Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for Fauci Flu Maltreatment and Death

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2021 Nov 23, 10:37pm   9,091 views  74 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

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54   Patrick   2024 Jan 21, 12:10pm  


Hang them high! All of them, they left granny to lay there & die in her shit & piss, as they isolated her, sedated her (midazolam, morphine, propofol, lorazepam, fentanyl), denied antibiotics, DNR, Remdesivir that these beasts, these 'medical doctors' & hospitals, knew was kidney & liver toxic, in her death spiral they drove, dehydrated & malnouriched her, put on the death ventilator! Hang them!

We had people go into rooms of our parents, grand-parents, who were isolated behind the glass, no doctor would touch them as they began to die in isolation; pull back cover saw feces, mound of feces

... These animal doctors, puke filth animals, knew she was likely ‘false-positive’ for COVID for they knew that above 30 amplifications, that the PCR process was detecting viral dust and fragments, non-culturable, non-infectious, non-lethal pathogen…non-COVID, non-virus…they knew…yet the bitches were power-drunk, enjoying the upside fame and incentives of the lockdown lunacy and over-lording, ex cathedra…led by top dog morons like Leanna Wen…

55   Patrick   2024 Feb 10, 1:16pm  


Number 1, Isolation of the victim. This is automatic. It happens at the very beginning. As soon as that person enters the emergency room and tests positive, no advocacy is allowed in person. All of their family members are pulled away from them immediately and banned from the hospital.

Number 2, Strict adherence to the EUA protocols. Only option allowed. These are allowed treatments. You do not have constitutional rights in the hospital anymore. Only option allowed to victims are hospital protocol drugs, remdesivir, also called Veklury, Baricitinib, also called Olumiant. Tocilizumab, also known as Actemra. These have been known.

We have recorded instances in their medical records where the patient didn't never was told they were getting that, or they were told they were getting the COVID cocktail, or they found out about it when they woke up in the morning with the bag had been hung while they were asleep.

Denied alternative treatments. You've heard this over and over again. They were denied every request and often ridiculed and laughed at for requesting treatments like vitamins, Ivermectin, budesonide, hydroxychloroquine, etcetera. They were also given false statements made that they are not FDA approved or do not work. That's not true. They're all FDA approved. The FDA, however, did not want them used for COVID. There's more to that story, but we'll go to that another time or a little later.

They were denied informed consent under the PREP Act. The patients were supposed to receive informed consent of all EUA drugs. We have yet to find anybody who received that paperwork, signed for it or admitted that they heard about it. Most people did not. No one that we've talked to has. So, they were denied that that option. That includes providing regarding medications, treatments, intubation or any other procedures.

Gaslighting is really, really bad in the hospital, from the hospital staff, and it doesn't matter what level it comes from, nurses, technicians, doctors. The victim and the family are constantly told that the victim will die because they are unvaccinated. If they refuse to be vaccinated or if they don't comply with hospital protocol or ventilation. Constantly, families are told that their loved one was a “very sick man” or a “very sick woman”.

Removal of communication devices. This includes the call lights for the nurses. This includes glasses, cell phones, iPads. They're all removed from their possession or placed on a counter or in a drawer on the other side of the room and the patient is not able to get out of bed.

Dehumanization. This is a methodical treatment that just seems to get more horrifying as the days drag on. The patient will often describe it as being treated like an animal. Many of the patients are left in rooms and you know the ICU rooms all have glass walls. They're left uncovered. No sheet, no nightgown, naked.

Now not all ICUs are closed to the entire public. There's cleaning personnel. There may be people who are allowed to see their loved one because maybe they were in a car accident and they haven't been diagnosed as COVID. So, everybody walking by sees this patient who is naked. Face up or face down does not matter.

They have a pervasive sense of wrongdoing. Family members, friends and often the victim, all had the feeling something was wrong. I had that feeling and I had the feeling that if I did not act like a good little girl and go along with everything and be very nice to everybody and very sweet, that it would cause more pain to my husband.

