Why I am voting for Trump

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2024 Aug 14, 9:50am   1,344 views  73 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Why I am voting for Trump is simple. I would vote for any Republican because only they will put a stop to the madness of “gender-affirming care,” a cult-like phenom that has overtaken the Left only in the past decade. What they’re doing to kids is horrifying. If you are voting for the Democrats, you are voting for that. Good luck. Everything that happens to these kids will be on you.

Secondly, after I watched “cancel culture” spread to the government and watched our government lurch toward totalitarian rule, that is when I knew we were in the danger zone. When they raided Mar-a-Lago, I decided to vote for Trump. When they convicted him and called him a felon, I became a Trump supporter.

But more than that, this story is really about how I could not take the hate demanded of me from my former side. I overdosed on it. I could feel it like sludge in my veins. I decided I had to escape my own feedback loop and my former tribe to find out what was true and what wasn’t.

And almost nothing was true. That was the shocking part. It was all a delusion. But explaining that to people is like trying to explain that there was no such thing as witchcraft in Salem in 1692.

You see, when you have cast your opponent as Hitler, what won’t you do to stop him from rising and winning? What can’t you do to him and to his supporters? There is no bottom. I could not stand on that side.

Trump isn’t Hitler. For one thing, Hitler had a plan. Trump does not. He is merely a guy who says whatever he wants to say. To the totalitarians on the Left, THAT is the threat. ...

I believe in telling the truth, no matter where it takes you. Does it mean you are now human garbage to the people with all of the power? So be it. I can’t do the other thing. I can’t lie and pander. I can’t pile on. I can’t dehumanize. This is where I’ve landed. Knowing I am healthier in my mind and heart makes me feel better.

Hollywood is collapsing. No one cares about the movies anymore. Hardly anyone watches them. Why? Because they can’t tell the truth anymore, not even to themselves. But as long as they have a fresh supply of people to accuse and purge, they can pretend they’re still the good guys.

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48   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 27, 10:48am  

Patrick says

37% still is too high. I bet is more like 27% but that extra 10% was too afraid to tell the pollsters the truth.
49   Patrick   2024 Aug 28, 2:48pm  


Why I have Endorsed President Trump

This is not subtle, nor the lesser of two evils ...

The prior administration of Donald Trump did not impose the “vaccine” mandates, but the Biden-Harris administration did.

Donald Trump's administration rejected the WHO. The Biden-Harris administration reinstated WHO funding and developed and promoted the WHO sovereignty-destroying “pandemic treaty” and “International Health Accord” updates.

The administration of Donald Trump did not deploy years of COVID-related psychological bioterrorism and disaster cronyism in the US and the world, but the Biden-Harris administration did.

The administration of Donald Trump did not conspire with and coerce corporate media and big tech to censor, propagandize, and deploy a myriad of military-grade psychological warfare methods and weapons on US citizens. The Biden-Harris administration did.

The administration of Donald Trump did not arbitrarily and capriciously abandon allies, advanced equipment and US Soldiers in Afghanistan. The Biden-Harris administration did.

The administration of Donald Trump did not prosecute, capitalize, and propagandize an unnecessary war in Ukraine to advance global imperialist objectives. The Biden-Harris administration did.

The administration of Donald Trump did not sacrifice and cripple European populations and industry at the alter of its Ukrainian fantasies. The Biden-Harris administration was complicit in blowing up the Nordstream pipelines and then deployed propaganda to prevent discussion or consequences for its illegal aggression.

The administration of Donald Trump took multiple specific actions to reduce illegal immigration. The Biden-Harris administration actively facilitated unlawful immigration.

The Trump administration did not jail domestic political opponents or otherwise weaponize the government and the judiciary. The Biden-Harris administration has honed that banana republic strategy into an art form.

The Trump administration did not actively pit Americans against Americans. The Biden-Harris administration cynically did so to gain a short-term advantage during a midterm election.

I can provide example after example to make this point.
50   Patrick   2024 Sep 6, 2:30pm  

Voting locations in San Mateo County. Sorry for the noise for those of you in other counties.

51   ForcedTQ   2024 Sep 6, 3:40pm  

Patrick says

Yeah, they’re becoming young “trans-women” who will also probably vote blue….
53   Patrick   2024 Oct 6, 1:25pm  


This is my career suicide note, but it’s also a thank you from someone who is done with careerism. I’m a lifelong member of your party and I’m voting for Donald Trump. Why? It’s not just your industrial-scale censorship or your endless wars or the fact that you disenfranchised millions of Kennedy voters through lawfare. If that were all I had, it would be sufficient, in terms of conscience and rage, but there’s more to this story than anger. Your hatred and censorship has taught me to admire @realDonaldTrump and to love my fellow working-class Americans, and for that I thank you.

