American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   134,728 views  1,343 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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1273   Patrick   2024 Oct 28, 10:32am  


This morning, every corporate media platform in the country headlined Donald Trump’s greatest and grandest rally yesterday at Madison Square Garden. Desperate to deflate the giant tent that Trump has erected, which stretched over the five-hour MAGA extravaganza, the corporate media mayhem team busily scribbled its shrillest and most incendiary work yet. For instance, behold the New York Times’ top headline this morning: “Trump at the Garden: A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny and Racism.” And in the subheadline, the Times ominously warned, “Donald Trump’s rhetoric has grown darker and more menacing.”

This morning’s news is wall-to-wall, front-to-back, top-to-bottom rally coverage. Back in 1939, Democrats and their socialist allies once held a Nazi Party rally at Madison Square Garden, and that fact instantly became an intoxicating catnip that far-left reporters could not ignore. (There’s zero actual connection; the Garden has hosted thousands or maybe tens of thousands of rallies over the last 80 years of every conceivable political stripe or ideology.)

Did Trump plan to trigger the left this way? Trolling the media to make them overreact is a classic Trump marketing maneuver. Their knee-jerk outrage is his publicity. Trump’s messages always come with a tiny dose of controversy to entice more media coverage. Trying to smear Trump this way always backfires, but media keeps doing it anyway. They can’t help it.

And when they do write the articles and run the segments making extraordinary claims like Trump’s rally was just like the 1939 Nazi rally, Democrats eagerly race to their screens wanting to watch the clips, the clips of Trump, expecting to see some truly top-notch goose-stepping and hear some pitch-perfect heil Trumping.

And that’s how he gets them, little by little. Having been exposed to a slim sliver of sanity, Democrats slink back to their far-left fever swamps and echo chambers. But soundbite by soundbite, clip by clip, Trump peels them off the Trump-deranged mind-control stem.

Media’s trouble is, having now advertised Trump’s rally as “worse than Hitler,” they have to deliver. People expect to hear something extremely irrational and incredibly hateful. But the Times’ lone example was Trump calling for the death penalty for illegals who murder Americans and police officers.

To the Times, Trump is acting just like rounding up innocent German and Polish Jews. But Democrat readers, eager for more Trump ammo, become cognitively confused: Trump only called for the death penalty for murderers, not innocent people.

It almost seemed like the Times is downplaying Hitler’s evil rhetoric, and is normalizing the former German Chancellor. So … who’s the real Nazi here?

Here’s another example. The Times tried to cast one of the speakers, described as “a senior Trump advisor,” as a racist, but just created more cognitive dissonance for its readers:

Stephen Miller, a senior Trump adviser who influenced Mr. Trump's
anti-immigrant crackdown, used nativist language as he argued
that only Mr. Trump would stand up and say "America is for
Americans and Americans only."

Nativist language? What is that? Is it like Cherokee? Nobody but woke academics understand that kind of gobbledygook. It’s a dog whistle for globalists, who think Germany should be for Germans and Mexico should be for Mexicans, but America should be for everybody.

Again, this kind of woke doublespeak fails to close the “Trump as Hitler” case with anybody.

Moving to the rally itself, by all fair accounts it was a massive success, with a cast including some of the biggest and most well-known characters and thought leaders that Trump has collected along his comeback journey. Accomplished professionals like Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and Dr. Phil joined celebrities like Hulk Hogan, conservative comedians, patriotic performance artists, former Democrats like Robert Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard, and a slate of Republican favorites.

The clips are all over social media, you’ll see them, and nearly every corporate media outlet has covered the event one way or another. It was a joyful blowout that might have been the best-attended Madison Square Garden in history. More 2024 records.

The enthusiasm on the Right can be scooped up in buckets. How about the other side?
1274   HeadSet   2024 Oct 28, 3:21pm  

Patrick says

How about the other side?