Vaccination discrimination. Based on their vaccine statements (status), they were mocked. They were mocked and sometimes verbally and physically abused for being unvaccinated. And while we're on that subject, it has become a matter of no argument that the Epic system in many of these hospital systems was basically rigged. There's a drop down menu when the patient's information is being admitted. When they're coming in vaccination status for COVID-19 is part of that.

It's 2 options on that drop down, “Unvaccinated” or “Don't Know”, regardless. Now that means that even if the patient comes in and has a card in their hand that said, “I've had all my shots”, there's no place for these people to change it.

And many patients don't go any place where it's even noted anywhere to a hospital because they've gone to the CVS, who doesn't share the same database, or they were in the line over at the fairgrounds in their car. Those things aren't always in the same database, so all they do is put in “Don't Know” because they have no way of changing it. So, you could be fully vaccinated, and it will list you as “Don't Know”.

Rapid oxygen increase. Oxygen supplementation increased quickly, causing lung complications and damage, leading to mechanical ventilation. What most people don't know... you've probably heard all your life that if you drink too much water, it's worse than not drinking enough, because water can be poisonous to your body.

Oxygen is the same way. Pure oxygen with no break at high volume push is painful and it can damage the lungs and for some reason, it's hard to believe that they don't know it. They are medical professionals. They keep looking at the blood gases and raising the amount of oxygen being forced on the patient without addressing the problem, that they have a gas exchange problem, not necessarily an oxygen problem.

Refusal to communicate. Doctors, nurses, and hospital administration refusing to communicate with family or advocate. Why should they call you back? They own it. They own that unit. They're too busy. And doctors, I can tell you for a fact, doctors don't call you back. And when they do, they're very dismissive.

Dehydration and starvation. Yes, in America. Denial of food, water or any nutrition, and in some cases, given diuretics or laxatives at that same time, destabilizing the human body unbelievably fast, because dehydration and starvation will do that. You've got a sick person who's not eating or drinking, and they're being assaulted with a lot of medications. They were being assaulted by everything.

Restraint abuse, physical restraint and/or chemical restraints used. With a failure to follow legal requirements around the use of restraints. Ventilation has been used as a restraint or as a method of behavioral control. That's in the medical records, that the patient has been ventilated as a behavioral control. We have many patients like that, and when we say chemical restraints, tell you right now, they layer different types of sedation, which not only inhibits breathing, it also prevents them from moving. To get out of the bed, to scratch an itch, doesn't matter.

Bathroom denial, denial of the bathroom use. They were often forced onto a catheter and/or the rectal tube because, “I'm too busy to be coming in here and helping you do the bathroom”. We're just going to give you a catheter so that we don't have to worry about you falling because you keep insisting on going to the bathroom.

Nonemergency ventilation. The victim and the family to are told that it's just to give the lungs a rest. Cannot tell you how many patients we're told, “It's time to vent you”. They're on the phone talking with their family members, they're eating snacks, talking to the doctor while a family member is on the phone and suddenly the phone is taken away and it's turned off and they're ventilated.

DNR pressure or shenanigans. Pressure to sign a DNR. Ignored or falsified DNR. DNR is a do not resuscitate. I can tell you that in the state of Wisconsin, Scott Schara is mounting a pretty good argument about the death of his daughter, Grace. In her case, the DNR was put on her the morning she died. Even though the parents had repeatedly said they did not want a DNR, she was not DNR, she was full code, even though they didn't feel that she was that sick.

But he found that in the state of Wisconsin, the DNR can be placed by any medical doctor in the hospital except for the doctor in the emergency room. Any other setting within that hospital, they can put that DNR on that patient without advocate or patient permission.

Palliative care pressure. The victim and the family are pressured into palliative care, comfort care or hospice. Family denied participation in the palliative care consult meeting. Palliative care ordered without consent. ...

If they can change the status of the patient to palliative comfort or hospice care, the bed doesn't change, the room doesn't change, but the status changes. And, therefore, that mortality figure does not go against hospital metric. That means that the hospital CEO and any investors don't see a downgrade in the performance of that based on mortality statistics because it happened under hospice care, even though nothing changed as far as the location of the patient. ...

Isolated even in death. Denied access to the dying victim, denied access to view the body after death and denial of last rights.

