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causing needless suffering for everyone.
the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases
Patrick says
the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases
True, but not really useful outside of medicine. For example, it is a waste of resources to test Nordics for sickle cell anemia. Other than such physical matters, each individual has his/her own distinct aptitudes, inclinations, and propensities.
We’re talking group averages. It’s telling.
Note that I'm not ascribing value to any race, only stating the facts:
- race is real, just like breeds of dog are real
- the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases
The denial of facts to conform to the woke agenda prevents us from solving real problems, causing needless suffering for everyone.
The upper class prefers the rest of us to spend and stay poor, and that's also less competition for the assets that can provide an income.
That's an interesting idea I had not heard. The upper class prefers the rest of us to spend and stay poor, and that's also less competition for the assets that can provide an income.
groups of mankind differ in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development
- race is real, just like breeds of dog are real
West Africans Carry DNA from Mysterious Archaic Hominin
Feb 14, 2020 by Enrico de Lazaro
Four West African populations — Yoruba, Esan, Mende, and Gambian — derive 2 to 19% of their genetic ancestry from a yet-undiscovered species of archaic hominin that diverged before the split of modern humans and the ancestors of Neanderthals and Denisovans, according to new research from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Contemporary people who have ancestors from Europe, Asia, and Oceania carry DNA from two archaic species, Neanderthals and Denisovans, making up 1-4% of their genome.
These genetic segments arrived in modern humans through introgression, the process by which members of two populations mate, and the resulting hybrid individuals then breed with members of the parent populations.
Recent studies have shown that, though modern West Africans do not have Neanderthal or Denisovan ancestry, there may have been introgression by other ancient hominins in their past.
In a new study, University of California, Los Angeles researchers Arun Durvasula and Sriram Sankararaman compared Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA with genomes of 405 individuals from West Africa.
The scientists focused on four contemporary West African populations: Yoruba from Ibadan, Esan from Nigeria, Mende from Sierra Leone, and Gambian.
They found differences that could be best explained by introgression by an unknown archaic hominin whose ancestors split off from the human family tree before Neanderthals.
IQ has received by far the greatest degree of attention in the research of and discourse surrounding HBD, because it is by far the most important single factor in economic success, and thus group differences in IQ present an uncomfortable challenge to the narrative, central to the political project of race communism, that all disparities in outcome between racial groups in racially diverse countries, as well as disparities between racially distinct countries, can only ever be explained by racist bigotry manifesting as discrimination, xenophobia, or colonial exploitation.
... stereotypes have been repeatedly demonstrated to be remarkably accurate – indeed, next to IQ, stereotype accuracy is one of the most replicated findings of the social sciences. It is an indicator of the corruption of those disciplines that both stereotypes and IQ are considered swear words by so many of its practitioners.
Right, this is the argument of James Damore, who got fired from Google. The graph that got James Damore into trouble:
Yes - the fact that we can't have a rational discussion about this to disentangle "nature vs. nurture" is yet another part of the globohomo divisionary plan. Wookieman can definitely weigh in on this.
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It's nice that there is actually some pushback stating the obvious. not only is race very real and right in front of your eyes every day, the science has advanced to the point where you can spend $100 at https://www.23andme.com/ and be told your racial composition quite accurately.
The denial of race is one more aspect of PC-conformity which demands you ignore what you actually see and suppress your anti-PC thoughts. sure, once again the sentiment is laudable (acknowledging the existence of race might lead to deterministic thinking about race) but we should put the truth above sentiment.