by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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Fox’s story recounted Routh’s decades of run-ins with police, his fraudulent check charges, numerous firearms violations, that time he had an armed standoff with police, his traffic tickets like driving without a license, and even a 2002 charge for having an explosive device and fully automatic machine gun that both qualified as weapons of mass destruction under North Carolina law.
But —and this was the key point— despite all that criminal history, including multiple felony convictions, Fox’s story did not mention Routh serving a single day in jail. Nor did it mention any mental health treatment, voluntary or involuntary. The reason Fox’s headline said Routh played “cat and mouse,” was because despite arresting and convicting him any number of times, they never actually got him. Not really.
And … what was he doing with explosives and a fully automatic machine gun in 2002? Apparently, Routh got pulled over for an expired tag, and the cops saw his weapons when Routh grabbed one. Routh fled, and the standoff occurred. Somehow Routh never went to jail for that. The cops never would’ve found the gear absent the expired tag.
But where had Routh been going?
Retired Greensboro Police Department Officer Eric Rasecke, who knew Routh in North Carolina, said Routh believed nobody could touch him:
"Routh's attitude was that he was above everybody. He could do what he wanted," Rasecke
said. "It didn't matter. He was pretty entitled. ... He ran his mouth quite a bit about how he
could get off and how he owned a successful business and nobody could do anything to
him and [how] he knew everybody in Greensboro."
How did Routh get the idea he was untouchable? Maybe, and I’m only guessing here, maybe the reason Routh felt like he was untouchable is because he was, in fact, untouchable. Untouchable the way an intelligence asset is untouchable. Untouchable the way Jeffrey Epstein was untouchable before and at the time of his first arrest and his sweetheart plea deal.
In other words, Routh’s criminal history is consistent with the theory of Routh as an asset. Just saying.
Mere days after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis publicly begged the federal government to let Florida prosecute Ryan Routh, arguing that the feds had only charged the failed shooter with weapons violations, yesterday the federal government re-indicted Roth, increasing the charges. And the Southern District of Florida assigned Routh’s permanent judge. Axios ran the story under the headline, “Ryan Routh charged with attempted assassination of Trump.”
Routh’s case was assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, who famously dismissed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Raid prosecution last month. Flustered far-left outlets (like Politico) dripped with overheated frustration about Canon’s assignment, seeming deeply skeptical but unable to put their finger on the problem, like they smelled a dead rat, but no matter how hard they searched they couldn’t find the corpse.
Routh’s new indictment began, not with any weapons charge this time, but now with much more appropriate attempted assassination under 18 USC § 351, which covers attempts to kill any Presidential candidate enjoying Secret Service protection, such as President Trump.
Those were both encouraging developments. But there is an unfortunate hitch. Section 351 is a great fit for Routh’s prosecution, but it also includes an unwelcome provision pre-empting State investigations of assassination attempts:
(f)If Federal investigative or prosecutive jurisdiction is asserted for a violation of this section, such assertion shall suspend the exercise of jurisdiction by a State or local authority, under any applicable State or local law, until Federal action is terminated.
Thus, Florida’s freshly-launched investigation has been put on ice before it ever got the chance to warm up. It was just two days ago on Monday that Trump just said he preferred Florida lead the investigation, since the feds are conflicted, both trying to put him in jail while also trying to investigate his attackers.
But yesterday, DOJ Chief Merrick “Grandma” Garland primly said the feds would not turn over the case, but would, of course, cooperate with Florida “as appropriate.”
Translated from Bureaucratese, “as appropriate” in lay English means, “never!”
But in another unbelievable 2024-style twist yesterday, another member of the Routh family was criminally charged. I am not making this up.
The Associated Press ran a most remarkable story yesterday headlined, “FBI: Son of suspect in Trump assassination attempt arrested on child sexual abuse images charges.” What are the odds?
Oran Routh is Ryan Routh’s son. Oran was just in the news last week, defiantly defending his father, explaining that Ryan Routh hates President Trump like any reasonable person would. It’s fair to say Oran is no Trump fan. Oran also told reporters, “if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become … then that's his choice.”
It’s a choice. Some kind of a choice.
But when the FBI searched Oran’s house this week, presumably related to his father’s Assassination Attempt, they alleged finding two Samsung Galaxy phones with SIM cards holding a large amount of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM), including minors as young as six. The indictment also described a chat log between Oran and someone buying CSAM from him.
Coincidentally, back in October 2017, it was widely reported that “the Las Vegas shooter's brother was arrested for possessing CSAM.” If the claims against Paddock were even close to true, he is a very sick puppy. In July, 2018, prosecutors dropped the charges against Bruce Paddock after a key witness became unavailable.
So … another twisted deviant. Do you detect any pattern?
What the fuck is that fake Japanese is talking about? Iran totally benefits if Trump is out of the race one way or another. Then there is the revenge motive: I bet IRG is still sore from that Salami covfefe.
"...Deputy Counterintelligence Guy and the Attorney at the FIB, the Lovebirds
Page and Strzok, both spoke Farsi to each other and hate both Trump and the White Working
Class... and both are connected to Iran..."
Page and Strzok worked for the FBI and the FBI is not Iran.
The FBI allowed Asif Raza Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others, to enter the U.S. in April with special permission known as “significant public benefit parole” even though he was flagged on a terrorism watchlist and recently traveled to Iran, according to government documents reviewed by Just the News.
The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force interviewed Merchant, fingerprinted him and inspected the contents of his electronic devices when he arrived at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, in Houston, but then let him leave with the special parole that expired on May 11, the memos state.
TRUMP: "The shooter had 3 cell phones. The FBI has never gotten them open. The other shooter had 6 cell phones. They still haven't opened them...some of the apps are foreign based. They had no problem getting the J6 cell phones open. Why is Apple not able to open these phones?"
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