Tulsi Gabbard: Why I am leaving the Democratic Party

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2022 Oct 11, 5:32am   14,789 views  79 comments

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Why I'm leaving the Democratic Party by Tulsi Gabbard, October 11, 2022

I love our country. Our God-given rights of freedom, life, and liberty enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights are my inspiration. I answered the call to duty and took an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms, both in uniform and in public office.

Growing up in Hawaii gave me a special appreciation of our home, water, and precious natural resources. So when I was 21 years old I decided to run for Hawaii State House so that I could be in a position to protect our environment. I wasn’t politically affiliated before that, but as I was about to file my election papers, I had to choose which party to affiliate with.

As I did my research, I was inspired by Democrats who stood up against the war in Vietnam, and those who fought for Hawaii’s plantation workers who were being abused and exploited by wealthy landowners. I was inspired by leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy and drawn to the ideals of a big-tent Democratic Party that stood up for working men and women — the little guy. In contrast the Republican Party, seemed like one that stood for the interests of big business and warmongering elites. So I became a democrat and remained one for over 20 years — an independent Democrat to be sure, but a Democrat nonetheless.

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

Here are some of the main reasons I’m leaving the Democratic Party, in brief. I’ll be tackling each of these in more depth in the coming weeks.

The pro-war Democratic Party has led us to the brink of nuclear war. The party is led by warmongers who are firmly in the grips of the military industrial complex, and don’t know or care about the cost of war, or who pays the price. President Biden and Democratic Party elite have pushed us to the precipice of nuclear war, risking starting WWIII and destroying the world as we know it. This is the most urgent existential threat we face. I ran for President in 2020 because I knew that this is where we were headed. All the signs were there. I raised this issue every day during the campaign, and on the national debate stage. But politicians and the media ignored it. They didn’t care then, and they don’t care now. Obviously I didn’t win that election, and don’t have the power to do what is necessary to prevent it. President Biden and Congress do. But they irresponsibly refuse to use that power to protect the safety of our country, the American people, and the world from the devastation of a nuclear holocaust. To protect our loved ones, our children, our world, I’m calling upon the American people to join me in standing up to these cowardly politicians now. This may be our last chance to do so.

Today’s Democratic Party rejects the rule of law. The people’s trust in the rule of law is the foundation for democracy. By weaponizing the security state and Federal law enforcement for their own partisan political ambitions, Democrat leaders are undermining the rule of law and turning our democracy into a banana republic. Across the country, Democrat politicians call for defunding the police, enacting laws that favor criminal’s rights over those of everyday Americans, and so-called progressive DA’s let violent criminals out of jail, refusing to charge them when many have been arrested 30, 40 or even 50 times. It should come as no surprise that crime and murder rates are rapidly increasing, people don’t feel safe walking down the street in their own neighborhoods, and firearm purchases for self defense have drastically increased.

Under the Obama administration, the IRS was used to target conservative groups. Biden's DOJ recently indicted 11 pro-life activists for "organizing an event blockading an abortion clinic." They didn't use physical force. They weren't dangerous. But seven of them are facing 11 years in prison and fines of $250,000. The Biden DOJ and Department of Homeland Security has focused their newly formed Domestic Terror Unit to target parents who are vocally standing in opposition to radical curriculums and explicit sexual content being taught to young children in our public schools – labeling parents as “terrorists” for showing up at school board meetings and demanding change. President Biden campaigned on unity and on healing the partisan divide, but he’s now saying supporters of President Trump are the most extremist group in our country and a threat to our democracy. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris claim the Supreme Court is illegitimate simply because they disagree with its rulings. The Biden administration stood by and did nothing as activists protested outside the homes of Supreme Court justices during all hours of the day and night, in clear violation of federal law. When the party in power does not believe in the rule of law, yet they are responsible for writing and enforcing laws, our democracy is doomed.