This vote is for all the traumatized people who have been canceled and banished just for saying no to the establishment. This vote is for the surveyor, the farmer, the HVAC man, the nurse, the hairstylist, the Deadhead, the veteran, and my fellow adjunct professors who have told me their stories about being bullied by the Democrats in their friends and family and their colleagues at work. This is for the young Black woman in my class last year who, on the day of Kamala Harris’s visit to campus, said, “You’re going to hate me, Dr. Armstrong, but I’m not going. I’m voting for Donald Trump.” Why would she think I would hate her for the way she votes? What has happened to our country?

Somehow, Donald Trump has changed my mind. Where I once saw a cartoon white supremacist, warmonger, and narcissist, I now see the man who renegotiated NAFTA and the only president in the twenty-first century not to start a new war. Where I once saw the pal of the neocons, I now see a man who has awoken from his slumber and disavowed Dick Cheney, George Bush, and John Bolton, even as my own party embraces these “men.”

Why has the greatest entrepreneur of my generation (@elonmusk) risked his career to side with Trump? Why has the most consequential grassroots environmentalist of my time (@RobertKennedyJr ) sacrificed friends, family, and reputation to side with “The Orange Menace?” Why has the most courageous peace activist of the twenty-first century (@TulsiGabbard) left our party? Because Tulsi, Bobby, and Elon see what I see. Donald Trump is resilient and he’s risking his life to change the fate of our nation. Trump is transforming the Republican Party into the party of peace, free speech, and the working-class. He has converted George Bush’s billionaire boys club of Big War, Big Ag, and Big Pharma into a party that cares about public health and embraces regenerative agriculture.

Now I don’t think the GOP is all the way there yet, but they’re clearly the party that embraces dissent, and dissent—brave speech—is the fuel for evolution. So, for the first time in my life, I’m voting Republican. In the name of peace in Ukraine and free speech here at home, I’m casting my vote, as a Kennedy Democrat, for Donald Trump.

#TrumpVance2024 #MAGA #MAHA #TeamUnity
#HealTheDivide #Peace #Iraq #Ukraine
54   Patrick   2024 Oct 16, 9:55am  


PRESIDENT TRUMP: I feel so badly about what has happened because none of this would have happened.

There wouldn't have been a war in Ukraine.

There wouldn't have been an October 7 in Israel.

There wouldn't have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our country in Afghanistan, where we lost 13 soliders.

There wouldn't have been inflation.

He left out the most important one by far: There would not have been death jab mandates.
55   zzyzzx   2024 Oct 16, 12:06pm  

Trump will un-burden us from what has been!
56   Patrick   2024 Oct 26, 7:15pm  


i think people are really misunderstanding the trump phenomenon.

they ask "how can you like this guy!?!"

but this is the wrong question.

the correct question is "do you want to burn the existing system to the ground and is this an appropriate agent of retribution to do it?”

and an awful lot of people have become awfully emphatic in their answers on this one because the preening, entitled arrogance of the most useless and unaccountable aristocrats in human history and the debacle upon debacle they ceaselessly beget have passed the point of tolerability. ...

... calling him hitler and felon and trying to arrest him and telling wild tales about his allegedly incipient military takeover but (especially in such conspicuously choreographed lockstep) such tactics will just trigger the immune system more intensely because such facile and self-serving fear mongering issuing forth from the mouths of an industrial talking point complex bent on preserving the destructive regime that trump would lay low does not ring the alarm about don, it rings the alarm about those seeking to thwart retributive goddesses and escape the furies who hound malefactors in her name. ...

"you need us to manipulate you harder, rule more, and censor speech because orange man fascist bad!" is going to go down as one of the worst pieces of political positioning in history because no one believes them and worse because the argument is projection. ...

this is not about trump.

it's about dismantling a machine under which no one wants to live anymore.

will the orange avatar succeed at this herculean task? perhaps. perhaps not. perhaps to some degree. but with him there is a chance and with kamala there is none.

no hope.

no joy.

only deeper into the morass that no one really wants, a precipice from which even her own backers now recoil.

it looks to me like her campaign is imploding and trump surging because the vote is really about this:

“do you want these people in power to keep harassing and haranguing you or do you want to take a chance that someone (however imperfect) might be able to do something about it?”
57   Ceffer   2024 Oct 26, 9:35pm  

Yeah, the educational part has been a bitch. I was more interested in the natural world than politics, but was dragged kicking and screaming into it by Trump and the schemes and backlashes surrounding him. Like many, I was force fed to acknowledge the 'elite' horrors. I have a collection of books now I never would have otherwise paid attention to.