The Dem puds know that the election will be determined by who counts the votes in the swing districts of the swing states. If Trump's team can stop the Dem/RINO steal, Trump wins in a landslide.
1275   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 10:25am  


So funny. Let’s play spot the bias! (Where’s Jeff Bezos?) When young men vote for Trump, the papers ask what’s wrong with them? But when young women vote for Kamala, it’s portrayed as a positive.

Let’s call that what it is. Propaganda. And it must be influential on young women, who don’t want to have people asking what’s wrong with them.

Do you suppose it’s been completely natural and wholly organic that America’s young women bucked the conservative trend and veered wide left? Or, could it perhaps have something to do with relentless political propaganda and faux peer pressure promising them fake happiness and feeding them terrifying pabulum about the patriarchy?
1282   Patrick   2024 Nov 2, 9:09am  


Yesterday, the New York Times ran a cover-page, top-of-website story —not an op-ed— headlined, “Trump, Preparing to Challenge the Results, Puts His 2020 Playbook Into Action.” Before we even begin, note that after getting through the overlong story, readers discover (1) Trump has never said he was “preparing to challenge the results,” (2) there is no actual “playbook,” and (3) the Times’ editors all identify as infant armadillos. Not house trained. (Eww.)

The Times even made up a detailed, lengthy, step-by-step “playbook” that they then attributed to Trump for overturning the election. Except Trump didn’t write the playbook, never wrote one, nor did Rudi Giuliani, Elon Musk, RFK, or Hitler. The Times wrote the playbook. ...

Readers dumb enough to invest any time in this “article” (don’t) quickly discover the whole thing is a Trump-deranged, speculative, liberal mushroom hallucination. It even described literal playbook steps (“Step 1—Claim Victory”) as if it had received some leaked memorandum. But it turns out they made the whole thing up. The unscripted narrative, or “preemptive framing,” pushed to its readers just before Election Day, is: ho hum, Trump ALWAYS claims he lost because of cheating.

Considered through the lens of our working hypothesis that during the pandemic, the deep state wholly or partly captured corporate media (for national security), this story looks nothing like news. It looks everything like classic propaganda. You could easily imagine airplanes dropping this same story on enemy troops as leaflets.

It also looks just like a diabolical, Obama-style “permission structure,” intended to reach Times readers before Election Day, and to teach them to close their minds and refuse to consider any claim of cheating by Republicans, however compelling. They’re simply not allowed to consider that cheating might have happened, regardless of the evidence. For them, the safest thing to do is not even listen to the evidence. They’re supposed to remind each other, listening to that nonsense is just playing right into his hands.

Proving the piece was written by clever psychologists instead of reporters, the story bizarrely connects —in advance!— any and all claims of cheating in the election to the worst day in the nation’s history, a date that will live in liberal infamy, the mythical destroyer of democracy, the carefully crafted psychological trigger called January The Sixth...

Let’s not pass over that ridiculous but insidious passage too quickly. Consider the nefarious message: January 6th has never ended. It’s like that hallway in horror movies where the doomed protagonist starts walking and then the hallway just keeps getting longer and longer and stretching further and further away until madness! Except within the Times’ narrative frame, the hallway is January 6th, and it’s packed with jeering protestors wearing MAGA hats and they are all icky and middle class.

The story’s comments section was disabled, preserving the purity of the propaganda dose and making sure it wouldn’t accidentally be diluted by pesky questions or folks pointing out the obvious problems. In other words, not ruined by free speech.

There’s no good explanation for why the Times would do this if it were operating as a true news corporation, if it weren’t hollowed out by security state operatives. Even if something like this hysterial fantasy were appropriate to be published at all, this propaganda piece should have run in the opinion section. They are spending reputation coins like a 12-year-old at an arcade. This story is reputationally expensive, it erodes the Times’ prestige as a serious news player and reinforces skeptical stereotypes about its bias.

It’s the cordyceps fungus all over again, and it’s killing the host. Media has been hollowed out by increasingly desperate national security state working overtime like swarms of zombified ants to stabilize the narrative. That’s why we get ridiculous, WWII-style, over-the-top propaganda like this stupid, commentless NYT article.

