Trump quote about McCain was horribly misrepresented in corporate media as usual

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2024 Jul 27, 2:32pm   295 views  8 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump Remarks: John McCain, Education, Immigration

I will tell you John McCain goes oh boy Trump makes my life difficult. He had 15000 crazies show up, crazies. He called
them all crazy. I said they weren't crazy. They were great Americans. These people if you would have seen these people
you -- I know what a crazy is. I know all about crazies. These weren't crazies. So he insulted me and he insulted
everybody in that room and I said somebody should run against John McCain who has been, you know in my opinion, not so
hot. And I supported him. I supported him for president. I raised a million dollars for him, it's a lot of money. I
supported and he lost. He let us down. But you know, he lost. So I never liked him as much after that because I don't
like losers. But Frank, Frank let me get to it. He hit me... He's not a war hero. He's a war hero, he's a war hero
because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured OK I hate to tell you. He's a war hero because he was
captured OK. You could have and I believe perhaps he's a war hero but, but right now he said some very bad things about
a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain I disagree with him that these people aren't crazy.

But hardly anyone ever looks up a real Trump quote in context and the media counts on that. Drives me crazy because I keep looking up Trump quotes in context and every single one has been misrepresented by the media in some significant way.

I have to admit that Trump is not particularly coherent, but he definitely didn't say that McCain was a loser because of getting captured.

Trump did NOT call McCain a loser because he got captured. He called McCain a loser because Trump put a million dollars into McCain's campaign and McCain lost.

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1   Patrick   2024 Jul 27, 2:55pm  

Full auto-generated transcript:

