Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their bodies, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   206,230 views  1,384 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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1363   Patrick   2025 Feb 5, 11:57am  


... feeling silly for crying in
the airport after seeing a
MAGA hat, but 4 other
women were crying too
grief has no timeline.
action is coming

narrator: action was not coming.

this movie seems to be on auto repeat all over social media right now. it’s astonishing the breakdowns and breakage that seem to have been triggered by two weeks of “the donald.”

leaving aside the rightness or wrongness of all this opinion and histrionic hurdy-gurdy, i find the overall pathology fascinating.

i also think it likely means something very different than most are inclined to assume.

why is becky from vassar not only having this meltdown, but forensically documenting it in full living color online for all the world to see? this seems an odd response to “hurt.”

so what drives this?

my sense is that this is not just “i’m upset” it’s performance art as manipulation. sure, some of it is tribal virtue and issue signaling, but mostly it looks to me to be a sort of bat signal to guilt trip people into helping the more machiavellian of the theater kids.

it’s a natural human impulse to want to help those that look scared or hurt. it’s part of the goodness of many humans.

but it’s also a weakness that can be preyed upon, used to advantage.

and i think we’re seeing a lot of that.

the ability to manipulate others while claiming virtue and status for so doing attracts cluster B traits like rotting fruit attracts wasps.

this performative fragility has weaponized empathy and for a time, this has proven a very effective tactic of passive aggressive emotional grifting.

the issue is that past a certain point, people simply stop caring about you and your endless needy demands for the world to order itself around your right not to be offended as the cornerstone and non-negotiable demand of your sense of well being and security. ..

when the very people accusing you of "lacking concern" are actually playing upon your concern and using it to manipulate you, you eventually wise up.

it snaps into focus that this was never a damsel in distress, it was a long con.
1364   Patrick   2025 Feb 5, 5:27pm  


Financial analysts have been unwilling to acknowledge the role of Pfizer and the enormous numbers of deaths and disabilities experienced by working age Americans in the jobs reports. The reason for this is that all of them are injected with the ticking time bomb, and they will have injected their children. It would be inconvenient, to say the least, to accept that they have poisoned themselves.

Now that the PR and Advertising campaign is no longer hammering the barnyard animals with fear messaging, and some of them have made a vague connection between injecting Operation Warp Speed and very bad health outcomes, uptake of the boosters has waned. ...

If they want the jobs reports to improve going forward, what needs to happen is they must reignite the PR and Advertising campaign and try to convince more barnyard animals to get another booster. I highly recommend that they rebrand flu cases as Covid 7.0 and ramp up the use of Remdesivir and Midazolam to murder more barnyard animals generating mass fear.

If they are able to succeed - again - the job openings will quickly surge along with vax injuries and deaths. Throw in more mass murder at the hands of the two treatment drugs and the result will be a strong economy and renewed prosperity for all!
1368   Patrick   2025 Feb 25, 10:40am  


Reality engineering requires three components: institutional power to create the narrative, social pressure to enforce it, and the deliberate persecution of anyone who challenges either. The COVID era provided the perfect case study in how this machinery operates - and revealed how performative activism serves as its most potent enforcement mechanism.

Every major element of the official COVID narrative has been proven false: The origins of the virus, the validity of PCR tests, the suppression of early treatments, the denial of natural immunity, the so-called "safety and effectiveness" of vaccines, and the utility of masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports. Yet those who questioned any part of it faced unprecedented ostracism and persecution. ...

When the real crisis arrived, this strategy found willing accomplices in a culture already primed for performative virtue. The height of this hypocrisy revealed itself during the pandemic, exposing not just empty virtue signaling, but active participation in one of the most egregious civil rights violations in recent American history. As millions changed their profile pictures and posted solidarity symbols for social justice, these same voices fell silent - or worse, actively participated in the persecution of two distinct groups: the unvaccinated and the vaccine-injured.
1372   Patrick   2025 Feb 28, 1:07am  


they will deny it until something breaks.

but when it breaks, they will need someone to blame apart from themselves. it will be a matter of self preservation.

my guess: it jumps to the pharma cos and executives.