Well, we know in New York, at the very beginning, there were patients who died and were cremated by the hospital and their families weren't even notified of the death prior to the cremation. That patient was already cremated before they were told their family member had passed. Many people have not been able to visit their family members except for outside a window. They can't touch them as they're dying. They can't comfort them. They can't speak to them even if they're unconscious. They cannot go into that room.

Police or security involvement. Police or security is used to keep the victim isolated; families threatened with arrest.

Now Andy went through this. He was dragged away from the time point where his dad was killed in front of his mother and all of that is on his website, that is in the chat. But he's not the only one. I have read accounts with other organizations like Frontline Nurses. They're using dogs also in the hospital to spread fear as they decide that maybe you're asking too many questions and you need to leave, little lady.

And they'll bring the security dogs in with the handlers in uniform, sometimes armed, to encourage you to move along.

Refusal of transfer. Refusal to change doctors or make hospital transfer. Now our friend Gail, who works with us, is a great advocate. She tried desperately to fire her doctor and could never get rid of him. Also, refusing to transfer comes under a couple of different headings. Sometimes they'll just outright say, “oh, he's too weak. We can't move him”.

Other times, they'll say, “Yeah, you find some place for him”, and then the family members will find some place to take him. And then the night before the transfer, suddenly, something happens, and it's always an emergency. And now he's too unstable and he has to stay.

Infections and injuries. Sepsis, MRSA or hospital acquired infections, pressure sores, skin tears, and necrosis. Yes. And sometimes the hospital documents those sores and, I mean, measuring them the size of dinner plates in some cases, deep to the bone.

Neglect and the lack of basic care. General hygiene or grooming, bathing and linen changes. That's a fact. Gail has pictures. Her hair was … she couldn't take care of her hair. They had her trapped in that bed and she was not allowed to get up.

Her hair was never touched and ended up having to be just cut really short because it was so matted, they could not do anything with it. Not only was she not bathed, she wasn't given any kind of mouth care. She had thrush so bad from the oxygen and the lack of care and she happens to be alive to tell us about it. Our family members, many of them, we didn't get the chance to know exactly what they went through.

Nighttime emergencies. Family woken up and pressured to make instant life and death choices with little information. The staff is attempting to scare them or confuse them.

Oh, yeah. They'll yell at you in a heartbeat. “You've got to tell us now”. “We need to know now”. You don't…there's no option. You can't call a friend. You can't call your family doctor. You can't do anything. You have to make a decision right now and all you're going on is what you're being told. You can't be there, and they're certainly not going to let you come in or come wait for you to get there.

Perception of malevolence. Victim states or feels like Hospital staff is torturing them or going to kill them. Every survivor tells us the same thing.

They just felt like they were going to die. There are text messages on their phones. One young man, he was young. He was under 20 and he was texting all his friends, “they're going to kill me in here”.

Then there's the man who was trying to text his family and realized that his texts were not going out. For whatever reason, he couldn't get a text to connect. So what did he do? He screenshot everything and his family didn't find those screenshots until they went looking for pictures in his phone of him for his service and they found out he was trying to tell them, “They're not feeding me”. “They tell me I'm dying”. “They're going to kill me”. “Please come get me”, and all of those were screenshot.

But he couldn't get a text to go out and they know that the nurses had access to his passcode because they asked for that passcode so they could use his phone when he was allowed to FaceTime with them.

Unqualified staff, treatment by foreign, travel, FEMA or unqualified medical staff.

We know that there were many FEMA nurses and unqualified staff has become very obvious because the FBI has a task force under the name of Operation Nightingale.

Outside nurses were brought into the country, and they went to “school” at a couple of different schools in the US, and they were able to get certificates that allowed them to travel and work within the United States, but they were not trained in the United States. These certificates were purchased, and the FBI is working on that process right now, and this includes some doctors.

So, the only thing that comes to mind when the hospitals were locked down and all elective procedures were removed from hospitals because, quote, unquote, “we're going to be overwhelmed in the ICUs,” but we can't have all these other things going on in the hospital because of the potential for infection. So, a lot of your average technicians and nurses who were working in other parts of the hospital were sent home.

