Internalized Leftism = "Woke Right" = The 1939 Project

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2024 Sep 5, 8:24pm   172 views  9 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Rebranding it now, it has a much better term: "Woke Right"

Articulated far better than I could:

Cooper’s revisionism represents a Right-wing equivalent of the 1619 Project: a radical re-narrativisation, with a similarly tendentious relation to factual accuracy, of a politically load-bearing set of historical narratives. It’s also premised on broadly the same set of insights about the relation between historical narratives, ideology, and power as Left-wing “woke” revisionism, and particularly the crucial “woke” insight concerning the operation of power through language, narrative, and ideology.


The same loose-with-the-facts, victim ideology, deliberately incorrect timelines. Just flips the oppressor narrative.

"Boomercon" is the Woke Right's smear that the Woke used against Postwar Liberals/Progs.

Lots of it now emerging. Lauren Chen (who is Canadian but pretends to be American), Tucker, Cooper, Candace, etc.


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1   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 5, 9:53pm  

The attack on Winston Churchill and the revisionist WWII history is a the right wing version of the "everything is problematic" move the woke have been using for years.

It's a right wing 1619 project that wants to destroy the "Post-war consensus" by making America look bad.
The move here, to endlessly criticize America in order to destroy her moral authority and legitimacy, is a very common move in Critical Theory and a tactic that one commonly finds in Post-colonial Theory and decolonization.

It is, as I said, right-wing Critical Theory.
2   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 3:40pm  


To call the popular narrative of World War Two a myth is not the same as saying that it is bullshit. Some of it certainly is, but most is not, and there is even a great deal of truth in the overall shape of the narrative. It is a myth not because it is untrue, but because of its sacred character: to question any aspect of it, in whole or in part, is to blaspheme, and thus to provoke defensive reactions of extraordinary vitriol. To be anything less than totally respectful to a sacred founding myth is to attack the very fundaments of the social order, to threaten to rip open a hole in the sky and let in the nameless horrors that dwell in the eternal dark beyond, eager to tear the cosmos asunder. ...

Every leader who becomes an adversary, immediately becomes Hitler – Gamal Abdel Nasser, Slobodan Milošević, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin. The question of whether to prefer diplomacy to military action becomes a recapitulation of the struggle between the appeasers, represented by Neville Chamberlain, and the prophets, whose patron saint is Winston Churchill. Of course, the prophets always begin the debate with the upper hand, because as everyone knows, the moral of the 1930s is that appeasement is moral weakness and practical error: it merely opens the door for hungry dictators to take more. Eventually, you will have to fight anyhow, so you might as well invade now.

Domestic politics also becomes a captive of the creation myth. The myth’s prologue is found in the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. Hitler duped the people: he ascended to power according to the rules of the Weimar Republic’s constitution, but he was an enemy of liberal democracy, which he snuffed out the moment he had the power to do so. Thus Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Viktor Orbán, Xavir Milei, Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland, France’s National Rally, Britain’s Reform Party, Canada’s Freedom Truckers ... all of these become, in the liberal imagination, folded into the archetype of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party assaulting the foundations of the kind, progressive Weimar Republic. It does not matter that none of these leaders, parties, or movements bear the slightest actual resemblance, whether philosophically, politically, or even aesthetically to the ideals espoused by the Nazis. That the AfD, for example, favours freedom of speech and a free market unencumbered by regulatory overburden – the polar opposite of the Nazi preference – is perfectly irrelevant. What counts is opposition to the people who stand in the place of the people who opposed Hitler, the inheritors of the institutions that were developed in the wake of the war. The mere act of opposition renders opponents Nazis, and their leaders Hitlers. ...

That an invocation of genetic superiority is almost indistinguishable from Nazi ‘race science’ goes everywhere unremarked, as does the curious double standard that Whites are prohibited from invoking this same explanation for their own superior socioeconomic performance as compared to blacks; likewise unremarked is that, whereas it is mandatory to proclaim White success as the product of ethnocentrism, it is forbidden to apply the same reasoning to Jewish success. ...

Postwar morality as inverted Nazi morality is seen not only in racial matters, but in sexual politics. The Nazis opposed sexual degeneracy – promiscuity, homosexuality, transgenderism, and so on – from which it follows, naturally enough, that all of these things must be good, celebrated, and encouraged. Thus our cities organize Pride parades; our children are catechized with the gender unicorn; our boys exhorted to castrate themselves; our girls praised for vivisecting their bodies by lopping off their breasts, excavating flesh from their forearms as raw material for phalloplasties, and taking hormonal drugs that make them grow moustaches. ...

As there is nothing more dangerous than the Nazis, any crime may be countenanced to head off the threat ... and indeed, to teach children to hate themselves – to hate their race, their nation, their parents’ faith, their instincts, their very genitalia – to teach them that the legacy they inherit is purely negative, one of oppression and genocide and ‘stolen land’ ... this is an exquisitely refined form of psychological torture. It is, considered objectively, child abuse on an industrial scale, a sort of psychiatric war crime. ...

The policies that are justified, are indeed necessitated, by the World War Two creation myth are without exception suicidal.

Affirmative action cripples our institutions by larding them down with incompetents, while steadily demoralizing the competent, thereby leading to a terminal competence crisis. ...

The shitlib is the purest product of the Great War myth. The shitlib has imbibed the postwar antifaith more deeply than any other. Talk to one and you will almost invariably excavate, not only the self-hatred of learned ethnomasochism – this they wear on their sleeves with pride – but a fundamental nihilism regarding the future. Everything is doomed, whether by strategic weapons exchange or the profligate burning of hydrocarbons. They care not for the future, for there is nothing there but death. They take a kind of solace in this, for at least it will bring an end ... it will put a stop to the terror of history, and most especially that most horrible of creatures, the White man, the generator of history par excellence. Many look forward to this, as a liberation. ...

