January 6th should be a national holiday honoring the political prisoners who were brave enough to stand up against election fraud

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2023 Jan 1, 12:27am   56,617 views  478 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

What are their names? Anyone have a list?

Everyone in prison from the FBI's Jan 6th entrapment scheme is an American national hero.

Every one of them should not only be freed and given several million dollars each, paid out of the FBI budget, they should be given the US Medal of Honor for daring to stand up against the corrupt FBI/Democrat oligarchy which defrauded US citizens in the 2020 presidential election.

They were unarmed, goaded by FBI into walking into the doors that were specifically unlocked to let them in, given tours (see buffalo man), and then arrested.

False noise was added to the video to make it sound violent.

The whole thing was entrapment and fraud from the beginning.

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440   Patrick   2024 May 5, 3:34pm  


National Guard whistleblower claims Trump was stripped of his commander-in-chief powers on January 6

Col. Earl Matthews says Army leaders stripped Trump of authority on January 6
Claims they plotted to balk orders to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol
READ: Ex-Acting Defense Sec. Chris Miller says Jan. 6 panel threatened him

Donald Trump's authority as commander-in-chief was ignored by senior military leadership on January 6, 2021, claims the chief legal advisor for D.C. National Guard on that day.

Colonel Earl Matthews came forward as a whistleblower to the House subcommittee reviewing the January 6 Select Committee's investigation.

He sat down with DailyMail.com two weeks after the public hearing to explain what he saw happen that day.

He claims that Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, were plotting to disobey any orders handed down by Trump because they 'unreasonably' assumed the then-president was going to break the law and try to use the D.C. National Guard (DCNG) to stop certification of the 2020 presidential election results.
449   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 5:28pm  


Also upcoming at SCOTUS: Fischer v the United States, as to whether the DOJ tortured a federal statute on shredding financial records to overcharge J-6 rioters. In 2015 the court limited the scope of that law (part of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act), but Attorney General Merrick Garland used it anyway as an all-purpose dragnet to prosecute hundreds of people who merely paraded through the US Capitol — which provided legal footing for the House J-6 committee to color that event dishonestly as “an insurrection.” A decision against the government should lead to the release of many J-6 prisoners and perhaps lawsuits for malicious prosecution under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). It would also toss out the pertinent charges in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s DC case against Donald Trump for supposedly fomenting an “insurrection.”
451   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 25, 11:33pm  

Not just Ray Epps, but also Nick Fuentes.

Nick stood outside and yelled at people to ignore the cops and enter the Capitol Building. It's on video.

He's never been investigated or charged, not by the DOJ and not by the J6 Unselect Committee, despite being a "Notorious AltRight Influencer".

That's because he's a Fed.

Wouldn't it be a slam dunk and politically wonderful for the Dems to have an "Altright Influencer" on charges?

Unless of course, he's actually a plant for the Deep State.

Fuentes later called the J6ers "Losers".
452   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 9:31am  


The third and final case that exploded out of the Court’s chambers yesterday is most likely to be the conservative crowd favorite. It was also the decision that triggered furious waves of anger from the left. NBC indignantly ran the story headlined, “Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge.” Like the two other decisions, this one came down 6-3. But this time, liberal Justice Jackson joined the majority, and Amy Coney Barrett unaccountably joined the minority.

The case involved a January 6th defendant charged with an Enron-era statute intended to prevent the shredding of business documents. But Biden’s DOJ shredded the statute’s language, applying it to anyone who entered the Capitol on January 6th, and to President Trump for making an “insurrection.”

The DOJ warped the statutory language, applying it in a novel, creative, historic way never before used, because the other charges like trespassing were just misdemeanors. But this Enron law was a felony, providing prosecutors up to 20 years of potential prison time per count. Prosecutors charged all the J6ers with their creatively interpreted statute. And the DC judges ate it all up, except for one.

Yesterday’s wild liberal backlash against the decision, featured prominently in the dissent, complained that the majority had “bent over backwards” to corral the statute back into its intended boundaries. But the majority patiently noted that at least one DC judge —Joe Fischer’s judge— had also found the statute inapplicable to strolling into the Capitol. Plus, one of the three liberal DC appellate judges who heard Joe’s appeal agreed. Plus, liberal Justice Jackson agreed with the majority in a concurring opinion, and one of the conservative Justices disagreed.