Now your ICU nurses are the only ones that are handling everything. So then they brought in traveling nurses who got paid immense amount of money. According to Nurse Erin, $10,000 a week was the norm. But keep in mind that these nurses, when they're dealing with your loved one, you're not getting to see the person who is the daughter of the lady you go to church with. There is no connection. And from many countries, they don't have the same vision of, empathy or morality that we have.

And if they're concerned about deportation, they do whatever they're told by a doctor or any other perceived authority figure, and they don't alter it. They don't change it. They don't think about it. They just do what they're told.

And that is all of the 25.
56   Patrick   2024 Feb 12, 11:54am  


Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations. This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020. Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.



The data appears to show that vast numbers of elderly were murdered with an injection of the end-of-life drug Midazolam.

According to Kelly, the patients were euthanized in order to boost “Covid deaths” and ramp up public fear to garner support for lockdowns and vaccines.

While alerting the public about the data, Kelly declared that it exposes “the crime of the century.”

“These deaths were then falsely blamed on Covid, which was the basis of the public fear campaigns used to justify the lockdowns and mass-mandated injections of the public (including children) with an experimental medical intervention that had zero long-term safety data,” Kelly said in a post on X alongside copies of the data.

“Along the way, a small group pushing the need for mass-mandated injections made billions.
57   Patrick   2024 Feb 14, 3:17pm  


New Research Implicates UK State in Policy of Mass-Euthanasia With Midazolam Using Covid Deaths as Cover

1) Mandated Midazolam injections Correlate to UK excess death

A new pre-publication academic paper has found a statistically significant very high correlation between UK excess deaths and the use of death-row drug Midazolam used in NHS end of life care death protocol.

The paper’s author Dr. Wilson Sy pulls no punches, stating that these excess deaths were “wrongly attributed to Covid” but statistically correlate instead to health professionals injecting patients with death-row drug Midazolam, in what appears to be “a possible policy of systemic euthanasia” of our elderly and disabled in care homes.

No, that is not a typo. Yes, you read that correctly. ...

The publication of peer-reviewed research linking Covid vaccines to this excess death has bolstered option (i) above as a possible cause for higher than normal death rates.

The release now of this new Australian paper that finds a correlation between state-mandated Midazolam injections and UK excess death confirms option (ii) as a second cause.

Here is the new research paper in question by Dr Wilson Sy. ...

And here is Dr Wilson Sy’s summary from the paper’s abstract:

“This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020.”

As if that part wasn’t shocking enough, Dr Sy continues:

“Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.“

Here is a screen-grabbed image of the abstract, with the relevant parts highlighted in yellow for any who may doubt what their eyes are reading right now.

... Dr. Sy summarises his findings in the following words:

“The extraordinary spike in UK excess deaths in April 2020 was not due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because there were relatively few infections and there was no ‘high consequence infectious disease’ as officially declared in March 2020.”

The statement that there was “no high consequence infectious disease as officially declared in March 2020” leaves the question as to what killed all those people glaringly open.

Dr. Sy answers this query immediately, and candidly, in the very next paragraph:

“The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic (ie: deaths caused by the medical intervention itself - Ed.), created with widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic policy of euthanasia. The nature of the euthanasia needs further investigation. Statistically, Midazolam injections were highly correlated with UK excess deaths throughout the pandemic, overwhelming COVID-19 disease or vaccination as other possible explanations for excess mortality.”

Dr. Sy does not exclude other possible causes for UK excess death, such as vaccination, though he presents Midazolam as the highly correlating, statistically significant factor.

“Midazolam was the common proximal cause of excess deaths in the pandemic, but there were likely many other primary causes including comorbidities, infections and vaccination. The data available are not sufficient to measure the precise impact of vaccination on excess deaths. Vaccination was unlikely to have saved many, if any, lives because the unreliable early data grossly exaggerated COVID deaths, inflating the extent of the SARS-CoV-2 threat which was subsequently assumed and projected in computer models which created illusory benefits.”

Finally, Dr. Sy seems aware that his findings totally disrupt most of what the world thinks it knows about the Covid “pandemic” that never was.

