World War III Watch

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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,147 views  949 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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929   Ceffer   2024 Sep 26, 12:13pm  

Rockefellers rewrote the 'history' of WWII to accommodate the 'victors'. Some observers said that WWII just fizzled out, there was no standardized victory. The Third Reich never 'surrendered', just the generals and military ceased hostilities while the Third Reich fled to South America and Antarctica (and, of course, Paperclip), trace skipping its banking and account holder harvests. Eisenhower purposely starved to death over a million prisoners of war, and needed alleged counter atrocities to hide that fact. Nuremberg was optics, and there are even allegations that many of the principles on view who were executed and punished were avatars. Some were for show, some weren't. As usual, villains became heroes or were disguised, designated villains were created etc. etc., other 'villains' were exfiltrated to thriving lives and careers.

What the Rockefellers spun was crammed down the throats of publicity and academia and captured MSM under threat and intimidation (how Jesuit of them), which is probably why it was all so confusing and never tracked with many uncovered known facts or trends.

The goals it seems as usual usual was to create mythologies of lies. What is important are the lies and their perpetuation under force.
930   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 1, 7:49am  

Is this the 'October Surprise?'

WWIII Watch: Pentagon Rushes More Air, Land, and Sea Assets to Middle East

Combined U.S. military forces are being rushed to the Middle East to deter an Iranian response in the wake of Israel’s enhanced air campaign against Hezbollah and the start of a ground operation in southern Lebanon to remove terrorist outposts that threaten Israeli communities, U.S. and Israeli officials said Monday.

The infusion of fighting assets, which includes air-defense units, will add to the tens of thousands of American personnel already on high alert there, said Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

932   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 1, 12:14pm  

Trump says Iran would have never attacked Israel if he was president, warns US on the 'brink of World War III'

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests Biden bomb Iran in response to Israel strike

933   WookieMan   2024 Oct 1, 1:26pm  

RayAmerica says

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests Biden bomb Iran in response to Israel strike

Jesus Christ. Graham needs to be hit by a missile with his feminine name. Let Israel figure it out. We can assist defensively, but I don't want us involved in any attack that isn't 100% Israeli funded and operated. Everyone is poking the US bear. We need this fucking election done. Then we'll know the outcome.

I'll take the former POTUS over a whore for $1,000 Trebek.
934   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 1, 7:18pm  

The first confirmed fatality from the Iranian strike on Israel is...

An occupied Samaria-Judea Arab.

That's one unlucky bastard
935   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 13, 10:52am  

Biden’s officials risking WWIII – Trump

The Republican presidential candidate has pledged to defuse global tensions if elected in November

The US is dangerously close to sliding into World War III within months due to the policies of the administration of President Joe Biden, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said.

Speaking at a campaign rally on Saturday in California, a Democratic Party stronghold, Trump claimed that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. The former president said, however, that he has an even more pressing concern.

”We got a problem. I actually worry about the next three months… I worry we’ll end up in a world war because of the people that we have [in the administration],” he said.

Trump promised that if he is elected president in November, he would “act with urgency and speed to save America and to rescue the people of California from [Democratic nominee] Kamala Harris’ atrocious failures.”

He added that during his time in office, he “kept… [the] country safe, we had no wars.”

I’ll keep you out of wars… I will end [the] war in Ukraine, stop the chaos in the Middle East, and I will prevent very definitely World War III,” he said.

The Republican has repeatedly promised to end the Ukraine conflict within 24 hours of being elected, before even being sworn into office, although the details of the plan remain largely unknown. According to his running mate, J.D. Vance, Trump could start talks with Russia, Ukraine, and European stakeholders to establish a demilitarized zone along the current front line, with Kiev agreeing to stay out of NATO.

Harris, who has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine, has criticized Trump’s approach, claiming that he would essentially force Kiev to surrender.

936   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 16, 7:42am  

"Peace, peace; when there is no peace" - Jeremiah 6:14

Another War Looming? North Korea Destroys Key Roads and Rail Links Connecting to South Korea — Threaten Open War if More Drones Appear

Under the Biden-Harris regime, tensions on the Korean Peninsula hit a new boiling point as North Korea aggressively dismantles critical roads and threatens open war.

South Korea released videos of the explosions on two major cross-border roads—the Gyeongui Line and Donghae Line—connecting the nation to North Korea.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) confirmed Tuesday that North Korean forces deployed explosives on these roadways, “presumably to block connection routes” into South Korea, AP reported.

This provocation comes amid an increasingly volatile atmosphere under the Biden-Harris administration’s lack of strong diplomatic and military oversight in the region.


PS: "War, war, war. That's all everyone ever talks about is war." - Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind
937   WookieMan   2024 Oct 16, 8:14am  

RayAmerica says

This provocation comes amid an increasingly volatile atmosphere under the Biden-Harris administration’s lack of strong diplomatic and military oversight in the region.

Anywhere. Not just there. Joe is out to lunch and Kamala is kind of campaigning going on some proud sluts podcast thinking she's hip. Conservatives despise call her daddy. It's like she's intentionally wanting to lose conservative and religious women. That's the vote she needs.

