The US government is illegitimate because it does not enforce the law impartially

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2023 May 30, 11:11am   51,919 views  472 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

US law enforcement is horribly corrupt, prosecuting some crimes and ignoring others, depending solely on the power and political affiliation of the suspects.

The most flagrant example is Hunter Biden's being allowed to get away with smoking crack, owning a gun while being an illegal drug user, pedophilia, incest, and selling US influence to China, Ukraine, and Romania via Pedo Joe.

But the list is endless. Hundreds were prosecuted and imprisoned for being given tours of the Capitol on Jan 6th in an entrapment operation orchestrated by the profoundly corrupt FBI. At least the Buffalo Man was finally released when the footed indisputably showed that he was escorted by Capitol Police the whole time. All the others should be immediately released and given the US Medal of Honor for standing up to the election fraud of 2020, as well as several million dollars each, to be taken from the corrupt FBI budget. And all of the Jan 6th footage must be released.

Hillary Clinton used the corrupt FBI to fabricate a story that Trump colluded with Russia, as documented in the Durham report. Everyone involved in this slander and fraud should be prosecuted, but none of them have been.

Pfauci funded the creation of Wuhan Virus in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US taxpayer money, yet is not even being investigated for this open violation of US law and international law. Why not?

BLM was allowed to Burn, Loot, and Murder in cities all across the US in 2020, but has not received even a tiny fraction of the prosecutions meted out to the protesters of Jan 6th. Why not?

The US military must now honor their oath to defend the Constitution against America's domestic enemies at the FBI and other agencies by taking over and forcing prosecution for these crimes. Then they must return control to civilians.

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416   gabbar   2024 May 26, 4:19pm  

THOM HARTMANN: Our Supreme Court has now said, “Unlimited money in politics.” It seems a violation of principles of democracy. … Your thoughts on that?
PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER: It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members. So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.… the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves because somebody who’s already in Congress has a lot more to sell to an avid contributor than somebody who’s just a challenger.

417   Patrick   2024 May 27, 7:59pm  


“Joe Biden” has been especially effective at containing the Grand Golem of all white supremacists, Trump, from deconstructing our utopian democracy. This Trump uttered perfidious misinformation that the 2020 election was less than fair and upright. He is under indictment in Fulton County, GA, for conspiring to transmit this incorrect thinking to other white supremacists and creating an unsafe space for GA Sec’y of State Brad Raffensberger by asking him to “find” additional votes. What log was Bradraff supposed to look under, anyway (ha ha!)?

The case is being guided by Fulton County DA, the indomitable Fani Willis, at least for now, as she awaits a process known as getting the bidness from a white supremacist so-called ethics committee in the Georgia State Senate, where she has been falsely accused of mis-spending state money on vacations with erstwhile special prosecutor Nathan Wade. These trips were, of course, fact-finding efforts. One fact found is that the white supremacist cruise ship directors attempt to kill black people by luring them into all-you-can-eat buffets at sea, from which escape is impossible.

“Joe Biden” also got Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint Lawfare paladin Jack Smith to prosecute this nefarious Trump in the most upright of all federal court districts, Washington, DC, for instigating what “Joe Biden” recently called an “erection” against our democracy. Trump, you see, told a gigantic mob of white supremacists to penetrate our nation’s capitol building so as to obstruct certification of the 2020 electoral vote and murder then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, if possible, along with all congresspersons of color. Legal experts at MSNBC, Andrew Weissmann (of the Mueller Special Counsel office), and Andy McCabe (former Deputy Director of the FBI), have already found this Trump guilty, and they know about these matters better than anybody, so the trial under Judge Tanya Chutkan may be unnecessary.

Things are not going quite so well for SC Smith in the Martin County Federal Court of Judge Aileen Cannon, where this Trump stands accused of fobbing off with classified government documents, claiming some fabricated sort of presidential privilege — unlike “Joe Biden” who got his classified docs before he was president and therefore does not have to claim any such privilege (and was understandably “forgetful” when asked about the docs by the other SC Robert Hur). In any case, AG Garland can always dispatch an FBI SWAT team to Judge Cannon’s home to spur an attitude adjustment on the bench, if required.

