Karen Bitches At Young Man Wearing Trump T-Shirt, Gets Kicked Off Plane

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2022 Mar 30, 12:39pm   1,816 views  26 comments

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For a plane heading for Portland, it sure was filled with a lot of Trump 'Russian Agents/Domestic Terrorists'.

Or maybe they are just sick and tired of the Dem obsession with Wacko TDS Karenism?

Love the end, where the kid says he now has the entire row of seats to himself.

Feels sorry for the husband. Clearly he's used to this.

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2   Hircus   2022 Mar 30, 8:36pm  

moments I loved

-she starts regurgitating tired liberal orange man bad propaganda points, like "omg that mans finger on the nuclyr button? he doesnt beleive in clymate change?!?!"
-when she tried to use a liberal construction "but he's in MY space!?" which of course, meant nothing to the employee.
-when she tried a sympathy + shame combo punch by saying "but his mom died", trying to make the employee feel sympathy, or shame for making them miss a funeral.
- when that didnt work, she attacks him by saying "his mom died. have some respect!", but he cleverly retorts, turning the "respect" right back on her by saying she doesnt have the right to treat others that way, making her look very stupid because clearly shes the one who does not respect others (including this employee).
-when she gets the boot so she starts childishly attempting to "shame on you" to others, including what sounded like someone w/ an indian accent in the back row.

The fact that she was "going home to portland" just makes so much sense lol. Such intolerant citizens.
3   komputodo   2022 Apr 1, 10:18am  

HunterTits says
Feels sorry for the husband. Clearly he's used to this.

How could anyone feel sorry for a pussy like that?
4   stereotomy   2022 Apr 1, 11:18am  

Knowing how this inflames the Karens, I now regret not picking up a few Trump 2020 shirts.

Ultimately, did the bluepilled hubby get off with his Karen? I assume not, since it was his relative that died.

Could you imagine the bad vibes and vitriol that cunt would have spread around at the funeral/memorial service? The bitch claims that they "have to be there" for hubby's sister's funeral. Then she claims they're going home. I dunno - if they were on the way, hubby dodged a bullet, since his wife would have unloaded on the family had she been able to attend.
5   zzyzzx   2022 Apr 1, 11:36am  

stereotomy says
Knowing how this inflames the Karens, I now regret not picking up a few Trump 2020 shirts.

Is eBay broken?
8   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 6, 2:03pm  

cisTits says

For a plane heading for Portland, it sure was filled with a lot of Trump 'Russian Agents/Domestic Terrorists'.

Or maybe they are just sick and tired of the Dem obsession with Wacko TDS Karenism?

Love the end, where the kid says he now has the entire row of seats to himself.

Feels sorry for the husband. Clearly he's used to this.

This is great. Lady is the very model of a Left Coast Snob.
10   WookieMan   2023 May 15, 5:22am  

Patrick says

Sorry if anyone has family with the name Karen, I do, but it's just a bad name. Obviously it dropped off the cliff when it became a derogatory meme term, but it started dropping in the 70's based on that chart.

There are just lazy parents when naming kids. Owen for boys is a biggie in the last 15 years or so. Go to any kids sporting event and you'll have 10 kids turn and look if you yell Owen. Coaches in our leagues have to say the last name initial. Owen B sub in for Owen S. We were extremely close to naming our first kid Owen. Agreed at first and then researched. Told the wife life will be hell (over exaggerating) if we name him that. We went with different names, lets just say that.

When a name becomes popular, women put their blinders on especially with boys. They go with popular name. I don't have girls so I don't know what's popular in the world and don't care to look it up. Anecdotal, but Mia seems to have become popular. It's not popular as far as I know, but one girl we know here name is Piper. Thought that was kind of cool.

Oh and names like Jayden piss me off. I only have one person that I'd consider a circle of trust friend with a name that starts with J. He's Justin, but we just call him J so it's kind of different. As most here can see I'm a touch bit of a crazy person, lol.. I'm totally normal in person, generally, but you guys get to read the inner workings of a strange mind as witnessed here. No clue why I wrote this much about names....
11   brazil66   2023 May 15, 7:05am  

I don't use "Karen" when referring to a female busybody. Where I live (Los Angeles), I think that it has become a way to describe a white woman who calls out ghetto behavior.

One evening, some Latino teenagers parked in front of our house and were huffing nitrous oxide from balloons. My wife walked out there and told them to split and they called her "Karen," so she said, What ever you say, Yoonyer (that's how a non-native English speaking Mexican would pronounce "junior.")

I wish I could have been there for that!
12   WookieMan   2023 May 15, 7:12am  

brazil66 says

One evening, some Latino teenagers parked in front of our house and were huffing nitrous oxide from balloons.

Kids still do this??? I haven't seen that since my college years at festivals. I don't like cities, so maybe I'm blind to it. Never thought I'd hear of Latino kids huffing NO. Didn't think that was their game.
13   richwicks   2023 May 15, 7:55am  

WookieMan says

Kids still do this??? I haven't seen that since my college years at festivals. I don't like cities, so maybe I'm blind to it. Never thought I'd hear of Latino kids huffing NO. Didn't think that was their game.

When I was in college I did whippets. Somebody pointed out to me it's just oxygen deprivation and to attempt it with any gas and they were right. You can get high off from hydrogen. Your body doesn't detect you have a deficit of oxygen, but rather than an excess of CO2. That's all NO2 is doing, is preventing O2 from getting into your body, there's no pain because you're exhaling the CO2. You're just starving your brain of oxygen. Clearly it's not good for you.
14   HeadSet   2023 May 15, 8:26am  

richwicks says

You're just starving your brain of oxygen.

Just like alcohol.
15   richwicks   2023 May 15, 8:28am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

You're just starving your brain of oxygen.

Just like alcohol.

Does alcohol do that?
16   HeadSet   2023 May 15, 8:49am  

richwicks says

Does alcohol do that?

Yes, through a desaturation effect on hemoglobin. It is why people pass out.
17   richwicks   2023 May 15, 9:05am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Does alcohol do that?

Yes, through a desaturation effect on hemoglobin. It is why people pass out.

Well, how about that. I never knew the mechanism.
18   Ceffer   2023 May 15, 10:55am  

I do feel sometimes sorry for the utterly brainwashed idiopolous, like Karen. Every government institution that we were beguiled to trust has turned on the population and regards us nothing more than group to wring for money and resources, while lying night and day to us.

These wretched souls sop up the propaganda and on a hope and a dream wish to believe in benign and trustworthy governmental forces rather than a gathering storm of super parasites and apex intra species predators making their move to return humanity to a medieval system of royals, slaves, peasants and serfs, with the latter three mere consumables for the needs of the first.
20   Karloff   2023 Nov 7, 1:41pm  

Nearly always they exhibit the most immature behavior I have ever seen since kindergarten. It really is a disease. Some sort of mental short-circuit that routes in nothing but emotion.
21   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Nov 7, 1:49pm  

komputodo says

HunterTits says
Feels sorry for the husband. Clearly he's used to this.

How could anyone feel sorry for a pussy like that?

worst lesbian couple ever
23   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Sep 17, 11:35am  


So all the videos on this post are broken for me. And I have tried reloading this page several times.

24   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 11:47am  

Huh. Are any videos from 2024 broken?

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