Remember: this kind of thing only works in the dark. They can’t survive any transparency. So shine some light on it. Call it out when it happens.

Some of you will inevitably focus on the other implication of this story, that the deep state clearly expects Trump to lose again, and they obviously expect the circumstances to be highly suspicious again. I don’t doubt they think that, or at least are working toward that result. We are, in fact, in a war. Battles over the election security are happening at many different levels, some seen, some unseen.

We should only focus on what we can control. Don’t get distracted. Vote and nag others to go vote.

And remember, Christians, Jesus commanded us to not worry. Secular folks, it’s time to whip out your copy of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations.
1283   Patrick   2024 Nov 2, 2:58pm  


CNN has accused President Trump, who has himself survived assassination attempts, of saying that Liz Cheney “should be fired upon”. Source. Yes, the same CNN that outrageously called vaccine injuries ‘falsehoods’. This is right up there with the other great misleading takes on Trumpisms, like the accusations that he said that all Mexicans were rapists (source), that he said there were fine Nazis, that he mocked a reporter for being disabled (source), and even that he violently ended an anti-racism protest to stage a pic with a Bible. Any honest person would understand that Trump, a long-time critic of forever wars (though CNN and MSNBC loved him when he threw some bombs around), was talking about war hawk politicians happily sending their people off to war while they sit in safety, getting fat off the public money teat. Here’s what Trump actually said:

I don’t blame him for sticking with his daughter, but his daughter’s [Liz Cheney] a very dumb individual, very dumb. She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay. Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know, they’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, “Oh, gee, we’ll - let’s send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy.” Source.

Okay then.

Extra: Though the mainstream media apparently seeks to constantly opt for the worst possible interpretations of Trump’s words, it was a little different with President Biden’s recent alleged comment that Trump supporters are ‘garbage’. CNN quickly reinforced Biden’s claim that the garbage comment was not to do with Trump’s supporters, but with the comments about Puerto Rico.
1288   Patrick   2024 Nov 6, 11:08am  


Trump also defeated the Media. They called him every alarming name they could think of. They described in loving detail every breathless paranoia fantasy their sold-out reporters who wish they were fiction writers could dream up. And yet, despite the constant drumbeat from corporate media that he was the worst person who’s ever lived, a majority of citizens still chose Donald Trump for President of the United States of America.

The corporate media is a spent force.

Instead, disintermediated social media, podcasts, and Substacks have eclipsed traditional media platforms. Maybe if they hadn’t lied so much, media’s tragic downfall would have happened slower. Who knows? ...

It’s not completely corporate media’s fault. During the pandemic, media was captured by murky, acronym-loving government agencies wielding overbearing national security laws. Media was used up and will be tossed aside just like Kamala Harris is about to be.

Maybe more importantly, the Democrats used their captive corporate media to try to create a fake candidate. They believed that enough positive press could cure Kamala’s record-high unlikeability scores. In other words, they thought they could propagandize America into believing a lie about their selected Manchurian candidate.

They were wrong. You can see why they hate social media so much. It spoils the narrative.
1289   Patrick   2024 Nov 7, 2:35pm  


To the 45 percent of the country who are unhappy with the election results, I’d say, don’t fret. Nationwide abortion ban, Project 2025, enemies put in front of firing squads, ban on interracial marriages, and 99 percent of the rest of the insane bullshit you’ve been fed: NOT.GOING.TO.HAPPEN. Almost all of this BS was either made up out of thin air or spliced from 10 second, out-of-context quotes. When all these things don’t happen over the next four years, maybe it’d be a good idea to identify the credibility of your “news” sources, because in 4 years the very same people will be saying the same kind of thing about the 2028 Republican nominee, along with his deplorable, garbage, Nazi supporters.

