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Who do they thnk paid to have a forest clear cut so they could have their 100 foot tall Burning man effigy to symbolize mans destruction of the Earth?
Endcoded pricks!
The RichFucks were just soaking up all the wild, promiscuous hippie chick bush and there wasn't any left over for the real hippies.
There is very scant hippy chick bush at Burning Man, from what I have observed. There is lots of highly entitled yuppie chick bush (or baldie bush) from San Francisco, and other places.
What is Burning Man really? It is a dress-up event for women, under somewhat primitive circumstances, where men are volunteering their labor and resources (incl. drugs, food, alcohol, water, shelter, etc) in an attempt to get laid with some of the aforementioned yuppie chicks. The focal point of the whole event is for women to feel "primitive" and for men to compete over them. Note, this is not the official purpose of BM, nor the purpose getting reported in the newspaper, but it is the REAL purpose.
As an aside, search the term "how to get laid at burning man". Answer number one: Be a gay man. Answer number two: Be famous or rich.
Fucking Psuedo Hippie Chick Bush or Psuedo Pedophile Tattooed Urban Bald Beavers! ASSHOLES!
When SHTF the poor know where the rich live.
Yes, because to be rich means "to have many servants poorer than yourself". Wealth is control over labor, nothing else. You can't eat gold. You must find a poor human to raise food and cook for you in exchange for gold. The servants must necessarily know where their master lives to work for him. At least the immediate servants.
The poor themselves are the wealth of the rich.
The poor themselves are the wealth of the rich.
And as everything becomes more centralized, the more difficult (if not impossible) it will be to escape.
The poor themselves are the wealth of the rich.
What about the middle class like me? Caught between the slaves and their masters.
Burning Man isn't a FuckFest! It's a "Buy Beeyatches with Drugs Fest!"
But others supported the attack, saying it was time to "take back" the festival
by the Marxists.
Storm the 0.1 percent oppressors and hippie chick bush thieves at Burning Man! Take back the Burn!
by the Marxists.
That might be so, but somebody joining the Ayn Rand club and expecting to be fed and given free alcohol because they are poor makes just as much sense.
I suppose it's just another Hippie thing turned into a Yuppie thing, though.
The burners have discovered the use and benefit of Locke principles.
It must be disappointing to find out the Marxist "principles" don't work so good.
The people who attend this event are nothing but a bunch of phonies anyway. I can promise you, 99% of them are on some kind of public assistance and claim phony disabilities.
I think the bigger issue that set off this attack is the rich don't share. If they had an open camp, just like everyone else, and shared, just like everyone else, people would love having them and the finer things they brought to the event.
It’s been almost exactly a year since I last reported about the annual festival of neo-pagan excess called “Burning Man.” Careful readers will recall last year’s event was not very festive, as flash rains created tarlike mud conditions, and 70,000 glamping ex-attendees ponderously fled in boggy slow motion, all at the same time, creating a glutinous traffic jam that could be seen from space.
That wasn’t all. The unusual composition of the mud in that particular area of the desert caused chemical burns, leading to an unpleasant and unsightly condition that, for lack of a better name, attendees called ‘playa foot.’
Attendees swore it was nothing like normal mud. The gluey substance had a sticky, poured-concrete-like quality, and a weird, malicious kind of life of its own. Trapped for several days by closed roads, the victims also endured wild rumors of an Ebola outbreak, causing some to flee in panic across the glutinous desert on their playa feet, abandoning their now-useless vehicles.
So perhaps it’s not surprising the San Fransisco Standard ran a sad story last week headlined, “Burners eat huge losses in desperate race to sell unwanted Burning Man tickets.” Our old friend 2024 has done it again and set a new record. As the article glumly explained, this is the very first year since 2011 that Burning Man didn’t sell out within minutes of going online.
The show starts in six days. The article described regular event goers “getting screwed,” scrambling to offload pricey unwanted tickets and finding only bargain basement buyers. The anti-capitalists who normally eschew materialism are throwing their chai lattes at the wall in outrage at shockingly lowball offers, and can afford no sympathy for less wealthy folks who might have their first chance to go.
In case you were considering making an offer, events still planned include a ‘naked bacon breakfast’ and a ‘sensual hot dog eating contest.’ But even with those attractions, burners sense an era is ending:
image 6.png
By invoking schadenfreude at the top of this report, I did not mean to suggest I am happy about the festival’s financial failure. That’s not quite the right word. I need a long, hard-to-pronounce German word to capture the precise flavor of the feeling. I’ll think of something.
But ironically, it was nature, after all, which might have quenched the orgiastic, nature-worshipping event climaxing with a symbolic human sacrifice. Or it was an expression of Divine distaste? You choose.
Weak men create hard times,
Hard times create hard men,
Hard men create good times,
Good times create weak men
It is a useless event. Your brain doesn't function if you go to that thing.
Having been to a few of these 'be ins' in the day, I know that they can wind up being pretty depressing. Too much stark challenging of the reality matrix. The more challenge, the more drugs you need.
Anyone who’s been following the C&C Burning Man coverage knows we take a dim view of all this excess in the desert, and have tracked its long, slow rise alongside various cultural red flags, and count its rapid fall as generally good cultural news, procured in this case largely by Bidenic economic pressures and extremely wet weather.
Burning Man, Inc. is now seeking donations. It’s anyone’s guess why donating to this insane, irreligious, hedonistic desert concert is necessary, appropriate, or charitable in any way. It apparently needs $20M by this time next year to stay afloat, or at least avoid a price increase that the CEO warns will make the concert “less diverse.”
A twenty million dollar shortfall. For a “grassroots” concert venue, on nearly-free land, where people bring their own accomodations, food, supplies, and supposedly are roughing it. What could possibly be so expensive?
Burning Man is fake. Fake, fake, fake.
The article includes a link to Burning Man’s own proprietary donation page, where it explains that donations are tax-deductible. For some reason. I did not make that up.
Non-profit laws desperately need refreshing.
Sick of being chased away by bouncers and bodyguards, some vandalize the "White Ocean" camp, full of Silicon Valley Millionaires, Oligarchs, etc.
Burning Man began as a Radical Self-Reliance event in 1968. You're supposed to share and all that hippy crap. Surprise! Some come to be cool and don't want to share or hang out with the unwashed (but they have the right position on Gays and Trans Bathrooms which makes being a greedbag exclusionary dick at a Hippy Festival okay)