Race is Real

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2015 Dec 27, 9:56am   44,254 views  183 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


A longstanding orthodoxy among social scientists holds that human races are a social construct and have no biological basis. A related assumption is that human evolution halted in the distant past, so long ago that evolutionary explanations need never be considered by historians or economists.

It's nice that there is actually some pushback stating the obvious. not only is race very real and right in front of your eyes every day, the science has advanced to the point where you can spend $100 at https://www.23andme.com/ and be told your racial composition quite accurately.

The denial of race is one more aspect of PC-conformity which demands you ignore what you actually see and suppress your anti-PC thoughts. sure, once again the sentiment is laudable (acknowledging the existence of race might lead to deterministic thinking about race) but we should put the truth above sentiment.

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161   Patrick   2024 Sep 27, 2:19pm  

Note that I'm not ascribing value to any race, only stating the facts:

- race is real, just like breeds of dog are real
- the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases

The denial of facts to conform to the woke agenda prevents us from solving real problems, causing needless suffering for everyone.
162   Ceffer   2024 Sep 27, 2:36pm  

Patrick says

causing needless suffering for everyone.

"Needless suffering" is the whole point. It's called 'loosh', and it supposed to be the psychic food of the demons.
163   HeadSet   2024 Sep 27, 7:53pm  

Patrick says

the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases

True, but not really useful outside of medicine. For example, it is a waste of resources to test Nordics for sickle cell anemia. Other than such physical matters, each individual has his/her own distinct aptitudes, inclinations, and propensities.
164   GNL   2024 Sep 27, 8:25pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases

True, but not really useful outside of medicine. For example, it is a waste of resources to test Nordics for sickle cell anemia. Other than such physical matters, each individual has his/her own distinct aptitudes, inclinations, and propensities.

We’re talking group averages. It’s telling.
165   HeadSet   2024 Sep 28, 6:48am  

GNL says

We’re talking group averages. It’s telling.

No doubt it is "telling," but what use is it, other than the evil of putting individuals from "underrepresented" groups into unearned positions?
166   Patrick   2024 Sep 28, 7:26am  

The biggest advantage from admitting the obvious fact that race is very real would be the calm acceptance of inevitable disparities in outcomes instead of blaming them all on "oppression" and imposing truly racist and unworkable plans to end that "oppression".

Perhaps even more important would be a newfound respect for provable truth above leftist ideology. What we have now is a hysterical suppression of biological reality mostly because it makes blue-haired Karens feel bad.

And there are other advantages. There might be funding to study the real reasons why black people are an order of magnitude more violent on average, or why Asians do well in engineering, etc. OK, some of it may be cultural, but to claim the genetic component is never significant is obviously false. Evolution did not magically stop 50,000 years ago.
167   stereotomy   2024 Sep 28, 8:56am  

Patrick says

Note that I'm not ascribing value to any race, only stating the facts:

- race is real, just like breeds of dog are real
- the different races have different average aptitudes and inclinations, as well as different propensity to diseases

The denial of facts to conform to the woke agenda prevents us from solving real problems, causing needless suffering for everyone.

Yes - the fact that we can't have a rational discussion about this to disentangle "nature vs. nurture" is yet another part of the globohomo divisionary plan. @Wookieman can definitely weigh in on this.

Globohomo wants to equate "acknowledge differences" with Huxley's "Brave New World," where humans are "bottle grown" into various mental classes, worship the "Great Ford," the inventor of mass production, and are all regular users of "Soma," the perfect soporific drug. This is actually the great gaslighting.

It sounds incongruous, but isn't that what glolbohomo is doing? They claim that they can create synthetic societies to replace what has gone before to maximize the influence of globohomo - control the (admittedly cowardly and weak) thinking middle class (the Betas), create vast class of illegal and underpaid labor (the Gammas), while the self appointed ruling class (the Alphas) run the show.
168   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 28, 11:27am  

One big reason for Globohomo: Males Save, Women Spend.

By the 60s there was such an explosion of owning assets the upper class freaked out. How to get them to spend, not save and buy assets? Take away men's control of family money.
169   Patrick   2024 Sep 28, 5:59pm  

That's an interesting idea I had not heard. The upper class prefers the rest of us to spend and stay poor, and that's also less competition for the assets that can provide an income.
170   HeadSet   2024 Sep 28, 7:07pm  

Patrick says

The upper class prefers the rest of us to spend and stay poor, and that's also less competition for the assets that can provide an income.

And that spending is their source of income.
171   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 28, 7:54pm  

Patrick says

That's an interesting idea I had not heard. The upper class prefers the rest of us to spend and stay poor, and that's also less competition for the assets that can provide an income.


