Another Boeing Problem

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2024 Jan 18, 10:56pm   14,732 views  267 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Boeing aircraft on fire over Miami Airport.


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48   AD   2024 Mar 16, 7:17pm  

GNL, who was on the senior leadership team ? Did they have an aerospace or mechanical engineering background and degrees ?

Are they licensed pilots or were military pilots ?

49   GNL   2024 Mar 16, 7:20pm  

I have no idea.
51   WookieMan   2024 Mar 17, 3:37am  

The_Deplorable says

Your argument is incoherent. Changing a tire is a maintenance issue. Failing to assemble the
fuselage by not bolting it down is a manufacturing issue.

Lol. They took control of the aircraft. Airlines have mechanics look it over for the 8-9 figure purchase they just made. You do know this right?

Fine, Boeing missed things, so did the airline. I don't buy pants with a 36" waist and a 48" waist arrives and not notice. Sure someone fucked up, BUT I CHECK TO MAKE SURE IT'S CORRECT. I cannot be clearer. Assume everything is defective that you buy. Especially a $120M aircraft. You have it looked over by your mechanics. I guess this isn't common knowledge???

Watch some aviation videos and read about it. As I've said, you're out of your element. I'll be on a Max in about 48 hours or so. No concerns.
52   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 17, 6:00pm  

WookieMan says
"Lol. They [Alaska Airlines] took control of the aircraft."


"Airlines have mechanics look it over for the 8-9 figure purchase they
just made. You do know this right?"

You seem unable to distinguish between facts from fiction. The US government requires
manufacturers to recall vehicles that have safety-related defects or do not meet Federal
safety standards. What makes you think that Boeing is an exception? No answer.
70   WookieMan   2024 Mar 18, 1:14am  

The_Deplorable says

You seem unable to distinguish between facts from fiction. The US government requires
manufacturers to recall vehicles that have safety-related defects or do not meet Federal
safety standards. What makes you think that Boeing is an exception? No answer.

This isn't a car the general public purchases. You're comparing apples to watermelons. This isn't John Doe buying a Chevy at the dealership. You're not understanding the corporate to corporate purchase. Alaska airlines is ultimately on the hook for this. They're the ones that are going to lose business from this. Boeing has a massive backlog of orders.

As a non-mechanic I look over everything on my car before purchasing. If there was something I didn't know about I'd have a mechanic look it over asap. Then take it back to the dealer and have it fixed. Airline mechanics and techs make a ton of money for a reason. There's not one product on the planet that is engineered perfectly 100% of the time. Alaskan airlines clearly didn't look over and take care of the aircraft.

I will never fly Lion Air or Ethiopian because they didn't train their pilots on a basic system for flight controls. Blame the Boeing MCAS system all you want, it was easy to override and was trained to US pilots. I won't fly Alaskan now because the mechanics missed stuff that was obvious a part of the plane that was easy to inspect in a day. This wasn't a brand new plane delivery and first flight.

The Max has a massive fleet already. This would be happening all the time. It's not. And guess what? No one died either. Totally shit engineering.... You must be the type that doesn't check your tires, brakes, oil and then goes and bitches to the manufacturer? Alaskan didn't take care of a 9 figure asset. There's not much else to this. Again this isn't a public to corporate purchase like a car. It's corporate to corporate. Totally different animal.
71   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 18, 6:30pm  

WookieMan says
"I will never fly Lion Air or Ethiopian because they didn't train their pilots
on a basic system for flight controls."

Nonsense because they didn't know the plane was unstable and Boeing kept it a secret!
1. Boeing did not inform the airlines that the 737 MAX was unstable.
2. Boeing did not inform the pilots that the 737 MAX was unstable.
3. Boeing did not include this information, that the 737 MAX was unstable, in the pilot manual.

Training had nothing to do with these disasters. Lion Air and the Ethiopian planes crashed
because the planes were unstable.