Hello. There was a very good reception. We always begin with
an audience question for each candidate .
So I want to ask you how many of you by show of hands
believe that the vast majority of politicians in Washington .
Vast majority played by their own set of rules and don't tell
the truth. Raise your hands
does anyone trust anyone in Washington
second question this is appropriate to you. What's more
important in the next president political experience or business
who says political right hand self who says this is experienced
Raise your hands
I think both. So I need to ask you
the most important
attributes of a successful workforce is their education and
training. There is a major issue out there and I know how
focused you are on getting the best employees. Common Core has
been very controversial. The presence had to step back on it
what should the next president do with Common Core and with
education so that you can hire the employees you want to hire .
Great question. Common Core has to be ended. It's a disaster .
It's a way of
it's a way of taking care of people in Washington that frankly I
don't even think they give a damn about education. Half of them
and I'm sure some you maybe do use that word and I will and I
will because people want to hear the truth. I watch you all the
time. They want to hear the truth. I mean exactly what Frank
said is what's wrong with our country was so politically correct
that we can't move anymore
and Frank and Frank that he is politically correct. We have to
be able to filibuster ourselves but it. But don't we go too far
too far. Don't you feel that you went too far in what you
causing the Nejra Cehic coming across the border. Oh no not at
all. No I'm very don't think so. Well let me tell you. Not at
all .
He thinks
I am so proud of the fact that I guard dialogue started on
illegal immigration and
people in the media in all fairness there were very rough on me
that first week and then many of them have now apologized to me
and almost everybody is about because it turned out I was right
. Beautiful cake in San Francisco was shot by an illegal who is
here five times and they couldn't do anything about it. And
believe me Mexico kept pushing them back because they didn't
want to believe me that's true. And now everybody is saying
that Trump was right. But I tell you I took a lot of abuse. I
had disloyal people like Macy's and like others Oh Donald you're
a little controversial. We're going to have to drop you. We're
going. I said. OK. The Times what do they mean to me. He's
wearing one of my toes by the what'd you Miss?
I never liked them that much because they were made in China so
I'd never matter that much .
You know it's a great applause line and obviously they
appreciate it but referring to people as rapists referring to
John McCain a war hero. Five and half years as a BMW and you
call him a dummy is that appropriate in running for president .
Let's. You got to let me speak though Frank because you
interrupt all the time. OK. So
no. I know him too well that's the problem. Let's take John
McCain. I'm in Phoenix. We have a meeting that is going to
have 500 people at the Biltmore Hotel. We get a call from the
hotel it's turmoil. Thousands and thousands of people are
showing up 3 4 days before they're pitching tents on the hotel
grass. The hotel says we can't handle is going to destroy the
hotel. We move it to the convention center. We have 15000
people. John the biggest one ever bigger than Bernie Sanders
bigger than a 15000 people showed up to hear me speak. Bigger
than anybody and everybody knows it. A beautiful day with
incredible people that were wonderful great Americans. I will
tell you John McCain goes oh boy Trump makes my life difficult .
He had 15000 crazies show up crazies. He called them all crazy
. I said they weren't crazy. They were great Americans. These
people if you would have seen these people you know what a crazy
guy is. I know all about crazies. These weren't crazy. So he
insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room and I said
somebody should run against John McCain who has been you know in
my opinion not so hot. And I supported him. I supported him
for president. I raised a million dollars from a lot of money .
I supported and he lost. He let us down but he lost. So I
never liked him as much after that because I don't like losers .
But Frank Frank let me get to it. He hit me. He's not a war
hero or hero. He's a war hero. For years he's a war hero
because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured OK
I hate to tell you Joel Weber that he's a war hero because he
was captured OK. You could have and I believe perhaps he's a
war hero but. But right now he said some very bad things about
a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain I disagree with
him that these people aren't crazy. And very importantly and I
speak the truth. He graduated last in his class at Annapolis .
So I said nobody knows it. I said he graduated last second to
less graduated last in his class at Annapolis and he was upset .
I said why for telling the truth you're not supposed to say that
somebody graduated last or second to last in their class because
you're supposed to be like Frank says very nice
folks. I want to make America great again. We want to get down
to brass tacks. We don't want to listen to his stuff with being
politically correct and everything has. We have a lot of work
to do. Frank the other day Hillary Clinton got up and she said
I didn't like Mr. Trump's tone. We have people Christians being
having their heads cut off in the Middle East. We have people
dying all over the border. That where I was right 100 percent
right. We have all of this like medieval times and she said I
didn't like his tone. And you know well said that Jeb Bush I
didn't like his tone. What does that have to do with tone. We
want results. This group wants results .
So we've got people lined up for questions. I just got one more
because you used the word Christian. Have you ever asked God
for forgiveness
