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74   WookieMan   2024 Dec 3, 11:01am  

Biden is a lame duck. He might be senile, but he knows what he is and was. He knows 80% of people won't give a shit. He's a fucking politician, he knows what his kid did. There's no risk to Joe. He knows his legacy is trash and he'll probably be dying soon. He's past normal life expectancy. Elderly people, which is what he is, stop giving a shit.

He can also just flee the country. Plenty of non-extradition countries where he could just retire. Hunter gets off and there's nothing anyone can do about it. If I were him I'd be selling my real estate now, rent and get ready to run. Put the cash in a foreign country with decent health care that won't extradite. Hunter can fend for himself.

Jill Biden is the other X factor. I wouldn't be shocked if she was running all this shit. She seems like a cunning cunt. That might be a last second pardon as well. Not a prediction, but wouldn't be shocked.
75   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 11:09am  

This is more fake soap opera around Dead Biden as another brouhahaha distraction while they are plotting execution of the real psyops and operations against Trump and the Republic? The Dead Bidens continues their roles a puppet distractions. The pounding waves of publicity focus on them while the real treacheries are afoot?

The pardon drama is pointless because dead guy imposters can't pardon dead guy imposters. Revealing that they are dead guys all along and ripping off the masks in public would be anti-Satanic, but that's not going to happen. As long as they perpetuate the deceptions in the public mind, they win on that front for the battle of perception.
76   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 11:09am  


Mike Benz: Hunter Biden Pardoned For "Selling U.S. Foreign Policy For The Personal Profit Of The Biden Family"
Tim Hains
December 3, 2024

"Foundation For Freedom Online" founder Mike Benz comments on the Hunter Biden pardon during an interview with Liz Wheeler.

MIKE BENZ: Yeah, so shocking! The size and scope of it, though, is honestly even a little surprising to me. I mean, it's an 11-year total blank-slate, get-out-of-all-crimes-free card. I don't know if this is completely unprecedented in all pardons in U.S. history, but I've never seen anything like it.

This is 11 years, from January 2014 to the present day -- all crimes, whether charged or not. I mean, he could have murdered someone in between that time, and he's evidently got a pardon for it now. And I think the reason for this wide scope is because what Hunter Biden was doing was essentially selling U.S. foreign policy for the personal profit of the Biden family.

That's why it seems like almost every member of the Biden family has a professional job, almost like in the mafia. It's like they keep it in the blood, so they can share bank accounts, keep things close-held, and everyone has their different parts -- between Hunter and Jim. I know a lot of people are now expecting, you know, James Biden to receive pardons as well.

LIZ WHEELER: Don't you think he will before Biden's out of office?

MIKE BENZ: It seems highly likely, and it may have the same sort of almost indefinite term. I mean, why not make it 40 years going back? Why stop at 11? Obviously, it's for the reasons that you noted.

I think what's implicated here is something far more vast and deep than Hunter Biden himself or even Joe Biden himself. I think this really gets to the heart of the diplomatic octopus of the U.S. empire, which could potentially create international and diplomatic blowback on the U.S. if these crimes are revealed -- not just to the American people but to the international community.

I think this is why you have the CIA all over this story. You have the State Department all over this story. You have USAID all over this story. You have the Pentagon all over it. I mean, you mentioned the Ukraine impeachment in 2019. That was led by, effectively, the Pentagon through the Vindman brothers and the CIA whistleblower -- whose name you were not allowed to say on social media for several weeks -- Eric Ciaramella, right?

Ciaramella was actually on the email chain about Burisma with Joe Biden directly from the CIA. And if you recall, we have whistleblower testimony to Congress that the CIA actually intervened in the Justice Department's intent to do an interview of Kevin Morris, the "sugar daddy" who paid Hunter Biden's taxes for five years consecutively. And when the IRS and the Justice Department sought to get more information about Hunter's financial sponsor, they were waved off by the Central Intelligence Agency.

This really gets to the heart of what Burisma and Hunter Biden are all about. On the one hand, there's the personal profit side of it -- the fact that Hunter was getting personally enriched by his presence on the Ukrainian private energy company board. Just as he was, for example, in ePlata, which was a micro-financing company to provide banking services to illegal immigrants. He had an almost 10% equity stake in that, Hunter Biden did, at the same time that his father was opening up the U.S. border in order to create a flood of the market for those micro-finance transactions.