"we wuz lied to! we're victims too!"

it’s just the low energy path.

the biden admin could hold it back.

trump, RFK, makary, bhattacharya: they are going to push it forward.

Not Trump though. He's still totally pro death jab.
1374   Patrick   2025 Mar 9, 11:37am  


The way to think about a lib is: the lib is a zombie with a chip in the back of his head. The chip responds to prestige signals from a variety of public and private antennas. All these antennas need to be attritted. The protocol needs to be reverse-engineered. New antennas, all responsible to the new regime, need to be configured and powered. Generally, the new signal should be stronger than the old one. Then, you own the libs.
1376   Patrick   2025 Mar 9, 3:01pm  


At any given time, only a small percentage of the population is sick (or at least that’s how it used to be).

The biggest profits come from giving a drug to the entire population in the name of preventive care — vaccines and now statins.

By pathologizing natural human emotions, the makers of psychopharmaceuticals also seek to sell treatments to nearly the entire population.
1377   stereotomy   2025 Mar 10, 12:35pm  

Patrick says


At any given time, only a small percentage of the population is sick (or at least that’s how it used to be).

The biggest profits come from giving a drug to the entire population in the name of preventive care — vaccines and now statins.

By pathologizing natural human emotions, the makers of psychopharmaceuticals also seek to sell treatments to nearly the entire population.

"By pathologizing normal human emotions" - that's the rub.

I suspect that psychology is trying to make everyone into psychos - feign real emotion when needed; otherwise spout corporate/power speak.

If you're not a psycho, we'll give you drugs to make you one.
1378   GNL   2025 Mar 10, 1:17pm  

If it isn't clear we have been psychologically manipulated for at least the last 10+ years now, there's no hope for you.
1379   stereotomy   2025 Mar 10, 1:52pm  

GNL says

If it isn't clear we have been psychologically manipulated for at least the last 10+ years now, there's no hope for you.

I don't know how the properly phrase it:

"The new insane is the old sane."
"The new sane is the old insane."
1381   Patrick   2025 Mar 13, 10:29am  


Once the vast majority of Americans bought the foundational viral lies and agreed to stay home and the CARES Act gave away $1.9 trillion to subsidize lockdowns and school closures, masks, tests and enhanced unemployment, Coronamania was a fait accompli. It took firm, extended hold.

Much of the past five years have been a very bleak period that has sharply lowered my esteem for most of my countrymen and women. I still can’t believe how simple-minded, fearful and conformist others have been. Above all, I’ve been disgusted by the selfishness of the laptop class, with its disregard for younger people who deserved to live the vital, interpersonally-intensive life that people under 30 used to enjoy. Though I guess my disappointment in others reveals my own prior deficits of understanding. ...

These cheesy images were enough to con most people into believing that SARS-CoV-2 was a universally lethal microbe. The majority deferred to government officials who asserted, without proof, that a respiratory virus could be eliminated via lockdowns, masks, tests and later, shots. ...

Most of the Covid gullible not only bought the government’s lies; they also hectored everyone around them to obey the government, ostensibly to save humanity from a virus, even though that virus threatened almost no one. Doing so made the self-deputized Corona Stasi feel sophisticated and virtuous. ...

Scamdemicians will quietly go about their dishonest government business and act as if the lockdowns, school closures and mask, test and jab mandates never happened. Some will disingenuously and self-servingly continue to gaslight the public by insisting that the lockdowns, masks, tests and shots “saved millions of lives” and that “we must strive to prevent the next pandemic.”

Most of the populace won’t ever question what happened from 2020-23 because doing so would show that they realize they were duped. Most people would rather ignore or deny reality than confront or reveal their gullibility. They prefer to protect their egos.

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