Milo is back

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2024 Aug 7, 6:36pm   134 views  7 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Apparently a Dentist tied to the Cartels named Connelly worked with some of Ye's staff to get him hooked on copious amounts of Nitrous Oxide, delivered by the tank a week.

Milo's sworn affidavit

Interestingly, Candace Owens - who also inexplicably inserted herself in Crowder's divorce - is trying to smear... MILO.

Not that we don't have more than enough other Problems and Drama.

How did Owens, born in wealthy western CT, come from 'poverty' and marry into the Farmer family, a man whose father was a Tory Finance Minister?

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1   Ceffer   2024 Aug 7, 6:52pm  

Nitrous Oxide is surprisingly addictive. It has also caused suicide in dentists and hygienists who huffed without proper oxygen, passed out, aspirated, and died. This 'dentist' will be de-licensed and wind up in jail.

I knew a 'celebrity dentist' who split scrips for narcotics with his clients. His office was busted down by DEA. He narrowly avoided an obligatory five year sentence because his arrest just happened to occur during a sentencing hiatus.

2   Karloff   2024 Aug 7, 8:16pm  

So Steve Martin's character from Little Shop of Horrors wasn't just the drug-addled concoction of a crazy screenwriter after all.

3   Patrick   2024 Aug 7, 8:33pm  

Bizarre all around. He worked for MTG?