On top of that, Joe Biden then used his Justice Department to pressure banks to provide banking services to illegal immigrants. So you basically have a locked-in market for the illegal immigrant micro-financing company that Hunter was on. He was doing the same thing with China and the LNG space there. But the Burisma story, I think, activated the FBI in the 2020 election cycle. It activated the CIA. It activated the defense and intelligence spheres because nobody wants the dirty laundry to air on the international stage.

If Russia is able to hold up these disclosures and documents and forensically piece it all together -- just how corrupt the whole U.S. involvement in Ukraine was -- then that provides a powerful forum for Russian propaganda to win hearts and minds in Ukraine, in Central and Eastern Europe, and to neutrals like India or Pakistan. They can say, "This is what the U.S. has been doing this whole time. They've been using this as their personal piggy bank. Here we have the direct files from the CIA, from the Pentagon, from the State Department."

There's so much more to this, but I think that's what's motivating this need to stop -- not just pardoning Hunter, but to block a Justice Department investigation into the underlying crimes.
81   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 11:29am  

Patrick says

Different actors, same mask. You really think that Biden remains ageless over four years while professing 'senility of convenience' that comes and goes when required by the role?
86   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 5:17pm  


Jean-Pierre said as far back as July to Fox News reporter Mark Meredith that no pardon would happen.

At the time, the question was hypothetical, but when Hunter was indicted a few weeks later, she doubled down.

“So I’ve answered this question before,” Jean-Pierre responded.

“It was asked of me not too long ago — a couple of weeks ago — and I was very clear, and I said no.” ...

Hunter was set up on those charges to get the heat off his dad’s alleged bribery and payoffs from foreign entities.

He was clearly told to let the process play out and that he’d get pardoned at some point.

After all, Hunter knows exactly what his dad did, and could spill the beans if his father let him hang out to dry.
88   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 5:51pm  

Major distraction means major fuckaciousness pending from the magicians of mayhem? Keep your eyes on the Dead Bidens and ONLY the Dead Bidens!
95   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 7:12pm  

Guess Hunter's celebration with hookers and cocaine at the White House is going to have to wait.

96   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 3, 7:51pm  

2014 is the year Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma.

It's highly likely that Biden was allowed to draw deep from the Ukraine Aid corruption pool as a consolation prize for Hillary running in 2016, and Obama endorsing her and not him (that was part of the 2008 agreement- she got Sec of State in return for dropping out, plus a guaranteed endorsement in the next Presidential Race he was not running in)
97   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 8:02pm  

One observer states that Biden is an idiot because his pardon removes Hunter's ability to claim the Fifth Amendment and Hunter MUST testify against Joe if called upon without reservation.

That issue is moot because there is neither a Biden nor a Hunter. We'll probably watch this thing dry up and blow away because it disposes of the masks and requires no further actions. Like the Durham big nothing fiasco, I would imagine lawyers behinds the scene will be told to drop it.
98   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 3, 8:03pm  

Ceffer says

That issue is moot because there is neither a Biden nor a Hunter. We'll probably watch this thing dry up and blow away because it disposes of the masks and requires no further actions. Like the Durham big nothing fiasco, I would imagine lawyers behinds the scene will be told to drop it.

Epstein Client List 2.0
102   WookieMan   2024 Dec 4, 8:43pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Because they did something wrong. I know you know that and so should everyone. POTUS shouldn't be able to pardon people unless for crimes actively in court or found guilty. If you're not charged when POTUS leaves office you can't get a pardon basically.
103   Ceffer   2024 Dec 4, 10:37pm  

The original Biden was Jesuit trained. The Jesuits were empowered by the Church to give Royal patrons and agents blanket preemptive absolution for sins that they hadn't committed yet but were planning to, like political crimes and assassinations.

"Here, take your preemptive absolution and have fun!"
104   Eric Holder   2024 Dec 5, 11:36am  

Patrick says

Exactly. This is when the intake of KGB money by Bidet family has began. And guess why it ended in 2019 when Hunter departed? Because Zelensky came into power on a surrender monkey program. (Zel was campaigning with slogans like "All we need to end the war is stop shooting", "The war is continuing because the incumbent is benefitting from it" and "We'll just meet Puking in the middle and all will be well", while the incumbent was running on "Army, language, faith"). Problem is: whenever you think you can give Pukin a finger he'll always go for the hand .... scratch that ... the jugular.
107   zzyzzx   2024 Dec 6, 10:01am  


Hitler is informed Biden has pardoned his son

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