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"I will never fly Lion Air or Ethiopian because they didn't train their pilots
on a basic system for flight controls."
The_Deplorable says
Trust me: they know exactly what dumpster they dropped his body in.
Training had nothing to do with these disasters. Lion Air and the Ethiopian planes crashed
because the planes were unstable.
Boeing missed things
"How many Southwest pilots crashed a 737 Max? United? American? Delta?"
You are speaking from ignorance, give it a rest.
dishonest Stock-Price-Focused top management that you irrationally reflexively defend
How many Southwest pilots crashed a 737 Max?
Boeing is part of the MIC, nothing will happen to them. The US government will just bail them out.
"I was talking with some pilots I know - all of them American-trained, some
ex-USAF, some not - about that MCAS covfefe back when it was fresh. All pretty much agreed
that it was more about weak pilot training than the MCAS itself."
"I was talking with some pilots I know - all of them American-trained, some
ex-USAF, some not - about that MCAS covfefe back when it was fresh. All pretty much agreed
that it was more about weak pilot training than the MCAS itself."
This was proven wrong on flight simulators right after the Indonesian and Ethiopian crashes.
The flight simulators proved that there was not enough time for any pilot regardless of
experience to get out of this deadly trap alive. Don't forget that Boeing did not inform the
airlines and the pilots about the 737 MAX instability and the presence of MCAS. That is why
Boeing was found criminally liable.
His posts are not rational. It's some weird twisted Southwest Airlines Air-Travel FanBoy thing.
At no point has anyone explained or linked as to why an American trained pilot didn't crash the MAX.
Basically, the faulty sensor detected a stall condition (falsely) and dove the nose into the ground.
Which was correctable. That's been my point.
People can blame MCAS all they want. American pilots knew how to fly. They actually bitched about it even though they didn't know. The airlines wanted to take Boeing to the cleaners cash wise because of four dip shit pilots that crashed planes
They were 5k feet in the air. I'll link it again. It was pilot error. https://youtu.be/s3LrsvaCUoo?si=9X2XqcapDAYz8wry
The flight's cockpit crew included Captain Bhavye Suneja, an Indian national, who had flown with the airline for more than seven years and had about 6,028 hours of flight experience (including 5,176 hours on the Boeing 737) and received his training in California; and First Officer Harvino, an Indonesian who had 5,174 hours of flight experience, 4,286 of them on the Boeing 737.
It was knowing how to fly a plane without automation.
This horse has been beaten dead at this point. You guys don't know WTF you're talking about.
It was knowing how to fly a plane without automation.
WookieMan says
It was knowing how to fly a plane without automation.
Spoken by the (armchair) aeronautical engineer / commercial pilot.
Just cause they fire Boeing's C-level from CEO to Vice Presidents, does not fix the systemic or root problems. DEI and woke has corrupted and compromised it. Good luck to new bosses trying to navigate that while trying to fix it.
When Lou Gerstner came in
Spoken by the (armchair) aeronautical engineer / commercial pilot.
But that was like over 30 years. The culture has been so corrupted like with DEI, etc. that this type of Gerstner-reform would never happen.
You guys are getting hung up on DEI and wokeness bull shit. The crashes were shit pilots. I get fly by wire. All of those systems can be overridden.
"You keep saying this."
Just saying "well, the pilots sucked" I don't think cuts it. Remember, the white race is a TINY minority in this world, I'm not surprised neither pilot was white, and I don't think that had anything to do with it. I don't think they were incompetent. I think the plane didn't respond to their input.
WookieMan says
"You keep saying this."
What part of "Boeing was found criminally liable for not informing the airlines and the
pilots about the 737 MAX instability and the presence of MCAS" don't you understand?
In addition, your so-called "pilot expertise" is irrelevant because flight simulators right after
the crashes proved that there was not enough time for any pilot regardless of experience to
get out of this deadly trap alive.
Give it a rest.
American pilots figured it out. These pilots didn't. You're fighting a losing battle.
Remember, the white race is a TINY minority in this world,
"Link it.... I've asked before. Simulators are the real deal... lol."
Not only Boeing refused to inform the airlines and the pilots about the presence of MCAS, they refused to provide training to the pilots. That is why Boeing was found criminally liable.
"Even if Boeing didn't train or give information, the fucking trim wheel going bonkers
should trigger the next step. Trained or not."
Not about skin color for me at all. It's language. English was not their first language. The plane was created by an English speaking company. I know you know the term lost in translation. It wasn't the pilots first language. I can speak or listen to broken/shitty Spanish. Doesn't mean I understand EVERYTHING.
This is all of the 737 history. Notice a trend?
Chill out, dude. We know you love Southwest Airlines and that you love travel on their jets.
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