So the Pope's a homophobe now, I wish he would make up his mind.

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2016 Aug 2, 3:27pm   1,254 views  31 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Pope Francis has lamented that children are being taught at school that gender can be a choice, adding that his predecessor, Benedict XVI has labeled current times "the epoch of sin against God the Creator." Francis weighed in with his view on gender and what he said was that of the emeritus pontiff while meeting privately last week with bishops from Poland during his pilgrimage there. The Vatican released a transcript Tuesday of those closed-door remarks. The pope said he wanted to conclude his remarks by reflecting on this: "We are living a moment of annihilation of man as image...

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7   Ceffer   2024 Feb 3, 12:00am  

The Pope isn't the Pope, anyway, but another poseur on the world stage. Jesuits by their law can't be the 'White Pope', so the office hasn't really been filled since Benedict XVI. Of course, some even think Francis is a croaker and is a mask wearing actor, too, which is frosting on the cake.

That all probably doesn't matter that much, anyway. The Vatican is more properly the Holy Roman Empire, and it invented religions du jour for political control. It contains all of the malignancies and powers of that 'Old World', including the pedophilia stuff.
8   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 3, 12:03am  

WookieMan says

I don't understand why people don't get this. It's not hard to be a decent human without religion.

There is a difference between religion (what man does to try to please God, a desire often exploited by corrupt humans for their own selfish reasons), and salvation in Jesus which is accepting the finished work of Christ on the cross in payment of the sins of every single man and woman from Adam through the end of the millennial kingdom. Jesus paid your sin debt. From the Creator’s view you are no better than the pedophiles. Until you admit your own need you will live in ignorance and self deception just like the religious people who you feel superior to. God’s promises are sure. That’s the difference between religion and salvation. Religion is not the savior, Jesus is.
9   richwicks   2024 Feb 3, 7:24am  

AD says

I am glad you mentioned this. I hated being around vocal atheists in The Beltway or Washington DC metro area, because these fucks were so much into left wing statism.

20 years ago, I was a very much outspoken atheist, equating the people who supported the Iraq war over that lie of weapons of mass destruction, as brainless sheep that would defend anything, as long at a Republican president did it. I viewed religion IDENTICALLY.

What finally broke this, was Obama, who was as bad, if not significantly worse than Bush and watching all the people who correctly denounced the Iraq War support the bombing of Libya and Syria. They didn't want to hear that Ukraine was overthrown, although it was known more than 2 weeks before it was overthrown the US was overthrowing it. At first I thought they just couldn't see through Obama's bullshit and lies, but I was wrong. They never actually had any principles at all.

Most people are not really people. Most people have to worship SOMETHING, of some sort. For most DNC atheists, it's the state. Most people consider their devotion to their "religion" as ethics and principles. They have no principles, they don't consider morality, they are mindless followers offloading their thinking to various television presenters. Exactly like the "brainless conservatives" did.

I have spent decades trying to make excuses for "people", and finally, with this covid bullshit, I've quit. I'd say only 30% of the human race qualifies as actually human.
10   WookieMan   2024 Feb 3, 8:24am  

richwicks says

Most people are not really people. Most people have to worship SOMETHING, of some sort. For most DNC atheists, it's the state. Most people consider their devotion to their "religion" as ethics and principles.

The only thing I worship is my direct immediate family. My wife and two sons and my nephew. Was raised catholic, load of bull shit. Don't even claim to be an atheist. I am me and I'm just a good person that swears a lot. No criminal record. Kids are smart. Religion had nothing to do with that. Being a good human doesn't require payment to some organization that will literally fuck your kids.

The Catholic church and most religions own trillions, yes trillions in real estate. It's a god damn business that gets amazing tax breaks. They then fuck your kids and this has been proven. And it's not just Christianity. It's all religions. It's fucked up. Religion of any kind is trash and has been the result of many many wars one this planet. I know this will piss some off, but I don't care. Your god is fake.
11   richwicks   2024 Feb 3, 8:35am  

WookieMan says

Being a good human doesn't require payment to some organization that will literally fuck your kids.

Your government is engaged in human trafficking and allowed Jeffrey Epstein to run a child rape ring for 20 years unfettered. When Alex Acosta tried to prosecute him, he was warned to back off because "Epstein is intelligence", which is why Epstein only got 3 years, and that was on I believe work release. He built a private wing of the prison that he used exclusively, and only returned there at night.

Do you give payment to that organization?

Not only do they traffic in children, they create wars, they interfere in discussion, they purposely create humanitarian disasters, they protect criminals that make fatal products, they protect criminals that engage in fraud in the banking system, they force you to bail out these criminals, they run drugs, and they produce endless insipid propaganda to cover all this criminality up, and I'd say less than 10% of the population is aware of this.