“Most global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, only based on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, are probably inaccurate, because their assumptions are generally false due to the significant presence of confounding factors in some countries, such as the UK.”

Again, here is a screen-grab from the paper’s conclusion for those who are still digesting the severity of what Dr. Sy’s words imply.

58   Patrick   2024 Feb 14, 4:58pm  

This is because the murders by Midazolam were concentrated in those area. The virus was not a significant cause of death.
61   Ceffer   2024 Feb 21, 10:05pm  

130K for every alleged dead Covid patient, quite an incentive. Who knew that doctors were ranked paramilitary, expected to comply with complete obedience to the chain of command, or be defrocked: the chain of command ultimately being the DOD, the allopathic Rockefellers, the national public health services, and the death 'protocol' recipes put out by NIH, FDA, CDC etc. The Hippocratic Oath must have been a mild, optional suggestion.

Of course, revealing the entirely corrupt peer review system for $$$ was just icing on the cake. It appears they'd rubber stamp Zyklon B as a tonic health agent if they got paid enough. I guess with the vaxicides, they did more or less exactly that.
62   stereotomy   2024 Feb 21, 10:30pm  

Ceffer says

130K for every alleged dead Covid patient, quite an incentive. Who knew that doctors were ranked paramilitary, expected to comply with complete obedience to the chain of command, or be defrocked: the chain of command ultimately being the DOD, the allopathic Rockefellers, the national public health services, and the death 'protocol' recipes put out by NIH, FDA, CDC etc. The Hippocratic Oath must have been a mild, optional suggestion.

Of course, revealing the entirely corrupt peer review system for $$$ was just icing on the cake. It appears they'd rubber stamp Zyklon B as a tonic health agent if they got paid enough. I guess with the vaxicides, they did more or less exactly that.

The modern medical system was developed largely by the military in the early to mid-20th century. Surgeons and anesthesiologists were high on the medical totem pole because they were the most crucial to patching up cannon fodder in wartime. I'm old enough to remember why I never decided to be a doctor - I valued my sleep. Interns would be run ragged to simulate wartime MASH units, going up to 96 hours without sleep. Nurses fed into this dysfunctional dynamic, correcting sleep-addled care instructions, etc.

Modern medicine was a ruthless mechanism for selecting those who could survive the insanely sadistic med school / internship horror show. It was the medical equivalent of "John Henry, born with a hammer in his hand."

Now we have globohomo, and I think that we're better off "doing our own research" for what ails us as opposed to placing ourselves under the diagnostic mercies of a diversity hire.
63   HeadSet   2024 Feb 22, 6:24pm  

Ceffer says

It appears they'd rubber stamp Zyklon B as a tonic health agent if they got paid enough.

Nope, because the patent has expired. They would add an inert ingredient, claim a new drug, and patent that.
64   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 23, 7:18am  

Old article, but worth reading. The shot wasn't the first wave of the scamdemic, the hospital murders were:
66   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 11:08am  


A.J. DePriest Reveals the Nitty Gritty of the Financial Incentives Behind the Covid Protocols
Apr. 15th, 2022 12:05 pm
Also at:

DESCRIPTION: AJ DePriest of the Tennessee Liberty Network joins ITN to discuss her organization’s findings on the Federal Government’s funding mechanisms that drive much of the Covid hysteria. Learn about the funding mechanisms in your state on Telegram at FindMyTakedownGroup. Email AJ at KickCommieAss[at]protonmail[dot]com. Find Covid education and patient advocacy at TheAdamGroup.net.

Mike Dakkak's In the News podcast home page is https://itnshow.com/

[Discussing a bill that allows Ivermectin to be sold over-the-counter in Tennessee pharmacies]

MIKE DAKKAK: I was shocked to learn that Ivermectin has a better safety record than Tylenol.

A.J. DEPRIEST: Tylenol, yeah, yeah, more people have died from Tylenol than Ivermectin.

MIKE DAKKAK: So you said something that was interesting there. You said a few, several physicians showed up to kind of push for this bill. That's kind of refreshing. Are you finding that there are a lot of doctors and medical professionals who have, are kind of shaking off the shackles that the CDC had placed on them and are finally speaking their minds?

