Elon Musk explains his position on the AfD

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2024 Dec 29, 12:49pm   265 views  13 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Some days ago, Musk submitted an editorial to Welt am Sonntag explaining his advocacy of the AfD at greater length. On the one hand, Welt editors surely felt compelled to print his newsworthy op-ed, not least because it looks like Mathias Döpfner, head of Axel Springer (which publishes Welt), solicited it . On the other hand, the prospect of printing Musk’s editorial inspired great anxiety among Welt staff, because nobody in legacy media is eager to let ordinary Germans in on the secret that many people outside of the Federal Republic find our entire political culture exceedingly stupid.

Yesterday morning, Welt finally figured out how to square the circle. They published Musk’s text, headed by a bolded warning that his words “call out for refutation,” and followed by one of the dumbest rebuttals the world has ever seen – penned by none other than Welt chief editor Jan Philipp Burgard. Imagine being so terrified of the political opinions of a wealthy American industrialist with libertarian leanings, that you feel you can only print them surrounded by screeching disclaimers and flimsy schoolmarm refutations. Even this was not enough to assuage the outrage of many Welt reporters at the prospect of releasing this dangerous editorial infohazard into the wild. Welt opinion editor Eva Marie Kogel has even resigned in protest – that is how serious this is.

So that you may judge for yourself the depths of Welt’s offence against German political propriety and representative democracy, I provide Musk’s editorial in full:

Germany is at a critical juncture. Its future teeters on the brink of economic and cultural collapse. As someone who has made significant investments in German industry and technology, I believe I have the right to speak candidly about its political direction. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the last spark of hope for this country.

Here are the reasons:

Economic renewal: The German economy, once the engine of Europe, is now mired in bureaucracy and stifling regulations. The AfD understands that economic freedom is not only desirable but also necessary. Their approach to restricting government overreach, lowering taxes and deregulating the marketplace reflects the principles that have made Tesla and SpaceX successful. If Germany wants to regain its industrial strength, it needs a party that not only talks about growth but also takes political action to create an environment in which companies can flourish without heavy government intervention.

Immigration and national identity: Germany has opened its borders to a very large number of migrants. While this was done with humanitarian intent, it has created significant cultural and social tensions. The AfD advocates a controlled immigration policy that prioritises integration and the preservation of German culture and security. This is not about xenophobia, but about ensuring that Germany does not lose its identity in the pursuit of globalisation. A nation must preserve its core values and cultural heritage to remain strong and united.

Energy and independence: The energy policy pursued by the current coalition is not only economically costly, but also geopolitically naive. Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear energy and instead rely heavily on coal and imported gas, as well as volatile wind and solar power, without the battery storage necessary to maintain a stable power supply, has left the country vulnerable, especially to power outages. The AfD has a pragmatic approach to energy and is advocating a balanced approach. I hope they will consider the expansion of safe nuclear energy combined with battery storage to cushion major fluctuations in electricity consumption, because that is the obvious solution.

Political realism: The traditional parties have failed in Germany. Their policies have led to economic stagnation, social unrest and the erosion of national identity. The AfD, even if it is labelled as far-right, represents a political realism that resonates with many Germans who feel their concerns are ignored by the establishment. It addresses current issues without the political correctness that often obscures the truth. The description of the AfD as far-right is clearly wrong when you consider that Alice Weidel, the leader of the party, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!

Innovation and the future: I have built businesses on the principle that innovation requires liberation from unnecessary constraints. The AfD’s vision is consistent with that ethos. It advocates educational reforms that promote critical thinking instead of indoctrination and supports the technology industries that represent the future of global economic leadership.

To those who condemn the AfD as extremist, I say: Don’t be fooled by the label. Look at its policies, economic plans and efforts to preserve culture. Germany needs a party that is not afraid to challenge the status quo and that is not mired in the politics of the past.

The AfD can save Germany from becoming a shadow of its former self. It can lead the country into a future where economic prosperity, cultural integrity and technological innovation are not just pipe dreams, but reality. Germany has become too comfortable in mediocrity – it is time for bold change, and the AfD is the only party that opens up this path.