that's a tough question. I don't think in terms that I have I'm
a religious person. Shockingly crass people are so shocked when
they find this out. I'm Protestant. I'm Presbyterian and I go
to church and I love God and I love my church and Norman Vincent
Peale the great Norman Vincent Peale was my pastor. The Power
of Positive Thinking. Everybody's heard of Norman Vincent Peale
. He was so great. He would give a sermon. You never wanted to
leave sometimes we have sermons and every once in a while we
think about leaving a little early right even though we're
Christian. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale Frank would give us service
and would give a sermon
I'm telling you I still remember his sermons. It was
unbelievable. And what he would do is he'd bring real life
situations modern day situations into the sermon. And you could
listen to him all day long. When you left the church you were
disappointed that it was over. He was the greatest guy. And
then you know he passed away. But he was a great P. wrote The
Power of Positive Thinking which is great. Have you ever asked
God for forgiveness .
I'm not sure I have. I just go and try and do a better job from
there. I don't think so. I think I if I if I do something
wrong I think I just try and make it right. I don't bring God
into that picture. I don't know when I take you know when we go
and church and and when I drink my little wine which is about
the only wine I drink and have my little cracker I guess that's
a form of asking for forgiveness and I do that as often as
possible because I feel cleansed. OK. But you know to me
that's important. I do that. But in terms of officially I
should say I could say absolutely and everybody. I don't think
in terms of that. I think in terms of let's go on and let's
make it right .
So let's
Microphone one please .
Mr. Trump. Yes sir. Respectfully we remember the 1992 election
Ross Perot cost us our election. Right. Would you go on record
today saying that if you can't get the Republican nomination you
will not run as a third party candidate no no
no. I won't go on record as saying that look I want this
country. This country has great potential but soon it's not
going to have that potential because we're being drained by
incompetent leaders by horrible people. As an example with the
Iran deal which is a total disaster we didn't get our four
hostages back. That's just one aspect of it. And just this
morning and yesterday Kerry Secretary Kerry who who's the worst
worst negotiator. I mean he didn't read The Art of the deal
folks. So Secretary Kerry said very strongly. I just told he
said very strongly we didn't want to bring up the hostages. We
didn't want to complicate our deal. That was the reason we
didn't want to come. What does it take. We want our hostages
back. How is that complicating a deal right. We gave money we
didn't. So he you want to talk about the money you want to talk
about the hostage. It was just announced that Iran got one of
their leading nuclear scientists back as part of the deal just
came out this morning. So Iran in addition to making an
unbelievable deal that's gonna make them one of the great powers
perhaps more powerful than the United States because today it's
about the weapons not about the number of soldiers yep they're
going to be immensely well we're giving them billions and
billions of dollars that we shouldn't be giving them we didn't
get our hostages back which is terrible because they didn't want
to complicate. We didn't want to complicate the negotiation .
And when Obama was asked about that question the other day by
major he was asked a very simple question. The anger in his
face at being asked that question. And he said we didn't want
to complicate then how does a company. Except for one problem
Iran just got their big scientists back and we just found out
about it this morning. I think we are run by a group of
incompetent people and they're destroying our country .
And Frank and I say one other. Just one other thing .
Nobody deals with politicians more than 90. I've contributed to
everybody. They did whatever I said. Everyone
I contributed to Hillary Clinton. I contributed to build. I
contribute to everybody. And you know what I was a businessman
. Why wouldn't I. I'd have to agree with them. I know this .
Like with my wedding I said Hillary will be at my wedding. They
were at my wedding. It was very nice. Okay. Because I
contribute. Wait. Frank it's important. I want to know which
my last wedding the last one but. But you have to do as a
businessman. You have other things and you have other things to
do. So I'm very proud of a record no politician in my opinion I
know more. I watch him. They talk about the moon and the sun .
The sun will rise the moon will set. I watch him. People want
jobs. No politician is going to get this country back. I'm
sort of a politician because I've been dealing with politicians
all my life. If you can't win and make a lot of money with
politicians you're not very good. Believe me I've been dealing
with them all my life and I don't think anybody dealt with them
any better. I know him and I know it from the other side all of
the people. Like when you see Bush has 100 hundred million
dollars and you see Hillary has 50 million dollars that they got
. They just announce those people are controlled by those people
that gave them money. Their lobbyists their special interests
and their donors. And I will tell you
I will tell you that they are totally control and when Bush has
to make a decision. And can you imagine this guy negotiating
against China. We have no chance. OK. Who would you rather
have negotiating against China Trump or Bush. You tell me
right. I gotta. Again this is a summit as opposed to a
specific political effort. You can afford the lawyers against
the IRS. I cannot tie no
question from microphone to please
you talked about your faith earlier and I was wondering how your
faith and your family growing up has influenced how you raise
your children. It's really had a big influence. I have five