Today’s Democratic Party does not believe in our constitutionally protected right to free speech. Fostering diversity of thought and freedom of expression is the foundation of any flourishing democracy. Democratic Party leaders don’t agree. They are led by fanatical ideologues who pose a threat to our democracy because they don’t believe in freedom - freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion. They try to censor speech they don’t like, labeling it as “misinformation,” “hate speech,” or “violent speech.” They work hand-in-glove with corporate for-profit media and Big Tech to smear and silence political opponents and those who dare to challenge their authority, exposing their insecurities. The Biden Administration even tried launching their own “Ministry of Truth” to control what information we are allowed to read, hear, and say. Their ideology is one of hate, divisiveness, rather than respect and love - aloha, and is diametrically opposed to traditional ‘liberalism’ which recognizes the basic goodness of people and the autonomy of the individual, supporting civil liberties and a government of, by, and for the people. How can a political party that is opposed to freedom be trusted with our democracy? They can’t be.

Today’s Democratic Party does not believe in our constitutionally protected right to freedom of religion. The Constitution recognizes that our freedom comes from God - not governments. Unfortunately, Democratic Party leaders reject this truth and are hostile toward people of faith and spirituality, and actively undermine our religious freedom. During that 2020 Democratic National Convention, they chose to omit the words “under God” from our pledge of allegiance. High profile Democratic leaders mock or openly discriminate against people of faith, especially Christians. President Obama once ridiculed Americans for clinging to their guns and religion. Vice President Kamala Harris, as a senator in 2018 – remarked that being a member of the Catholic charity organization, the Knights of Columbus, disqualified Brian Buescher from serving as a federal judge. Senator Dianne Feinstein derided now Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic, during a Senate confirmation hearing, stating that “the dogma lives loudly within you.” Article 6, Section 3 of the Constitution states “no religious test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Today’s Democratic party has forgotten that freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. Government must respect every American’s deeply personal relationship with God, and our freedom to express and practice that faith without fear of state-sponsored reprisal, censorship or discrimination. Whether one believes in God or not is not the point. Any political party that is trying to erase the presence of God from every facet of public life and is hostile toward those who choose to worship God, cannot be trusted to protect our inalienable God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution and should not be in power.

Today’s Democratic Party does not believe in our constitutionally protected right to bear arms. Our founders passed the Second Amendment out of a recognition that every one of us has a right to defend ourselves and our loved ones, and to serve as a check on a tyrannical government seeking to take away our God-given freedoms. The Democrat Party’s hatred of the Second Amendment, and their increasing authoritarian instincts, poses a serious threat to our freedoms. "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” Beto O'Rourke said at a debate when he was running for president. Our founders intentionally passed the Second Amendment right after the First Amendment. The majority ruling from the recent Supreme Court ruling striking down New York’s law that barred people from concealed carry firearms summarized very clearly why Democrats are wrong to try to take away our rights: “Just as we do not need to seek a permit to stand on the street corner and exercise our right to free speech, we shouldn’t have to seek permission for a law abiding citizen to carry their firearm. We as a society don’t get to pick and choose which of our rights in the constitution are more worthy of protecting than another.” Protecting our freedom to defend ourselves and those we love, and protecting our rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution against a tyrannical power is exactly why we must ensure our right to bear arms “shall not be infringed.”

Today’s Democratic Party is ‘Big Brother’ undermining our civil liberties: The Fourth Amendment of the constitution ensures ‘the right of [the American] people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.’ Democratic elite Party leaders have had many opportunities to get rid of unconstitutional provisions of the Patriot Act that violate our civil liberties - I introduced legislation while in Congress that would repeal the Patriot Act and address the dangerous FISA act being used to undermine our civil liberties, especially those protected by the Fourth Amendment. Every time, they choose the security state over our liberty. Whether it’s using the IRS to snoop into our bank accounts for sending someone over $600 via Venmo, supporting the corrupt system of civil forfeiture to seize property from law-abiding Americans who have not even been charged with a crime, or getting credit card companies to keep track of any and all firearm and ammunition related purchases, today’s Democratic Party stands with giving ‘Big Brother’ more power and control over our lives.

