Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   254,797 views  1,794 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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1508   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 13, 11:26am  

HeadSet says

The Dangerous Rise of Men Who Won't Date "Woke" Women

Why not? Aren't "woke" women more likely to put out?

Not dating but 'hooking up'.
1509   Ceffer   2024 Aug 13, 11:57am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Not dating but 'hooking up'.

They'll ride your face like a bucking bar bull, then leave after the slightest twinge of orgasm, and leave twenty five cents on the table on their way out. That's how empowered women roll.
1511   Patrick   2024 Aug 16, 12:19pm  


Men can not be solely responsible for the maintenance of masculine self-definition and responsibility, because we are not solely dependent on it. Men and women are interconnected, part of the same Whole, not meaningfully separable in real terms. Women can not perpetually defect, holding abstract freedom as the highest good in their own life, and expect the social structures that sustain them to hold up. If women do not decide what their mutual responsibility to men will be, as a cultural construct, and willingly take on a gender role that emphasizes that mutuality, prosocial masculinity will disappear, and with it, so will any method of organizing society that we currently recognize.

We have had a women's rights movement, and many men, including myself, supported it wholeheartedly. I do not mind admitting that I was a progressive in my 20s and 30s and that I still hold many of those ideals of freedom and equality close to my heart. Now, men need women to finish their hero's journey, return from the wild, and put their newfound gifts into service: to their communities, and to the men who love them and exist in interdependence with them. The world as we know it depends on a women's responsibilities movement - if such a thing is possible, and if it's not too late.

Lol, we hear a lot about women's rights, but absolutely nothing about women's responsibilities.
1515   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 18, 2:22pm  

Fully explained in four graphs:

This last one Patnetters are quite familiar with:

1516   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 18, 2:28pm  

BTW, think things are bad here in the gender ideology divide front? As one of those graphs shows, it is really bad in South Korea.

I saw a YouTube on it a month or so ago. There is even fighting going on in some cases.

By the 2040s or so, the North will be equal to the South in population simply because they ain't making babies in the South anymore. But, the North will still be able to field 2 million troops vs 4 million today while the South will barely field 500,000.

Fuck. Unification might happen peacefully simply because the South will need the workers just to keep shit going. They'll buy Pyongyang out.
1517   zzyzzx   2024 Aug 19, 8:55am  

Patrick says

Responsibilities are kryptonite to them.
1518   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 3:18pm  


That Walz’s masculinity is mocked by those who would vote for him despite it being the whole rationale for his candidacy is no mystery when one understands that the most significant force holding together that fragile coalition is resentment. They hate men like what he is supposed to be; they hate that they need him in the election to even have a chance to win, and they hate that the very normalcy of the social conditions that produced him still intrudes upon their consciousness despite their best efforts to rid themselves of it. It’s a particularly feminine resentment, even when expressed by men, a smoldering rage against a world that forces them to accept the plain fact that they can be physically dominated by people more powerful than them, and that this fact necessarily expresses itself in social realities that liberalism can disguise or hide, but never eliminate. ...

Liberalism makes a fetish of equality, and none seek equality more intensely than those who feel themselves unequal. At its progressive leading edge, the phenomenon is readily observable. Look at this video put out by the Harris campaign and ask, as the anon did: does anyone lift? The men are, to a man, physically weak and softer than puppy crap while the women are a bizarre juxtaposition of plainness and overwrought and out-of-place sexualization.


And this is as normal as it gets on that end. The real energy among the progressives isn’t the college kids but the older women who have offered themselves wholly to the cause. They’re the ones who’ve dedicated their whole lives to it, forsaking the hope of any healthy family life or bonds of real love to pursue a path of self-gratification and the elimination of obstacles to the same. They’re the ones who’ve weaned themselves from dependency on anyone who might love them in favor of utter dependence on the state as the ultimate guarantor of their well-being, such as it is.

The resentment animating all of this is ultimately spiritual. Liberalism is less their politics than their faith. They serve the prince of this world; they are his brides before any other, and to him they offer as sacrifice whatever he demands. ...