wonderful children and I knock on wood. I hope that's good .
But I get maybe almost more than any question I get a question
similar to that because my children have done well you know
Yvonne CAC. She's a great girl. She's a great person but
Ivanka and Don and Eric and my kids have my three oldest
children have done well they've gone into business and they're
solid and you know they haven't been in trouble and all the
things and more than any other question I get from people is how
did you raise your kids because you know you read so many horror
stories about children
and one of them was through the church. Very important. We
have a church where I grew up First Presbyterian Church in
Queens and Jamaica Queens. And that was where I grew up and
that's where I did you know went to church I'd go to Sunday
school I'd go to Bible class I did all the things that a lot of
the folks in this room did. But it was a very important element
. Church was a very important element as far as growing the kids
and the other important element was I would. From the time
they're two years old say no drugs no alcohol no. I used to
drive crazy no drugs no alcohol no cigarettes I'd say no drugs
no any vodka I remember her looking at me once Frankly daddy
you're driving me crazy. That kid was like 4 years old she
didn't know what drugs are but what I would constantly because
I've seen so many children grow up and they get under the
influence of drugs or alcohol and their parents are brilliant
people they're successful people the Kid is brilliant they have
no chance they have no chance once they're under the influence
of the drugs and the alcohol Life is too tough they're not going
to make it. So I was very strong with my children no drugs no
alcohol and they threw in cigarettes. You used to have dinner
with your kids. Most nights yes. So I would have dinner with
my kids almost always and I'm always available to my children .
I could be in the middle of the biggest most important deal .
For instance if Ivanka called me right now I'd say bye bye Frank
. You're a wonderful guy. OK maybe not that maybe I'd say wait
10 minutes. But but I was always available to my children and
after you know frankly I said it I'd say I was actually a great
father. I was a better father. I was a husband and the reason
is I was a worker and I had you know you mentioned the
relationships and they were very good women. But I was always
working. I was working I was creating jobs. I was building
jobs. I was doing everything and legitimate stuff. I was
working and it was very hard for a woman and I blamed myself. I
don't blame anybody else. But it was a work thing. It wasn't a
bad thing. And it was very hard for anybody to compete against
the work. And that was not good. I have learned that. So then
what. So then what advice do you have. Because very few people
no one in this room will be able to live in your shoes when you
try to prioritize your career or your family what's the best way
to get that right. It's a great question. The the thing that
I've learned I know all of the very successful people in the
world. I mean most of them I know you know they haven't. They
buy apartments from me I sold an apartment recently for fifty
five million dollars to a Chinese person. Then they say I don't
like China I love China. I just don't like the fact that the
Chinese leaders are so much smarter than our leaders and they
rip us off all over the place. But
say by the way right. Same with Mexico. Love Mexico respect
Mexico love the Mexican people thousands of them work for me
they're incredible great spirit. I just don't like that the
Mexican leaders are ripping off our country because they're
smarter and more cunning than our leaders and our negotiators
you know between the trade and the border they're killing us so
it's one of those. But your press conferences would take
forever. No I'm I'm trying to get out the points right. You
know I mean so career and family how do you balance. I was
going to say I found that the happiest people. Let's get down
to the happiest people are the people that have good families .
I know the richest people in the world I know the toughest
people in the world. I know these people they are brutal you
wouldn't like them and they probably wouldn't like you very much
is a brutal people great negotiators great business people but
not nice people. They're not the happiest people there .
They're very rich. They're very
smart. I would use them to negotiate against Japan. I would
get one of them being you're here you're here you're here at
like checkers like like chess but I will tell you they're not
the happiest people the happiest people I see are the people
that have great families. It's you know whatever it is. I mean
I don't know. And and just to take just to take that a step
and I tell this to people all the time they say how do I get
rich Mr. Trump how do I get rich and they have a good family. I
tell them all the time and I make the state because I've seen it
. Those people that have that great family wife husband children
whatever it is whatever it takes. Those are the people that in
my life I've seen that are the happiest people. A lot of the
really successful people are they always want more more they can
have 2 billion. They want six billion. Then they want to get
up into the 10 billion. If I say Well but what they always want
more and more they're always straight. And in the end they're
not very happy people. So I don't know. It's a great thing
that religion is a very big factor too. I've seen people that
are have a great family and they have God and they have church
and they love their church. I have friends that love to go to
their church and help their church say happy people. So again
you've gone into it if I don't ask this question this audience
will be disappointed
straight question What is your relationship with God .
Well I pray I go to church. I do I do things that are wrong. I
guess so. You know I'm a business person. I really do well in
business. I I've done great. I've made some of the great deals