It was clearly bipartisan. So don’t fall for the narrative that it was about conservative Justices helping out Trump. And yesterday’s hot rhetoric looks pretty fake in light of the questions the Justices asked months ago at oral argument, which correctly signaled how things were going.

Independent journalist and J6 advocate Julie Kelly called this Fischer decision an “unprecedented defeat for Biden” and a “massive victory” for January 6th political prisoners:

A bunch of January 6th prisoners are about to get out of jail much sooner than they would have. I got several excited texts yesterday from lawyers defending J6 people. It will also probably drain the gas out of the DOJ’s continuing prosecutions, which are still being filed as fast as the DOJ can manage.

And Fischer greatly complicates the “insurrection” case against President Trump. It might even end it entirely.

For some reason, liberals were madder about Fischer than they were about the greatly diminished Administrative State after the fall of Chevron. Weird.
453   Patrick   2024 Jun 30, 11:14am  


President Donald Trump has called for the immediate release of individuals arrested over the January 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

This follows a pivotal Supreme Court decision that may alter the legal landscape for many involved.

In a significant legal and political development, a Supreme Court ruling might change the basis of charges against numerous January 6 defendants, Politico reported.

During a rally in Virginia on Friday, Trump voiced strong support for those arrested over Jan. 6.

He made these remarks following a Supreme Court decision issued the same day.

The high court questioned the grounds of federal obstruction charges against about 350 protesters.

The Supreme Court’s ruling clarified that such charges should be upheld only if it can be demonstrated that the defendants intended to obstruct the physical counting of electoral votes.

This decision has potentially significant implications for those charged.

Reacting to the court’s decision, Trump said:

“Free the [Jan. 6] hostages now.

“They should free them now for what they’ve gone through.”

Trump was emphasizing the lengthy wait and the perceived injustice faced by the defendants.

His comments came just hours after the Supreme Court delivered its 6-3 ruling.

Freeing the US political prisoners is not nearly enough.

They should all be given the Medal of Honor and $10 million each, taken from the FBI budget.
Jan 6th should be declared a national holiday in their honor.
Pelosi and the FBI members who arranged the entrapment operation must be imprisoned for life.
Everyone who was on the sham J6 Committee must be expelled from Congress.
454   Ceffer   2024 Jun 30, 11:33am  

I guess she makes sense. The J6 prisoners are victims of the Vatican Inquisition because of the layered territories extant in the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC. Of course, the Inquisition was devised to torture and confiscate property by fiat. They were lured and that is exactly what the videos show, police and authorities herding them into the Inquisition human bait trap. They were under the illusion that they were entering their own 'house' instead of a medieval religious dungeon of a foreign occupier.

From Anna Von Reitz: "If this seems mind-bogglingly complex and confusing,
it is.
The January 6th Protestors were fine and unmolested
so long as they stayed in the City of Washington, DC,
but they were lured deeper into the maze and
trespassed onto the "sacred ground" held by the
Municipal Government--- which is, within those
precincts, enabled to inflict the Roman Catholic Law
of the Inquisition, which explains the deplorable
mistreatment of these prisoners.
At a minimum, bear in mind that the American
Government capitol and the United States (Federal)
capitol are two separate things, and that there are
multiple governments represented, both foreign
governments under contract to provide us with "good
faith service" and our own American Government.
The American Government has never entered the
District of Columbia nor held any Congressional
Sessions there.
Our American Federal Subcontractor known as the
Federal Republic, which now stands "absent" and
vacated, and its members were entrusted to maintain
the City of Washington, DC, and operate it as a
"plenary oligarchy", but in their absence, the British
Territorial "Rump" Congress initiated by Lincoln has
been maintaining it on an "emergency basis"."
455   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 30, 8:39pm  

Patrick says

They should all be given the Medal of Honor and $10 million each, taken from the FBI budget.

Pension Fund, to be precise. Really, when government workers act badly and knowingly, this should be the case.

Imagine the unwillingness to violate the law if you knew your pension could take a hit. And the older, more authoritive position held, the less likely they would want to follow or wink at bad process.
456   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 11:33am  


The Supreme Court just downgraded ‘the insurrection’ to trespassing

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. struck down one of the most common charges against January 6 defendants. “Obstruction of an official proceeding” had been used in hundreds of cases, and those convictions are now invalid.

