Fresh new conspiracies for the conspiracy hungry. I had two old cell phones that I used for remote controls. They both failed on the same night, with one's lithium battery swelling the case open. Clue: they start to get unreasonably warm first, so don't leave an unusually unnaturally warm phone anywhere it could flame out and do damage. However, as far as I can tell, no other cell phone or thingie in the house was affected, so just a local field or something coming over the charger?
This happened spontaneously. So, you don't think that lithium batteries can be remote detonated or EMP pulse detonated? What happened with these phones, they were fine before? I think I am going to put a faraday shield on my 'smart meter'. People have railed against the smart meters as both fire hazards themselves due to the lithium batteries and because they can produce 5G pulse radiation or both things as dual purpose.
He forgot about the apparatchik graft grift for upholding stolen elections, and the 'laundering subtax' which means we get back 30 cents on the tax dollar to use for services and infrastructure.
Domestic subversion at work by the fake election politicians. Create fake water shortage with idiotic smelt excuse, then starve agriculture to starve the people with food shortages, then DEW redevelop selected areas where there is no water to fight the fires. You can't say the subversives don't know how to multi task.
I can almost believe this fire might have had some white hat help because the California Election Fraud Emperor has no clothes and it is all being laid out to an outraged public. If it was the standard black hat Globalist Redevelopment Agency, then they stepped on their dick because all of their complicit election fraud politicians from Newsom on down are exposed.
Everything they do is about laundering. This water bill is an example where the laundering was 100 percent, just like the unaudited and unaccounted for billions for the 'homeless crisis'.
One of the many reasons I said years ago I wouldn't move to ass to elbow crowded SoCal. The whole area are islands of affluence surrounded by hordes of barely restrained Visigoths. This is when the Visigoths come to the doorsteps of the leafy suburbs. I guess guys in boats think they can make their escapes, but in Lahaina, the boats were DEW'd, too, right in the water. Of course, there is that little issue of getting to the water, especially when part of the DEW gig is to block the roads so you roast in your car.
Q calling it from the wayback machine. When you disguise your programmed treason and subversion as casual incompetence, but actually have incompetents to demonstrate the stupidity excuse?
Again, who cares? I bet 90% of these people don't live in their houses most of the time unless they have a film going on. They're not W-2 employees, they can write off public or private jets. Plus they likely have points, so it's free. They don't pay a dime and can live in 4 different places if they wanted.
And trust me, their insurance policies didn't get cancelled. While they have nice looking houses, the value is in the land, not the structure.
Commentator Rogan O'Handley, also known as DC Draino, wrote on X: "On the left is the LA Fire Chief allowing her city to be burned down with no water in fire hydrants. On the right is the New Orleans Police Chief who allowed a terrorist attack on Bourbon without street barriers. DEI is quite literally getting people killed. Bring back merit."
What was Lahaina 2.0?