Revisionists have been nibbling away at the War Myth almost since it began to take on its final form in the 1960s, questioning this or that aspect of the narrative. Some merely present a somewhat more nuanced, historically informed view, pointing out for example that Hitler made numerous entreaties of peace, and that the whole affair was therefore, as Pat Buchanan titled his infamous book, The Unnecessary War; that had it not been for Churchill’s intransigence and FDR’s boundless ambition, the war would have ended with the conquest of Paris and Moscow. ...

The key point is this: we are now entering a time in which the formerly unquestionable mythology is becoming questionable. The holy pieties are no longer so widely respected as they once were. Many have tapped the sacred idols with their philosophical hammers, and found hollow plaster where they had expected solid marble. The old myth is dying. ...

Our world is incomparably different from the world that was shattered by the Great Wars of the twentieth century. Where Europeans once stood divided by irreconcilable differences of national interest, we now stand united by common threats to our dying homelands. Each of our countries has been softly subjugated by a parasitic transnational elite which has quietly captured our institutions, and which regards the home population with undisguised antipathy; each of us struggles with catastrophically low birthrates, in part due to the policies of that elite; each of us faces ethnic dispossession via replacement migration, orchestrated by that same class of globalist reptiles.

I don't have an opinion on Churchill, but it's obviously true that WWII has become the unquestionable civic religion in the US.
3   Ceffer   2024 Sep 17, 4:00pm  

Patrick says

I don't have an opinion on Churchill, but it's obviously true that WWII has become the unquestionable civic religion in the US.

Demonizing levers that were established by the winners and inculcated as inviolable statute monuments are losing their potency along with many other decepticon magic tricks.

The assaultive powers of myth making and brow beating seem to be dissolving somewhat. Those nagging, dangling threads of truth unraveling the tapestries of fiction have to be stopped before they pull the whole edifice apart. Stamp, stamp, stamp!

This is disorienting for the beguiled, of course, but even worse for those who base their philosophical and ersatz moral syllogisms on forgeries. Do syllogisms based on Satanic Inversion lies still count as Satanic Inversion lies? It seems to be corollary.
4   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 20, 11:49pm  

WW2 has nothing to do with anti ethno-nationalism. That's part of the WokeRight myth I'm discussing.

The White franchise was expanded in the 50s (formally adding "White Ethnics" over time until the 1970s included Irish, Itlaians, Greeks, etc. by default).

The WokeRight never discuss real economic and political reasons to oppose Japan or Germany (American Missionaries in China, Massive UK-US mutual investment and trade vastly outweighing Germany, fear of losing China market to Japan which wanted an Autarkical Empire, etc. etc.)

Nor the fact that before, during, and after the war, there was no problem saying Whites were the bringers of civilization, more productive, etc. openly and boldly. FRG prosecuted Sodomy (well into the 70s) and so did Weimar.

Patrick says

The key point is this: we are now entering a time in which the formerly unquestionable mythology is becoming questionable.

Yep, because the WokeRight is following in the Left's footsteps of destabilization.

The US was absolute peak in the mid 60s, before the onslaught of Leftist Violence and Critical Theory brought on by the mismanagement of Vietnam.

The Reactionaries have been waiting for centuries for any excuse to attack Anglo-American enlightenment. Their hatred of the USA/UK destroying their biggest project in the 30s-40s and seeking to undermine American Heroism in WW2 is a long standing goal.

They are always looking for a fertile environment to push their tyrannical BS. It's no different than the glint that appeared in the Left's eye after 9/11, when they spent the entire 90s very sad the USSR collapsed and China abandoned economic Communism.

The Issue is never the Issue, the Issue is always the Reactionary Revolution.
5   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 26, 1:25am  

Sauron is Woke

Saruman is WokeRight.

Gandalf and Elrond are right: The Ring of dominating the minds of Free People must be destroyed.
6   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 29, 10:35am  

" I Just want less US intervention" - often (not always) Bullshit

Martyr Made is Cooper, the famous Tucker guest who blasted Churchill, then ran away from a formal public debate invite with a Churchill Historian and Biographer

Even Pat Buchanan wanted the US to intervene for Croatia in the Yugoslav Wars.
7   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 3, 6:56pm  

One of the hallmarks of the Woke Right is that they claim they alone can defeat the Left, but they don't actually fight the Left at all. They fight conservatives who aren't Woke Right. The Woke Left did this a decade ago. I was there. It's a power grab and consolidation.
8   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 19, 10:14pm  

Leading Churchill biographer destroys Cooper's Woke-tactic JAQing off about Churchill.

Cooper was invited to Debate, but woosed out. He's very confident to make some stunning assertions no other Churchil biographers agree to non-experts, but very wussy about debating them with somebody who knows his shit - and where Cooper is twisting and going on a flight of fancy.

Churchill punished himself for Gallipoli by entering into the Trenches of WW1 in the Infantry. That's not something "Psychopaths" are wont to do.
9   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 19, 10:23pm  

I love the PostWar consensus, that was ruined by re-regulating the economy starting in the 70s (shutting down free Public Mental Health, slow deregulation of Finance Sector to the degredation of the Working Family, Family Law "reform", Massive push for women into the workforce and demonizing housewives to push down wages, opening immigration floodgates, expanding free trade to Asia long after Communist appeal threat was mitigated, etc. that all got worse over time)

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