WookieMan says

The Catholic church and most religions own trillions, yes trillions in real estate. It's a god damn business that gets amazing tax breaks. They then fuck your kids and this has been proven. And it's not just Christianity. It's all religions. It's fucked up. Religion of any kind is trash and has been the result of many many wars one this planet. I know this will piss some off, but I don't care. Your god is fake.

State causes war. Religion is merely a propaganda mechanism. It's the opiate of the masses, or was. Television is the opiate now.
12   WookieMan   2024 Feb 3, 8:41am  

richwicks says

Your government is engaged in human trafficking and allowed Jeffrey Epstein to run a child rape ring for 20 years unfettered.

Not sure your point. I never at any point have said the government is good. I'm talking about religion and you always somehow come back to government and wars. The ship has sailed on that topic, not sure the point of bringing it up over and over and over again.

All religions are trash and that's fact. I'm not talking about the government. I was addressing the OP and religion. Not government.
13   richwicks   2024 Feb 3, 11:31am  

WookieMan says

Not sure your point. I never at any point have said the government is good.

My point is the government is worse, MUCH worse. There is now ZERO OVERSIGHT of the government.

Hey, if it's not Hunter Biden with a bunch of teenage prostitutes!

If a church leader was caught in that position, or even an televangelist, that would be the end of them. But not in the goobermint! Who cares? Nobody cares!! It doesn't matter that our president's son is a obvious pedophile who probably fucked his neice. Who cares?

WookieMan says

All religions are trash and that's fact.

Religion has limits. You dispense with religion and these semi-humans worship the state. That's the alternative. Yeah, religion has a lot of faults, a lot hypocrisy, but government, is more or less Satanism incarnate.

I used to be an incredibly acerbic atheist. Destroying religious faith leads to worse outcomes.
14   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 3, 7:00pm  

WookieMan says

Your god is fake.

Stick around, the real God is about to make His presence known to the world that is trying, just like you, to forget Him.

What is amazing to me is that even when the events of Revelation and Daniel are happening just as God promised, most people will still reject God. Don’t pretend that “being a decent person” is what defines you. What defines you is how you respond when God calls you.
15   WookieMan   2024 Feb 3, 8:09pm  

PeopleUnited says

Don’t pretend that “being a decent person” is what defines you. What defines you is how you respond when God calls you.

I respond to the people I love. I can see them physically. I want to take care of them. Not fictional characters. We're not going to agree on this. Religion is AIDS. I think you secretly know this. We're animals. You think squirrels go to heaven when they get hit by a car? That's your logic. You know damn well there is no heaven. Or hell. It's a fictional book written to extract money from people. Same as the Koran.
16   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 4, 7:59am  

WookieMan says

I respond to the people I love.

Well said, and very true. Every human invests themselves in the people and things they love. Some people even love God and invest themselves in Him.

WookieMan says

We're animals.

That’s what Satan wants you to believe. He has you in his web of deception.

WookieMan says

You think squirrels go to heaven when they get hit by a car?

I’m agnostic about squirrels in heaven. I see no evidence that they are there, nor would there be any need for them.

WookieMan says

You know damn well there is no heaven. Or hell.

I know who I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep my soul from hell and deliver it to heaven as He promised. Not because of what I’ve done, or haven’t done, but because He promised it.

WookieMan says

It's a fictional book written to extract money from people.

The scriptures make it clear that no matter what you do you can’t earn your way out of sin debt. No matter how much you give you can’t buy your way into heaven. So, no, the Bible is not written to extract money from anyone, though liars and deceivers have twisted it and taken things out of context to enrich themselves. The Bible is written so that you can know the very God you ignore. Don’t think that just because people do evil in gods name that the Word of God will not prevail. We all know there are wolves in sheep’s clothing. And yet God still calls to you and every human to repent. How you respond to His call is what defines you.
17   WookieMan   2024 Feb 4, 10:21am  

PeopleUnited says

So, no, the Bible is not written to extract money from anyone, though liars and deceivers have twisted it and taken things out of context to enrich themselves.

I generally avoid religious arguments. I respect your right to believe in something. I simply don't and won't myself. It's a business. I get fake news from 30 minutes ago. Why the heck would I believe 2000+ year old fictional novels?

Not trying to tear religion down. But this is fact. I have to live in a factual world as much as possible. Religion is fictional noise. Have you been put under or had a medical event where you blacked out? That's what death is. You don't get a meeting with God. I could get a meeting with Gandolf for all I know. If it makes you happy go for it, just know it's not real.

Catholics hold more valuable land than any Fortune 500 company on the planet. Muslims likely do as well. They also fucked kids. I know that's harsh, but again, it's fact. That's the world I live in.
18   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 9, 7:19pm  

WookieMan says

Why the heck would I believe 2000+ year old fictional novels?

