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Some of it I think was used by elites to control our speech... say anything against global warming, BLM, or whatever politically funded activists are supporting and you get prosecuted. Many have.
Oddly certain words are banned. Negro is banned while it’s race, but calling white people crackers is ok. Can’t say fag, but cis gendered hate term is ok. Pretty much criticizing liberal activists gets punished. But criticizing white men or religion is promoted.
1984 double standards.
So, why don't conservative politicians do something about it?
The Dems are talking about making DC and PR states, which means goodbye Senate and probably House.
How the hell would you make DC a state though? Much of my government class from high school has gone in the waste bin of knowledge. It would make more sense to have a neighboring state annex it.
This pattern – whether with good and righteous intent or not – was and is being repeated over and over again as lesser people and groups actively search out something – anything – that could theoretically possibly be misused or can even remotely be deemed questionable (everything is questionable – all someone has to do is ask the question) to latch onto and save us from.
Whether out of true concern or some other nefarious motive – power, profit, societal purchase – the inexorable march towards the bubble wrap of today that was launched by the professional caring class continues all the way from the classroom to the living room to the newsroom to the board room.
The nefarious motives seem to be coming to the fore of late, with those who would control the entire society in the name of safety brazenly touting their desires under the rubric of “better safe than sorry – and we can make you very sorry very quickly.”
Obviously, we saw this process in real time in the pandemic effort. From “two weeks to stop the spread” to fully vaccinated people being shamed/told to wear two masks a year later, to the laughable “We did the best we could” claims of the present day, this continuing impact is a perfect example of a cultural power version of “gain of function” experimental research principle being implemented not in a lab but in society at large.