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Media keeps pushing that's its OK for decent white men to date skanky women after some thug left her for another one.
Scott Adams
Nov 30
I'm glad I lived long enough to see this happen.
For over 30 fucking years I've been discriminated against (in employment) for my race and my gender, while being labeled the problem.
And I didn't have enough "free speech" to even talk about it until a few years ago.
My first employer, Crocker Bank, told me directly they would never promote me because of my race and gender.
So I quit, and went to work at Pacific Bell.
Then Pacific Bell told me the same.
So I "quiet quit" and started Dilbert on the side. That only succeeded because the syndication company couldn't find diverse artists fast enough.
The Dilbert TV show on UPN died because its Monday night slot, where it was succeeding, was replaced by an all-African-American comedy block.
And obviously Dilbert would not have been "canceled" worldwide if I were Black.
Watch the anti-white racist comments to this post.
Scott Adams
Nov 30
I'm glad I lived long enough to see this happen.
Louis Galarowicz (@nasorg) and I have acquired a trove of records from University of Colorado, Boulder, that show how the entire university coordinated to advance a system of brazen race-based hiring.
The receipts are pretty astonishing...
The College of Engineering & Applied Sciences said its cluster hire had “the goal of doubling our underrepresented faculty in the college".
Another example:
The Renewable And Sustainable Energy Institute proposed a specific candidate—who it noted was “an outstanding BIPOC scholar” who would increase the program’s “domestic Faculty of Color...”
The Department of Journalism told the admin in its proposal that “Our commitment, should we be successful with this application, is to hire someone from the BIPOC community…”
“We have an urgent and qualified need for BIPOC femme/women of color faculty,” the Department of Ethnic Studies stated, adding that the scholar should contribute to a “thematic cluster hire in racism and racial inequality.”
These are just a few examples, the list goes on and on.
I left my island 30 odd years ago (my great grandparents mothers side was black though I am white or fair or brown or whatever the hell you wish to call me) to gain a first world education (yet kind of educated myself based on life too) because blacks in my islands are among some of the most racist people, to non-blacks and themselves.
Anybody who speaks directly and honestly about the detriments of mass migration will sooner or later attract the racism police. In the eyes of these discourse minders, it is illicit to notice that all human populations do not behave in the same ways, that not all human populations should be intermingled with each other and that diversity is not a strength and often in fact a great problem. Talking like this is bigoted, xenophobic, prejudiced and above all it is racist, and that is very bad because racism caused National Socialism and slavery and Jim Crow and Apartheid and the only way to avoid these evils in the future is to insist that there is only one race, namely the human race, regardless of inconvenient hate facts like crime statistics and social science data and all of the naughty things that the psychometricians have dredged up.
The University of California is being sued by Students Against Racial Discrimination for allegedly restoring race-conscious admissions despite a state ban from Proposition 209, which prohibits considering race in college admissions.
The lawsuit claims that the University of California system is violating Title VI of federal civil rights law and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment by not selecting students in a color-blind manner.
UC officials reported increases in Black and Latino student enrollments, with Black enrollment rising by 4.6 percent and Latino enrollment by 3.1 percent, which the lawsuit argues is suspicious.
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