Milo Yiannopoulos
Sworn Jurat Affidavit Regarding Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.
Being duly sworn, I hereby swear under oath that what follows is a faithful and accurate account of the facts.
My legal name is Milo Yiannopoulos (the “Affiant”). I am 39 years of age, and I reside at The Garbutt House, 1809 Apex Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90026. I began my career as a political commentator, New York Times bestselling author and award-winning investigative reporter. Since 2018, I have served Congressmen, Senators, billionaires and most recently megastars in the role of chief operating officer, or Chief of Staff, tasked with solving mysteries and fixing problems where others have failed.
Between 2022 and 2024, I worked for the rapper, fashion designer and entrepreneur Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. I resigned from his company Yeezy LLC in May 2024, on a matter unrelated to this complaint, at which time I held the position of Chief of Staff. I was the most senior employee in the company, with duties analogous to a combined Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer.
Prior to my work with Ye, I served as a senior Congressional aide to Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene; before that, I worked for a series of wealthy private individuals in Florida. I therefore possess a respectable track record exposing fraud, theft, and ill intent of every kind. In fact, it is quite excellent, which is why I have been hired by some of the wealthiest and most famous people in the world to do it.
I offer this account in support of my complaint to the California Dental Board, submitted today, pertaining to reckless, unethical, dishonest, exploitative and, upon information and belief, illegal conduct by DR. THOMAS P. CONNELLY, D.D.S. For the avoidance of doubt, I write in a personal capacity as Ye’s most senior member of staff for nearly two years, motivated by urgent concern for his safety and his health, in my own capacity and on behalf of several individuals close to him. I am not in a position to authorize the release of Ye’s medical records, nor would I presume to do without his consent.
Persons named in this affidavit include YE, formerly known as KANYE WEST; BIANCA CENSORI, his wife; MILO YIANNOPOULOS; BILLY WALSH, a former advisor to Ye; JOE “THE GROCER” WELSH, an associate of Connelly’s; JOHNATHAN SOLORZANO, former Chief Technology Officer, and IDRISS QIBAA, a business associate and business partner of Connelly’s.
The subject of this declaration is of sufficient gravity that I have taken the additional and unusual step of providing you a sworn “jurat” affidavit, which means that I write today under penalty of perjury. A copy of this complaint, affidavit and supporting documentation has also been provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Office of the Attorney General, for reasons that will be apparent.
Thomas Connelly is a dentist licensed in California with the number 101206, who maintains an office at 450 N Roxbury Dr # 432, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, and resides at least some of the time at at 838 W Kings Road, West Hollywood, CA 90069. This affidavit pertains to actions of his which include:
(i) The unlawful supply of enormous quantities of nitrous gas to a wealthy, famous patient for explicitly recreational use;
(ii) The physical transportation of four surgical sized canisters by Connelly himself into the patient’s home on just one afternoon;
(iii) Charging more than $50,000 per month for this service;
(iv) Continuing to supply the gas long after the emergence of distressing symptoms that led to widespread comment and concern;
(v) Instruction to the patient in the operation of nitrous gas canisters left by Connelly at the patient’s home;
(vi) Knowingly encouraging their use in the absence of a qualified anesthetist or medical professional by a person with a history of mental illness and addiction;
(vii) The abandonment of said patient to the self-destructive consequences of said dependence, showing indifference or worse to the prospect of permanent damage in brain and in body by Connelly’s negligence, at best, and malice with the intent to defraud, at worst;
(viii) Upon information and belief, the wrongful and fraudulent extraction of millions of dollars by Connelly and his business associates from a patient he knew to be in a confused, dependent, weakened and addicted state;
(ix) Connelly’s sudden move into the patient’s apartment building, at the patient’s own expense, so as to “better keep an eye on” him, and his subsequent lies about the source of the funds for the move;
(x) Text messages which appear to show Connelly enquiring about the possibility of paying a third party to commit violence against the author of this affidavit when he failed to secure a $200,000 per month consultancy arrangement;
(xi) Testimony from Connelly’s business partner that he has defrauded dozens of his athlete and celebrity client base by charging them for natural stone diamond orthodontics but in reality using cheap, lab-grown diamonds, for as much as 15,000% in price difference;
(xii) A written confession from Connelly the most recent of his two bankruptcies was entered into illegally, for the purposes of evading tax, and upon information and belief was also calculated to excuse Connelly from a potentially large court judgement pertaining to life-altering surgical mistakes made on a woman’s mouth;
(xiii) Testimony from Connelly’s business partner that he owes a debt of more than $2m to a Mexican drug cartel, and that this cartel owns his surgical practice in Beverly Hills, and uses it to launder money.
I was elevated to Chief of Staff, the most senior employee in the company, in January of this year, after previously holding the positions of Political Director and Head of Public Affairs. I learned that the company had spent $200m in 2023 while bringing in no revenue whatsoever. In addition, the company faced hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of legal exposure. I immediately placed the business into emergency measures, terminating more than 130 people in my first month on the job. In four weeks, I brought Yeezy’s $48.8m equivalent annual salary bill down by almost $30m, with no observable effect on company operations.
Ye’s personal spending habits are the stuff of legend, but they are his prerogative and his private affair. I spent the majority of my time preoccupied by the state of, and moving quickly to reform, his music and fashion empire. During February and March, I devised and deployed strict spending protocols, travel policies, limits on expenses and other financial controls to rein in the company’s appalling profligacy. I brought in a chief financial officer, who had overseen multiple government agencies each with budgets in the tens of billions, to audit a decade of Yeezy operations so we could advise Ye more wisely than his previous administrations. We began slashing and burning the enormous web of dormant and indebted entities, a legacy of two decades of neglect, which were now a danger in their own right.