A.J. DEPRIEST: I can tell you our lawmakers are happier about the Ivermectin because a lot of them have had covid and they took Ivermectin. And they're not afraid to talk about it. But I think a lot of doctors even in hospitals would love to prescribe Ivermectin because I think even in hospitals doctors know that the remdesivir and the NIH protocol, the remdesivir, the ventilator protocol is very bad and deadly. But they are just, they're locked down from prescribing it and, because it's not, it doesn't, it doesn't reimburse as much, they're not covered under the PREP Act [1] for liability, for anything but that very strict one-size-fits-all NIH protocol of remdesivir to ventilator. So I think if it came down to it doctors in hospitals would prescribe Ivermectin if they could. And I know doctors outside of hospitals like in private practice and who do telehealth, they prescribe it all the time.

MIKE DAKKAK: Well I mean one of the more startling revelations that you and your organization Tennessee Liberty Network has uncovered is this kind of de facto kind of coercion of our medical system through funding.


MIKE DAKKAK: And that's how they're, they're getting them to prescribe certain medications and not prescribe other medications.

A.J. DEPRIEST: Right. Yeah. CMS which is the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare [2], they were basically weaponized by the CARES Act [3] to offer a lot of things to hospitals that were related to the covid diagnosis. They even set up its own ICD code. [inaudible] ICD 9s, now now ICD 10 is the covid code, so it has its own. And they set up what's called DRGs which are Diagnosis Related Groups. And all— when a covid patient comes in the door, somebody who is suspected of covid or even if they're not covid and they label them covid, then they get set up so that every single thing that happens to them is per a very strict regimen. They're given x-number of days of remdesivir, x-number of days in doses of dexamethasone, x-number of days in doses of [inaudible] etcetera, and then usually dialysis. Because covid doesn't cause you to need dialysis, remdesivir does.

MIKE DAKKAK: Remdesivir.

A.J. DEPRIEST: So dialysis is a DRG. And then the ventilator is a DRG. And what we did was we found the pricing on all of these DRGs with their individual weights and we figured out every single thing that happened inside of a hospital to a covid patient, or somebody that's labeled as covid, we figured out, we have the whole entire spread sheet of the DRGs associated with covid and how much those pay. And then what happens at the end of the day when the patient discharges, usually dead, unfortunately, um, that total is added up and then a 20% bonus is added on because of the DRGs. It's a 20% bonus. [rifling through papers] And then another bonus, and this is what a lot of people don't know, is that another bonus is added on that is [rifling through papers] let me find it I'll tell you what it is exactly, it's very interesting. Because a lot of people talk about this bonus, this 20% bonus, but there's actually two 20% bonuses.

MIKE DAKKAK: I mean, first of all, it's just it's bizarre to set it up this way. Hey, we're going to give you a bonus if you administer x drug...

A.J. DEPRIEST : Yeah they're killing people. Yeah.

MIKE DAKKAK: Whoever heard of such a thing?

A.J. DEPRIEST: Killing people. Yeah, So they get the first bonus, and I'll find it here, and um, and, and what's really interesting is that all of this is going on because we are under a public health emergency on a federal level, the PHE, and that has been renewed every 3 months since January of 2020. And our Congress actually voted to end the public health emergency on August 3rd, but you know, Ukraine, you know, laptop, shiny things, so they don't want people to know, 48 to 47 they voted to end the public health emergency, it went to Biden's desk and he's vetoing it. Why? Because the public health emergency perpetuates all of this. If the public health emergency ended, all of this extra money going to hospitals for covid patients would dead stop.

MIKE DAKKAK: That is the original sin, isn't it?


MIKE DAKKAK: That's what makes everything else possible.

A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. And the PREP Act liability immunity for everything that's happening in the hospitals, what they call [makes air quotes with fingers] covered countermeasures, including vaccine injuries associated with the covid shot, all that liability immunity would end if the public health emergency ended. If people knew this they would be in DC kicking in the doors to get them to end that.

