Retarded Tucker statement

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2024 Sep 3, 10:49pm   515 views  26 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

"If Eisenhower was a hero, how come we have Drag Queens in Public Libraries and Open Borders in 2024?"

Churchill left office permanently in 1955; he had been voted out of office before in late 1945 over post war Depression fears.

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6   Onvacation   2024 Sep 4, 8:27pm  


I told you Cucker was a cheap attention whore, didn't I?

You also told us that Russia was the USSR as if we did not help overthrow the government of Ukraine in 2014
7   AD   2024 Sep 4, 11:54pm  


Tucker Carlson at least exposes the administrative state and Democrats. So I would be willing to tolerate his antics.

Just like with Jesse Ventura, as I found his TV show titled Conspiracy Theory very informative and also his podcast Off the Grid was equally engaging.

8   WookieMan   2024 Sep 5, 12:01am  

AD says


Tucker Carlson at least exposes the administrative state and Democrats. So I would be willing to tolerate his antics.

Just like with Jesse Ventura, as I found his TV show titled Conspiracy Theory very informative and also his podcast Off the Grid was equally engaging.


Don't have a problem with either. But they have the smooth talking idiot syndrome. Neither claims to be smart. I kind of think both are autistic to some extent. The fact Ventura was a governor is kind of mind boggling. I'm close enough, Minnesota is a messed up state.
9   AD   2024 Sep 5, 9:21am  

WookieMan says

Don't have a problem with either. But they have the smooth talking idiot syndrome. Neither claims to be smart. I kind of think both are autistic to some extent. The fact Ventura was a governor is kind of mind boggling. I'm close enough, Minnesota is a messed up state.

Tucker Carlson and Jesse Ventura do not need to tell you how smart they are.

They just provide intelligent content and they are a watchdog of the bureaucratic state and its cronies, which naturally puts them at odds with the Democrat controlled mainstream media.

What surprises me is Jesse "Ventura" Janos is an anti statist and Harris represents even more of centralized authoritarian government with more regulations, mandates, and virtue signaling.

Minnesota is a white uppity liberal shithole; add in some more 3rd world migrants and close off the state so none of the white liberals can jump from a sinking sink.

Harris says her "values have changed" and that is more than enough dog whistling by her to tell you what her administration would be about.

10   AD   2024 Sep 5, 9:32am  

WookieMan says

he fact Ventura was a governor is kind of mind boggling.

Jesse "Ventura" Janos barely won the popular vote for the Minnesota governor race, as it was essentially a three-way split between him (a reform/Ross Perot style candidate), the popular and palatable Republican and the typical Minnesotan Democrat.

11   GNL   2024 Sep 5, 10:22am  

I think he's trying to make the point that..."what good is the win if here we are fighting trannies and communists?".
12   AD   2024 Sep 5, 10:30am  

GNL says

I think he's trying to make the point that..."what good is the win if here we are fighting trannies and communists?".

exactly, the Neo-Marxists are using abortion and Woke warfare to distract from a weakening Pentagon, lower ACT and SAT scores, a diminishing blue collar trade workforce (HVAC repair, automobile maintenance tech, etc) and increasing housing costs

13   Ceffer   2024 Sep 5, 11:32am  

On the alternative medias, we are having a slow unraveling of fake histories imposed since the Crown's and Vatican's fake DC corporation around 1871 and the Fed invasion of 1913.

The glimmerings in the gloaming probably appear a little confused since the contexts have to emerge as well. It's not a sound bite, so if you hint at the revealings you may come off a little confused or crazy as a 'conspiracy theorist' until the contexts emerge as well. Eisenhower's 'heroism' might wind up being a victim along with a bunch of other wiped 'histories of the victors'. Tucker may just be getting a little ahead of things.
14   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 5, 12:31pm  

GNL says

I think he's trying to make the point that..."what good is the win if here we are fighting trannies and communists?".

Yes, but why bother with anything then, if in 70 years something else could happen?

That's the problem.

"Why bother with the American Revolution if it ends up with Drag Queens"

"Why bother with the Reformation if it ends up with Drag Queens"

"Why bother with the Crusades..."

It's just a different kind of demoralization is being peddled here.

