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Of course, what really grabbed the nation’s attention was the whole “Haitians eat pets” thing. It featured prominently in the initial social media hullabaloo and Trump then agreed and amplified it at the debate. The thing about the claim is that it is, in fact, true. Further, it’s hilariously true simply because of how bent out of shape the Left got over trying to “well AKSHUALLY!!” their way out of having to admit it. But frankly, anyone who has ever done, or knows someone who has ever done, missions work in Haiti knows that dogs and cats are a foodstuff down there. And there’s nothing “racist” about saying so. In point of fact, there are a lot of places in this world where the people do not have the same snuggle-fed attachment to dogs and cats as pets that Americans and other westerners do. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s their cultures, that’s how they do things, and that’s perfectly fine for them.
I’m talking about this “eating pets” thing not so much because it, in and of itself, is that important. Rather, there are a couple of much more salient points that can be made that derive from it.
The first is that it’s an easily understood meme that highlights the deeper fact that the mass numbers of Haitians (and others) being moved into towns all across this country are creating huge - and unnecessary - distortions in all of these communities due to their cultural incompatibility. Crime goes up. HIV cases go up. Americans working for $18/hr lose their jobs to subsidised Haitians working for $9/hr, and then lose their homes and apartments because landlords can make twice as much renting to those same Haitians (whose housing costs are also subsidised by federal/NGO monies). And yes, people see their pets stolen and eaten (they’ve now moved on to horses in Florida), which occurs because you have a mass of people from a different culture who are under no pressure to conform to local standards of behaviour and thus don’t do so.
Haitians and other global South immigrants really, actually, truly do cause problems wherever they settle in large numbers. In Aurora, Colorado and in Chicago (and elsewhere), Venezuelan gangs have literally taken over chunks of territory. Haitians in Springfield have been trying to kidnap peoples’ grandkids (presumably for trafficking purposes). In general, immigrants (especially illegals) tend to be less scrupulous about obeying simple, everyday rules of American life such as getting auto insurance, obeying traffic laws, and the like, and tend to cause more accidents and then be unassessable for those costs. In short, they tend to turn the areas where they settle into portions of the third world countries from which they came. Indeed, I tend to think that the media and other immigration supporters wanted the focus to remain on “they’re eating the pets!!” because that draws attention away from the many, and much worse, problems that the Haitians and other third world immigrants seem to cause wherever they go in large numbers.
the media and other immigration supporters wanted the focus to remain on “they’re eating the pets!!” because that draws attention away from the many, and much worse, problems that the Haitians and other third world immigrants seem to cause wherever they go in large numbers.
Patrick says
the media and other immigration supporters wanted the focus to remain on “they’re eating the pets!!” because that draws attention away from the many, and much worse, problems that the Haitians and other third world immigrants seem to cause wherever they go in large numbers.
Haitian doing a typically barbaric thing to a cat as usual. At the end of the video he speaks in Haitian creole. One of the reasons Dominicans don’t want them in DR
Springfield resident films Haitian migrant cutting up animal in yard of "pet-friendly" apartment complex featured on CNN
This video was taken by a resident of the Red Couch Apartments.
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And don't voodoo no cats, either!