I discovered dozens of fraudulent schemes, audacious greed, double billing, duplication of labor, entirely unnecessary employees collecting seven-figure salaries and all manner of other senseless wastes of money. I prioritized the identification of the most egregious thefts and frauds, in case the perpetrators were still in Ye’s orbit, terminating their contracts, including many described to me as “untouchable” and “leeches.” For example, I discovered that Paul Johnson, a former gallery owner and longtime advisor to Ye, had charged him $6 million in 2021 for a Damien Hirst sculpture that could not have been worth even $2 million, and then proceeded to claim millions of dollars a year from Ye in the years after, allegedly to oversee his archive. In fact, under Johnson, the archive was being plundered. Irreplaceable artifacts are now gone forever thanks to losses and thefts under Johnson’s tenure, including Ye’s Grammys, personal effects from the births of his children, and even his mother’s death certificate. Johnson has bragged drunkenly to colleagues that he and the company’s former CEO, Matt George, made millions of dollars via illegal insider trades of Gap stock in 2021, before Yeezy’s partnership with Gap was public knowledge. Johnson had asked for and received his entire 2024 salary in advance a few weeks before I took over. I terminated his consultancy after he lied to me, claiming that it had been “Ye’s idea” to pay him a year’s salary in advance, and because Yeezy was presented with a bill for nearly a million dollars in bogus storage fees. Johnson has not returned the money, nor to my knowledge made any attempt to apologize for taking advantage of Ye so outrageously and for so many years.
I discovered that Ye’s archive had been plundered to exhaustion. There is no way to know the true extent or enormity of the thefts from Ye’s archive over the years. My staff was overwhelmed by the scale of the task. In light of Ye’s unparalleled historical significance as a producer, recording artist and clothing designer, I took the decision in May to request assistance from the Art Theft Program at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. With the advisor responsible, Paul Johnson dismissed, I informed Ye that for the first time in half a decade, Yeezy no longer had anyone on staff making more than a million a year. Since my departure in May, I understand the company has returned to its prior state and many of those found guilty of theft, extortion and abuse have returned.
It was in this context, having installed myself as a mandatory common-sense check on new hires, which for the first time in Yeezy’s history now included criminal background checks, that I first encountered Dr. Thomas Connelly, who was introduced to me as the dentist who assisted Ye in the design and installation of his widely reported and much admired titanium prosthodontics, first fitted in January 2024 at a cost, so the Daily Mail reported, of $850,000. Connelly was introduced to Ye by Billy Walsh, a music industry figure who was paid $1 million for his work on Vultures Volume 1, but could not identify a single track he worked on when challenged by Yeezy staff.
Connelly is a former columnist for the Huffington Post, where he once enlightened readers on the dangers of oral sex and cold sores. These days he is a “celebrity dentist,” which in his case means both that he has celebrity clients, and that he is desperate to become famous in his own right. He enjoys little success at the latter, but his clients are sufficiently newsworthy and his creations sufficiently garish that Connelly has been profiled by the New York Times as the man who “Creates Million Dollar Smiles With Diamonds.”
Connelly describes himself as the “father of diamond dentistry,” but if his business partner, self-described computer hacker Idriss Qibaa, who resides at 3413 125th PL SE, Everett, WA 98208, is to be believed, that nickname may not survive for much longer.
Idriss Qibaa is an erratic, inconsistent witness, who seems to enjoy, at least in his own mind, “playing all sides,” but he shared conversations and documents that satisfied me he had done extensive business with Connelly and could fairly be described as his business partner. His grievances against him appeared to be legitimate and his frustration genuine. Qibaa says Connelly charges rappers and cartel bosses for natural stones but puts vastly cheaper, lab-grown diamonds in their mouths instead.
During various text and telephone conversations, Qibaa gave varying accounts of how many of Connelly’s clients got fake stones—but they included Qibaa himself, which Qibaa offered as the reason for his break with Connelly and his willingness to supply information to me. On one occasion Qibaa told me he discovered the fraud early enough to have his stones replaced with real diamonds; on another, he said he had stones extracted and replaced. Either way, this is a matter for a full investigation by law enforcement.
Given that his client list is said to include international drug dealers as well as entertainers, Connelly will lose a lot more than his favorite nickname if, or rather when, his patients find out. The rapper Lil Yachty gave Connolly $1,050,000 to permanently screw diamonds into his teeth. If they turn out to be fake, as Connolly’s partner alleges they are, it may cost six figures just to find out, as the DiamondView luminescence test for lab stones cannot be done while the stones are in a person’s mouth.
Connelly has been bankrupt twice, the second bankruptcy, by Connelly’s admission, entered into so that he could avoid tax. One of Connelly’s bankruptcies appears to have been executed with the intention of avoiding a court judgment.,
Presenting himself as a well-connected, successful entrepreneur, Thomas Connelly supplied Ye with advisors he was either in business with or whom he had discovered on Google mere days beforehand, and who demanded gigantic sums for their services. He lobbied hard for Joe Welsh, a greengrocer who was on the verge of being hired by Ye on a guaranteed, three-year contract to give advice about opening retail stores. I intervened to ask for a copy of his proposal. Welsh shared a compensation package that amounted to over $10 million.
As I noted in a letter declining Welsh’s services, this “eye-watering figure” wasn’t arrived at “via upside, profit share, percentage, or any other mechanism through which partners normally share in success,” but comprised entirely of “fees, charges, allowances, bonuses, premiums and penalties.” Welsh failed to provide references, or any evidence he had charged similar fees in the past, even when asked repeatedly to do so.
Connelly seemed more irritated that Welsh had tried to strike a deal without cutting him in than outraged at the obscene amount of money he planned to charge. Supplied with a copy of the $10m demand, Connelly continued to advocate for Welsh, even requesting that I withhold details of the proposal from Ye until he’d massaged it to look more palatable. I refused.
In a text message chain with Ye, Connolly and Welsh, I wrote: “The structure of your proposal tells me that you believe Ye’s stores will fail. Are you prepared to exchange all these fees and bonuses for profit share incentives, to reassure me that I am wrong and ensure everyone’s interests are aligned?” Welsh declined. Connelly later admitted that he and Welsh had fist-bumped each other on the way out of an early meeting with Ye, as Welsh—loudly and, as it turned out, prematurely—rejoiced that the pair of them were “gonna get paid.”
I began to pay close attention to Connelly after this encounter. Not long after a text thread in which I again declined Welsh’s services—three hours, to be exact—Connolly described his former recommendation as “dead to me.” But his own efforts were no more impressive. With no experience in either music or fashion, and without examining a single document or interviewing a single member of staff, Connolly proposed widespread and disruptive changes to Yeezy’s structure and operations—without even knowing what they were—and offered himself as the ideal candidate to lead the business and revivify the company’s fortunes.
4   Patrick   2024 Aug 7, 8:33pm  