I don't get her campaign. She couldn't be doing any worse in my opinion. Everyone else in the world sees we're weak right now and get away with what they want. This election needs to be done, get the violence out of the way and get to January as fast as we can.

Usually I'm a pessimist, but if Trump wins this will be the best outcome. Lame duck. Joe is gone. Kamala will prove she's not POTUS material and will probably retire. We'll get two new candidates that likely will be younger in 2028. This era of politics has been shit if we're being honest. Covid was a shit show for Trump and Biden, neither handled it well. Trump had the better economy.

We do need a leader that is an ass hole though right now. Trump can do that. Has done it. If that Billy Bush RV grab em by the pussy never happened, he wouldn't have lost so many women votes. We need a leader that can shake a hand and be dominant. Taller in most cases. Kamala will look weak with other world leaders and frankly stupid if they record audio.

I'll be blunt, with multiple conflicts going on all over the globe, I don't want a woman running the show at all. We need an ass hole that puts fear into these dip shits fighting over nothing and we're paying for it. Ally or enemy. I don't want a mom with a toddler having a tantrum trying to play nice. Shut the fuck up kid. She doesn't have that except with her staff.
938   anniecoyote   2024 Oct 16, 9:06am  

"I'll be blunt, with multiple conflicts going on all over the globe, I don't want a woman running the show at all. We need an ass hole that puts fear into these dipshits...."
Absolutely...I am a woman and I totally agree.
939   Patrick   2024 Oct 17, 10:45am  


Yesterday, the United States, Japan, South Korea, France and Britain held massive joint military drills near Taiwan. Then, China responded with its own record-setting drills, completely encircling the island nation with China’s Coast Guard, and buzzing it with fighter jets launched from China’s first production aircraft carrier. ...

Beyond describing the military schlong measuring, the article unintentionally confessed an ugly truth. Neocon China hawks often argue China would be easy to beat since it hasn’t “practiced war” since Vietnam. (You could also say China has remained peaceful for the last 50 years, but nobody wants to hear that.) In making that overly simplistic point, the formerly peace-loving Times grotesquely bragged how the United States has honed its warmaking skills over decades of continuous war:

"China is still trying to teach its army, navy, air force and other
military branches to coordinate better. That is a skill militaries like
that of the United States have honed over *decades of continuous
war*, whereas the Chinese People's Liberation Army has not fought
a battle since its brief conflict with Vietnam 45 years ago."

While continuous war might be great for military-industrial complex shareholders, for everybody else, continuous war is noisy, expensive, and every now and then somebody actually gets killed. Continuous war is kind of exactly what we were hoping to avoid.

That’s why we need President Trump!

Trump’s foreign policy is based on competing with other countries economically rather than kinetically. Trump is confident he can outwit, outmarket, and outsell other countries, without anybody having to die or even get mangled in a drone strike.

This kind of competition is out of the left’s reach. Democrats and generals are cowards; they are scared they can’t compete on a fair economic table, so they wield the bully clubs of American military and economic sanctions trying to tilt the scales in our favor.

The very same people whining about Trump’s straightforward proposals for temporary tariffs never saw a sanctions package they didn’t love. This is a terrific example of the structural problem when deep-state bureaucrats pull the levers of power behind the scenes. On the one hand, the deep-staters are over-emboldened by their lack of accountability, which makes them too aggressive when they should be diplomatic. But they are also fundamentally cowards, constantly fearing exposure, so they are also too passive when they should be forceful.

Deep-state bureaucrats experience constant anxiety over professional ‘death,’ which is being thrust into the political spotlight like Fauci and thus rendered useless to the rest of the blob. This results in obsessive secrecy, where it seems like the government classifies almost everything it does.

In other words, we aren’t being told a tenth of what is really going on in the Pacific theater. (Where did the mystery drones flying over US airbases come from?) If China does plan to invade Taiwan anytime soon, the best time might be proximate to the U.S. elections, either just before or just after, especially if a close election is contested resulting in a difficult period when it isn’t clear who’ll be in charge.

Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail, and the election will not even be close.
940   Eric Holder   2024 Oct 17, 11:28am  

In September 2022, after announcing the annexation of four Ukrainian regions he did not control, and with his troops suffering heavy losses on the battlefield, Putin rattled his nuclear sabre again. This time, he vowed that Moscow would “certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us” if Russia’s territorial integrity, which presumably included the newly “annexed” regions, was threatened. For extra emphasis, he added: “This is not a bluff.”

This turned out to be a bluff.

But the rivers of urine uncontrollably flowing out of all the "experts", officials, stupid cunts and false prophets in the West were fucking epic. 🤡
941   The_Deplorable   2024 Oct 17, 3:37pm  

Eric Holder says
"In September 2022, after announcing the annexation of four
Ukrainian regions he did not control... Putin rattled his..."

What are you talking about?

