Is conquering a country simply the occupation of its capital city?

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2024 Dec 12, 1:30pm   254 views  18 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

I read the life of Alexander the Great in Plutarch, and was amazed at how he swept though Anatolia and the Middle East, setting up Greek government in every place he conquered.

Was it simply a matter of taking over the capital city in each case, so that the tax revenue went to him?

Maybe conquering a country is rather like domesticating dogs. Dogs are pack animals and genetically inclined to follow the top dog. So humans simply replaced the top dogs with themselves. In the case of a centralized country, that makes the job of conquering rather simple. Just put yourself in the top position and let things run as before.

Alexander did this exceptionally well in Egypt, which was centralized around the Pharaoh. He literally installed his general Ptolemy as Pharaoh and the Egyptians just shrugged and carried on as usual. That lasted around 400 years. The Greeks didn't even bother to learn the Egyptian language until Cleopatra did around the year zero.

Am I missing something? Was it really that simple?

I've read that one reason the British had a hard time with Ireland is that it was never under centralized Irish control, but rather dispersed and rural. So there was no capital city to conquer.

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1   Ceffer   2024 Dec 12, 3:09pm  

Seems to work for our Republic, since we have been captured by foreign powers acting under pretense of corporate services since 1871 in the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC.

Hopefully, El Trumpo will return things back to the Republic and remove the foreign British and Roman rot from our country once and for all. The ports were released at the beginning of October from the British and Vatican treaties from the war of 1812 (now, how many people even knew about that one?).

Maybe that is why the Pope is opening five demon portals to unleash on Trump for his apostasy to their dominion.
2   Patrick   2024 Dec 12, 3:21pm  

Ceffer says

The ports were released at the beginning of October from the British and Vatican treaties from the war of 1812

@Ceffer Got a link about that?
3   Patrick   2024 Dec 12, 3:26pm  

Also note that the sudden evaporation of our civil liberties during the scamdemic was driven by centralized control from above.

For example, all doctors had to shut up about the dangers of the death jabs and repeat the lie "safe and effective" over and over or risk losing their medical licenses which were so expensive to obtain. That was driven by Fauci and CDC "guidance" from the centralized powers that control the medical establishment.
4   Ceffer   2024 Dec 12, 3:44pm  

I had a link from previous posts at the time but it is lost in Patnet somewhere. In spite of our claimed history, we lost the War of 1812 and part of the treaty and settlements allowed some kind of management of our ports under the auspices of the Crown and the Vatican (like the foreign corporate takeover of DC in 1871), and that expired in October.

I guess they wanted the zombie management like bankrupt DC corporation to lurch forward without anybody's notice as business as usual, but the Brit management prevented longshoremen from investigating containers where they suspected foul play. They heard people in the containers and couldn't open them up. The City of London, of course, is eyeballs deep in international crime, drugs and trafficking, as they always have been.

That was at least partly why the longshoremen were striking in October. The strike was resolved quickly, because the full management of American ports was apparently returned to us. Also, the bankruptcy lag period of the DC foreign corporation was also decisively over, so that the DC corporations from 1871 and thereabouts was decisively gone.

I have a .pdf from Anna Von Reitz that touches on it, although not specifically the port issue. I had another somewhere but have to look for it.view pdf

5   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 12, 5:13pm  

Ceffer says

In spite of our claimed history, we lost the War of 1812


6   stereotomy   2024 Dec 12, 7:00pm  

That is why the 1st and 2nd amendments are so revolutionary. No army can (in the absence of nukes) subjugate a country where every man, woman, and child can fire rifle and shotgun.

Yeah, the limeys burned DC, but they probably did us a service. They didn't try to invade Appalachia now, did they? Because "A country boy can survive . . . "
White trash knows who their enemies are, and they will deal with them on their own terms.
7   Rin   2024 Dec 13, 12:10pm  

Actually, it's not that complicated.

Think about it, geographically speaking, the Olde Persian Empire (whether it's the Cyrus one or the latter Sassanid dynasty), stretched from the borders of modern day USSR/China, all the way to the Sudan/Ethiopia. And this was before the invention of the telegraph, pony express, etc, to foster rapid transmission of information between the geographically disparate regions. Even Rome, at its height, was never this massive in terms of overall geography and people's under its control.

So to make this happen, a governor-general, Satrap, was assigned to each province, to keep 'em under the tutelage of the Emperor's cul-de-sac in Babylon a/o Persepolis.


In other words, unlike the Greek provinces, this entire empire was multicultural with a type of overseeing aegis which kept the whole together. Egypt, being a faraway province under the Persian "Babylonian based" Emperor, was under its own Satrap and Ptolemy simply took his job. There was no need to go on a massive killing spree and subdue the population.
8   Patrick   2024 Dec 13, 12:29pm  

Good point. I forgot that the Persians had previously invaded Egypt.
9   Rin   2024 Dec 13, 12:37pm  

Patrick says

I forgot that the Persians had previously invaded Egypt.

Also, the Persian Empire had actually setup a framework for how an expansive empire could work. Realize this, Alexander's empire split into 1/3s upon his death. Alexander's general, Seleucid, was actually the followup Emperor for a new Persian Republic (not quite an Empire) in the making. The idea that Hellenic culture overwhelmed Persia is a bit of a misnomer. It's more that just in the case of the Medes ... the Persians absorbed other societies and made it their own over time. This worked throughout history up until Islam where no civilization could absorb it, w/o losing itself to the Bad Boys of Saudi Arabia.