MIKE DAKKAK: Give us a little bit of an idea of how much money we're talking. How much money do hospitals get for every patient that's tests positive for covid, every patient that's put on a ventilator, every patient that has–—

A.J. DEPRIEST: What state are you in? What state are you in, I'll tell you how much your state is getting.

MIKE DAKKAK: I am in the great state of New Jersey.

A.J. DEPRIEST: OK. Well New York and New Jersey didn't get as much as say, West Virginia was getting. In 2020, West Virginia got 471,000 dollars for every covid admission in the hospital.

MIKE DAKKAK: Half a million dollars nearly!

A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. Yeah, 471,000. And um, and I think New York was [looking at computer screen on her desk] let me find the [inaudible] site, I think New York was um, like 12,000. But the way they set up distribution of this first set of covid funding to hospitals, they didn't set it up according to where the greatest number of covid cases were, like you would think that would be important. But no, they looked at the Medicare billing for the year before and whoever had the most Medicare and Medicaid billing, that's who they gave the most money to. That's how you know that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, CMS, that they're behind everything. And when I say everything, I mean, all these really horrible things we're seeing in hospitals, like those are all driven by what was called CMS waivers. CMS issued waivers to hospitals while we're under a under a public health emergency that would allow them to completely throw out the door their patient bill of rights. Yeah. They don't have to create patient care plans, Medicare patients don't need an MD assigned to them. They can leave patients alone for up to 48 hours without food or water or any kind of personal care. I mean there are just pages and pages of waivers that CMS offered hospitals all in the name of the public health emergency. Let me find the, let me find the [inaudible]. [Looking on computer] We'll see here, I'll find it. It's really interesting how they broke it down.

MIKE DAKKAK: This is what is so insidious to me, they, so they don't give anybody specific orders, hey, you know, fudge the numbers on your covid patients, or put people on ventilators so their conditions can worsen. But they set the stage, they set the framework, and they incentivized certain behavior and they deincentivize other behavior—


MIKE DAKKAK: And then everything just kind of goes on autopilot from there.

A.J. DEPRIEST: It is, it is autopilot. It is a very strict one-size-fits-all protocol and it includes what they call covered countermeasures. And it is remdesivir, and all the drugs associated, all those cocktails of drugs associated with remdesivir, and dialysis, and the ventilator. And that's it. And if families can't even get high-dose vitamin IV therapy, they can't even get them to prone their loved ones, they can't get any of that because it's not part of the DRGs of that very strict covid hospital protocol. And so they financially incentivize, they stick with that very close protocol, and they disincentivize financially anything outside of that. And of course they get the big hand-slap because anything outside of those covered countermeasures, they could, if they were sued, they wouldn't be protected. The PREP Act just covers everything.

MIKE DAKKAK: Well that's one of the most important connections I think you and your team have made.


MIKE DAKKAK: So they set out these guidelines and if you follow them, you're indemnified. Anything goes wrong and—

A.J. DEPRIEST: Indemnified and you make bank. I mean [laughs]—

MIKE DAKKAK: You make a ton of money and there's no liability.

See "Blood Money in US healthcare: Financial Incentives: The Use of Covered 'Countermeasures'"
summary brief, revised August 8, 2022
Copyright AJ De Priest and Tennessee Liberty Network

[1] "The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) provides immunity to qualified individuals."
See PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators

UPDATE: This website has been removed. I checked it on the waybackmachine.org: the last capture before it disappeared was taken on November 5, 2023. It can be viewed here:


[2] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare

[3] "The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (Fund) and appropriated $150 billion to the Fund. Under the law, the Fund is to be used to make payments for specified uses to States and certain local governments; the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories (consisting of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands); and Tribal governments." See https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/cares-act-coronavirus-relief-fund-frequently-asked-questions
70   Patrick   2024 Jun 13, 8:15pm  


Why would an article, published less than a week ago, suddenly not be available?

Fortunately, archived versions tell us the answer.

The disappeared article looks at the murky world of ‘Celebrity’ doctors.

Would you believe it - the doctors who were on TV telling you to get vaccinated were also getting paid by the same pharmaceutical companies selling the vaccines.

Camilla Turner, Sunday Political Editor at the Telegraph, disclosed that high profile doctors had not been declaring the thousands of pounds they had been receiving from pharmaceutical giants before appearing on primetime TV to discuss their products.