Today’s Democratic Party racializes everything and blatantly foments anti-white racism. The Democratic machine has betrayed Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of a nation where we are judged based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin. In their blind pursuit of power, Democrat leaders reduce each of us as God’s children to the color of our skin, using identity politics to tear us apart for their own political gain. Democrats were silent in the face of Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot’s blatantly racist policy of only accepting interviews with reporters of color because she was struck with the "overwhelming whiteness and maleness." Modern day segregation in schools is promoted by racial profiteers like Robin DiAngelo and the corrupt self-identified cultural Marxists who lead Black Lives Matter. Today’s Democratic party embraces and celebrates their racist agenda. They support programs that teach children that they are either ‘the privileged’ or ‘the victims,’ oppressors or the oppressed, solely because of the color of their skin. They’ve become the racists they claim to hate.

Today’s Democratic Party is anti-woman. There’s no greater expression of hatred and hostility toward women than to erase the existence of women as a category of people. The Democratic Party has long claimed to be champions of women, proud of Title IX and leveling the playing field for women and girls. But now, the Biden Administration and Democratic Party are spitting in the face of these achievements by rejecting the objective truth that women exist and are not just a construct in a person’s mind. They can no longer define what a woman is, demand we replace words like “mother” with “birthing person,” and place women at risk to please biological men who claim to be women at any given moment. They are taking away the opportunities and futures of women in sports by allowing transgender athletes, who until recently identified as men, and who have the biological advantages of men, to compete against women. The Biden administration is quietly trying to change Title IX through a back-door rule change that would remove women and biological sex from the Title IX statute, taking away opportunities for millions of female athletes across the country. They now go so far as to claim it is ‘sexual harassment’ to address someone by the wrong pronouns, trying to force us to comply with this insanity by regulating our speech and thought. By denying that there are biological differences between men and women, they are erasing women and denying the existence of objective truth. If one denies the existence of truth, there are no boundaries in our society and the truth becomes whatever those in power want it to be.

Today’s Democratic Party is undermining families. Families are the bedrock of civilization. Today’s Democratic party does not recognize this truth and the importance of the central foundational role that families play in our society and civilization. They want to strip away the rights of parents to raise their kids, claiming the government knows what’s better for your children than you do. Former Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe said last year that there is no role for parents in determining a school’s curriculum. The largest teacher’s union in the country and one of the Democratic party’s biggest donors, the National Education Association, recently passed a resolution that endorses the teaching of Critical Race Theory in classrooms across the country. Public school districts are implementing policies that sexualize kids as young as five or six years old. Taxpayer dollars are used to bring in drag strippers and encourage gender transition surgery in minors – all kept secret from their parents. HHS secretary Rachel Levine says young children should be empowered to get “gender-affirmation treatment” which involves puberty blockers, chemical castration, and irreversible surgeries causing long-term harm to children. If parents do not comply, the Federal government threatens to take your children away. Families are the foundation of civilization and our society, and today’s Democratic Party’s policies are quickly eroding that foundation to the detriment of us all.

I look forward tackling each of these issues in more depth in the coming weeks.

I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

Let’s remember the ideals our founders laid out for us. Draw inspiration from their hopes for this country, and take action to actually bring about a government that is truly of, by, and for the people.

So today, I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

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52   gabbar   2022 Oct 15, 4:56am  

NuttBoxer says

gabbar says

Can you name a politician who is perfect?

Ron Paul

53   Tenpoundbass   2022 Oct 15, 8:20am  

Now She's the only Democrat that could write a best seller book.
54   Undoctored   2022 Oct 15, 9:12am  

clambo says

I wonder about Tulsi: didn't she have a clear idea what the Democrat party’s values and political positions were previously?

How long has the Democratic Patty been so blatantly pro-censorship and anti-woman?

Other than these two issues her political views on the whole align with the Dems.

I already mentioned her lack of opposition to the “coronavirus response.”

She seems to care a lot about the military and foreign policy, which most voters can’t relate too much except on the issues of “military budget” and “support our troops / bring back our boys.”

Here are her positions on other issues as of 2020:



Pro background check for gun ownership.

Pro cutting the military budget

Pro “carbon neutrality” to handle the “climate crisis,” pro Paris Climate Agreement.

Pro “Medicare for all”


Anti fracking

Anti nuclear power

Anti voter ID

Pro free college

Pro Universal Basic Income

Pro codifying Roe v Wade at the federal level
55   mell   2022 Oct 15, 9:24am  

clambo says

I wonder about Tulsi: didn't she have a clear idea what the Democrat party values and political positions were previously?

