Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,901 views  4,485 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

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4267   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 22, 4:35pm  

Well, that's not quite how it happened. When Northern Ireland was kept back in the empire the Demographics heavily favored Protestants who didn't want to be in the Republic. Also, in WW1 the Brits were faced by a Protestant Revolt: "Either we'll fight in France for you, or we'll fight in Ireland against you." So the Brits promised Ulster stayed in the Union while the troops raised served in WW1


Now Ulster is more conservative, anti-Paki, and anti-abortion than the Republic, including the Catholics there.

4268   Patrick   2024 Dec 22, 4:40pm  

I find it hard to imagine proddies in Northern Ireland fighting against Britain.

Anyway, at this point the Catholics are more numerous:

Results from the 2021 census released on Thursday showed that 45.7% of inhabitants are Catholic or from a Catholic background compared with 43.48% from Protestant or other Christian backgrounds.

So why is the north not allowed a democratic secession from Britain?
4269   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 22, 4:42pm  

Patrick says

So why is the north not allowed a democratic secession from Britain?

A surprisingly large number of Catholics Don't want it. If it was 1:1, it would have happened long ago. Once it was the better welfare, now it's the CHEAPER cost of living but wider job choices.

Also, Stormmond is a flipping mess and nothing gets done.

A similar pattern: Rich Protestant Factory owners encouraged mass migration of Irish Catholics into the north to keep wages down.
Then sold out the Protestant middle-and-working classes down the road. Just like the US since the late 60s. One of the reasons the DUP replaced the "RINO" old Protestant Parties.
4270   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 22, 4:48pm  

Patrick says

I find it hard to imagine proddies in Northern Ireland fighting against Britain.

We forget in ye olden times the Catholic-Protestant rivalry was more passionate than support for the British Empire.

My Great-grandfather was a Prussian Protestant (Reformed?) who threw rocks at Churches, and would cross the street to let Catholic Priests know what he thought of them and their middleman meddling with the Word.

The Knownothings and the NYC Riots including Orange-Green Riots were a feature of the USA in the 19th Century. As was the Fenian Raider attempted invasion of Canada.

Trump's father was a KKK member against Irish Catholic nepotism and control of the NYC Civil Service, not because of Blacks (who didn't come in large numbers until after WW2! In the 1940s the Bronx and Brooklyn and all the burroughs were 90-95% White. Only Haarlem had a Black Plurality)
4272   HeadSet   2024 Dec 24, 7:46am  

AmericanKulak says

Only Haarlem had a Black Plurality

Woah... In America "Harlem" has only one "a". You would not be one of them there Dutch furreners now, woodja?
4273   RayAmerica   2024 Dec 31, 12:03pm  

What most thinking individuals knew all along ...

Mainstream Media Finally Reports That Ukraine’s Only Option Is Making ‘Territorial Concessions’ to Russia To End the War – Without NATO Invitation

4279   WookieMan   2025 Jan 3, 12:06am  

This should have been a Euro war... as usual. Not sure why we even got involved. Russia could knock out the Alaskan pipeline in minutes. They don't. Europeans need to handle their own shit and understand the enemy. Outside of demented Biden I do think we have more of our stuff in order with the Russians behind the scenes.

If Europe is concerned, handle it. It's paid in already but when you get a $71k federal tax bill you get fucking pissed. I have ZERO interest in financing this bull shit. I give no shits about Europe or Ukraine. Russia may not like us, but I don't recall them paying for weapons to attack our guys?

The whole Russian collusion thing f'd this up. Russians do shady things, but it's 99% in there region.
4280   RayAmerica   2025 Jan 3, 2:22pm  

I keep waiting in vain for socal2 to come to the rescue and reassure us all as to how Ukraine is winning the war. I just know that those 'Abrams Tanks are going to be the game changer ...'
4281   WookieMan   2025 Jan 3, 2:34pm  

RayAmerica says

I keep waiting in vain for socal2 to come to the rescue and reassure us all as to how Ukraine is winning the war. I just know that those 'Abrams Tanks are going to be the game changer ...'

