID?

A military strategist in 2001 gave a lecture on "The Pentagon's New Map" following 9/11.

"Pandemics, terrorism and illegal narcotics."
135   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 3:31pm  


A top Dutch government official has admitted that the Covid was a “military operation” and revealed that her nation was taking orders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the pandemic.

Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has revealed that the “military operation” was led by NATO and the Netherlands’ National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV).

The NCTV is a Dutch government agency that serves the country’s national security.

During a speech in the Dutch parliament, Agema acknowledged in parliament that the Dutch pandemic policy is taking place “under the direction of National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Defense.”

She noted that the government responded to the pandemic by complying with “NATO obligations”.

In doing so, she confirmed the pandemic policy was a “coup d’état” by the NCTV.

Prominent Dutch doctor Els van Veen says she finally understands what happened to her, and other critical doctors, during the corona crisis:

“It was a military operation, the Minister of Health obeys NATO and NCTV,” Dr. van Veen said in a post on X. ...

In a post on X, Woo researcher Cees van den Bos responded to the admission, arguing that the pandemic was a “coup d’etat.”

He characterized the NCTV as a puppet of NATO.

“This country will only be free if the NCTV is completely abolished and these kinds of shadow governments never get a foothold again,” he said.

“This is the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of a democracy,” he said. ...

“It was a military operation.

“This was not allowed to be said for four years. That was a conspiracy theory.

“I appreciate the honesty of the minister, that this is being admitted and that he was not in charge.”

The admission from Agema also supports allegations made by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the production of the Covid mRNA vaccines in the U.S.

According to Kennedy, this was a military operation, with close involvement of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and the military-industrial complex.
136   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 8:07pm  


“It was a military operation…”

Dutch Deputy PM and Australian Senator agree

... The topic has been covered at length for over two years by Sasha Latypova, who summed up the situation as follows:

"I personally believe it's US DOD was in charge of all of the global covid scam, because of the flow of money and the role played by the FDA to certify the DOD's fraud. Other regulatory agencies do not do anything, and FDA leads the ICH process anyway, it has been a de-facto drug regulator for the world for many years. This certification of the fraud was critical to give cover to those in "healthcare and science" who knowingly went along, and those who simply believed the health authorities. There is a group of owners (private global mafia) that use US Gov and DOD as their imperial enforcer because of the power of the dollar and the power of the US military. But the owners are all global, i.e. they do not care which country they reside in, and it doesn't matter that much, because they are not state actors. They are just very powerful criminal oligarchs."
137   Patrick   2024 Nov 19, 7:22pm  


Both technologies (military and mRNA lipid nanoparticles) are ineffective against the presupposed threats. No missile shield can protect against supersonic missiles and saturation attacks by drones, and the vaccines certainly don’t stop anything, if there was any pathogen that could be stopped.

The mRNA vaccines are super cheap to make, and the Deep State owns the patents. They are sold at the highest price that any country is able to pay, in US dollars of course, and the Deep State has insinuated that it makes bioweapons from which the only protection is their vaccines. Classic.

The mRNA vaccines are now propagandized as permanently needed for population health, just as armament protection from “totalitarian states” is propagandized to be permanently needed. The Covid-vaccine sales were approximately $20-50 bn/year in 2021-2023 (approx. $10 per dose, >10 bn doses), which is comparable to USA arms sales ($56 bn/year average 2021-2023).

USA geopolitical dominance doctrine is designed and driven by the Pentagon, as were the Covid response and vaccine rollouts, which is now amply proven...
138   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 10:39pm  


Yale U Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch's Delaware Talk on "Three Years to Flatten the Earth"
Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 15, 2023

- This was part of a virtual town hall hosted by Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance (DEMFA), www.DelawareMFA.org on March 13, 2023.
- Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health https://ysph.yale.edu/profile/harvey-risch/ His Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrHarveyRisch and Telegram: https://t.me/HarveyRischMDPhD
- See also archived posts to-date by Dr. Risch on the Brownstone Institute site:
- An artist with a studio and art gallery in Lewes, Delaware, Abraxas Hudson is President of the Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance. https://www.delawaremfa.org/the-team

ABRAXAS HUDSON: So the next speaker, Dr. Harvey Risch. Dr. Risch earned his medical degree at UC San Diego. Subsequently he completed his PhD in biomathematics. Dr. Risch then completed a post-doctoral fellowship in cancer epidemiology at the University of Washington in Seattle. In 1991 Dr. Risch moved to Yale School of Public Health where he became a professor of epidemiology. Dr. Risch has published more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific research papers which have been cited by other scientists more than 46,000 times. He has a research h-index of 102, is a fellow of the American College of Epidemiology, and is an elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. Dr. Risch, it's a pleasure to have you on this evening.

DR. HARVEY RISCH: Well thank you, It's great to be with you and with all the viewers. I'm going to title my remarks tonight as Three Years to Flatten the Earth. And I say that kind of sarcastically.

We've been fighting a war for the last 3 years. And this war has taken on many fronts. Of course, we're fighting a war against this, this infection, but we're also, we've also been fighting a war against health, a war against the public, a war against information, a war against speech, and a war against truth.

So I'm going to describe the pandemic in one easy to understand sentence.

NIH[1] and the Department of Defense funded dangerous, prohibited gain-of-function virus research, the engineered virus escaped from the lab, the DOD claimed that it was a bioweapon and it seized control to assert military not public health management of the pandemic, then DOD covered up the cause of the pandemic, suppressed early treatments, and forced this toxic, weakly effective vaccine, so-called vaccine, onto the population as a wartime countermeasure, not, it's not as a treatment, and without informed consent, and then hundreds of thousands of Americans subsequently died or got injured a result.

So that's the sentence. Now let me expand on that a little bit.