The demons that haunt our world are as cruel and absurd as they’ve ever been. The hatred of masculinity they inspire in is in truth a mere extension of a hatred for femininity. Pride circles back into self-loathing. The women who hate men the most are the ones most committed to aping them- a caricature of men at least- living with the lonely, callous distain and self-absorption they imagine of the opposite sex. Believing themselves modern, they instead have regressed to days of the Canaanites, throwing their children into the Tophet for the sake of material prosperity and an idea of freedom befitting a savage. They mock and abuse and pervert to their own ends, but if there’s a saving grace it’s that their selfishness most often means forsaking connections that enable the perpetuation of their particular degeneracy.
1519   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 22, 3:22pm  

Patrick says

Lol, we hear a lot about women's rights, but absolutely nothing about women's responsibilities.

Never. They dodge that like no tomorrow. I've seen when this is brought up on debates and women will immediately change the subject.
1520   zzyzzx   2024 Aug 23, 6:49am  

Ripped off from another thread:

1521   zzyzzx   2024 Aug 23, 6:50am  

Ripped off from another thread:

1523   Ceffer   2024 Aug 23, 11:14am  

"Feminst? Best I can do is a KommieKunt."
1526   Ceffer   2024 Aug 27, 2:08pm  

Porn industry is a few thousands of exhibitionist and suicidal sex maniacs (hoors and pimps) influencing the perceptions of the millions and billions.

A perhaps purposeful goal is to convince the decerebrate, often semi literate or illiterate (often religion zombified) foreign male hordes that Western women are all aggressive sex maniacs waiting to be subdued by cock.

What they seem to find on those terrorist computers are volumes of Western porn. The terrorists are carrot dangled that rape is a blessing to these sex crazed Western women (whereas in their own cultures they have to resort to celibacy or forbidden homosexuality against draconian, punitive male dominated sexual autocracies).
1527   Patrick   2024 Aug 27, 4:03pm  


In some ways, this presidential election has become a referendum on gender roles — and the generation with the biggest difference in opinion between male and female voters is Generation Z.

On one side are young women, who as a group are very liberal, and who have been politically galvanized by gender bombshells like #MeToo, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris.

On the other are young men, some of whom feel that rapidly changing gender roles have left them behind socially and economically, and see former President Donald J. Trump as a champion of traditional manhood.
1528   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 29, 9:49am  

Bitch can't do math:

1529   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 29, 7:03pm  

When women say dating is just as hard or even harder for them, they should create a dating app account as an average man (maybe even use a gender swap filter or a brothers photos) and see how well they do. The results will speak for themselves. Women have dating on easy mode.

1530   HeadSet   2024 Aug 29, 8:11pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Women have dating on easy mode.

Whether you are walking into a nightclub or using a dating app, the same rules of success apply to both men and women. If you are good looking, it is easy, if you are average looking or less, it is hard.
1531   mell   2024 Aug 29, 8:25pm  

HeadSet says

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Women have dating on easy mode.

Whether you are walking into a nightclub or using a dating app, the same rules of success apply to both men and women. If you are good looking, it is easy, if you are average looking or less, it is hard.

That's not true. Good looks get you only so far as a man, you need to have game and aggression as well, and eventually a good bank account/bankroll for her. As a hot woman you can just sit back and wait to be picked up by one you like. What is true is that you can get laid quite a bit as a man if you have game and looks, but that still doesn't guarantee you a hot and good wife, which are almost extinct in the west
1532   HeadSet   2024 Aug 29, 8:39pm  

mell says

That's not true. Good looks get you only so far as a man

Remember, we are talking here about success with dating apps. Finding a good spouse involves environments such as workplace, interest clubs, and churches where people can get to know aspects about you other than just looks.
1533   mell   2024 Aug 29, 8:49pm  

HeadSet says

mell says

That's not true. Good looks get you only so far as a man

Remember, we are talking here about success with dating apps. Finding a good spouse involves environments such as workplace, interest clubs, and churches where people can get to know aspects about you other than just looks.