We'll see what Trump does. I have no interest in this war anyway. It was stupid from the beginning.
4282   Patrick   2025 Jan 5, 9:27am  


Blinken admits U.S. sent arms to Ukraine ahead of conflict

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted Saturday that the United States had "quietly sent a lot of weapons to Ukraine" five months ahead of the conflict. "We saw it coming," Blinken said in an interview with The New York Times, noting the United States made sure that "Ukraine was prepared" by sending it billions of dollars and weapons since September 2021.
4284   RayAmerica   2025 Jan 6, 7:13am  

But wait! Don't give up now, Ukraine is 'winning.' Those $Biden $Billions have made it all possible!

“This Has Never Happened Before with an American President” – Zelensky Speaks Out on Trump’s Influence and Is Confident He Will End the War (VIDEO)

Volodymyr Zelensky: "It won’t be long because Europe will be looking at us and we’ll be looking at Trump. And by the way, I now see that when I talk about something with Donald Trump, whether we meet in person or we just have a call, all the European leaders always ask, How was it?"

"This shows the influence of Donald Trump. And this has never happened before with an American President, I tell you, from my experience. This also gives you confidence that he can stop this war."

4285   socal2   2025 Jan 6, 8:08am  

RayAmerica says

I keep waiting in vain for socal2 to come to the rescue and reassure us all as to how Ukraine is winning the war. I just know that those 'Abrams Tanks are going to be the game changer ...'

We are entering the 4th year of Putin’s cock-up of a war.

What has Russia gained to justify the massive loss of life? New NATO members on their borders? Loss of Syria and Mediterranean naval bases? Loss of major energy revenue sales to Europe? Loss of military sales as the whole world can see how shitty Russian weapon systems are to cheap commercial drones?

The onus is on you Putin fluffers to explain to the world why Russia should continue sending their men to their deaths to move the front lines just a few miles in the past 2 years.

What does a Russian “win” look like?

When will it happen?
4286   HeadSet   2025 Jan 6, 8:38am  

socal2 says

What has Russia gained to justify the massive loss of life?

Ukraine joining NATO is considered an existential threat. Sweden joining NATO is not. Even ex-Soviet Balkan republics joining NATO was not countered by Russia. Russia does not want to waste lives and treasure fighting this war, but the alterative is having Ukraine in an anti-Russian alliance and the Black Sea becoming a NATO lake.
4288   RayAmerica   2025 Jan 6, 10:05am  

socal2 says

What does a Russian “win” look like?

Better yet, what does a Ukraine 'win' look like?

1. A complete retreat by Russia from all Ukraine territory that was gained by Russia during the war.

2. A Russian abandonment of the Crimea (as stated by the comedian Zelensky himself).

3. Ukraine officially joins NATO (Ukraine's often stated goal).

That's just for starters, and to quote Joe Biden, "guess what?" ... NONE of that is going to happen ... and "by the way," that's "not a joke."
4289   Ceffer   2025 Jan 6, 10:15am  

RayAmerica says

What does a Russian “win” look like?

Everything up to and including Switzerland.
4291   socal2   2025 Jan 6, 1:27pm  

HeadSet says

Ukraine joining NATO is considered an existential threat. Sweden joining NATO is not

"Existential Threat" - what does that even mean?

Was Putin and his Oligarchs worried that Ukraine was going to invade and occupy crap-ass Russia or something? Please. Putin and Russia now face a real existential threat in their total failure to achieve their stated military goals that could end up with Putin's regime being overthrown from within like what happens every time Russia starts and loses a war.

If Russia could have managed a quick decapitation strike limiting the massive loss of life on both sides (like they did with Georgia and Crimea) - it would be a different story.

At this point, it is just Putin throwing more humans into the fire for absolutely nothing. Ukraine has every incentive to keep fighting to defend their homeland as any future with Russia in control of Ukraine would end up with alot of Ukrainians ending up in camps or firing squads.

All you mooks who claim to not be war mongers should be screaming from the rooftops for Putin to give this shit up and negotiate a peace deal.
4292   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 6, 1:46pm  

socal2 says
"Putin and Russia now face a real existential threat in their total failure
to achieve their stated military goals that could end up with Putin's regime being
overthrown from within like what happens every time Russia starts and loses a war."