And for people on the right, never forget how much the media tried to propagandize a “Kamala surge,” such as this story from the Independent predicting an obvious Kamala win that was played up by multiple networks. Then, of course, there’s the Des Moines Iowa poll showing Kamala up by 3 points that was on 24/7 repeat for much of MSM (she lost the state by over 13 percent). These stories and others were carefully crafted to discourage and suppress the Trump vote.
1290   Patrick   2024 Nov 14, 11:33am  


CNN’s star has fallen faster than an expired StarLink satellite. Once the gold standard of network news, CNN only garnered 5.1 million viewers on election night, “severely trailing behind MSNBC and Fox News.” The podcasting business is about to get a lot busier. Top CNN anchors like Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett are reportedly on the chopping block. ...

It’s baffling. How could this happen, given all the talent at MSNBC? While Kamala Harris was losing on election night, as CNN’s white anchors listened and nodded sagely, black anchoress Joy Reid opined that the high numbers of black voters bubbling ballots for Trump resulted from “black anti-blackness,” and opined those black voters were “down with White Supremacy.”

Black White Supremacy. That’s the kind of keen, insightful analysis that MSNBC viewers “enjoy.”
1292   Patrick   2024 Nov 17, 8:02pm  


President Trump Sues Leftist Media Outlets Including the New York Times for Total of $10 Billion, Alleges Multiple “False and Defamatory” Statements

Columbia Journalism Review reported on Thursday that just days before the presidential election, Trump’s lawyer, Edward Andrew Paltzik, sent a letter to the far-left New York Times and Penguin Random House demanding $10 billion in damages awarded to Trump for “false and defamatory statements.” The letter points to specific statements about Trump in articles by Peter Baker, Michael S. Schmidt, Susanne Craig, and Russ Buettner.

The letter highlights two stories by Buettner and Craig are connected to their new book, “Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father’s Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success.” The CJR reports the letter also mentions an October 20 article by Baker titled “For Trump, a Lifetime of Scandals Heads Toward a Moment of Judgment,” and an October 22 article by Schmidt with the title “As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator.”

Lol! This sounds like fun, and the media absolutely deserves it.
1293   Ceffer   2024 Nov 18, 7:13am  

Whispering sweet nothings about the 9/11 conspiracy false flag gets the Libby chicks wet every time.

1294   Ceffer   2024 Nov 18, 7:16am  

All Trump said was 'Gitmo', and they fell on the floor and started licking his shoes. There's no whore like a propaganda liberal whore.

1295   Ceffer   2024 Nov 18, 7:19am  

When their lines of bribery and communication/orders are cut, they turn on each other trying to figure out which way to the escape exits.
"Who can I betray the fastest to get away myself?"

1296   Patrick   2024 Nov 18, 11:49am  


The extra-long article —it prints to 7 pages, single-spaced— contained only one attributed quotation. Everything else was anonymous. And that single named quote was just a throwaway line attributed to hawkish Republican Representative Michael Turner (R-Oh.), who dares Russia to start World War III.

As a critical news consumer, always inventory the sources for any news claims. The bigger the claim, the more sources you usually want. This particular article coughed up seven full pages of information without even once saying where the information came from. Fail.

Even if it actually came from an inside source, no responsible journalist would agree to stenograph all this information without some kind of external confirmation. Otherwise, what makes these reporters any different from being secretaries?

In other words, since the three reporters —apparently, nobody wanted the full credit (or blame)— all soiled their midwit reputations to deliver a steaming pile of non-journalism, it seems most likely this article was a deep-state press release. So, based on evidence from the article, the deep state stirred the Proxy War pot this weekend by releasing this “news” through its pet media outlet, the New York Times.

We simply cannot know why they did it. There may be some great, secret reason. Since they aren’t saying, we can speculate. My best guess is they are trying to poison the peace well by making the Russians madder than wet Siberian huskies, in a snowstorm, even if doing so risks full-on nuclear war.