But the biggest impact of the decision may occur elsewhere.

For years, calling January 6 an “insurrection” has been a litmus test for press, pundits and politicians. Members of Congress such as Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) claimed a conspiracy of “armed and organized insurrectionists.” The claim is legally absurd but politically advantageous.

It now seems like the insurrection increasingly looks more like a legal case of mass trespass and unlawful entry.
458   Patrick   2024 Jul 14, 2:44pm  


That image goes hard. It’s the kind of iconic shot that defines an era, destined to be endlessly replicated and memed.

Contrast it with the pictures that circulated in the aftermath of the J6 fedsurrection.

MAGA meemaws took an unscheduled tour of the people’s house, and the “people’s” “representatives” explosively vented the contents of their bowels into their Depends, cowering under their benches and hyperventilating in effeminate panic.

An assassin narrowly misses a headshot on the rightful President of the United States, the bullet clipping his ear due to a fortuitous last-second turn of his head or gust of wind, and the chieftain’s reaction is to raise his fist in the air, chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

These things in Congress, they are wretches – cowardly, traitorous, treasonous, treacherous, trapped by kompromat involving petty bribes and boys with smooth cheeks. They know what they are, regardless of the face they try and present to an incredulous country. On J6 they felt their sordid careers of betrayal catching up with them ... all those who were not let in on Biden’s prank, at least. They had visions of the lampposts and firing squads they know quite well that they deserve.
459   Patrick   2024 Jul 16, 5:07am  

And it was all set up by Pelosi and the FBI.
460   Patrick   2024 Aug 18, 4:03pm  


New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb
August 16, 2024

The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs. New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.

Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag. The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police. ...

The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds (Ray Epps et al) couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations.
In essence, if no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the electoral process, evacuate congress and trigger the emergency session. Which explains why the FBI had/has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects.
462   Patrick   2024 Aug 23, 12:37pm  


Former US President Donald Trump has been linked to a gala event aimed at raising funds for a group of January 6 Capitol rioters who are currently on trial. The ‘J6 Awards Gala’ at Trump’s Bedminster Golf Club will be held on September 5 to “honor and celebrate” the defendants, with ticket options starting at $1,500.

It wasn't a "riot" until FBI agents started smashing things up.

It's a great idea to honor the heroes of January 6th, now political prisoners, for protesting the obviously fraudulent election.
463   Patrick   2024 Aug 28, 2:36pm  


RFK Jr is dead wrong about Jan 6. That was a false flag created by the Deep State to discredit Trump and MAGA. There are warehouses of evidence to prove that, not to mention simple deductive logic. Those innocents were stampeded by agents in the crowd who remain masked. Any time someone deplores Jan 6, and does not recognize the Dead Hand of our utterly vicious National Security State is a fool, a pawn, an idiot, weak-minded and/or needs to spout that rubbish to pay his or her mortgage. ...

Today, journalists are more like unscrupulous prosecuting attorneys uninterested in truth and only interested in winning their case at any cost. If the truth hurts the narrative advanced by the powerful, it must be suppressed. In the words of the late great Rush Limbaugh, today’s journalists are nothing more than “stenographers for the regime.” And rather than holding the state accountable, they are actively persecuting and vilifying private citizens whom the state targets, and they are giving the neighbors, friends, and customers of these people permission to hate, despise, and persecute them as well.

I learned this by going to Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021. I went there along with somewhere between 1.5 million and 2 million other people, who had come, at their own expense, to protest an election they honestly believed had been stolen. I saw people praying, people singing the national anthem, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with their hands over their hearts—happy, patriotic people who loved this country. I saw people of all ages, all races, all religions. I saw “Chinese-Americans for Trump,” “Blacks for Trump,” “Hindus for Trump,” “Sikhs for Trump.” I even saw a man wearing a T-shirt that read “Fags for Trump.” I saw people waving flags, a lady with a portable stereo playing Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” on a loop that everyone sang along with. From where I stood, it looked more like a tailgate party than a riot.
464   Patrick   2024 Aug 29, 1:42pm  


