by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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1 week ago
In California during the lock down, the CA Governor made a mandated curfew that all Californians must stay home and not be out after 10pm unless getting food. During that week, the local news reported that all the hospitals are being overrun with Covid patients and ambulances are lining up around the block. Since to me that was a historical event, I rode my bicycle to the nearest hospitals to witness this event. Not only was there absolutely no ambulances lining up around the block, but peeking into the emergency room, they were all empty with hardly any cars in the parking lot. I rode back home, and all the local news were still doing an emergency broadcast reporting that ambulances can't drop off patients and are lining up around the block. For the first time in my life, I thought that western mainstream news is lying and no better than North Korea's propaganda news.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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