During latter Sassanid times, Plato's Academy found itself a home there ...

10   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 13, 12:44pm  

Rin says

So to make this happen, a governor-general, Satrap, was assigned to each province,

Yes. Nowadays the satraps are called 'head of the country's central bank'. And the means of keeping them in line is granting/denying them Fed Swap lines.

China is trying to fastrack something like this. First, with their Belt & Road Debt Slavery programs. And now the BoC is offering yuan swap lines to the CBs of B & R countries who suck Beijing's cock or are lucky enough to be strategically important to Beijing. Else, the B & R suckers are up the creek w/o yuan paddles. China only wants their raw material and agricultural exports.

Russia, on the other hand, needs to resort to military means as not many nations want/need SWAP lines for rubles. Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are notable exceptions.
11   Rin   2024 Dec 13, 12:47pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Rin says

So to make this happen, a governor-general, Satrap, was assigned to each province,

Yes. Nowadays the satraps are called 'head of the country's central bank'. And the means of keeping them in line is granting/denying them Fed Swap lines.

Well there you have it!

I was always under the impression that the Olde Persian Empire, was the United States of America but for the ancient world.
12   Patrick   2024 Dec 13, 12:48pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

And the means of keeping them in line is granting/denying them Fed Swap lines.

Do you mean that all those countries' central banks are continuously borrowing from the Fed? I had not heard about this.

What would happen if the US simply eliminated the Fed?
13   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 13, 1:06pm  

Patrick says

Do you mean that all those countries' central banks are continuously borrowing from the Fed? I had not heard about this.

Most ppl don't know about SWAP. Even so-called experts.

It is the main means for maintaining USD hegemony, not UST sales, etc.


This book explains it well:

Look closely at the list of CB central banks that have SWAP lines with the Fed in that wikipedia article.

Notice how many are NATO or nations that are major allies like Japan and Oz?

Notice how Brazil is on it anyway? What did Brazil do at the recent BRICs bullshit mtg in Kazan?

14   Rin   2024 Dec 13, 1:06pm  

I was wrong, the Persian Empire did have a 'Pony Express' for the ancient times ...


Granted, it wasn't perfect but hey, for a bunch of ancient folks w/ minimal tech, it's better than nothing.
15   rocketjoe79   2024 Dec 13, 2:42pm  

Immigration without assimilation is invasion.

I'll say it again.

Immigration without assimilation is invasion.

I'm talking cultural assimilation. The USA accepted million of migrants to grow our country. However, they were expected to accept our laws (the Constitution, foremost.) Culturally, the baseline was freedom: religious, political, financial, sexual, you name it. Generally libertarian: keep outta all my business. Many cultures kept their national practices (Look at the number of Greek, Polish, Italian, you name it, cultural centers in towns large and small across the country.) This didn't hold back everyone's reverence for the Flag, Mom, Church, Apple Pie, Baseball, Tailgaters, and Shopping Malls.

Accepting Migrants illegally, to pump up voter numbers, tilt the Nation's demographic to Democrat via Census Polls, and possibly create a large, distributed, standing army within our borders, ain't the way this works. The new Admin is hip to the first two WEF plots. Mega-MAGA-Deportation will happen. Will there be resistance from these new foreign populations within our borders? Should I be buying more ammo?
16   stereotomy   2024 Dec 13, 4:22pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Most ppl don't know about SWAP. Even so-called experts.

It is the main means for maintaining USD hegemony, not UST sales, etc.


This book explains it well:

Look closely at the list of CB central banks that have SWAP lines with the Fed in that wikipedia article.

Notice how many are NATO or nations that are major allies like Japan and Oz?

Notice how Brazil is on it anyway? What did Brazil do at the recent BRICs bullshit mtg in Kazan?


In late 2019, the overnight swap rate spiked frrom around 2 to over 6 percent. The world monetary system was at the point of collapse. What is the solution? Create a fake pandemic so that the central banks can inject $20-30 Trillion to recapitalize the banks.


That just kicked the can down the road. What are overnight swap rates now? Looks like they burned through those $trillions pretty fast.

Notice how overnight rates went to near zero when the money spigots were wide open. Once they stopped, It's WORSE than 2019. The banks are running on fumes. No bank trusts another bank - thus the high rates.

The banking system is fucked.
17   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 13, 4:28pm  

stereotomy says

It's almost as bad as in 2019. The banks are running on fumes. No bank trusts another bank - thus the high rates.

The banking system is fucked.

Seems you are confusing domestic bank lending by the Fed with the international central bank SWAP lines we are talking about.

Two different things.
18   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 13, 4:30pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Immigration without assimilation is invasion.


Even the :"Temporary" (sic) Protected Status should be subject to both medical tests AND mandatory indoctrination sessions.

That goes for H1Bs too. At the expense of the employer or H1B recipient, not taxpayer.

Also, all public school students must pass a civics exam to graduate, the same one immigrants get, based on pre 20th Century ones. Because we know Obamunist and Xiden probably dumbed down those tests.

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