How about: "If it wasn't for Churchill, the Red Army would have crushed the Wehrmacht and ALL of Europe would be Communist instead of just half of it"

But that's not the outcome Cooper wants you to consider
15   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 5, 12:41pm  

If you said in 1965 (Churchill's Death) or 1995 that Drag Queens were going to be in Public Schools in our own lifetime rooted on by Public School Teachers Union as a whole, the most Progressive person you knew would call you whacko for postulating such a thing. Hell, it would have happened in 2005.

"How come Churchill didn't forsee this?!"

Also, Jesse Ventura was pro-Mandatory Masks and already endorsed Walz.
16   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 5, 7:51pm  

Carlson says he felt obligation to meet with Trump on virus

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson says he felt a “moral obligation” to meet with President Donald Trump and warn him personally about the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic.
Carlson had sounded the alarm about the coronavirus on his show earlier than this month. On Jan. 28, he criticized the media for spending more time on the impeachment trial than the virus and, on Feb. 3, told viewers that “you should be concerned.”

Yet his blunt March 9 commentary was eye-opening, particularly in how it contrasted with attitudes expressed by some Fox colleagues. At the same time as he was talking, Trish Regan on the sister Fox Business Network was denouncing the “coronavirus impeachment scam,” suggesting the stories were an attempt to attack the president. Four days later, Fox shelved her show.

“People you know will get sick,” Carlson said that night. “Some may die. This is real. That’s the point of this script — to tell you that.”

17   GNL   2024 Sep 5, 11:06pm  

I get your point. So much bafflement (is that a word?) has happened over the last 7-8 years it's no wonder statements like this are possible. It really boggles the mind how much they, whoever they are, have overturned normalcy and just plane decency.
18   Ceffer   2024 Sep 5, 11:29pm  

At that time (Spring 2020?), nobody was doing a great job of figuring out the psyop. However, Trump stated publicly that it was a psyop quite early on.

Politicians by necessity operate on the principle that 'consciousness creates reality', or, I suppose, 'manufactured consciousness creates political reality',even if there is no reality in the reality, just well financed propaganda blitz. Since the openly stated goals of the Intels and Globalists is to make everything we believe a lie, I guess that shouldn't be so surprising.

Covid was the propaganda blitz to the tune of over a trillion dollars (maybe even more fiat money) to end all propaganda blitzes with every rank and file edict, calling card, and influence peddling from the centralized banksters, bought lobbyists, (blackmailed?) politicians, captured MSM, crisis actors and demon corporate hegemonies marshaled.

They rolled everything on this one and didn't care if it discredited medicine, institutions, sold out academicians, medical schools, government, peer reviews etc. etc. The power of the Swiss-City of London-Euro-Vatican-MIC dragon reared up on its hind legs breathing fire to generate this Godzilla of fake contagion and direct the arrow swarm of vaccine bullets intended to kill as much of the population as possible.

I knew from basic informatics from my education that Covid was bogus on its face rather quickly, and the magnitude of the fakery was amazing. I guess I was in a surprisingly small percentage, but most of the population deal with illness and medicine on the level of superstition, anyway.

However, once the monster was created, Trump had to deal with the established perceptions. It was pointless to address the reality.

At the time (Spring 2020?) Tucker did this particular thing, it's hard to estimate whether he was part of the blitz, or was just confused and alarmed as was most of the agog public.

19   WookieMan   2024 Sep 6, 7:49am  

Ceffer says

However, Trump stated publicly that it was a psyop quite early on.

He did, but then caved on his stance. I have no fucking clue what Fauci had on people. Write it out and think. 15 days to stop the spread of a pandemic? That's level 10 retardation. Cops, nurses, docs, retail employees so you can get food are all gonna stop working to stop the spread??? More people die than a flu bug.

The fear of death makes smart people dumb. I have an airport with a pattern over my house. A Cessna could lose an engine and crash in my house. A small jet could. People shut their lives down for 2 years for a cold? I traveled and had a blast. If I die I die. I'm not hiding. I have great life insurance, so my family is taken care of. If I'm dead at least I don't have anything to do. Right? And yes, that sounded suicidal. I'm good. Too much of a coward to off myself. I just don't fear death. It's an amazing feeling. It's the only guarantee in life. Can't run from it.

