The game plan is to hold us in a perpetual state of emergency until absolute power is obtained

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2022 Aug 8, 10:56am   23,300 views  135 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


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The rights of the people must never be abrogated in any way, not even for a moment, under any circumstances whatsoever. Any government which attempts abrogation is illegitimate.

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114   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 7:58pm  

Did the US bullshit "state of emergency" ever end, or is it still going on?

How can we know?
115   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 8, 8:39pm  

Patrick says
"Did the US bullshit "state of emergency" ever end, or is it still going on? How can we know?"

The Yellow Dwarf will let us know.
117   WookieMan   2024 Mar 1, 11:58am  

Patrick says

Did the US bullshit "state of emergency" ever end, or is it still going on?

How can we know?

Did it ever start? For thinking people. I did nothing and listened to nothing. I traveled, flew on planes, vacationed, etc. Some of the cheapest if there is another scandemic. Ignore and travel your brains out.

I knew something was up in January 2020. Covid was around in fall of 2019. Indisputable. I knew friends that were really sick for being healthy. Rin pisses me off at times, but he wasn't wrong. I haven't been sick since and that's having covid tested twice. It's a minor sickness if you take care of yourself. Problem is everyone is fat.

The lesson from covid in my opinion is not be fat. I wasn't fat, but I've dropped my weight even further. I don't think how some people don't realize how close they are to deaths doorstep with their weight. My BIL's father died at a gas station because he was a fat fuck. Don't know how his mom is still alive, she's a land whale. BIL hung himself because he was weak and fat.

Weight and fitness matter. Doesn't have to be perfect. Don't be obese is all. It's not that hard. Weight is more mental wellness. Fit in the clothes you wore 10 years ago and you're good. If that's not happening you need help.
118   Patrick   2024 Mar 7, 11:02am  


The small minority of Americans that remained committed to human rights and private property soon discovered how powerless they really are. Many dissenters were dismayed by a lack of action from the courts, and how elected officials were apparently unwilling or unable to rein in the vast new powers of "health" officials. Was there nothing that could limit the state's power? This was confusing for many people because many have been (and remain) enamored of the idea that written constitutions limit state power when it matters most.

Many dissenters learned a valuable lesson from the experience, however: during the Covid Panic of 2020 and 2021, it became abundantly clear how little constitutional government and the so-called "rule of law" actually limit a regime's power in times of perceived emergency. It is during emergencies, in fact, when we learn who really holds political power, and how ineffective are constitutional measures designed to limit it.

True Power Is Revealed by Emergencies

As the Covid Panic revealed to us, the real, de facto ruling class is the executive state which effortlessly ruled by decree during the covid crisis. This ruling clique—an oligarchy of governors, academic "experts," media billionaires, and countless nameless and faceless unelected bureaucrats—has illustrated in recent years how irrelevant elected lawmakers can be to the use of political power.

This problem is not new, nor have scholars only recently noticed it. Libertarian political scientists Carlo Lottieri and Marco Bassani have noted that the problem of emergency power has long been a concern for radical free-market liberals, especially those of the Italian school of elitism. These scholars recognized that political power in times of emergencies is exercised by individual persons who are unconcerned with abstract limits on their power. This fact is fundamentally at odds with the abstractions of the constitutionalists who imagine that the state monopoly on coercion can be rendered relatively harmless via written constitutions. That is, the constitutionalists believe the written law will somehow restrain the ruling class, even in emergencies. ...

Resistance came overwhelmingly from non-elites; from ordinary people who were being persecuted by state agents—i.e., law enforcement officers and health officials—for opening businesses and attending church. It was only after non-elite political opposition began to look uncontrollable that some state institutions began to relent.

Yet, even as some pockets of resistance appeared, national elites remained virtually untouched and the federally declared "state of emergency" persisted until May 2023.