I own some I own some of the greatest properties in the world .
And I totally do. That's great. I think God helped me
personally. I think God help me. I think you know look God
help me by giving me a certain brain whether that's a good thing
or a bad thing. You know I went through a phenomenal school the
Wharton School of Finance which is said to be the greatest
business school in the world. I did really well there was a
great student. So I mean I was born with a certain intellect
that is good for this and I'm essentially Frank. Look when you
boil it down
we need a president that's going to be able to make deals great
deals because we're getting killed. We're losing our gross
national product went down our GDP. If you look at it gross
domestic went down in the first quarter it became negative .
When China goes up seven or eight percent or so the other day
China's went up 7 percent. It was like in China they're going
crazy. How could it only go up. We had a negative think of it
. We had a negative number. It's unheard of GDP goes down
fairly substantially and I think it's going to continue to go
down. That means we're getting smaller. And yet we have more
people many of which poor across the border by the way. But we
have more pay. We need somebody that can take our jobs back
from China. We need somebody that can take our jobs back from
Mexico. We need somebody that can take our jobs. That's right
. Because we're going to hell our country is going to hell. And
Frank doesn't like the word help but we're going to hell and we
need somebody that's gonna be able to bring our jobs back. So I
part of this responsibility is to be able to understand who
these people are not just about policy. And I want to give you
a chance to close with the issues that you want to do. But
could you
leaders are required to set priorities
is our economic health
or our moral health more important for the next president to
prioritize. You can do both. Frank it doesn't have to be one
without the other
not to go along with RTX
Look if I'm elected president no. I know everybody. They can't
create jobs like me nobody is gonna be close. They can't
negotiate with China like I can negotiate and take them in. And
by the way and every single other country in the world we don't
make good deals anymore. If I can make the country strong
financially it's a lot easier for the country morally. I mean
our country. You look at what's going on. We're in serious
trouble. Our military is we've sent weapons over to our
so-called allies and one shots fired and we lose two thousand
three hundred Humvees armor plated. I mean we don't know what
we're doing. We truly don't know what we're doing. If I can
make our country really strong I would focus on the military .
I'll tell you what I focus on the vets. I love the vets. The
vets are treated like fourth class citizens in this country .
And that's part of the morality. These guys went out these
people went out and they fought for us and they're great people
the best people and they're treated so badly. I've gone I've
been with vets where they say they go to a doctor's office in
one of the places and they'll wait four to five days before they
in a reception area before they even get to a doctor. That's
morality too. And that's really bad morally. I would. I think
you're and your question is very good. But I think they have to
go hand-in-hand because our country is a debtor nation. We're
in serious trouble and we've got to make us. I know it sounds a
little bit rough. We've got to make our country rich again. We
have to make our country great again. We can't let other parts
of the world steal our country steal our jobs steal our
manufacturing. With that being said the morality of this
country with the right president. President Obama I never
thought he'd be a good president but because I didn't think he
was qualified but I thought one thing that he would do he'd be a
great cheerleader for the country. He's been horrible. Does he
love America. I don't know if he loves America. I hope he
loves America. I don't want to get into that. I hope so. Is
he a moral president. I have no idea. You know what you're
asking me questions ask his wife. OK. I don't want to I don't
but. But
but you know what I was hoping and I thought the one thing I
thought about him. I saw him speaking in Germany. I saw him
speaking. I thought he'd be a good cheerleader for the country
. He's been horrible. He's been divisive. He's been horrible .
He hasn't even called Kate Stein Lee's family got killed himself
. He hasn't called now cause other people but he hasn't called
the family of Kate Stanley. Why wouldn't you call him and this
was a man that came over was pushed over from Mexico five
different. He shouldn't have been here an illegal immigrant
killed and nobody's even called her family. OK. I think
morality and I think success go hand in hand. You don't have to
have one without the other. These gentlemen Donald Trump
so I I got a standing ovation. Other people don't .
2   clambo   2024 Jul 27, 4:16pm  

John McCain was an asshole.

Edit: Luntz is an asshole too; he "corrected" Trump: "John McCain is a war hero!"
3   stereotomy   2024 Jul 28, 7:09am  

clambo says

John McCain was an asshole.

Damn straight - he closed down the investigation of POWs still in Vietnam because McShitstain was afraid one of them would reveal him to be the traitor he was.
5   Ceffer   2024 Jul 28, 10:37am  

clambo says

John McCain was an asshole.

His brain cancer was too good for him, but fortunately, the brain cancer was patriotic and ate it's rancid meal in spite of.
6   Patrick   2024 Jul 31, 10:58am  

Lol, even Snopes has to admit that the "fine people" quote is a hoax:

7   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 31, 3:13pm  

Unfortunately Trump's style of speaking gives the enemy lots of opportunities to misrepresent what he's saying.
8   Patrick   2024 Aug 8, 9:52am  

True, he speaks in a convoluted way.

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