Although he knew nothing about the business and had supplied no business plan or assessment of the company’s financials, because he didn’t know them, Connelly nonetheless insisted he could not accept any less than $2.4 million a year in compensation. He circulated a resume illustrated with half-naked photographs of himself, prompting widespread derision throughout the company. When a scope of work eventually arrived, the proposals were comically inadequate. The first read, in full:
1. Secure Long term sustainable funding for the company without debt or investors.
2. Solidity the long term vision for Yeezy with Ye one on one. Concrete details of this vision recorded and categorized with dates and images.
3. Solidify the immediate goals for Yeezy with Ye one on one; these goals are to be accomplished within 12 months.
4. Build an actionable plan with Milo to achieve the goals set forth in item 3.
5. Execute 4 with Milo.
His second attempt was even less inspiring, and featured a baffling new addition to the plan: The development of a “personal use N2O2 system,” cited as a “primary goal” of the corporate restructuring. It became clear to me that Ye’s growing dependence on nitrous gas, and not Connelly’s business expertise, that the dentist was counting on to seal the deal. How else to explain the fact that his pitch to us for a $2.4 million a year consultancy was that he’d hire an ad agency to do all the work

Thomas Connelly, DDS, Yeezy Job Description
Immediate Concerns - Yeezy.com profitable online
1. Assess Yeezy with Milo
Interview all current employees
Make any changes
2. Reorganize Yeezy with Milo
Corporate structure
Corporate location
3. Hire ad agency for Yeezy.com - Hill Holliday Boston MA, top candidate