Hopes really rest, though, on the current case against the Grand Golem Trump in Judge Juan Marchan’s Manhattan courtroom, where the most supreme of all white supremacists stands accused of book-keeping irregularities in furtherance of federal crimes so unspeakable that they have never actually been spoken. The case, engineered by veteran DC Golem hunters Mary McCord, Norm Eisen, Lisa Monaco, and Matthew Colangelo, fronted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, goes to the jury after final arguments this week.

Judge Marchan is expected to instruct the jury to vote guilty because no other conclusion is possible. Thus, Judge Merchan will be celebrated far and wide for saving our democracy. But that’s not all. After the most excellent verdict of guilty X-23-Plus, he will have the pleasure of sentencing this Trump to life in the Rikers Island prison complex, where it will be difficult for the Grand Golem to organize any white supremacist activities and will be relegated to a diet of baloney sandwiches for the duration of his term.

The only downside for this scenario is that Trump might get elected President of the USA despite conviction, and on January 20, 2025, commence operations to put “Joe Biden” and all the others in his train of officials in jail for the rest of their natural lives. You have to wonder if they’re thinking about that this holiday weekend.
418   Patrick   2024 May 27, 8:34pm  


As Trump wows the public at rallies, Biden seethes behind the castle walls, demanding that his nemesis be convicted and jailed.

The next big news day for the regime will be Verdict Day! Oh, how they will celebrate.

And lest you get carried away with the fantasy that maybe they’ll acquit Trump in the city that made him, think again. There is little chance that the jury will go home to their friends and family and confess they passed on the chance to save Democracy because they had a sudden case of reasonable doubt.

Corrupt president, corrupt prosecutor, corrupt judge, corrupt jury. And Rachel Maddow will declare justice was served and Joe Biden will pretend that a bookeeping error was a big enough crime to warrant indicting a former president.

Reasonable Doubt? It’s been eliminated, along with due process and the presumption of innocence. The only thing that matters is whether or not Bette Midler and Stephen King can sleep at night and that Joe Biden gets to sit in the Big Boy chair at the White House and stare back at us with his tiny, angry, squinty eyes and bark about bloodbaths, dictators and “good people on both sides.”

But nothing Biden has done to Trump has helped move the needle in the polls.

The Democrats and Never Trumpers probably wonder how it is that Donald Trump can still be this popular after everything they’ve thrown at him. They keep doubling down on the hyperbole and overblown attacks against him, resorting to lying outright to win over a handful of low-information voters.

They probably haven’t figured out yet that what they’ve put in motion is a tale as old as time, one that resonates in each of us down to our bones, passed on through the generations, told by campfire light in the worst of times. It’s a story we need to hear again and again because it helps us keep hope alive.

The Hero’s Journey is a trope, to be sure, but it’s also the basis for some of the best movies ever made. We respond to characters put through their paces who come out the other side transformed. We need these stories because without them, what else is there but hopelessness.

The Democrats and Never Trumpers might have been able to convince the American people that Trump is the greatest threat they face. But after four years of Joe Biden, who has used most of his time in office demonizing Trump and his supporters, more Americans are waking up to the real threat to Democracy. ...

What will really condemn them when students of history look back is the unanswerable question of what Trump did to deserve upending the entire country to stop him from winning an election.

They can’t point to mass graves, or lynchings, or genocide. There are no crimes big enough to justify raiding a former president’s home, with authorization to use lethal force, then turning around and gaslighting us with “official protocol” as if any of this is standard procedure.
426   Patrick   2024 May 30, 8:51am  


The prosecution has finally rested in the criminal case against former President Trump, having presented nine bullet-proof pieces of evidence that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump is guilty. Here they are:

Trump said he's innocent: Exactly the sort of thing a guilty person would say.
Before the trial, the prosecution's star witnesses both said Trump was innocent: It doesn't get any more cut and dry.
The judge decided Trump was guilty before the trial even began: It was that obvious.
No one in America has ever been charged with a felony for this crime before: Trump is so guilty they had to make up new laws. Case closed.
Trump was in Home Alone 2 alongside notorious criminals "The Wet Bandits": What more evidence could you need?
Trump spent evenings after trial delivering pizza to firemen: Exactly what a hardened felon would do. Lock him up.
Trump's signature on the checks in question is kind of hard to read: The plain mark of criminal conspiracy.
Robert DeNiro said he is guilty: Game over.
He's not a Democrat: Clearly belongs behind bars. That's just how law works.
If that's not an airtight list of evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump is guilty, then you belong in a cell right next to him!
432   Patrick   2024 Jun 1, 9:20pm  


Yesterday, New York Magazine ran what might be the best post-Verdict analysis yet, in a remarkable story headlined, “Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law.”

Author Elie Honig — a former New York state and federal prosecutor — described how creative and unusual were the charges levied against President Trump:

Next, Honig described how trivial and stale the main misdemeanor charges were, comparing the legal weight of Trump’s “mischaracterization of legal expenses” to stealing a bag of Cheetos:

These trivial and expired charges, the author explained, were then jumped up by democrat prosecutors to felonies — just like with Dr. King — who electroshocked them back into zombie-like life, a legal Frankenstein custom-constructed to convict the former President ...

Among a vasty swamp of bad reporting, this article might be the best island of clarity about the Verdict anyone has yet assembled. Read the whole thing, and forward it to all your relatives who claim they don’t understand what the big problem is.
436   Patrick   2024 Jun 4, 8:01pm  


The comparisons to Trump’s trial are not going very well so far. Judge Noreika, presiding over the trial, has already ruled that, unlike in Trump’s case, Hunter’s prosecutors cannot use salacious evidence, like Hunter’s dishonorable Navy discharge, his pending tax evasion trial, or his deadbeat-dad child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in Arkansas.

They must only focus on the relevant facts.

Judge Noreika also ruled that, to prove the charges, prosecutor David Weiss must also prove Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs, which he denies, despite extensively discussing his addiction in his poorly received but highly profitable biography, and despite the many distressing pictures on Hunter’s laptop of the Resident’s son covered in cocaine like a piece of raw chicken rolled in flour.

But of course, we have been assured the laptop is just Russian disinformation. We’ll see what the jury thinks.

What do you want to bet the sitting president’s son’s trial gets a tiny fraction of the coverage that Trump’s trial got? We will find out soon.
437   Patrick   2024 Jun 5, 11:18am  


If there was any doubt about why Hunter was prosecuted on the flimsiest charge that could have been brought — the charge of failing to check the addiction box on his federal firearms form — rather than much more serious FARA violations, or bribery, or human trafficking, et cetera, all doubt has now been erased. Hunter’s trial is meant to reveal that no one is above the law...

In fact, that was the very first point the government made in its opening statement, to make sure you dummies didn’t miss the point...

See? Hunter is being prosecuted just like Trump. Therefore, we can all conclude that Trump’s persecution is also not political. In other words, Hunter is the democrat fall guy, polished up and propped up to prove the DOJ is a totally apolitical institution that blindly follows justice wherever it leads. Nevermind that Hunter isn’t running for any office, has never run for office, least of all being a current candidate, and nevermind that the DOJ’s magic shrink ray has already miniaturized his criminal charges.

Nevermind all that. Now it’s even Steven. I mean, even Hunter.
439   Patrick   2024 Jun 8, 4:26pm  


The hot takes this morning are burning brightly again, but keep your cool. Politico reported the developing story, headlined “Judge in Trump's hush money trial flags Facebook post that claimed insight into jury deliberations.”

The news was lawyers in Trump’s Manhattan case got a letter from Judge Merchan yesterday, informing them of a scandalous post to the court’s Facebook comment section that popped up the day before the jury rendered its verdict finding Trump guilty:

That’s all we know for sure. The post has since been deleted, we don’t know by whom (the Court, Facebook, or the original poster). The media has so far been unable to figure out who “Michael Anderson” is. Nobody knows whether Anderson is actually related to a Trump juror or was just “sh— posting.”