Nonsense. Russia defeated Ukraine massively and decisively and as a result Donbas
and all of Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia. At this point, the entire Ukranian
military front has collapsed and the only option left for Ukraine is unconditional surrender.
4293   HeadSet   2025 Jan 6, 2:10pm  

socal2 says

"Existential Threat" - what does that even mean?

It means that Russia has watched NATO spread eastward and was about to incorporate Ukraine. Given Russia's history of being invaded by Europeans through Ukraine this is a legitimate concern. The last time Russia had a non-aggression pact with a European power they ended up fighting that power at the gates of Moscow. Victoria Nuland, et al, knew that threatening to incorporate Ukraine in NATO would prompt Russian military response and kept pushing. Had Russia not taken the bait, I suppose then Nuland would have prompted Japan to retake the Kirils and Sakhalin.

If you think that it is unreasonable for the Russians to fear NATO invasion through Ukraine, how about the absurdity that Russia invading Ukraine is just the first step to Russia conquering Europe?
4294   socal2   2025 Jan 6, 2:39pm  

HeadSet says

It means that Russia has watched NATO spread eastward and was about to incorporate Ukraine.

And what harm has that caused Russia other than having some healthier and richer nations next door they could sell energy to? Just imagine how much more secure and rich Russia would be today with all their pipelines and energy deals still in place with Europe if they didn't decide to invade Ukraine.

HeadSet says

The last time Russia had a non-aggression pact with a European power they ended up fighting that power at the gates of Moscow.

You mean when they made a deal with the Nazis to carve up Poland and they got double crossed? Were the Commies some sort of victim in WWII? Not exactly a great example to excuse Russia's murderous invasion of Ukraine.
4295   socal2   2025 Jan 6, 2:51pm  

The_Deplorable says

Nonsense. Russia defeated Ukraine massively and decisively

Yay! So the war is over?

No need for Russia to continue sustaining thousands of casualties each week to capture a few acres of tree lines and fallow fields? They already won "massively and decisively!"

Was it always in Putin's plan to have a grinding war like this going on for 4 years with almost no significant gains? Is that what a "massive and decisive" victory looks like when a huge country like Russia can't manage to pacify their smaller and weaker next door neighbor?

I can fully admit that Ukraine has struggled mightily to keep the battle lines largely stable and would be cooked without Western aid. But it is absolutely retarded to gaslight like you did above and just makes you look delusional or something worse.

4296   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 6, 3:08pm  

socal2 says
"But it is absolutely retarded to gaslight like you did above and
just makes you look delusional or something worse."

Who is winning territory in this war? Answer: Russia
Who is losing territory in this war? Answer: Ukraine
So... who is delusional here?
4297   HeadSet   2025 Jan 6, 3:20pm  

socal2 says

And what harm has that caused Russia other than having some healthier and richer nations next door they could sell energy to?

Joining NATO did not make those countries richer and better customers for Russia. It meant those countries combined forces with an anti-Russia alliance.
4298   HeadSet   2025 Jan 6, 5:30pm  

socal2 says

You mean when they made a deal with the Nazis to carve up Poland and they got double crossed? Were the Commies some sort of victim in WWII? Not exactly a great example to excuse Russia's murderous invasion of Ukraine.

Nobody said commies were innocent victims. My point is that even though Hiler and Stalin were good buddies (divided Poland and shook hands in the middle, had the Luftwaffe train in Russia before WW2, plus a non-aggression pact), Hitler still invaded Russia. Lesson for the Russians - when anyone from the West says they will not invade, even a supposed ally, don't believe them.

Putin is no angel; he is a ruthless dictator who has his opponents murdered as well as being the head of intelligence and the mafia. Not the issue. The West provoked the war by trying to bring Ukraine into NATO.

If the West were to declare Taiwan and independent nation, give it a seat in the UN, then push to form alliances outside of China, would that not provoke an invasion? Rightly or wrongly, China would consider such actions to be an attack on its territorial integrity.
4299   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Jan 6, 7:54pm  

socal2 says

And what harm has that caused Russia other than having some healthier and richer

^^^ perfect example of delusional cope right there.