So here we have NIH and the Department of Defense, the DOD is working through its agency called DARPA[2] which is a major research agency within the Department of Defense. They funneled more than 60 million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the EcoHealth Alliance. We've all heard this, it's all been in the public media as far as we know. And what they did is all written out in a project called Project Defuse, D-E-F-U-S-E. If you Google that you'll get a link to the protocol and you can read it and it says exactly how they did the gain-of-function research to make these viruses become human infective and, and toxic.[3]

OK. And if you also— these, these groups published two scientific medical research papers in 2015, 2016 under the first author Menachery, M-E-N-A-C-H-E-R-Y.[4] And if— you don't have to worry about the technical parts of the papers, just go back to the acknowledgment sections, the paragraphs at the end of the papers, where they say that even though these were done during the period that this research was prohibited by the government, they still nevertheless did it under approval of NIH.

And we don't know if Dr. Fauci actually signed off on it or somebody at his direction signed off on it, but these were approved by NIH during the time that this was not allowed, not, not proper allowed.

OK. So then, this was an engineered virus. And we know it's an engineered virus because there's a long artificial strand of the genetic code of the virus that's so long that it could not have happened by chance and does not exist in any other organism among more than 100,000 organisms that are in in NIH searchable data base. It exists only in one other place and that is in a patent for Moderna from 2017. There's no way that a patent sequence that's so long could not occur by chance ends up in a virus unless it was engineered.

OK. And the function that that stretch did is, it gave the virus the ability to infect human lung cells. And that's what, that's what's called gain-of-function, when you promote an organism to be able to be more toxic or more infectious. And so that's what it was.

Then they claimed this was a bioweapon. Now there's various different definitions of bioweapons and this because it causes human harm could be construed as a bioweapon, but they militarized it, took the control away from public health, and that means that every action that has gone on underneath what we think of as all a regulatory, all captured regulatory agencies and government, really was underneath the control of the Department of Defense. And so we have to be paying attention to who is really controlling the narrative in this, and it wasn't even necessarily the government agencies that we think of as the villains, that there's a level above that, which is the Department of Defense.

And then they covered all this up. They covered up the origin of the virus, and they did that, we know that because of the so-called proximal origins paper[5] that was published early, in February of 2020, that was orchestrated by Tony Fauci and a number of virologists who had expressed the understanding that this was an engineered virus, to say, no, it wasn't engineered, it came from an animal transmission to human and could not have possibly been engineered, and so on, and this was of course a coverup for the origin that was required. And Dr. Robert Redfield, who was head of the, Director of the CDC in that period, has testified to Congress about this. And they covered this up because of what I refer to as the state-controlled media and the state-controlled social media and the pharma-captured FDA, all of this was covered up.

They covered up and suppressed the efficacy of the early treatments like hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin and steroids, as we heard, vitamin D, and so on. These treatments absolutely provide significant, substantial benefit for keeping covid patients out of the hospital and from dying. And the information on this is definitive. I've written a number of reports on this. The original papers are all in public domain, and it's easy to understand if you take the time to go through this.

OK. Then they called these vaccines countermeasures. When you're giving military countermeasures, informed consent is not needed. Government approval is not needed. The fact that the FDA approved these things has basically been a show to create a fear for the public, to make it look like there was some semblance of normal medical function, when in fact these vaccines could have been inflicted on the population. Informed consent is not needed, and individual consent is not needed, and approval is not needed, none of this is needed under military countermeasures.

So we have to address, how much of everything we've observed was theater? Was it theater for the
doctors on the review panels? Was it theater for all of us who were the victims of all this? We have to be asking those questions.

OK. And then, when it came down to actually using these vaccines, so-called vaccines, we even know already that they did not work to do what they were supposed to do, which is to reduce transmission, because the CDC even came out on August 11th of last year saying that the vaccine, the primary series, does not control transmission, does not control spread, and the boosters only work transiently and their benefit wanes.

And for me as a public health person, anything that's transient and wanes is not a sustained public health benefit.

So here we have it. We trusted scientists and the regulatory agencies who made a series of very bad decisions. Those decisions backfired. And the people involved both covered up their incompetence
as well as believed that the outbreak was so bad that they had to rush with their supported cronies, the pharma industry, the vaccine industry, to push out a damaging product to the entire world in order to protect from what they themselves created through their incompetence.

And the basis of knowledge of what these would do was reflected perfectly in Debra Birx's famous statement about the vaccines, we hoped they would work. That was her degree of evidence.[6]

And so because all of this incompetence and malfeasance, hundreds of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily, and hundreds of thousands more were appreciably damaged, their health, they lost their health. And this was done to cover up the technically brilliant but commonsense incompetence of the elite agencies and researchers who did this.

So what we learned from this is that naive people, and I include myself in that, who believed the ideals of our American civilization, that even if our country is imperfect, we strive, we strive for equality, we strive for human rights, and we strive for increasing standard of living, and we found that in fact we're just another corrupt banana republic just like all the others around the world.

And I ask, where's our Congress been through all of this? OK. There's been only one person in all of the Congress who has stood up reliably to push back on this and where he couldn't push back, only to document what he could, and that's Senator Ron Johnson.[7]

So where's everybody else? Where's— are they bought off by pharma PAC[8] money? or are they being threatened by the Department of Defense? Is Congress being threatened by the DOD? Is the FDA being threatened by the DOD? Is CDC being threatened by DOD? Where, where are these forces coming from?

We really have a government that's been running amok, and even the new congressional investigations that we've been watching for the last week or longer, they really seemed like theater, not like prosecution. OK. This is a big problem. There's no point in doing a January 6th theater from the other side of the aisle. That's not what this is about. This is about finding the cause and the actors who did this and prosecuting their crimes against humanity.

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