Evidently, the Wright Brothers in December 1903 knew more about straight and level flight
than Boeing today.
73   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 18, 6:59pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

The_Deplorable says


Trust me: they know exactly what dumpster they dropped his body in.

Little did I know how this would age well.
74   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 18, 8:11pm  

Yes, that is the Enola Gay. Also built by Boeing.

75   WookieMan   2024 Mar 19, 6:49am  

The_Deplorable says

Training had nothing to do with these disasters. Lion Air and the Ethiopian planes crashed
because the planes were unstable.

Totally false. How many Southwest pilots crashed a 737 Max? United? American? Delta? They had probably 10X more delivered and flying than either of those airlines. You are talking out your ass. Foreigners were not trained on how to override the system. And it was actually a safety system.

Read more aviation material and reports. You are 100% wrong. We'd have had 737's smashing into the ground everywhere if you were right. THEY WERE TRAINED. I've already posted links on this. You have an opinion, I provided facts. I'll be on one this afternoon. I have zero worries. None. Zilch. Be a fear mongerer. I'm not that weak to soak it up from someone that knows nothing about aviation and just reads headlines. When was the last time you flew? I think I know.....
76   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Mar 19, 9:02am  

WookieMan says

Boeing missed things

Bro, the aerospace company managed by dishonest Stock-Price-Focused top management that you irrationally reflexively defend has not had a profitable year since last decade.

Last week's financial news included headlines about the company's debt being downgraded to junk.

Today's headline story is about them pondering in the news media some successful military sectors of the company in an effort to raise cash. Kind of like selling their future to raise some cash.


It's a company in a death spiral.
77   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 19, 1:08pm  

WookieMan says
"How many Southwest pilots crashed a 737 Max? United? American? Delta?"

They were lucky because they did not have an angle of attack (AOA) sensor failure that forced
the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) to engage. And back then the
pilots did not know about the MCAS system and they didn't know the plane was unstable.
Boeing kept it a secret.

You are speaking from ignorance, give it a rest.
78   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Mar 19, 1:25pm  

The_Deplorable says

You are speaking from ignorance, give it a rest.

B.A.C.A.H. says

dishonest Stock-Price-Focused top management that you irrationally reflexively defend

Deplorable, he's not rational. My inner circle includes career aerospace engineers at the company who don't irrationally-reflexively defend the nefarious stuff while blaming pilots from abroad.

His posts are not rational. It's some weird twisted Southwest Airlines Air-Travel FanBoy thing.

WookieMan says

How many Southwest pilots crashed a 737 Max?
82   richwicks   2024 Mar 22, 9:43am  

The_Deplorable says


Boeing is part of the MIC, nothing will happen to them. The US government will just bail them out.
83   HeadSet   2024 Mar 22, 3:19pm  

richwicks says

Boeing is part of the MIC, nothing will happen to them. The US government will just bail them out.

Yes, bet every now and then the MIC members need a reminder to tow the line.
84   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 22, 3:33pm  

The_Deplorable says


I was talking with some pilots I know - all of them American-trained, some ex-USAF, some not - about that MCAS covfefe back when it was fresh. All pretty much agreed that it was more about weak pilot training than the MCAS itself. Any properly trained pilot would recognize the problem and swithch the fucking thing off in mere seconds, not fly into the ground after many minutes of struggling with it like these poor schmuks did.
85   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 22, 6:35pm  

"I was talking with some pilots I know - all of them American-trained, some
ex-USAF, some not - about that MCAS covfefe back when it was fresh. All pretty much agreed
that it was more about weak pilot training than the MCAS itself."

This was proven wrong on flight simulators right after the Indonesian and Ethiopian crashes.
The flight simulators proved that there was not enough time for any pilot regardless of
to get out of this deadly trap alive. Don't forget that Boeing did not inform the
airlines and the pilots about the 737 MAX instability and the presence of MCAS. That is why
Boeing was found criminally liable.

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