I know I can go to Mexico and get a room with a rooftop pool, walk around naked and fuck my wife. Got one life. Have some fun. And when it's near done, pound some heroin and call it a day. Don't go out in pain. Saw that with my dad.
20   goofus   2024 Sep 7, 7:54am  

AmericanKulak says

GNL says

I think he's trying to make the point that..."what good is the win if here we are fighting trannies and communists?".

Yes, but why bother with anything then, if in 70 years something else could happen?

That's the problem.

"Why bother with the American Revolution if it ends up with Drag Queens"

"Why bother with the Reformation if it ends up with Drag Queens"

"Why bother with the Crusades..."

It's just a different kind of demoralization is being peddled here.

How about: "If it wasn't for Churchill, the Red Army would have crushed the Wehrmacht and ALL of Europe would be Communist instead of just half of it"

But that's not the outcome Cooper wants you to consider

I had to watch the Darryl Cooper interview after all this, plus the hornet’s nest it kicked on x. He’s a thoughtful, nerdish type cautious about his words, but nonetheless driven by what he finds true.

Churchill should be re-evaluated in light of what has happened to England, now a repressive state even Orwell wouldn’t recognize. Where child murder cannot be protested without jail, if you’re a native Briton. Where praying silently on the street can get you arrested. A tragic joke of a country, which began its slide to displacement of natives by the 1960’s, as Enoch Powell predicted in his famous Rivers of Blood speech.

Those are the points made by Cooper. He’s not talking tranny story hour, but a wholesale disenfranchisement and displacement of an ancient people. That’s genuine loss, and like it or not, Churchill’s victory in the end was pyrrhic.

As for the mechanics of world war 2, Germany, in invading “Poland” and “Czechia,” was retaking the German regions that Versailles apportioned to neighboring countries. Neither Danzig nor Koningsberg, Bohemia nor Pilsen were ethnically or architecturally Polish or Czech. Chamberlain, in trying to keep peace, was wiser than Churchill. Hitler wanted to fight Bolshevism, not a two front war. And perhaps, far from Stalin’s armies sweeping even further westward, they would have been confined to Russia or extinguished altogether.
21   goofus   2024 Sep 7, 8:26am  

Just to note: Soviet technology at the start of WW2 was outdated. Without Lend-Lease from Roosevelt, they would probably have folded to the more advanced German army. Particularly were Germany not preoccupied by the western front.
22   Ceffer   2024 Sep 7, 10:17am  

WookieMan says

He did, but then caved on his stance.

He didn't cave, he yielded to the effectiveness of the psyops propaganda. If the majority were fooled, he had to treat the delusion as if it were a reality.

People here still seem to think the cartoon characters are real (avatars, cgi, masks, etc.) and Covid is anything but a total fake out. Covid is not a disease, it is the brand name of the psyop and every time somebody repeats the lie as if it is real they serve the fraud. The catch 22 is that in order to even describe the fraud to most people, you have to use their brand name.

Trump acknowledges the successful public delusions and brainwashing campaigns and knows he has to work with them and around them.

Nobody is inclined to think that evil expends so much time, money, and resources to pollute our streams of information with inversion lies. I haven't either. However, the control entities fear the truth that much that they have more elaborate, detailed and complex deceptions to bedazzle the plebs and keep them strobed, confused, amoralized and demoralized. The energy and resources behind it are so vast that you wonder why they go to that much trouble. The fictions ARE the message.

A conclusion is that they fear awakened consciousness like vampires fear sunlight. The cumulative human consciousness is a karma they don't want to allow.
23   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 9, 12:54pm  

Darryl Cooper (MartyrMade) wimps out after invited to debate Eminent Historian.

"I'm so censored they're invited me to an open and free debate! I'm just asking questions! Don't want to attend an event that would subject them to criticism and examination while giving my view publicity - that's horrific assaults on muh Free Speech!"
24   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 13, 12:11pm  

VDH rips Cucker and his guest a new one:


(Starts at around 24:40)
25   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 13, 4:33pm  


VDH rips Cucker and his guest a new one:

Thanks. Was waiting for VDH's take.

Cooper is an edgepus, my new term for guys who drop edgy takes, whinge about propaganda, then refuse invitations to public debates which would allow them to advance their position.

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