Perhaps the most important tool of the elites during all this—the monopoly power over the creation of money—was strengthened to levels never before seen. In a normal world, the power to destroy countless Americans' livelihoods by decree would have faced fierce and immediate—and perhaps violent—opposition. The elite's ability to create money via the central bank, however, essentially provided a means of bribing the public into compliance. It worked, and much of the public still doesn't even make a connection between this ruse and the current impoverishment of the public via price inflation. ...

If we want to know what really limited the regime's power during the Covid Panic, we must look to the "do-not-comply" activists who were willing to lose jobs and social status as a result of their opposition to the regime. It was primarily the people portrayed as crazed malcontents by the regime who stood between the regime and the full use of its power. The US constitution and the Bill of Rights played virtually no role in limiting the state's power during the emergency. The naive view of constitutionalism would have us believe that everything worked as designed as the "balance of powers" maintained a rule of law. That's not what happened. What remains of freedom today was saved by nothing other than the limited amount of public resistance that made the regime think twice about extending indefinitely its experiment in tyranny.

It didn't occur to me how integral the Fed is to crushing the little people for the benefit of the elite.

We must have trials for crimes against humanity and hangings of everyone involved in creating the virus and imposing death jab mandates. Without those hangings, the US government remains entirely illegitimate.
119   GNL   2024 Mar 7, 12:10pm  

If there had been no PPP "loans" the whole thing would have gone sideways on the plandemic. IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT MONEY.
121   Patrick   2024 Mar 13, 11:03am  



Here is a glossary of some terms and their definitions that may be helpful and will be good to know in the Utopian World of the Future:

Ecumenism - All religions are the same so the belief in and practice of any one of them in particular is against the law because it is too divisive. The State will make its own Religion for you to Worship.

Inclusivity — Everyone is equal and enjoys equal human rights so everyone must be exactly the same so as not to draw attention to our differences because that would be too divisive.

A Borderless World - Everyone must stay within 15 minutes of where they are, unless told otherwise, to preserve the Freedom and Safety of others.

Smart Homes, Smart Cities and the Internet of things - Everyone and everything will be hooked up to computers and Artificial Intelligences that will determine if and when you are allowed to open your door, drive your car or use other forms of transportation, which buildings, stores or parts of town you can get into, if your appliances will work or not, etc.

A Universal ID - This will allow for the IOT to work and make sure that we know exactly where you are and what you are doing at every moment. It will also prove to be extremely helpful to us for the next several words:

A Universal Salary - You will own nothing and be happy. The Elite, who have to shoulder the burden of looking out for you, will provide you with a fair share of whatever is left and whatever you absolutely need to survive after they take their cut for shouldering the burden of looking out for you.

Universal Health Care - Abortion and Euthanasia will ensure that there is plenty to go around for those who are deemed fit enough and useful enough to survive.

Disease X - COVID wasn't as deadly as we hoped it would be but Disease X will be. We will have to restrict everything you do, everywhere you go and everyone you meet up with for your sake and for the sake of everyone you may come in contact with.

And you will have to get whatever new 'Vaccine' and 'Boosters' we come up with, even if it is linked with a mysterious, undiagnosed, Sudden Death Syndrome or changes your physiology in ways we don't understand and can't predict. (Don't forget to sign the waiver releasing us from any legal liability for any adverse reactions up to and including, Death ☠️ Thank you for agreeing to be a guinea pig.)

Democracy vs Autocracy - It is tough to tell the 'Good guys' from the 'Bad guys' without a scorecard, but we will let you know who is who and will 'ask' for your support in killing the 'Bad guys' off whenever and wherever necessary.

Sustainability - there are just too damn many of you and most of you are either trouble makers or useless eaters so we will probably have to kill off as many of you as possible so there is more to go around for ourselves and the few slaves we will need to run things for us.

Climate Change - The weather is your fault. We will have to limit everything you do, everything you eat, everywhere you go and everything you have for your own good.

Peace and Safety - We will have to curtail most, if not all of your Civil Rights in order to provide these two for you but it will only be temporary for as long as necessary.

The Media/News/Education Complex - Trauma Based Mind Control for the Masses.