Whenever I hear "Great Reset" and it's focus on renting everything from housing to appliances to total dependence on centralized transport, I think of this.
173   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 24, 10:50pm  

I was reading about this guy earlier:

Between 1950 and 1951, Fisher, along with other leading geneticists and anthropologists of his time, was asked to comment on a statement that UNESCO was preparing on the nature of race and racial differences, which was published in 1950 as the UNESCO Statement on Race. The statement, along with the comments and criticisms of a large number of scientists including Fisher, is published in "The Race Concept: Results of an Inquiry" (1952).

Fisher was one of four scientists who opposed the statement. In his own words, Fisher's opposition is based on "one fundamental objection to the Statement", which "destroys the very spirit of the whole document." He believes that human groups differ profoundly "in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development" and concludes from this that the "practical international problem is that of learning to share the resources of this planet amicably with persons of materially different nature, and that this problem is being obscured by entirely well-intentioned efforts to minimize the real differences that exist."

Fisher's opinions are clarified by his more detailed comments on Section 5 of the statement, which are concerned with psychological and mental differences between the races. Section 5 concludes as follows:

Scientifically, however, we realized that any common psychological attribute is more likely to be due to a common historical and social background, and that such attributes may obscure the fact that, within different populations consisting of many human types, one will find approximately the same range of temperament and intelligence.


I quite agree with the chief intention of the article as a whole, which, I take it, is to bring out the relative unimportance of such genetic mental differences between races as may exist, in contrast to the importance of the mental differences (between individuals as well as between nations) caused by tradition, training and other aspects of the environment. However, in view of the admitted existence of some physically expressed hereditary differences of a conspicuous nature, between the averages or the medians of the races, it would be strange if there were not also some hereditary differences affecting the mental characteristics which develop in a given environment, between these averages or medians. At the same time, these mental differences might usually be unimportant in comparison with those between individuals of the same race. To the great majority of geneticists it seems absurd to suppose that psychological characteristics are subject to entirely different laws of heredity or development than other biological characteristics. Even though the former characteristics are far more influenced than the latter by environment, in the form of past experiences, they must have a highly complex genetic basis.

Fisher's own words were quoted as follows:

As you ask for remarks and suggestions, there is one that occurs to me, unfortunately of a somewhat fundamental nature, namely that the Statement as it stands appears to draw a distinction between the body and mind of men, which must, I think, prove untenable. It appears to me unmistakable that gene differences which influence the growth or physiological development of an organism will ordinarily pari passu influence the congenital inclinations and capacities of the mind. In fact, I should say that, to vary conclusion (2) on page 5, 'Available scientific knowledge provides a firm basis for believing that the groups of mankind differ in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development,' seeing that such groups do differ undoubtedly in a very large number of their genes.[116]: 56
174   HeadSet   2025 Feb 25, 7:57am  

AmericanKulak says

groups of mankind differ in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development

True, but irrelevant. Group A may have a higher innate capacity than Group B, but a specific individual in Group B may have a higher innate capacity than most members of Group A. That is the problem with collectivism of any sort - we are all individuals with distinct attributes and grouping by any single one of those attributes induces errors when evaluating individuals for a specific task.

Divide any sample of folks by an attribute, such as last name begins with "G" versus begins with "T." One of the two groups is going to average taller, smarter, or richer than the other.
175   Patrick   2025 Feb 25, 8:15am  

Right, this is the argument of James Damore, who got fired from Google. The graph that got James Damore into trouble:

177   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2025 Feb 25, 8:36am  

Patrick says

- race is real, just like breeds of dog are real

We do look different and act different and race is real - it's wherever we draw the line. However, genetics differences between people are tiny. We are very very inbred. Our genetic differences are 0.1-0.3%. To add to that differences between humans and chimps is 2-3% but differences between dogs such as Chihuahuas and Great Danes, are estimated to be around 5-10%. The genetic differences between these three subspecies of tigers are around 2-5%.

With studies performed over the past 15 years using modern NGS DNA sequencers it's looking more and more like Neanderthals were much more similar to us than we thought. Dressed up and manicured I think if I saw one on the street I'd probably just think he was some unusually robust guy.

Also, the older theory of 'out of Africa', with respect to modern humans wiping out the Neanderthals' is starting too look instead more and more like Europeans ARE Neanderthals'. Blonde hair and blue eyes for instance. It's starting to look more like the Neanderthals experienced wave after wave of homo sapiens sapiens until they eventually absorbed most of the genome.

That is quite a bit different than the prior out compete theory and the idea that there was a small number of interbreeding events where useful traits were conserved.

The story of the cro-mags is interesting. They looked more like us and were legit badasses.
178   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2025 Feb 25, 8:41am  

Patrick says

This image suggests slightly more difference but 2008 was a long time ago we have much more data now. Back then it was mainly microarray data instead of reading the full genome. Like a sentence out of each page of the phone book vs. the whole phone book.