But it’s late in the game, and these kinds of maneuvers are unpredictable. They can just as easily create new possibilities as bollux things up. I note that President Trump himself posted nothing responding to the now widely-reported Times exclusive, which is a solid negotiating tactic.
1298   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 8:07pm  


they’re just awful. all they do is lie. the ones the government pays for are on record calling the truth a distraction from getting things done and that “the first amendment is their big challenge.”

the AP newswire is literal pay for play propaganda bought and paid for with grants from activism inc (especially climate groups) who are putting up 10’s of millions of dollars to fund activist reporting and activist reporters who cover every story from one predetermined side.

there is nothing subtle about it.

“philanthropy funded news” is just code for: pay the piper, call the tune and the lyrics of lay of the lie lie in the hands of those who fund it.

they brought this on themselves and deluded themselves into thinking that their slant and taint would not catch up to them, that they could sell us feces as shinola on and on world without end.

guess what?

you can’t.

it has.

1300   HeadSet   2024 Nov 27, 1:43pm  

Patrick says

Sure. It takes $58 worth of gas for those 10 people to meet at the soup kitchen's Thanksgiving Dinner.
1302   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 11:54am  


Man who was choking rider? It’s not even a good joke. There was zero evidence that Danny Penny intended to “choke” the Subway Terrorist. None. They didn’t even charge Danny with any intentional crimes. Next, the drug-addled lunatic is just a “subway rider?”

May a pox be upon the New York Times. May it suffer the pain of a thousand vaccinations. Get out of here with your stupid ‘subway rider.’
1303   Eric Holder   2024 Dec 11, 12:54pm  

They have always been like that. The "venerable" Walter Duranty of NYT was polishing Stalin's knob and re-telling Soviet propaganda as God's truth while his American colleagues where polishing his knob describing his "reporting" as "the most enlightened, dispassionate dispatches from a great nation in the making which appeared in any newspaper in the world."
1304   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 11, 2:45pm  

Patrick says

They were assuming something like $100 worth of ingredients from milk to eggs to spices were already in the house.

No beverages, either. Just water. Not even coffee was included, certainly not any cream or sugar for it.

I think I broke it down that everybody would get about 1 oz of peas per person and less than 2" slice of pie, no seconds. Memory might be off, but it was something like that. Slim pickens.
1305   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 7:00pm  


it’s easy to mistake the histrionics about “trump will declare martial law” and “trump plans to set up concentration camps for political enemies” (both claims i’ve heard from people i once thought thinkers but who seem to have lost all calibration and discernment) for “just more TDS driven by mistaking CNN for news” but this is an error.

these lockstep talking points erupted everywhere at once. this is how you know they were seeded. every news station and wild eyed pundit does not suddenly invent the same persecution fantasy and pitch it from the same angle using the same words and analogies on the same day by coincidence. this is a talking point. someone released and seeded it. and they did it for a reason.

the reason is this:

trump wants to deport illegal aliens. this is hardly new news. it’s actually popular policy and the people who tried to claim “this is not happening, this is not a problem, well, akshully, it’s a good thing before finally pivoting to ‘then who will mow my lawn and pick the lettuce’” have lost massive credibility on this issue. they have lied over and over and they lost public trust and public opinion.

trump’s policy has widespread support even among latinos.

so how do you thwart it? by saying trump is a dictator who wants military rule and concentration camps. then, when he starts rounding up illegals to ship home, you scream “see! police state! military use on US soil! concentration camps! gathering those in the country illegally and enforcing its laws is literally genocide. ICE facilities are dachau!” and you frame as fascism and power grab what in reality amounts to an end to lawlessness and actual invasion and a return to basic ideas like “borders” and “citizenship.”

this whole thing is designed to make protecting american citizens and society look like an attempt to conquer it. they are seeding the debate to come and seeking to use a false frame as a way to accumulate credibility. it’s cult leader 101 and a way to frighten hispanics with tales of “people who look like you are being put in boxcars!”

they then extend it to “and they are going to deport naturalized citizens and those with green cards and legal immigration too!” so that when some mistake inevitable happens, then can howl “see! told you they were coming for you!”

this is a campfire story intended to make the cub scouts wet their pants at every rustle in the forest tonight.

it’s going to work on a fair few people. this is why it’s so important for the rest to be aware of the trick.

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