Bread and Circuses - You can rest assured that there will be plenty of each of these to keep you occupied when you are not doing the jobs that will be assigned to you.

The Third World War - Don't make us do it, but if it takes that to bring everybody to their knees and accept a One World Government, we will.

We hope that these definitions will help you to understand and to take your part in the Utopian World of the Future that is being planned for you.

Thank you for your cooperation!
122   Patrick   2024 Mar 19, 12:58pm  

Maybe posted before, but so good.
123   Patrick   2024 Apr 5, 10:05am  


... most emergency ordinances let cities and counties award no-bid, no-oversight contracts. That means mayors and county chairmen can ‘buy’ goods and services from whoever they want, since it’s an emergency, without needing any pre-approval or signoff from pesky, skeptical councils, commissions, or purchasing departments. It’s perfectly legal to hire your cousin at emergency rates for “traffic management consulting” or some similar undefined and unquantifiable service.

Basically, states of emergency smoothly bypass all the difficult, bureaucratic rules with all their due process and their safeguards and their checks and balances, which just gum up all the great stuff local officials really want to do. Need to do something unpopular? Declare an emergency. Need to do something fast? Declare an emergency. Have a deadlocked council? Declare an emergency.

It’s super simple! The best part is, when you think about it, anything can be an emergency. ...

A local declaration of emergency is literally a one-pager and only needs one signature. It’s so easy. So tempting. So lucrative.

So that’s what I think. I think all the eclipse states of emergency are really about graft and political opportunism. The good news is many states — like Florida — have already started reining in local emergency authorities. But much work remains. Local, local, local.
126   Ceffer   2024 May 16, 7:49pm  

Surprise. It was a control mechanism from Day One. Agenda 21 was the updating of a German Nazi project to control the population and overturn civil rights using the premise of contagion. The Germans never used it, but it was nice of them to do all the planning and research.
130   Patrick   2024 Jul 26, 10:34am  


The past four years have made it extra super clear to me that our emotional responses are being continually manipulated, controlled, programmed, conditioned, and triggered by the powers that be* using every platform they own: “news,” movies, TV, advertising, social media. They manufacture false narratives (Russiagate). They lie (safe and effective). They stage manipulated events (creepy red sermon). They spin real events (all). They persecute (fire the unjabbed). They excommunicate (ban the unjabbed). They threaten (winter of death). They sic “influencers” on us (a million) and spin up anointed “heroes” (Trump) to tell us what to think and feel and whom to blame (never them). All of which is now fed to us by algorithms that keep us on the doom scroll.

The main emotion triggered by the relentless battery of BOMBSHELL tales? Fear. They want people scared AF all the time.

The “why?” has also become extra clear: It’s not just clickbait profits. As I’m sure you know, when you’re emotionally wound up, scared, outraged, angry, you don’t make good decisions. You don’t think critically. You don’t think of other options. You don’t question whether you’ve been tricked. People freeze. People panic.

And that specific conditioned emotional response will get you to make a decision that they want you to make and result in the outcome that they want.

Perpetuating a constant state of fear is the only way the cabal is able to manufacture consent for policies that are objectively antihuman — that cause great harm and serve only the people in power.

131   Patrick   2024 Sep 22, 5:56pm  


Declaring a fake “emergency” is the theatrical hand-wave gesture globalists have contrived to put believers into a fear state while conjuring a quasi-legal liability cover for their antihuman policies. Flashback to Jan. 31, 2020: one individual, U.S. HHS Sec’y Alex M. Azar II, “declared” an “emergency” that would authorize (among other abuses) the manufacture and distribution of DOD-made untested prototype EUA countermeasures they pretended were “vaccines.” The earliest suspected “covid”-related fatality was not until Feb. 6, 2020, per the NYTimes. What “emergency”?

So the globalists are trying to upsize that trick: give one individual in the whole world the power to declare fake real or perceived emergencies that trigger “platforms that swing into action automatically.”

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