Primary Goals
1. Build the Droam
2. Personal use N2O2 system
3. Build the Yeezy car
Connelly is a tasteless, grating, gauche and socially oblivious person, which I am able to state as fact under oath because he has gone to enormous lengths in his resume to communicate it. But surely it is nauseating and shameless, even by his lab diamond standards, that a person should propose to squander Yeezy’s immense and unique cultural capital on slightly more thoroughly legalizing the gas with which he was simultaneously poisoning his patient. It demonstrates by itself his unfitness as an advisor, obviously, but it does something else, too, which is gently imply that the debauched neurotoxic Bacchanalia into which he was plunging Ye might not be quite as safe and legal as he kept insisting.
By April, employees at all levels of the company were worrying about Ye’s dependence on the gas and speaking openly about it. Ye talked about it non-stop in meetings. He seemed to be in and out of the inhaler mask on a near-constant basis, even posting a video message to the MMA fighter Ryan Garcia on the subject. His directives were becoming incomprehensible and contradictory. Yeezy staff who could “adjust for Ye”—the women proficient in that subtle, sometimes dangerous art of distinguishing between a troubling episode and a regular Tuesday—all agreed that something was wrong. Ye insisted that I stop referring to Connelly as “the dentist” and “call him Tom.”
A division head with years of experience working closely with Ye confided to me that “it was like speaking to an entirely different person.” It was around that time that one of the junior staff confessed he had seen Connelly hauling four large surgical tanks of nitrous oxide into Bianca Censori’s apartment—and that something had told him to take a couple of photographs.
As many as five Yeezy employees are said to have been sufficiently worried as to have taken photographs of the home nitrous installation. When challenged, Connelly admitted he had taken the canisters to Ye’s home but insisted, absurdly, that they were “empty” and had always “been empty.”
I received concerned messages from chief technology officer Johnathan Solorzano and others, all of which are included in the scheduled exhibits attached to this affidavit, including people well outside the usual sphere of Ye-related concern and gossip, including from media personality Gavin McInnes, who had interviewed Ye on camera the previous year.
A longstanding vendor told me, in apparent amazement, how casually Connelly talked about “putting Ye under,” understanding him to mean full anesthesia, for no apparent medical purpose, as though it were a normal part of everyday life. A bill was received and paid for over $61,000 by Yeezy solely for anesthesia and nitrous gas. Qibaa told me Connelly continues to collect fees of this size from Ye, as well as flights and hotels in destinations such as Paris and Florence.
While mostly safe when it is administered by professionals in a controlled setting, nitrous oxide can be deadly if not given in the correct admixture. Unless supplemented by oxygen, N2O2 can cause asphyxiation and even heart attacks. Hypoxia from high doses can produce cardiac arrhythmias, anoxic brain damage, cerebral oedema, and long-lasting neural deficits. Chronic exposure to nitrous oxide can cause megaloblastic erythropoiesis, neuron death and damage to the spinal cord. Internet personality Oryan shared in June of this year that she lost the use of her legs and gained 100 lbs following prolonged abuse of nitrous oxide.
The symptoms of Ye’s widely-reported bipolar diagnosis and the side effects of prolonged nitrous gas abuse are strikingly similar. Long-term abuse of nitrous produces erratic behavior, mood swings, paranoia and violence. It is the worst imaginable substance for a person with bipolar disorder, cyclothymia or some other Group A/Group B cluster comorbidity to abuse.
I was told over the telephone by a Yeezy employee who wishes to remain anonymous that they directly witnessed Ye self-administering the nitrous gas provided by Connelly. The employee was not able to say if a regulator was being used, or what proportion of oxygen, if any, was being added. Together with the volume of the gas delivered to a patient’s home this is a clear violation of California law which forbids “clearly excessive prescribing or administering of drugs or treatment” as well as “the failure to use a fail-safe machine with an appropriate exhaust system in the administration of nitrous oxide.”
Most disturbingly of all, I learned that Connelly had moved into the apartment building Ye resided at during this period, at Ye’s expense. I was asked by Ye to negotiate a second apartment at the same complex, which he said would be used as a “studio.” Before I had completed these negotiations, a pending charge on Ye’s American Express card showed that six months’ rent had been paid in advance to the building management company. When I challenged Connelly to explain this, he claimed to be moving in at his own expense. The American Express charge was later refunded.
On May 2, the day after my resignation, I sent a text message imploring those around Ye to act, informing them of both the seriousness of the situation and Connelly’s new living arrangements. Recipients of the message included Matt George, Ty Dolla $ign, Billy Walsh, Justin Laboy, Julieanna “YesJulz” Goddard, Aus Taylor, Charles “88 Keys” Njapa, John Monopoly, and Ricky “DP” Brascom, as well as Ye’s lawyer, accountant and other Yeezy staff. To my knowledge, no one did anything, though several have told me privately that they support my complaint and this affidavit.
Connelly has a habit of launching into pre-emptive defenses of nitrous oxide before his interlocutor has even said, “Good morning,” which tells its own story. His omnipresence, and that of the large surgical tank of gas that inevitably followed him around solidly as he clamped himself to Ye, sometimes for days on end, violated both spirit and letter of state regulation.
Given Connelly’s familiarity with rap and hip-hop music stars, many of whom have been clients in the past, there can be no doubt he was aware of Ye’s psychological vulnerabilities. I believe he sought to exploit them, and to have acted with sinister purpose against a celebrity whose mental health struggles have not only been the subject of blanket media coverage for a decade or more but which were the subject of his 2018 album, Ye, upon whose cover appears the phrase: “I hate being Bi-Polar its awesome.” Connelly was likely aware of a 2015 Paper magazine cover story in which Ye spoke effusively about a particularly enjoyable trip to the dentist.
Payment records from Yeezy LLC show hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to Connelly, such as $257,000 on January 7, 2024, marked “dental work,” followed by another $61,040 two weeks later, on January 29, 2024, also marked “dental work.” These are merely two of many payments.
In June 2024, Connelly began paying Qibaa to take fan pages offline that had been critical of him. Upon information and belief, Connelly paid a five-figure sum to have one of Ye’s most popular fan pages suspended on Instagram, damaging Yeezy LLC’s commercial interests, because the fan page had posted concern about the volume of Ye’s nitrous intake.
Upon information and belief, Connelly attempted and failed to persuade Qibaa to hack the mobile telephone and “destroy” the social media accounts of the author of this affidavit and, according to Qibaa, enquired about doing physical harm to Yiannopoulos in retaliation for the latter’s refusal to engage him as a consultant for $200,000 per month.
The attempted sale of over a million dollars’ worth of stolen Yeezy Gap merchandise in March 2024 was conducted from a warehouse owned by Dominic Chambrone, a friend and patient of Connelly’s. Chambrone later claimed to have been “fully exonerated” by the LAPD. The Police Department does not determine innocence or guilt. An investigation into this matter is currently with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, owing to the involvement of foreign nationals and international funds transfers.
Upon information and belief, Eric Cui, a personal assistant currently employed by Yeezy, told several online fan groups in June 2024 that a scan of Ye’s head prompted by my warnings had revealed evidence of permanent brain damage from rampant, prolonged abuse of nitrous oxide. Cui has a reputation for untrustworthiness, and I have not seen evidence of the scans he says were performed. But, if the claim is true, Connelly is responsible for more than just financial malfeasance.
Whether by recklessness, the most charitable interpretation, or, as I strongly believe, as part of a malicious, premeditated assault for financial gain, Connelly may have done irreparable harm to the mind of the world’s most talented living musician and arguably its most commercially successful living fashion designer. There can be no medical justification for the presence of four surgical size canisters of nitrous gas at any patient’s home. Nor can there be any explanation for Connelly moving into the same building as Ye that is not sinister in the extreme.
The wrongdoing of men like Connelly is a subject for federal law enforcement, not celebrity managers or dental boards. But I urge you to suspend his license immediately, investigate him in all possible haste and with all possible scrutiny, and when, as I know they will, your inquiries further substantiate what I have attested to here, adding more charges along the way, I implore you to revoke his license permanently. Connelly’s predatory targeting of a demographic he regards as especially credulous—African-American celebrities—makes the urgency all the greater.
Under penalty of perjury under federal law, and the law of the state of California, I hereby declare and affirm that the above-mentioned statements are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
Affiant’s Signature: __________________________
Date: __________________________
1809 Apex Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90026
Cell: (310) 870 8650
Office: (212) 971 9751
Email: m@milo.net
5   Patrick   2024 Aug 7, 9:19pm  