It reminds me of Pete Davidson; didn't he know Kim's color preference before he decided to "date" her?

The demonrats changed rapidly in the past 20 years, Bill Clinton was the last somewhat moderate dem. Today's dem and last millenia dem are entirely different parties.
57   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:47pm  

clambo says

I wonder about Tulsi: didn't she have a clear idea what the Democrat party values and political positions were previously?

The STATED positions of the Democratic party WERE pretty decent. They used to be officially against war, of course, they never were.
58   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:53pm  

mell says

The demonrats changed rapidly in the past 20 years, Bill Clinton was the last somewhat moderate dem. Today's dem and last millenia dem are entirely different parties.

It was Bill Clinton that completely changed the party.

The last decent Democratic president we had was, believe it or not, Jimmy Carter. I know his presidency was a disaster, but he's the one that put in Volker and his policies ended the inflation, Reagan just got to benefit from that. He didn't start a new war. Operation Eagle Claw was a disaster (the failed attempt to rescue the "hostages" - i.e. spies). A lot of crap happened on Carter's watch, but he wasn't a piece of garbage like Clinton was, or Obama.
60   richwicks   2023 Aug 19, 12:00am  

gabbar says

richwicks says

He didn't start a new war.

Trump didn't either, neither of them were liked. Can't shut down a big business.

Yes, Carter was hated for the same reason Trump was, he wouldn't start new wars.

Nixon was removed because he wouldn't continue the Vietnam war. He wasn't part of the break-in to the DNC HQ, he DEMOLISHED George McGovern in the 1972 election:

The story is the break-in to the DNC HQ was to assure Nixon's re-election. He had no chance of losing. He had no idea this break-in took place, but he attempted to cover it up.

Nixon was foolish. He protected people who purposely broke the law to implicate him. They tried the same shit with Trump, and Trump let them hang. Mannafort, fuck him - for example. Trump didn't interfere with any investigation, and let relatively innocent people like his lawyer, Michael Cohen, get fucked. Trump was castigated for doing that, but it was the right thing to do. Cohen was TECHNICALLY in violation of the law, but he wasn't prosecuted for that, it was to create the perception that Trump was a criminal.

And I'm certain Trump is a criminal. I'd be very surprised if there aren't some bodies literally encased on concrete in a few of his buildings. He worked with the mafia in NYC and LV after all. You have to, if you're working with buildings.
61   Onvacation   2023 Aug 19, 7:37am  

richwicks says

And I'm certain Trump is a criminal.

He could have done a lot of things he didn't, but he did do a lot of good things. Had Hillary been elected we would have been at war with Russia 4 years earlier.
62   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 8:13am  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

And I'm certain Trump is a criminal.

He could have done a lot of things he didn't, but he did do a lot of good things. Had Hillary been elected we would have been at war with Russia 4 years earlier.

What I mean is, you can't be a billionaire without being a criminal of some type.

And I completely agree, Hillary Clinton is far worse. She's a mass murderer and she's got plenty of crimes under her belt. She sold access to her office just like Joe Biden does. What do you think all those speeches at banks were for, PAID speeches? She was probably selling classified information through that server. The Clinton Foundation is nothing but a bribery method.

The war with Ukraine has been going on since 2014.

original link

It's likely Clinton would have ramped up the Syrian war. They are all such scum and liars.
63   HeadSet   2023 Aug 20, 1:50pm  

richwicks says

And I'm certain Trump is a criminal. I'd be very surprised if there aren't some bodies literally encased on concrete in a few of his buildings.

I don't think so. If Trump had an unpaid parking ticket it would be exposed by the leftists digging for anything.
64   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 9:58pm  

HeadSet says

I don't think so. If Trump had an unpaid parking ticket it would be exposed by the leftists digging for anything.

He's a mafia good like any other billionaire. If you don't think he has skeletons in his closet, you're just naive. I don't mind he's a mafia boss, so is everybody. Joe Biden obviously is, Hillary Clinton is, George W. Bush is, William Clinton is.

These are political dynasties, they are criminal families, syndicates.