I had explored some conspiracy theories when I felt like it but that was about it. I was not prepared for the level of monumental deception and the ouija control grids.

Strange thing is, I have come somewhat full circle with woo about theories of life, psychology, sociology and perception as a result aka back to a different perspective on the natural world that I would not have otherwise discovered.

58   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 10:49am  

Wife of Brett Weinstein:


Eight years ago I couldn’t imagine that I would ever vote for Trump. Four years ago I considered it, but opted against, voting third party instead. This year I am voting for Trump.

There are many Americans who have followed a similar path.

Last week’s DarkHorse made a case for Trump. But I am still met with dismay and disbelief by some family and friends. Increasingly, what I hear is this:

“I understand that you can’t possibly vote for Kamala. But what are the reasons to vote for Trump?”

Here is one set of answers.

Trump is not owned.

Trump is not the nominee for the Republican Party of old, just as Kamala is not the nominee for the Democratic Party of old. ... Traditional power is scared, and it is concentrating in the modern Democratic party.

Trump doesn’t answer to the power brokers of either party. He is his own man, and he is WYSIWYG—What You See Is What You Get. This is part of what people don’t like about him—they don’t like his tone or his humor, his meandering or his jibes. I understand. I didn’t like any of that either, although I got over it. You know what he never is? Insincere. He is human, and he is willing to show us his humanness. I far prefer a president who is comfortable enough with himself to reveal that self to the American people, than someone who is always hiding behind prepared words and fictions.

Trump is taking counsel from truth-speaking patriots.

Among these is Bobby Kennedy, Jr, who was my preferred candidate for president. Kennedy left the race in August, and endorsed Trump. More important than that, Trump has embraced Kennedy, and we are told that Kennedy will be empowered in a Trump administration.

Kennedy sees the death grip that Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Ag have on the American people, and he has the capacity to address those problems. We have become a sick, out of shape, and confused people. ... Do not listen to the FDA, the USDA, or the CDC. Instead, eat animal proteins and fats, and produce that has been grown with as little chemical intervention as possible, savoring every single bit. And then do what is free and feels good. Go outside and face the sun. Walk. Form relationships. Touch people, and also grass and water and soil. Be barefoot under a night sky.

The FDA was supposed to oversee the safety of our food and our drugs; instead, they are in bed with big pharma. The CDC was supposed to help us stay healthy and avoid disease; instead, they too are in bed with big pharma, and run by useful idiots. The NIH and NSF are supposed to be overseeing the funding of science; instead they, too, are in bed with big pharma (note a trend?), and also so bolloxed up that they don’t know science when it hits them in the head. They are funding politicized garbage which often doesn’t meet the basic expectations of science. Covid revealed the rot in medical and pharmaceutical research, but the rot is everywhere. Politically popular answers are generated by power brokers behind the scenes, and then research is funded and conducted to arrive at those answers. This “science” is conclusion driven, rather than hypothesis driven, and is therefore not science at all. Actual science that arrives at different answers—atmospheric Carbon is not the only thing responsible for our changing planet; puberty blockers are not safe for children—is disappeared.

It is also true that, in the final year of his first term, as Covid became the thing that we were all focused on, Trump halted funding to the World Health Organization1. At the time, I thought this was yet another randomly batshit move of his. I was wrong. During Covid, the WHO revealed itself as an extra-governmental agency that seeks authority over people which nobody should have, ever. The United States should not be part of the WHO. Trump was right.

We need science back, real science, not feel good solutions that don’t help anyone. The Democrats think they are the party of science, but they are not. Trump, with Kennedy and his other advisors, will steer us in the right direction.
59   clambo   2024 Oct 29, 11:02am  

I have prepared my tax returns my entire life.
I prepared a couple for my father too.
If you are a complete idiot, you vote for asshole socialist democrats who want to raise your taxes.
I'll vote for the devil himself before I vote to fuck myself with higher taxes.
Women generally have no clue about such issues so that is a problem because they vote.
If Trump wins, I'm throwing a small party which may have a small attendance.
That's okay, I hate parties.
61   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 4, 7:29pm  

Rogan endorsed Trump tonight.
62   HeadSet   2024 Nov 4, 7:42pm  

AmericanKulak says

Rogan endorsed Trump tonight.