The book you mock is life. If you are to ever understand your true purpose, it will come from an understanding and acceptance of the Christ, the protagonist in your “novels.”

WookieMan says

Have you been put under or had a medical event where you blacked out? That's what death is. You don't get a meeting with God.

No, there are many definitions of death, but anesthesia or near death experience are different than all three types of death that I know of. The first death is spiritual death. You and I were born spiritually dead just like all of Adam and Eve’s offspring. They died, spiritually speaking the moment that they disobeyed. That is the first type of death. And everyone born into this world is born spiritually dead. The next type of death is when your soul leaves your body. And we all will experience this (except the people who will be rescued by the rapture of the Church). The Last death is when God judges sinners who died without Jesus as their redeemer. This is when they are cast into the lake of fire created for the devil and his fellow fallen angels.

WookieMan says

The Vatican (seat of the “Holy” Roman Empire) holds more valuable land than any Fortune 500 company on the planet.

Fixed it for you. And yes the Vatican is a business/empire. But Bible Christianity predates the Roman Catholic empire, and bears little resemblance to the extra biblical practices of Rome. Rome has more in common with pagan traditions than the teachings of Jesus, the apostles and prophets.
19   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 9:34pm  

PeopleUnited says

Rome has more in common with pagan traditions than the teachings of Jesus, the apostles and prophets.

I have to agree with that. I visited a Hindu temple with a Hindu friend and his religious wife. The similarities to Catholicism were really striking for me, since I grew up in a seriously Catholic environment.

Priest, altar boy, incense, music, chanting, statues around the periphery, doing ritual actions in sync, and even a kind of communion, where you get some of the honey and milk they poured on a statue of Ganesh. All pretty familiar.
20   ElYorsh   2024 Feb 9, 9:59pm  

You should read Deepak Chopra's book about Jesus. In my opinion it's an Indian gospel version of Jesus' story.
22   WookieMan   2024 Apr 1, 3:07pm  

Sorry. Won't change my stance. Religion is an absolute racket. You don't know until you know. You'll find out. Hopefully not the hard way and hopefully not giving away your hard earned money to mobsters.
23   Patrick   2024 May 27, 6:28pm  


Pope Francis has allegedly shocked bishops in Italy by using an offensive slur when saying that homosexual men should not be admitted to church seminaries because there is already 'too much' gay sexual activity.

The pontiff told a closed-door meeting at an episcopal conference at the Vatican that homosexual men should not be allowed into colleges to train for the priesthood, Italian media reports.

Bishops at the meeting were reportedly taken aback by the language the 87-year-old used to make the statement - the derogatory word 'frociaggine', which roughly translates to faggotry.

Italian news agency Adnkronos, citing sources, reported that the Pope said in the speech: 'Look: there is already an air of faggotry around that is not good. There is today's culture of homosexuality with respect to those who have a homosexual orientation [who] are better off not being accepted [into the seminary].'
24   RayAmerica   2024 May 29, 4:07pm  

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

James Martin wrote that in his ‘25 years as a priest and almost 40 as a Jesuit,’ he has ‘known hundreds’ of homosexual priests, including some of his ‘superiors,’ ‘mentors’ and ‘spiritual directors.’


PS: the Jesuit Martin is a huge proponent of the LGBTQ+ agenda, and he is doing so with the expressed 'blessings' and encouragement of 'pope' Francis.
25   Ceffer   2024 May 29, 4:16pm  

RayAmerica says

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

A sore asshole and worked mouth is a small price to pay for ancient, secret knowledge. It's better than 'Deliverance'.

26   SoTex   2024 May 29, 5:03pm  

Ceffer says

A sore asshole and worked mouth is a small price to pay for ancient, secret knowledge. It's better than 'Deliverance'.

Squeal like a pig!
28   AmericanKulak   2024 May 30, 1:33pm  

RayAmerica says

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

James Martin wrote that in his ‘25 years as a priest and almost 40 as a Jesuit,’ he has ‘known hundreds’ of homosexual priests, including some of his ‘superiors,’ ‘mentors’ and ‘spiritual directors.’


PS: the Jesuit Martin is a huge proponent of the LGBTQ+ agenda, and he is doing so with the expressed 'blessings' and encouragement of 'pope' Francis.

No surprise, but Martin wants every last "Asylum Seeker" taken in

31   Patrick   2024 Jun 13, 8:27pm  


Pope Francis bluntly repeats gay slur he said last month: “There is an air of faggotness in the Vatican” ...

Pope Francis repeated an anti-gay slur during a meeting with priests in Rome on Tuesday, Italian news outlets reported, the same offensive term he was accused of using two weeks ago.

The pope was reportedly relaying something a brother bishop told him, though he apparently made no attempt to censor the remarks.

In both cases the pope used the term "frociaggine," which means ... well, you know.

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