Donald Trump senior made all his money by making low cost homes for returning GIs from WWII. He was completely in bed with the government.

Government isn't a single entity, it's a bunch of warring criminal syndicates, and Trump took on the MIC section of it, the group that murders people steal shit, and to make Americans pay for it.
65   Onvacation   2024 Feb 27, 4:57pm  

Tulsi for VP!
66   Patrick   2024 Mar 12, 11:47am  


But the party realignment has not played out as experts expected. Working-class and non-white voters, once steadfast Democratic supporters, are shifting to the Republican Party in droves. Between 2018 and 2022, Republican margins among the white working class, already large, grew by seven percentage points. Among the non-white working class, the swing was more than double that.
69   RayAmerica   2024 Mar 31, 11:00am  

After Tulsi Gabbard, the former member of the CFR & WEF protege, dropped out of the race for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, she announced her support for non other than the radical Socialist nutcase Crazy Bernie Sanders.

What's that tell you about Tulsi?
70   mell   2024 Mar 31, 12:59pm  

RayAmerica says

After Tulsi Gabbard, the former member of the CFR & WEF protege, dropped out of the race for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, she announced her support for non other than the radical Socialist nutcase Crazy Bernie Sanders.

What's that tell you about Tulsi?

So what? Yeah he's a socialist/social democrat, but he opposed the Iraq war and displayed many other reasonable stances over the year as an independent, such as opposing the healthcare racket and its suppression of generics and collusion of prices by monopoly for the longest time. He likes the northern European style social democracies and many of them work quite well for their countries (leaving Sweden out since too many womyn in govt). Not my cup of tea but better than many if not most others. And we know all well who the bern was up against. We will never be able to support anybody just because they supported somebody or something for a period in their life we don't agree with.
71   mell   2024 Mar 31, 1:10pm  

I'd like to see Tulsi as running mate over most others (if not all) and it may give Trump the decisive edge. Given the amount of shenanigans and cheating this election is anything but a shoe-in. I'd loathe to see another 4 years of this shit just because of an unlikable VP. Can't get worse then Pence ;)
72   richwicks   2024 Mar 31, 1:14pm  

RayAmerica says

After Tulsi Gabbard, the former member of the CFR & WEF protege, dropped out of the race for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, she announced her support for non other than the radical Socialist nutcase Crazy Bernie Sanders.

What's that tell you about Tulsi?

Bernie Sanders is a big fucking fraud, it turns out, but he played the part of a non-establishment candidate. He was never very serious.

Look Bernie Sanders, at least in what he FALSELY claimed to believe, is an improvement over Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, John McCain, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, etc.

Sanders is controlled opposition, or at least he is now, and now that he is now, he may as well always have been.
73   HeadSet   2024 Mar 31, 3:59pm  

richwicks says

Bernie Sanders is a big fucking fraud

Was not his wife being investigated for actual fraud?
74   richwicks   2024 Mar 31, 6:08pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Bernie Sanders is a big fucking fraud

Was not his wife being investigated for actual fraud?

Yes, and she's probably guilty.

Almost everybody in our government is a criminal, charges aren't pressed as long as they tow the line. That's why Hunter Biden is untouchable.
76   HeadSet   2024 Apr 2, 7:43pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Good move, if she wants to run on a major party ticket someday as President and win. Maybe even after being Trump's VP.
77   richwicks   2024 Apr 2, 7:59pm  

HeadSet says

Good move, if she wants to run on a major party ticket someday as President and win. Maybe even after being Trump's VP.

I find it very unlikely that she would be willing to be VP of Trump, but it would certainly be interesting if she was. She's correct on foreign policy, or at least what she says about it is correct, I cannot predict what she would do with actual power and authority. Trump is 1/2 way there. Foreign policy effects domestic policy, if our foreign policy wasn't so fucked up, TPTB wouldn't fuck up our domestic policy to continue infighting to distract from it.
79   gabbar   2024 Aug 30, 3:00am  

“Politicians from both political parties who are more interested in serving their own interests than in serving the needs of the American people have taken control of our country. They will not give up their power without a fight.” ― Tulsi Gabbard, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Who Actually Runs The Government : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOzsEcM8M4U

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