Do you think that will sway anyone? Especially this late? I hope so.
63   WookieMan   2024 Nov 4, 10:44pm  

HeadSet says

AmericanKulak says

Rogan endorsed Trump tonight.

Do you think that will sway anyone? Especially this late? I hope so.

It was known for a while he would endorse. So probably doesn't move the needle. Kamala not going on Rogan was the bigger blow and Biden saying Trump supporters were trash was substantially worse for the Harris campaign.

Kill Tony, a comedian talking about Puerto Rico is a huge nothing burger. Puerto Ricans know their country is run like shit. Chicago has the largest Puerto Rican population in the Country so I knew/know quite a few. So what does that move? IL/Cook County is solid blue. Oh no.... you lost the Puerto Rican vote in Chicago.

One of my favorite history classes in college. Puerto Rican History. They have pride for their country, but know it's a shit show and has been for 100 years plus.
64   WookieMan   2024 Nov 5, 4:27am  

Trump vote in. Keep 'em coming. I think he wins, but if you CA guys can help swing the popular vote there's no argument who won. I know you won't win the state and neither will I in IL, but it helps more than you'd think if we get the popular vote.
65   GreaterNYCDude   2024 Nov 5, 6:49am  

I literally said out loud "I don't believe I'm doing this", then voted for Trump / Vance.

As much as I don't like their style, this isn't a personality contest. On almost every policy issue, I think their approach has a better chance of making America Stronger, Safer and better for the next 4 years, if not longer.
66   zzyzzx   2024 Nov 5, 7:17am  

I am also going out of my way to vote because of the popular vote narrative. Plus, it's a short walk from my house so why not?
67   WookieMan   2024 Nov 5, 7:22am  

zzyzzx says

I am also going out of my way to vote because of the popular vote narrative. Plus, it's a short walk from my house so why not?

Still convinced there's a surprise non swing state that goes red. Like a big one. But vote vote vote. Men were out strong this morning in my town. These were not Harris voters.
68   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 5, 2:26pm  

WookieMan says

Chicago has the largest Puerto Rican population in the Country so I knew/know quite a few. So what does that move? IL/Cook County is solid blue. Oh no.... you lost the Puerto Rican vote in Chicago.

It's not about Chicago or IL. It's about PA.
69   WookieMan   2024 Nov 5, 3:23pm  


It's not about Chicago or IL. It's about PA.

The massive Puerto Rican population in PA?? lol. Not a thing. Half want statehood for the country to move back. The other half live there. What Tony said was true and they know it and it wasn't Trump that said it. He likely lost no votes at all from that joke.

If I call Kamala a nigger is Trump going to lose votes? No one outside the comedy world even knows who Tony is. They're all Trump voters anyway and know it was a joke. Has nothing to do with PA. No voter doing exit polling is going to say Tony's joke made them vote for Kamala. She's a cunt with no plan and can't run a lemonade stand.
70   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 5, 6:13pm  

WookieMan says


It's not about Chicago or IL. It's about PA.

The massive Puerto Rican population in PA?? lol. Not a thing.

500K is "not a thing"? OK
71   WookieMan   2024 Nov 5, 10:16pm  


WookieMan says


It's not about Chicago or IL. It's about PA.

The massive Puerto Rican population in PA?? lol. Not a thing.

500K is "not a thing"? OK

You don't know what your talking about or Puerto Ricans. Enjoy thinking you're right.
72   EBGuy   2024 Nov 6, 12:09am  

If you need to explain to a shell shocked Dem what happened, this is a good explanation by a Democrat turned Trump voter.
Why Democrats are voting for Trump

73   Patrick   2024 Nov 7, 10:43am  

GreaterNYCDude says

I literally said out loud "I don't believe I'm doing this", then voted for Trump / Vance.

Pretty sure my wife voted for Trump as well, though I know she didn't like Trump first time around.

What really changed her was the sudden death of her co-worker Danielle (healthy, 30's) shortly after getting the mRNA injection:


The funeral was terribly sad, and they were forced to do it via Zoom, which is degrading in itself. She started mistrusting everything out of the CDC and the media after that. Once the media spell was broken, she was open to alternative thoughts.

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