1. Those four Ukrainian regions are now part of Russia.
2. Ukraine suffered a massive humiliating defeat
3. The Ukraine military front has collapsed and
4. Ukrainian army units are surrendering to the Russians en masse.
942   Wvs   2024 Oct 17, 11:54pm  

Eric Holder says
In September 2022, after announcing the annexation of four Ukrainian regions he did not control, and with his troops suffering heavy losses on the battlefield, Putin rattled his nuclear sabre again. This time, he vowed that Moscow would “certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us” if Russia’s territorial integrity, which presumably included the newly “annexed” regions, was threatened. For extra emphasis, he added: “This is not a bluff.”

This turned out to be a bluff.

Why do you think they won't use it? Or that it's a bluff? I think if it becomes necessary, they will definitely use it! For example, look at those cameras in Russia, life is flowing there without any hint of war.

But if it really becomes necessary, Putin will definitely use it.
943   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Oct 18, 9:23am  

The_Deplorable says

What are you talking about?

1. Those four Ukrainian regions are now part of Russia.
2. Ukraine suffered a massive humiliating defeat
3. The Ukraine military front has collapsed and
4. Ukrainian army units are surrendering to the Russians en masse.

Ukey Fluffers can't deal with reality.
944   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 18, 10:09am  

Patrick says

In other words, we aren’t being told a tenth of what is really going on in the Pacific theater. (Where did the mystery drones flying over US airbases come from?) If China does plan to invade Taiwan anytime soon, the best time might be proximate to the U.S. elections, either just before or just after, especially if a close election is contested resulting in a difficult period when it isn’t clear who’ll be in charge.

I was reading about New Guinea, Solomons, etc. and China is donating stuff and loaning like crazy, they even had a mini Civil War between ROC and CCP backers a few years ago. The 4G Network infrastructure CCP gifted New Guinea was sending packets back to Beijing on everything from airport flights to Council meetings. China's paws are all over, and it's very clear that the real Meddler and Briber in US Politics is getting clean away with it.
945   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 18, 12:45pm  

Zelensky Stuns Allies by Demanding Either NATO Membership or Nuclear Weapons

(Just try to imagine the global tragedy that awaits us if this little runt dictator gets Nukes)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, having received a lackluster response when he pitched his ‘victory plan’ to US officials in Washington last month, now says that Ukraine must either join NATO or obtain nuclear weapons.

He made the ultra provocative comments while speaking before the EU’s European Council in Brussels, where he presented the victory plan before European lawmakers. That’s when he referenced a recent private conversation with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying he told Trump that his country needs “some kind of alliance” or be “forced to pursue nuclear weapons.”

“In a conversation with Donald Trump I said – this is our situation: What way out do we have? Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, which for us will be a defense, or we’ll need to have some sort of alliance, besides NATO. But today we know of no other alliance,” Zelensky said.

946   AD   2024 Oct 18, 10:44pm  

RayAmerica says

Zelensky Stuns Allies by Demanding Either NATO Membership or Nuclear Weapons

He's being coached and/or managed by the extremes within the Biden Admin and European Union.

948   WookieMan   2024 Oct 20, 6:08pm  

Patrick says

Where is it not legal to smoke at 18? (not weed) Don't recommend it, but I'm too lazy to look it up. IL you can. Drinking will always be 21. I don't see that changing in our lifetimes. I think it should. Also cigs here are like $11/pack.

Stigmatize something and all the younger kids will want to drink underage. IF my kids want to drink at 16 I want it to be with my wife or myself. Not make it a big deal. Turtle wins the race, not the rabbit. I don't need binge drinkers and a bunch of DUI's or dead people. Be responsible. Been doing it 24 years roughly.

One of the few things I think Europe gets right is alcohol. Trump won't change that because of his brother. But like Rowe v Wade, he should give it back to the states to decide and not hold highway funding over their heads. Wasn't alive then, but I feel like DUI's and alcohol deaths were less with more booze flowing in the 60-70's.

Now I feel like people can get their hands on a handle of vodka or other hard stuff at 15 and get torched. Had my almost die moment. Not joking. I'll 99.8% of the time won't touch hard stuff again. Celebration or birthday party a big maybe. Only one shot and then I legit tell people to fuck off including friends. They know my stance on it too. Drink my shot don't give me another for 6 months at least.

I can just sip 1 light beer an hour and be totally fine. Not everyday, but I could and wake up at 4am. Hard liquor I'm asleep till noon. But that's been 20 years. I don't sleep in.

I think if you can be selected to have bullets thrown your way it should be legal to have a drink, beer preferably at 18. 16 with parental consent earlier. I'm 90% sure that's legal in WI if the parents are with them. My parents would buy me beer on vacation in high school. I made my one binge mistake and never will again.
949   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 20, 6:18pm  

It's insane that Wake, Canton, Baker & Howland, Johnson, and Midway aren't militarized outposts.

If I was President there would be P-3 and B-52 exercises there regularly, SAMs installed, and Coast Guard Subchasers/SAR both boat and air, there 24-7-365, with a company of Marines. USAF detachment and spares for C-130s and C-5s to make critical repairs. We can take out landing craft with ATGWs now.

Did you know the Coast Guard has no instrinsic ASW anymore?

We lack 2nd world functionality in our territorial defense.

And we're $37T in debt.

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