Comments 1 - 13 of 13        Search these comments

1   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 29, 1:54pm  

Alice Weidel, the leader of the party, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka!

So much for conservatism and traditional Christian values.
3   Patrick   2024 Dec 31, 1:47pm  


NEW POLL SHOWS MUSK EFFECT: AfD at new high, Free Democrats in collapse, Christian Democrats and Greens too weak for a coalition

Lies about the AfD as irredeemable National Socialists are intended to hide the awkward truth that they are predominantly a market-liberal party. They’re dangerous precisely because they’re not hard-right extremists, and Musk’s endorsement threatens to normalise them for liberally inclined voters. Our latest poll shows early signs of a Musk effect: The market-liberal Free Democrats (FDP) are falling further below the 5% hurdle for representation as the AfD climb a corresponding amount to their highest result since last January.
4   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 31, 2:01pm  

Patrick says

Christian Democrats and Greens too weak for a coalition

The CDU will just form a coalition with the SPD. That loser Scholz will probably even get a cabinet portfolio, like he had with Merkel before.

5   Patrick   2025 Jan 4, 11:41am  


For days, the German establishment have been in an absolute uproar over Elon Musk’s profoundly antidemocratic election interference. You cannot turn on the television or open any newspaper without enduring all manner of wailing about the grave danger Musk poses to German democracy. ...

Elon Musk’s frontal assault on the German constitution began on 7 November, when he tweeted four antidemocratic words – “Olaf ist ein Narr” (“Olaf [Scholz] is a fool”) – in response to news that the German government had collapsed. Three days later, he tweeted the same thing about Green Economics Minister and chancellor candidate Robert Habeck, after Habeck gave a speech calling for widespread internet censorship.

Thereafter, all was quiet for a time. German democrats allowed themselves to hope these were but isolated indiscretions and that Musk would allow them to get back to their arcane business of promoting feminism abroad, changing the weather and eliminating “the extreme right.” Lamentably, the peace turned out to be a false one. Musk renewed his campaign against democracy with a vengeance on 20 December, tweeting in the wake of the Magdeburg Christmas market attack that “Scholz should resign immediately” and that he is an “incompetent fool.” That very same day, Musk tweeted for the first time that “Only the AfD can save Germany,” a sentiment he repeated also on 21 December and on 22 December, delighted at the nationwide freakout his casual remarks had incited.
6   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Jan 4, 3:34pm  

That article also states that Musk 'attacked' the German President. And that was tantamount to being 'an act of war'.

But nobody in Germany gives a flying fuck about the German presidency. The office is even more powerless and more of a rubber-stamper than the American Vice Presidency is.
9   Ceffer   2025 Feb 13, 3:58pm  

Germany has had its share of getting ass fucked. Of course, they are the birthplace of all the other Globalist ass fuckers, so perhaps it is poetic justice that when the bloodlines look for sacrificial human victims, home is the best hunting ground. Was the alien technology and the tender ministrations of the Jesuits worth it all?
10   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 13, 3:59pm  

I'm having trouble taking a "cosnervative German party" lead by a leftoid lesbian who doesn't even live in the country seriously. Sounds like a bad joke.
11   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Feb 16, 11:36am  


I'm having trouble taking a "cosnervative German party" lead by a leftoid lesbian who doesn't even live in the country seriously. Sounds like a bad joke.

In much of Europe and in Germany especially, nationality is determined by blood, not where you are born or even live.

Birthright citizenship is a settler nation thing, mostly. That's why Americans have trouble grasping the differences. But it is normal for Europeans.

Many politicians in Easten Europe grew up and worked in other countries and then returned to their native countries to serve in office, for example. I think a US general ended up being President of Latvia or Lithuania that way after he retired. The just kicked out President of Georgia was a former French bureaucrat.

Weidel is kraut. Even born there. She resides in both Germany as well as in Switzerland.

12   HeadSet   2025 Feb 16, 11:49am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

I think a US general ended up being President of Latvia or Lithuania that way after he retired.

It was an Air Force Colonel who after retiring went back to his native Latvia to serve in a high cabinet post. I know this because that dude came back and courted my widowed mother-in-law.

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