Even on the dating apps you need a minimum of basic game as a man. They are better for men than going out, so I enjoyed using them. But as a woman you literally have to put zero work or game into anything, given you are decent looking, i.e. 6 and up. Even as a 4 or 5 you can still good interest, if you're a 5 or below as a man you better have magnificent game (online and irl) or money.
1534   mell   2024 Aug 29, 8:51pm  

Also things have gotten worse for men as womyn overall have gotten much uglier, woker and fatter over the past decade. Don't envy today's male youth ;)
1535   HeadSet   2024 Aug 29, 9:02pm  

mell says

Also things have gotten worse for men as womyn overall have gotten much uglier, woker and fatter over the past decade.

Some good news. I went to Water Country last week and noticed that the porker trend has reversed as plenty of young women in bikinis that looked great. I noticed the same thing when I went to my daughter's college graduation in that the women were much more in shape that what I saw during her sophomore year.
1536   mell   2024 Aug 29, 9:13pm  

HeadSet says

mell says

Also things have gotten worse for men as womyn overall have gotten much uglier, woker and fatter over the past decade.

Some good news. I went to Water Country last week and noticed that the porker trend has reversed as plenty of young women in bikinis that looked great. I noticed the same thing when I went to my daughter's college graduation in that the women were much more in shape that what I saw during her sophomore year.

That gives hope. I am not too much in tune with today's female teenagers as the oldest isn't dating yet. But I did notice the daycare staff and some of the younger female staff in general in my local gym to be quite cute and in shape. Maybe there is a reversal after Gen Z. Millenials and early Gen Z were mostly a loss in terms of looks. Gen X had quite many hotties thank God.
1537   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 30, 9:54am  

mell says

Also things have gotten worse for men as womyn overall have gotten much uglier, woker and fatter over the past decade. Don't envy today's male youth ;)

This is absolutely correct.

What used to be the one or two fat girls in a class of 300 is now like 70 in 300.

That's not an exaggeration, either. I think under 30 almost half the girls are overweight (BMI 24+), and half of those are obese (BMI 29+). The average woman is 5'3" ... and 173lb. That's border line obese, about 28-29 BMI if memory serves.

Then the garish nastytats, blech. Then throw in non-appearance factors like many of them can't cook beyond Ramen.

Another sad thing is when 35+ women suddenly get big bright tats. Only makes them look like long-term night workers around the docks.
1539   Ceffer   2024 Aug 30, 10:02am  

No more 60's bush that looked like half an acre of tangled bramble. Toxic foods and Rockefeller hormone busters give the wimminz wispies and added poundage. They don't just drain the soy boys of T.
1540   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 1:07pm  


For those who do enter the field, structural bias may manifest in a variety of ways that can make underrepresented groups feel unseen or excluded, contribute to high attrition/low retention rates over time, and hinder career advancement. For example, one workshop participant shared a story about her challenges carrying heavy equipment for a nuclear safeguards verification role, and how men often carried her tools for her. Another participant separately reaffirmed this point, stating that some of the monitoring equipment weighs about 40 pounds and is worn on the body.

Women have trouble lifting heavy objects. Stupid sexist gravity. Also, when you offer to carry something for women struggling under the load, this reminds them that they aren’t as useful as you, and makes them resent you. Remember this the next time you’re tempted to help.
1541   stereotomy   2024 Sep 1, 1:44pm  

At this point, I only open doors, unless the bitches are racing me to the entrance just to let it shut in front of me.
1542   HeadSet   2024 Sep 1, 3:02pm  

Patrick says

Women have trouble lifting heavy objects.

Interesting. Today my wife was called by the single lady next door to borrow me to unload several 80lb or so boxes from her van into her garage.
1544   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 7, 3:49pm  

SNL actually makes a semi-funny skit:

"Hallmark Horror" - because the only thing women love more than romance, is Murder.
1545   Ceffer   2024 Sep 7, 4:03pm  

AmericanKulak says

SNL actually makes a semi-funny skit:

"Hallmark Horror" - because the only thing women love more than romance, is Murder.

It is funny, right down to the token scrubbed up black woman 'noble advisor' role.

My wife has an endless bodice ripper appetite for these soap things. I have a fixed time at night for TV togetherness, but I have to dial her back as much as I can.
1547   Ceffer   2024 Sep 9, 5:15pm  

They are just high maintenance, expensive commodities. They don't like being cheap commodities.

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