Anderson’s account is still active. Responding to the controversy, he described himself as “professional sh— poster:”

It’s awkward when your defense is “I was just lying.” Nobody knows yet whether this amounts to anything, and to be honest, the odds favor Michael Anderson is just a stupid internet troll.

Problems with jurors sometimes crop up. Sometimes it’s just one sleepy juror, somebody seen on a device during deliberations, or it could be something affecting the whole group. What normally happens is the judge brings the jurors back, together or one at a time, and interviews them about what happened. The lawyers may or may not be invited to watch. They may or may not be allowed to ask questions. The judge then decides whether anything inappropriate happened.

It’s way too early to say anything for sure, and there’s nothing yet to get excited about. Most alleged juror irregularities get resolved without needing a retrial. We’ll see.
443   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 11, 9:21am  

Hunter found guilty on all counts.
444   HeadSet   2024 Jun 11, 11:52am  


Hunter found guilty on all counts.

Yep, now no investigations into any influence selling, maybe just a trial for tax evasion. If Hunter gets jail time it shows that the Dems are planning to force Biden out. Of course, Biden can now pardon Hunter and Trump to "get all this behind us and work for the American people."
445   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:53am  

HeadSet says

Yep, now no investigations into any influence selling

Doesn't prevent the next admin from investigating him. Provided it won't be the same admin.
446   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:54am  

HeadSet says

Of course, Biden can now pardon Hunter and Trump to "get all this behind us and work for the American people."

He has alrady promised to not pardon Hunter and he can't pardon Trump on state matters he's been convicted on so far. The rest of the charges might not come to conviction (certainly not before the election - everything has been kicked down the road, iirc).
447   HeadSet   2024 Jun 11, 12:25pm  

Eric Holder says

he can't pardon Trump on state matters

True, as I have mentioned myself in previous posts. I should have said coordinate with Gov Hochel to pardon Trump while Biden pardons Hunter.
449   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 12, 11:39am  

HeadSet says

coordinate with Gov Hochel to pardon Trump while Biden pardons Hunter.

This option didn't occur to me.
450   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 12, 11:40am  

A ringing fucking endorsement for a POTUS/candidate. 🙈
453   Patrick   2024 Jun 18, 7:44pm  


The vice president’s son was among several of the Biden family business associates and entities subpoenaed by the SEC in March 2016 to hand over relevant evidence about the scheme, specifically “concerning Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC,” by the end of the month.

When the time came for Hunter to hand over key documents and communications to the SEC, he delayed. Nearly one month after the subpoena deadline on April 20, 2016, Hunter’s lawyers responded to the SEC, begging the agency to “treat this matter with the highest degree of confidentiality, consistent with Commission policy and applicable law.”

“The confidential nature of this investigation is very important to our client and it would be unfair, not just to our client, but also to his father, the Vice President of the United States, if his involvement in an SEC investigation and parallel criminal probe were to become the subject of any media attention,” Hunter’s legal counsel wrote.

A few weeks later on May 11, 2016, the SEC publicly announced charges against several of Hunter’s business partners but did not mention the Second Son. ...

“Mr. Biden’s response gratuitously invoked his father’s position as the Vice President in what could be interpreted as an effort to discourage further SEC scrutiny,” the Republicans wrote.
454   Patrick   2024 Jun 19, 1:23pm  


... Edward Lawrence noted Biden’s constant warnings about alleged threats to democracy on the campaign trail.

Lawrence then observed that Bragg – one of Biden’s fellow Democrats – waited until an election year to pursue a case against Biden’s chief opponent.

“How is it not a threat to democracy when you have a prosecutor from the same political party as the president waiting seven years … to prosecute in an election year a former president who is now an opponent?” Lawrence asked. ...

As evidence of coordination, President Trump and his defenders have cited the fact that Biden’s third-highest-ranking DOJ official, Matthew Colangelo, left the department to work on Bragg’s case.

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