Also those differences in the chart are pretty inbred. There aren't large populations of those animals anymore. What would be interesting would be to see the differences of something more common like rats or crows.
179   Patrick   2025 Feb 27, 3:40pm  


West Africans Carry DNA from Mysterious Archaic Hominin

Feb 14, 2020 by Enrico de Lazaro

Four West African populations — Yoruba, Esan, Mende, and Gambian — derive 2 to 19% of their genetic ancestry from a yet-undiscovered species of archaic hominin that diverged before the split of modern humans and the ancestors of Neanderthals and Denisovans, according to new research from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Contemporary people who have ancestors from Europe, Asia, and Oceania carry DNA from two archaic species, Neanderthals and Denisovans, making up 1-4% of their genome.

These genetic segments arrived in modern humans through introgression, the process by which members of two populations mate, and the resulting hybrid individuals then breed with members of the parent populations.

Recent studies have shown that, though modern West Africans do not have Neanderthal or Denisovan ancestry, there may have been introgression by other ancient hominins in their past.

In a new study, University of California, Los Angeles researchers Arun Durvasula and Sriram Sankararaman compared Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA with genomes of 405 individuals from West Africa.

The scientists focused on four contemporary West African populations: Yoruba from Ibadan, Esan from Nigeria, Mende from Sierra Leone, and Gambian.

They found differences that could be best explained by introgression by an unknown archaic hominin whose ancestors split off from the human family tree before Neanderthals.
180   Patrick   2025 Mar 12, 8:25pm  


IQ has received by far the greatest degree of attention in the research of and discourse surrounding HBD, because it is by far the most important single factor in economic success, and thus group differences in IQ present an uncomfortable challenge to the narrative, central to the political project of race communism, that all disparities in outcome between racial groups in racially diverse countries, as well as disparities between racially distinct countries, can only ever be explained by racist bigotry manifesting as discrimination, xenophobia, or colonial exploitation.

... stereotypes have been repeatedly demonstrated to be remarkably accurate – indeed, next to IQ, stereotype accuracy is one of the most replicated findings of the social sciences. It is an indicator of the corruption of those disciplines that both stereotypes and IQ are considered swear words by so many of its practitioners.
181   AmericanKulak   2025 Mar 12, 11:23pm  

That was a blast, thanks @Patrick.

I believe MERP was the most "racist" system ever.

182   AD   2025 Mar 13, 12:20am  

Patrick says

Right, this is the argument of James Damore, who got fired from Google. The graph that got James Damore into trouble:

Trump should hire Damore as an advisor.

183   WookieMan   2025 Mar 13, 4:51am  

stereotomy says

Yes - the fact that we can't have a rational discussion about this to disentangle "nature vs. nurture" is yet another part of the globohomo divisionary plan. Wookieman can definitely weigh in on this.

Missed this. But yes you can drop a black kid off in a white, somewhat hillbilly cornfield community and he'll thrive. Not sure on girls as I don't have any or that are black.

If my nephew stayed with his ghetto snow bunny mom (she likes the blacks obviously) he'd probably already be in a gang. Have trouble in school. The whole other issues.

Nurture has many meanings as well. I vowed not to physically abuse my kids after my dad and kids include the nephew. I am extremely harsh though with words and making them get their shit done though. When I bark stuff gets done. Once it's done they'll hang with me for 1-2 hours straight. I'm not their friend yet, but I don't want them to resent me at a young age.

With kids you also need to make sure they hang out with other solid kids. Not always easy. I try to meet the parents or the wife does and chat for a half hour. NEVER do the drop off and go for a hang out or sleep over with kids.

I'm going to be a bit hyperbolic (maybe) but most adults were molested at some point. I'd guess 60%. They get a nice piece of chocolate in their house I'm extremely apprehensive with who is watching my nephew. My oldest white kid is tough and won't put up with shit and it already bigger than most the dads. Youngest I worry a bit. His friends are kind of off.

I'm fortunate with time and money. Part time work when they're at school but mostly a stay at home dad. Didn't envision it when I was younger, but wouldn't change it now. Life was miserable working a 8am-10pm job in real estate. It never stopped.

Back to the comment though. Blacks need a dad or father figure. Money helps, my nephew would be totally fine if we made 1/4 of what we do, basically national median family income. Life isn't perfect, I got lucky and so did my nephew. So did I in hindsight. Life is weird, but everyone needs a father or father figure in their life or they're screwed most the time.

Generally women lack in meaningful discipline if a kid is acting out. Some outliers. My wife being one. My FIL had 5 daughters total. If they were acting a fool he'd flip the main breaker on the electric and turn off all power. Some might find that crazy, but if your kids are acting like dip shits it is effective. Miss that guy as he became more of dad to me. You need a good dad.

Alright wookie therapy session over.

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