AmericanKulak says

Dentist tied to the Cartels named Connelly

Seems believable:


6   Ceffer   2024 Aug 8, 1:14am  

LOL! Connelly is obviously an avid consumer of anabolic steroids. Would you want those meat cranes in your mouth doing delicate work?

Vulnerable celebrities are often nibbled alive by their entourages who find they can rob and pillage the celebrity easily as long as the celebrity is stoned immaculate. It's why so many no matter how productive of money wind up being broke.

Nitrous Oxide tanks are pretty cheap. Yeezy should have just gotten the underground stuff they use for hyping race cars.

I think the side effects though documented tend to be somewhat exaggerated. Nitrous is quite benign usually. The real danger is hypoxia when trying to huff to higher states of intoxication. I have had it a couple of times and have to admit it is very pleasant, analgesic, and dreamy in a mildly narcotic way.

Milo is a surprisingly sober and competent adjutant. I wonder when the parasitic entourages are going to do him in.
7   WookieMan   2024 Aug 8, 2:35pm  

Ceffer says

I have had it a couple of times and have to admit it is very pleasant, analgesic, and dreamy in a mildly narcotic way.

It is. My mom had teaching/public insurance, so I could get nitrous with no extra cost. Had two teeth pulled as a kid. As I could hear/feel the tooth being pulled I was just laughing. It frankly was fun for the process. Mom drove me back to school and I was still high.

It's a fun drug if I'm being honest. Only did it a few other times at festivals. I don't trust people. Too many OD deaths of friends that got laced shit. Hard with nitrous, but I'm out. Beer and the occasional weed is all. Even weed besides the legal stuff I've gotten bad stuff laced with crack. That was fucked up.

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