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That is why their days are numbered.
The only way a "corrupt" billionaire can run the government is if the government is for sale. Corruption starts and ends with the politician.
Last month came a fascinating new report from the institute of Scott Rasmussen, founder of the famed Rasmussen Reports polling center. Its aim was to, for the first time, quantitatively define the true ‘elite’ of society, which control most of our social narratives, politics, and general ‘orthodoxy’. ...
The NYPost article summarized the dataset best:
The United States has a wealthy, partisan elite class that’s not only immune from and numb to the problems of their countrymen, but enormously confident in and willing to impose unpopular policies on them.
This is a recipe for disaster.
While doing their two weekly national surveys, Rasmussen and his team noticed an anomaly. Out of every 1,000 or so respondents, there would always be three or four who were far more radical than everyone else. After several months of finding these unusual responses, Rasmussen realized they all shared three characteristics.
The radical responses came from people who had graduate degrees (not just graduate studies), family incomes above $150,000 a year, and lived in large cities (more than 10,000 people per zip code).
What’s more, is that amongst this 1% ‘elite’, there is an even more radicalized subset Rasmussen calls the ‘super-elite’, which are characterized by primarily attending one of twelve identified elite schools:
The only way a "corrupt" billionaire can run the government is if the government is for sale. Corruption starts and ends with the politician.
The only way it can be for sale is if you can print enough money to buy it. See central banks.
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has claimed that he was offered almost $1 billion in bribes from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to intentionally destroy his own economy and force major restrictions on his citizens during the Covid pandemic.
In explosive new allegations, Lukashenko claims that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD.
Lukashenko says he was told the payment could be disguised as “Covid Relief Aid.”
The Belarusian claims the globalist organizations offered him the massive bribe in exchange for:
Imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
Force the public to wear face masks
Impose very strict curfews
Impose a police state
Crash the economy
Lukashenko says he declined the offer from the IMF and World Bank, however.
He claims he refused to take the money because he prioritizes the needs of his people over those of international financial organizations.
Not at all. NY City and Chicago are famous for bought off politicians well before 1913.
HeadSet says
Not at all. NY City and Chicago are famous for bought off politicians well before 1913.
The Federal Reserve is the 3rd or 4th central bank in this county, not the first. You statement would also imply that when central banks have not been chartered, their agents simply vanished, or were frozen in time...
And of course you don't consider other central banks working toward bringing new countries into the fold. Bank of England has existed since before the founding of the United States.
True, but wasn't the difference that in 1913 it was now fiat currency? Federal Reserve Notes that could be printed at will rather than dollars backed by gold and silver?
HeadSet says
True, but wasn't the difference that in 1913 it was now fiat currency? Federal Reserve Notes that could be printed at will rather than dollars backed by gold and silver?
I think that's true. We had real silver and gold money before 1913, but the US ended silver coins in 1965 because the silver in a silver dollar had become worth more than a dollar because of the Fed's debasement. And then in 1970-something, the French got nervous and wanted their gold back, so Nixon severed the last remaining basis in reality for the dollar, because we literally did not have enough gold to meet US promises. Or so I understand it. Maybe someone else here understands it better.
Silver exchange, which is by far the more important standard, since silver is much more easily divisible for daily transactions, was remove in the late 1800's.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?