WASHINGTON, Aug 28 (Reuters) - A U.S. prosecutor said on Wednesday that the Justice Department would not seek to revive an obstruction charge against a former police officer charged in the U.S. Capitol riot who convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to raise the legal bar for that offense.
The high court's decision in the case of Joseph Fischer has implications for more than 250 prosecutions tied to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, when supporters of Donald Trump FBI agents under the direction of Pelosi breached the building in an attempt to stop lawmakers from certifying his 2020 election loss frame the most virtuous US citizens, the ones who objected to the flagrant election fraud.
The court’s 6-3 ruling in June requires prosecutors to show that defendants charged with obstructing an official proceeding – the congressional certification of the election – "impaired the availability or integrity" of documents or other records, or attempted to do so.

After all the US political prisoners are freed and honored with a permanent federal holiday celebrating their resistance to the 2020 election fraud, Pelosi and the FBI agents who set up the Jan 6th entrapment scheme must be prosecuted for treason.
466   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 6, 3:31am  

WTF is this?

He beat us by a whisker. It was a terrible thing," Trump said of President Joe Biden during a 45 minute interview Aug. 4 with podcaster Lex Fridman. He used similar language at an Aug. 30 Moms for Liberty summit and an Aug. 23 press event at the Southern border.

Nick Fuentes blasted Trump Sept. 4 for admitting that he lost the 2020 election, and said that he will work to get voters not to back Trump.
“So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why did any one go to jail? … It would have been good to know that before 1,600 people got charged,” Fuentes said on his podcast, referring to the criminal charges for those who invaded and ransacked the Capitol. “It would’ve been good to know that before (I) had all my money frozen, put on a no-fly list, banned from everything, lost all my bank and payment processing.”
Fuentes ... went on to call it a “tremendous betrayal” and “callus indifference to the sacrifices that his supporters made on his behalf.”

467   Onvacation   2024 Sep 6, 5:18am  


WTF is this?

Sounds like Soviet malinformation.
468   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 6, 5:39am  

Onvacation says


WTF is this?

Sounds like Soviet malinformation.

Fuentes is Soviet malinformation? Or Trump?
469   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 6, 6:01am  

Lex/Trump interview is easy to find on youtube.

Fuentes is here: https://rumble.com/v5dobot-what-is-even-left-of-maga.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
470   Patrick   2024 Sep 6, 9:03am  


The Babylon Bee Made A Movie (This Is Not Satire. We Actually Made A Movie. Stop Laughing, This Is Serious)

We finally did it. We made a movie. And it's glorious.

We've been your trusted source of fake news for years. You've laughed at our headlines. You've shared our viral videos. A handful of you have listened to our podcast. But now, for the first time ever, we've written and produced a full-length mockumentary.

January 6: The Most Deadliest Day is a groundbreaking, soon-to-be Academy Award-winning film that exposes what really happened on that fateful day.

Our brave reporters went undercover to find the truth. We interviewed dangerous insurrectionists like The Lectern Guy and The Buffalo Guy. We talked to "experts" like Dennis Prager and some random guy from the Claremont Institute. We combined state-of-the-art forensic science with computer imagery to accurately reconstruct the most deadliest day in human history. And with no regard for our own safety, we went on location to the most terrifying sites in Washington D.C. where democracy and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez almost died.
471   Patrick   2024 Sep 6, 9:05am  


10 Deadly Days In History That Were Still Less Deadly Than January 6

Human history is replete with dying, death, and deadly days. At times, it seems like all of human civilization has been marked by tragedy and bloodshed.

But there is one deadly day that overshadows all the other deadly days with its dread shadow of doom: January 6, the most deadliest day in human history. To prove our point, we at the Babylon Bee have compiled a list of 10 days which were deadly — but still not as deadly — as the dark day when democracy literally died multiple times.

Pearl Harbor: How dare you even compare the horrors of Jan. 6 to something like Pearl Harbor?

9/11: The Jan. 6ers were definitely all Christians, which means that they are more evil than the 9/11 attackers.

The destruction of Alderaan: Millions of voices crying out in terror was nothing compared to the day our democracy cried out in terror.

The curb-stomp of a defeat at Cannae where Hannibal handed the Roman soldiers their terga on a silver platter after that blind idiot Varro doubled up his troop lines instead of watching his flanks like he should have: Brutal, but not as brutal as the rabid protestors who walked through the Capitol without touching anything.