The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!
71   HeadSet   2024 Jun 14, 8:05am  

Patrick says

The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!

This was likely one installment of on-going, as needed payments.
72   Patrick   2024 Sep 29, 7:27pm  


Witness to Tragedy: ‘Huge’ Financial Incentives Led Hospitals to Use COVID Treatments That Killed Patients

Zowe Smith, who left her job as a medical coder in an Arizona hospital, joined “The Defender In-Depth” to discuss how the use of ventilators and remdesivir unnecessarily caused the deaths of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals. ...

“Even when I was experiencing what I saw, it was almost unbelievable that this could even happen in a hospital,” said Smith, who first noticed abnormalities when the hospital started implementing COVID-19 protocols.

“I started noticing … patients trying to escape the hospital, like unplugging things, pulling out vent tubes and escaping … then I started to hear rumors about the ventilators and I knew that there was a bonus for [giving] remdesivir,” Smith said.

Smith said patients coming in with cold and flu symptoms were treated differently than they had been before the COVID-19 outbreak. “Before COVID, a cold, flu or pneumonia case, you would normally be home within three days, maybe a week, unless you had other major conditions.”

Before the pandemic, patients were rarely placed on ventilators. Smith said:

“Before the pandemic and the hospital protocols began, we did not connect patients to ventilators right away. It wasn’t until they were in dire straits and we had tried every other method that they would be put on a ventilator, and then they would be coming off those ventilators as soon as possible.”

But under the COVID-19 hospital protocols, patients “would be on the ventilators for 30 days or more sometimes, which was incredibly rare,” Smith said. “On top of that, they weren’t talking about disconnecting these patients from the ventilator, which should be something they’re talking about within 24 hours, because the longer you’re on, the less likely you are to come off the ventilator.”

Under the COVID-19 protocols, doctors “went straight to the ventilator” even if patient oxygen levels had not reached “the threshold where we would normally ventilate a person.”

Patients who were given remdesivir developed kidney failure within a few days. “I could see the lab values … they were getting worse almost immediately after the administration of remdesivir,” she said.
73   Patrick   2024 Oct 4, 3:01pm  


What we were not aware of was that she had been picked as one of the COVID-19 fatalities.

And yes, I said picked.

We are most assuredly aware of how you purposefully and intentionally killed her, murdered her, if I may.

She begged for water. She begged to breathe on her own. She begged for care. She begged to have someone who would listen to her.

No one would come into her room when we paged for a nurse or other hospital staff. I, her sister, was there for only two full days at two separate times and saw this firsthand.

She told me she was fearful of you. She expressed she was not being cared for. She told me this. I tried to talk to nurses. I even talked to her doctor directly.

He was East Indian. I cannot recall his name or don't know if he ever tried to even tell me. His bedside manner was horrific.

I told him my concerns. He dismissed me.

I was adamant that I knew of the COVID-19 protocols. I had done my own in-depth research.

I knew that she had asked for Ivermectin at the previous hospital. They refused to give it to her.

They asked her to take Remdesivir, what we all know has a 53% rate of causing death. It is essentially a poison. That has been widely discussed in many articles from the National Health Institutes, and the CDC, and many different media outlets from Europe and other countries....

You picked people to kill, to let die. You singled them out and separated them from their families intentionally.

They laid in agony away from loved ones and eventually began to give up the will to live. No one was there to advocate for them. No one could demand that they be fed, have water, have vitamins, and be given life-saving medication and treatment. ...

My sister was tied down. She was treated like an animal. She was treated with such inhumanity.

You did it intentionally and with extreme malice. There was no need to do that.

Can you imagine doing this to your own loved one? It is barbaric.

We took her hands out to hold them, to show her that we were there to love her, to do what we could. We knew that when we left, the nurse would put them back into the restraint.

Talk about an emotional, overwhelming situation. I was inconsolable when I left her room at the end of visiting hours. To watch someone you would die for be treated like that was inexcusable.

I was terrified that me speaking up or more making a commotion would cause them to do even more harm to her. To neglect her further.

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