Strange foreshadowing by Onion story on Robert Redfield

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2020 May 12, 10:10am   1,759 views  19 comments

by PaisleyPattern   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


This story, originally intended as satire, fairly accurately describes our current situation.

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1   Ceffer   2020 May 12, 10:39am  

99 percent of the population treat medical issues from the standpoint of superstition and cultish religions. Self grooming obsessive compulsive ritualization is built into our DNA, and has become part of the control mechanism. People who fled contagion are the Darwinian survivors and the nerve circuits were groomed.

Panic Plandemic is being closely studied by the usual herd controlling psychopathic suspects. You can tell they are crude psychopaths, as usual, because of the rampant heedlessness of the blunderbuss methods.
2   PaisleyPattern   2020 May 12, 5:19pm  

@ceffer, Yes, I agree, fear of an invisible, unknown pathogen seems to be amazingly effective as a means of controlling large amounts of the worlds population, especially when they have managed to frame it in terms of it’s not about your health it’s about all the vulnerable people in the world or the country, so you’re being selfish if you aren’t acting as ithey want you to and heeding the amazingly restrictive guidelines.Very clever control mechanism, using guilt.
3   marcus   2020 May 12, 5:27pm  

Or perhaps it's true ?

Sean, is that you ? If so, just curious, have you forgiven Tucker yet ? Are you worried about the aftermath and class action law suits ?
4   WookieMan   2020 May 12, 6:15pm  

PaisleyPattern says
especially when they have managed to frame it in terms of it’s not about your health it’s about all the vulnerable people in the world or the country, so you’re being selfish if you aren’t acting as ithey want you to and heeding the amazingly restrictive guidelines.

The beauty is I don't care about my health from an airborne virus or the health of others. Can't guilt me into shit either way. We're "required" to wear masks indoors in my part of IL. No one is though. The non-corporate businesses don't even have employees wearing masks. 2 dead out of 105k in my county. This is retardation on a level that has never been seen in anyone's lifetime. It's like 2/3rds of the country was given a fucking lobotomy.
5   PaisleyPattern   2020 May 12, 7:11pm  

Their argument defeats the person who will say they are willing to take a risk, a reasonable risk. It’s the same argument they use to make you wear a motorcycle helmet, that it’s not about you, it’s about the medical cost to our society as a whole, if you end up with a health problem.
Similar argument is used against people who want to take drugs. In the case of the virus, I suppose there is the added element that you will infect other people. There is definitely a precedent for laws that restrict personal freedoms in the interest of the well-being of the society as a whole.
6   HeadSet   2020 May 13, 7:02am  

In the case of the virus, I suppose there is the added element that you will infect other people.

Then the proper course of action would be to tightly seal aged care facilities and provide shelters for others who are high at risk. Instead we close the economy and as happened in NY, force old age facilities to accept known COVID-19 positive clients.
7   Ceffer   2020 May 13, 6:17pm  

Aren't old people in intensive care units with multiple conditions why God invented pillows?
8   PaisleyPattern   2020 May 13, 6:25pm  

Seems quarantining old and sick people would’ve been a much better strategy. This assumes herd immunity would be an effective short term solution, at least until a vaccine comes along.Early on, I suppose, there wasn’t enough information on the effects of the virus on younger and healthy people to assume this would be a safe strategy, so total suppression of the virus was considered a safer goal. Now that we have much better information, and it’s fairly clear that most people survive and don’t seem to have any long-term effects. It would make sense to alter the strategy to one which quarantines those who are vulnerable and let everyone else be exposed and develop immunity. It seems unlikely that we will ever get rid of the virus from the world now anyways, so the sooner we get to herd immunity, through infection or vaccination, the better.
9   Patrick   2024 May 19, 1:06pm  


Former CDC Director Admits Significant Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

Dr. Robert Redfield says vaccines weren't necessary for the young

Dr. Redfield was a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force from the very beginning of the pandemic and was part of Operation Warp Speed. However, he wasn’t always quite on the same page as the rest of his colleagues. He was always of the opinion that Covid originated in a lab and told a Senate panel that the vaccines wouldn’t be ready until the second half of 2021.

During his interview with Cuomo, he agreed that there should be a Covid Review Commission, similar to the 9/11 Commission, because there has been so much credibility lost in the public science groups (NIH, FDA, CDC) due to a lack of transparency. Redfield said that his colleagues shouldn’t be afraid to say they don’t know the answer to something but very often they did the exact opposite and made things up.

He then went on to tell the NewsNation audience that when he tried to suggest there were significant side effects from the vaccines, he got cancelled. Redfield’s belief is that nobody wanted to talk about the potential problems with the vaccine due to the fear that it would reduce vaccine uptake. ...

Redfield told Cuomo that we need to be honest and admit that some people got significant side effects from the vaccine. He even said that he knows a number of people that are quite ill from the vaccine, even though they never had Covid.

It would have been great to hear Cuomo and Redfield saying these things when we were all being pressured into getting the jab a few years ago. When people were losing their jobs or being socially ostracised. It’s great that the gaslighting has stopped and the truth is dripping out, and it’s great that these guys are talking about the vaccine, but the brave and honourable thing would have been to stand up and be counted two or three years ago.
10   Ceffer   2024 May 19, 1:07pm  

I didn't realize credibility had a reverse gear.
12   stereotomy   2024 May 20, 12:20pm  

Yeah - this is the end of "modern" medicine; i.e., "The Science" of medicine. They screwed the pooch on this one. Now we're back to the late 19th century as far as credibility ("snake oil").

When the medical establishment pushes a killer shot in the face of all evidence just for $$$ and the sake of their careers? Fuck them, "I'll do my own research."
13   Onvacation   2024 May 20, 3:27pm  

The only thing doctors can do is make you feel better.

Setting bones, removing tumors, helping you survive serious trauma, and prescribing drugs and medicine to suppress pain and kill parasites.

Beyond that, stay the fuck away from them. Especially the younger ones who have been indoctrinated and have huge student loan balances.
14   Onvacation   2024 May 20, 3:34pm  

Final breakdown of pandemic deaths.

Vast majority of deaths were over 50 years old.
15   Onvacation   2024 May 20, 3:41pm  

Covid killed the weak and old, many of whom could have had their lifes' prolonged with proper treatment. Instead they got remdesivir and the vent.

By the time the vax was jabbed the pandemic was already over.
16   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 7:56pm  


Former CDC Director Admits Jabs "Never Should Have Been Mandated"

Dr. Robert Redfield also stated that the powers that be underreported side effects and withheld data to reduce 'vaccine hesitancy'
17   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 19, 9:14pm  

Onvacation says

By the time the vax was jabbed the pandemic was already over.

As happened with every pandemic/vax combo prior.
19   HeadSet   2024 Sep 25, 11:57am  

NEW: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he "got everything right."

Sounds like a rat has decided to abandon a sinking ship. I suspect Redfield sees Trump will win and is trying to pre-empt being a target of RFK jr.

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