Noah's Flood: Almost as terrible as seeing the Capitol of Democracy flooded with rabid Trump supporters, but not quite.

The Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: It only destroyed Pompeii. Jan. 6 destroyed America. Which is worse?

That time Thanos wiped out half of humanity even though it was actually a good thing: Jan. 6 wiped out the whole of Democracy. And it was a bad thing.

Bubonic Plague Outbreak in Europe: Jan. 6 was worse than the Black Death because it poisoned Democracy (TM).

The meteor impact that made the dinosaurs extinct: Which is worse: extinction of some lousy old dinosaurs or extinction of Democracy?

The election of Donald Trump: This is at least the 2nd most deadly day in history.

We hope that you have a better perspective now on just how bad the Jan. 6 riots were.
472   Patrick   2024 Sep 22, 6:55pm  


A new report has unearthed evidence that confirms President Donald Trump authorized the deployment of 10,000 troops at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. ...

Despite Trump’s clear directives, confusion and inaction at the Pentagon led to a standstill.

Trump did not specify whether the troops should be from the National Guard or active duty but stressed the need for adequate security measures.

The Pentagon officials did not follow through on Trump’s request.

Further complicating matters, when U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund sought to utilize Trump’s offer, his request was denied by the Secretary of the Army’s representative.

It was all a setup by Pelosi and the FBI.

That's why they desperately wanted the election fraud protestors to go into the Capitol, where the FBI plants could smash things up.
474   Patrick   2024 Sep 26, 3:11pm  


“The number of FBI informants participating in the January 6th 2021 protest will shock folks,” Massie said.

We don’t know the exact number of FBI informants in the Trump crowd on January 6, but there were so many that the FBI lost track.

The House Judiciary Republicans sent out a letter last September that included transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono.

D’Antuono testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6.

In fact, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they they had no idea how many were actually there that day.

The FBI was smashing things up in order to frame the peaceful people protesting the obviously fraudulent 2020 election.
475   Patrick   2024 Oct 2, 7:50pm  



Here’s an excellent video of Rep. Massie trying, and failing, to get some answers from a government official about FBI involvement in the Jan 6 “Insurrection!” A very good example of why I so totally distrust the despicable Democratic Party, their media, and our “fellow Americans” who support this monstrosity that has ruined our once great nation with their open borders, demonization of “Whiteness!” and their war on meritocracy which is being replaced with Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes. Excerpts below are from the description of the video. Trust is an essential ingredient for the cohesion of a country and ours is gone. Check out the comments on the video.

“Rep. Thomas Massie accused Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday of lying during a House Judiciary Committee hearing about his knowledge of federal law enforcement activities during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.”

“Massie (R-Ky.) previously tangled with Garland in October 2021 over the same issue, questioning whether undercover FBI agents were present at the storming of the Capitol.”

“Breaking: DOJ report shows FBI field sources stormed the Capitol on January 6th.”

LiveNow from Fox. Sept 25, 2024

476   Patrick   2024 Oct 10, 2:51pm  


The crack team of journalists at The Babylon Bee turn their powers of investigation toward the most deadliest day in all of human history: January 6, 2021. They hunt down the dangerous criminals who stormed the Capitol, visit the haunting sites where incalculable numbers of people died on that fateful day, and ask experts really smart questions. You will laugh, you will cry, you will cower in terror at the monsters who almost ended democracy once and for all. January 6: Never forget to remember.

478   Patrick   2024 Oct 15, 7:57pm  


While vice chairwoman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, former Rep. Liz Cheney used an encrypted phone app to directly and indirectly communicate around defense counsel --and possibly ethical rules -- with a witness who would later change her testimony in shocking fashion, according to evidence obtained by congressional investigators and Just the News.

Cheney’s Signal communications with witness Cassidy Hutchinson on June 6, 2022 and her friend, Alyssa Farah Griffin, were recently obtained by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee that has identified significant problems with the original Democrat-run inquiry into the Jan. 6 incident.

The communications are now raising fresh concerns about the ethical conduct of that Democrat-run investigation. At the time of the communication, Hutchinson was represented by attorney Stefan Passantino, who told Just the News he did not authorize the contacts with Cheney and was not aware of them until contacted by Just the News.

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