Giggly kunt Yellen sez Trump's finance policy will make life unlivable. As compared to dropping $60 now to buy the groceries needed for a classic Denny's grandslam at home.

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2024 Jun 16, 10:32am   277 views  10 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

These Mother Fuckers are unreal, they actually think nobody can see them or the evil vile shit that they are doing right fucking now.
Surely this demonic kunt doesn't honestly believe that POC poor voters who are turning to Trump in droves more and more everyday, will honestly believe her shit? There's not one fucking thing that has not inflated since Biden came in office. A $20 an hour wage today only goes as far as a $7 an hour wage in 2018.
I say 2018, because the seditious Dems and Libs were doing everything they could to wreck the economy halfway through Trump's term, when they realized just how effective he was at creating a high standard of living without doing anything but saying no to Liberals.


Trump wants to do away with income tax and place the tax burden on tariffs. I would love to see the Democrats sell that to the voters, that it's a bad thing. What a brilliant mental trap, those cocksuckers are going to have a hell of a time convincing the American tax payer that it's Nationalist Protectionism and it's a bad thing. Try to convince them that 30% of their paycheck needs to go to George Soros and Zelinski instead of taxing the very thing that has taken their high paying jobs away from them. Cheap shit from China, who gives a fuck is the investor class loses every fucking cent they have because they demand everything be made in China while Americans remain jobless, homeless, and forced to eat zee bugs.

What a stupid moron appropriately matched for an even greater Idiot President.

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1   Ceffer   2024 Jun 16, 11:22am  

The various neocon fecal implants are an executive group of conscienceless bureaucratic concentration camp guards. They just throw the levers when instructed by their Globalist masters. They wait every morning by the ticker tape machine from Switzerland to receive their marching orders for the day, then head for the makeup wagon to get dressed for the day's appearances.

Many of them like Yellen and Garland and Mayorkas are often visibly stoned. On what, I don't know, but they are buzzed because they know that what they are doing is treason. They are like those fungibles and bureaucratic gamblers in wartime Germany and Soviet Union who kept their cyanide capsules and morphine ampules always at hand for the times when the grand plans might go to shit. The threat of being replaced by body doubles and avatars is always there, too, not to mention the threats to kith and kin and various blackmails.

Thing is, they don't give a flying fuck what damage they cause because the damage is part of their vested program.
2   stereotomy   2024 Jun 16, 12:41pm  

Tariffs built the industry in the US (mostly the north). A reason for the War of Northern Aggression was that the south were net exporters and suffered the brunt of retaliatory tariffs.

Anyone in the vicinity of NYC should visit the Federal Customs House in Battery Park. That was one of the primary sources (along with other major port cities) of Federal revenue until 1913.

EDIT: Antiques Roadshow always used to harp on the fact that American, as opposed to english furniture in the 18th and early 19th centuries was so much rarer - this was because tariffs allowed the development of an industry that largely didn't exist in the early 1700's.

EDIT2: Globohomo is a reversal of tariffs. Industires can't compete with slave labor in other parts of the world. The few that remain hire illegal wage slaves and H1B and outsourced chindians that get paid 10 cents on the dollar of US workers. Ask any Disney tech employee.
3   Ceffer   2024 Jun 16, 1:39pm  

The US Corp. of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC has been bankrupt and dissolved for a couple of years now, but continues to lurch forward as the Congressional maggots try to continue fatting on the zombie corporate corpse. This is inevitable consequence of fiat money, leveraged derivatives, stock market manipulations, and Babylonian debt slavery, which is why their Ponzi schemes are interleaved at set periods with war to trim the hedges of account holders and creditors (and shift wealth upwards to the fewer and fewer).

Our tax money is collected by the Vatican through Puerto Rico, is skinned for vig, winds up in Euro banks, and is then 'lended' back to us at an interest rate. We have been plundered and robbed for generations by corporate criminals who have pretended to be our functionaries and servants. Now, they want to finish off the Republic and our Constitution as so much baggage to their NWO.
5   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 17, 3:02pm  

There is no way replacing the income tax with tariffs will come anywhere near even 1/5th of income tax revenue. And even if it did, the huge switch to manufacturing domestically will drive the revenue down even further. One does not pay tariffs on domestically produced shit.

Trump knows this. Any idiot with Google, a napkin and a pencil can quickly figure all this out in ~15 minutes. (So to all of you jumping all over this like an OnlyFans whore to each & every one her $5/mo subscribers: WTF is YOUR excuse, eh?)

What Trump is really doing is promoting SOMETHING to fix the $60 Grand Slam (which they DO cost at Denny's for two ppl more or less, btw) issue. The Dems LOATHE this.

First, it acknowledges the issue the Dems would rather not mentioned at all. All the Biden team has is 'finish the job'! on their website. They scrubbed Bidenomics. To propose any economic policy to address this is to admit the problem exists. A problem that they and their media assholes keep pitching is entirely in our minds after their bullshit of it 'being transitory' didn't sell.

So, the real mastermind of Trump's here is to force them to talk about this according to his narrative and not theirs. :) Fucking brilliant yet Basic Politics 101 at the same time.

Second, simplistic (doesn't matter if factually stupid) pitches like "100% tariffs to replace the income tax!" are a good sell to your average voter. Working poor don't pay income tax or very little. But they what know jobs vs immigration vs globalization is...even better than our 'Brahmin Left' elites do.

But a lot of lower to middle middle class voters do pay income tax. And the $60 Grand Slam is slamming them up the ass on top of that. They want relief. And while many of them want that relief to come from a Dem, they aren't nor will get it from them because of aforementioned reasons. So, enter Trump proposing not just SOMETHING but this idea.

And so while this whole '100% Tariff Replacing The Income Tax' is unserious as shit, TPB nails the political dynamics at play here.
6   GNL   2024 Jun 17, 3:23pm  

@ceffer, every time I see that land/Sea contract law gooble-d-gook, it sounds like bullshit. Why? Because it is not clear.
7   Ceffer   2024 Jun 17, 3:26pm  

Trump is supposedly slated to oversee the bankrupt US corpse of the foreign occupied foreign city state of DC and reclaim the Republic and enforce the Constitution. That is a tall order that will take years of unravelling and breaking and resetting calcified bones of corrupt practices imposed by European entities.

Not the least is taking the fiat money systems and printing presses out of the hands of the Satanists. It doesn't matter what their tunnel demons tell them or promise them or whisper sweet nothings of empowerment in their ears, their system needs to be broken on the rack. Don't yield these stewardships to systemic, dynastic psychopaths.
9   clambo   2024 Jun 18, 9:07am  

Trump's idea is brilliant.
Yellen has shit for brains.
10   Ceffer   2024 Jun 18, 12:37pm  

Kameltoe Harris and Yellen are on the same MKUltra giggle juice. Seems like Chrystia Freeland is on it, too. All CFB's (Crazy Fucking Bitches).

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