4300   Ceffer   2025 Jan 6, 7:55pm  

If anything shows that our MIC is a mercenary army under the heel of the Brits..... Foreign secret agent man Blinken admitted that US was arming Ukraine many months before the conflict broke out. Another planned conflict.

4301   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 7, 10:48am  

HeadSet says

"Putin is no angel; he is a ruthless dictator who has his opponents murdered..."

You are confusing Putin with Joe Biden.
How many times did Biden's Globalist Nazis try to assassinate Trump? Three? Four? Five times? How many?
4302   HeadSet   2025 Jan 7, 12:49pm  

The_Deplorable says

HeadSet says

"Putin is no angel; he is a ruthless dictator who has his opponents murdered..."

You are confusing Putin with Joe Biden.
How many times did Biden's Globalist Nazis try to assassinate Trump? Three? Four? Five times? How many?

No confusion at all, Biden is no angel either.
4303   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Jan 7, 1:48pm  

socal2 says

And what harm has that caused Russia other than having some healthier and richer nations next door

Even Trump gets what socal2 cannot:

4305   Patrick   2025 Jan 11, 7:19pm  


One of the dumbest narratives we’ve been forced to tolerate for years, on pain of cancelation, until our brains bled, were the moronically oversimplified claims that Russia invaded Ukraine for no reason, Putin is a dictatorial madman, and my personal favorite, Russia hates democracy.

It’s simply marvelous how unquestioningly arrogant progressive elitists adopted these stupid slogans as if they were scientific truths. It tells you everything you need to know about progressivism. (Plus, I’m old enough to remember back when the left swooned over Russia and wanted to marry it. The irony.)

Even here on C&C, there are (were?) at least two (one?) reader accounts that loudly and regularly reinforced these oversimplified narratives in the comments. But on Tuesday, President Trump just shattered all the progressive permission structures and narrative is in a shambles.

Here’s what Trump told the seemingly unsurprised reporters:

"For many, many years, long before Putin, Russia said you could never have NATO involved with Ukraine. That’s been, like, written in stone.
It was always understood. They had a deal, and then Biden broke it. Somewhere along the line, Biden said no. They should be able to join NATO. They had a deal that would have been a satisfactory deal to Ukraine and everybody else. But then Biden said no, you have to be able to join NATO.
Well, then Russia has somebody right on their doorstep. And I can understand their feelings about that."

For many, many years, long before Putin, Russia said you could never have NATO involved with Ukraine. That’s been, like, written in stone.
It was always understood. They had a deal, and then Biden broke it. Somewhere along the line, Biden said no. They should be able to join NATO. They had a deal that would have been a satisfactory deal to Ukraine and everybody else. But then Biden said no, you have to be able to join NATO.
Well, then Russia has somebody right on their doorstep. And I can understand their feelings about that.

In other words, Trump wadded up the insane narrative of “unprovoked Russian aggression” and tossed it into the shredder. It’s gone, never to return. Russia was provoked. And Russia’s reaction was understandable. None of the reporters challenged him. The geopolitical significance of this one tiny, official admission of truth cannot be overstated.

Trump knew exactly what he was doing. He was doing diplomacy.

Obviously, the folks listening most intently to Trump’s comments were the Russians and the Ukrainians. Until this week, the Russians never heard a scrap of sympathy from the United States government. Not from Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Austin, Nuland — none of them excreted a single ounce of diplomacy, never allowing for even a hint of legitimacy in Russia’s concern about NATO’s eastward expansion.

Instead, Team Biden was all about blamesmanship, passive-aggressive sabotage (e.g., Nordstream bombing), and childlike escalation (i.e., “he’s making me touch him!”).

The worst part is that the Ukrainians never even wanted to join NATO. A well-accepted but officially unconfirmed story says Britain’s former Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to Kiev right before the Ukrainians signed a peace deal with Russia in 2022. Johnson talked the Ukrainians into breaking off negotiations, probably by promising them every weapon in the NATO arsenal. That’s the ‘deal’ Trump referred to.

President Trump also shattered another narrative construct, merely by acknowledging another obvious truth, which was that Biden’s brinksmanship could be catastrophic.

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