I Was Thinking to Myself This Could Be Heaven or This Could Be Hell

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2005 Oct 31, 1:59pm   71,513 views  451 comments

by matt_walsh   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Two years after signing a lease with a landlord who intended to never sell, he is selling.

I have to choose whether to buy this 3 bdr / 1.5ba, 1450 sq ft house in San Carlos for $888k or rent elsewhere. Here's my analysis...

I would put down $250k, financing $638k. At ~6.125%, my P&I comes out to $3,877. Property tax is around $928 for a total of $4805.

But I can deduct the mortgage interest of $3256. CA + Federal tax is 42%...so I save $1368 (and I already itemize, so it's not as if I lose the standard deduction). That brings me down to $3437.

Then comes something I can't calculate properly...I'd like to deduct the property tax, but I think I'm again in AMT hell this year...maybe someone can help. If I could deduct property tax, it would save my another $390 a month, bringing me down to $3047. Let's go with this for now.

Now if I think that the house won't lose value, I can look at it this way...of the P&I, $620 goes to principal. So that means my 'down the toilet' money comes out to $2427 a month. Renting anywhere on the peninsula in a comparable house is this much or maybe a bit more.

And at this point I'd say 'why not?', except for one thing...the opportunity cost on the $250k downpayment. Even with, say 5% after taxes, that's $1000 a month. Or put another way, if I rent for $2500 / mo, I really only pay $1500.

So then, let's assume I keep the house for 6 years and have to pay a 6% realtor commission. If I figure 5% savings rate, comparable rent of $2500 and $1054 opty cost on my $250k downpayment, it tells me that the house will need to sell for $1,076,000 to break even, or go up by roughly 21% (3.5% per year). If I assume no AMT deduction, I'll need to sell for $1,111,000 - required appreciation of 4.1% a year.

For fun, let's say that the proposed tax change limiting CA mortgage deductions to ~$350k comes into play. It actually makes less of a difference than you would think, at least for me. One one hand, my interest deduction goes down from $1368 to $750. But I can then deduct my state tax. Net, break even sales price becomes $1,130,000; appreciation of 27% or 4.5% a year.

Or, put another way, if the house does not go up in value, it will cost me around $260,000. If it dropped a mere 20%, it would cost me around $420,000.

I'm left with one (financial) reason to buy...inflation. Does anyone see an inflation scenario that makes this make sense to do?

Can you guys check my math?


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233   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 5:00am  

How likely will the tax reform become law?

I say 65 %- 75% chance. Anyone?

The Wall Street is going to love it.

Most Americans are going to love the tax credit (as oppose to deduction that they cannot take).

Rich Americans are going to love the elimination of AMT.

Who cares about Cali-phonier?

234   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 5:23am  


Don't worry, all credit bubbles and asset manias eventually come to the same end. As Herb Stein famously put it: "If something can't go on forever, it won't." The mounting inventory is only Act I, scene 1 in the coming crash saga (or "correction" for Jack & the bulls prefer to call it).

Peter P,
How likely will the tax reform become law?

That all depends on whose version of 'tax reform' you're referring to. I've seen a lot of different proposals, none of them have been codified/finalized into bills yet.

235   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 5:56am  

Not buying a lotery ticket is not gambling.

Not buying one this week because you think next week will be better is gambling.

236   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 6:10am  


Comments on your points:

1. Housing markets are at or near the cyclical peak. This is not a good time to buy.

2. Renting is cheaper than buying in most places at this time.

3. Short-term speculators (flippers) distort the market by adding to demand in the short run, and then by adding to supply (once the market slows and declines) as they exit their last positions.

You say that 23% to 36% of recent buyers are speculators. But the article you linked said that this was second home buyers and investors. Some, but not all, of such buyers are speculators (flippers). I know many people who own second homes for their personal use. They have no intention of selling them. I also know some who have several such homes. In addition, many people do invest in real estate for the long run and are not flippers. There are many investors who buy to hold as rentals. Many are not very good at market timing.

With 30% of all households being renters, the market needs many investors buying property in order to provide housing for all the renters. This means that about 30% of all housing must be purchased by investors. Of course, they are mostly buying apartments and condos, but many investors buy single family homes to rent out. I do this, and I do not plan to sell.

4. People who are on the edge will be in trouble if their payments double.

5. The point of the 50% equity comment is to point out that with 50% as the average, most homeowners are far from the edge. Their homes have appreciated significantly since purchase, and a decline will cause them no financial difficulty. Disappointment, but not pain.

237   frank649   2005 Nov 4, 6:32am  

"...many investors buy single family homes to rent out. I do this, and I do not plan to sell." - Zephyr

Ofcourse not, afterall you don't care where the market goes. Just like Jack. That's why you both frequent this blog so often.

Pop! ;-).

238   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 6:37am  

Ofcourse not, afterall you don’t care where the market goes. Just like Jack. That’s why you both frequent this blog so often.

239   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 6:38am  

I know...why is that?

240   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 6:46am  

Not buying one this week because you think next week will be better is gambling.

This statement doesn't make any sense!! Whos on first?

241   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 4, 6:46am  

5. The point of the 50% equity comment is to point out that with 50% as the average, most homeowners are far from the edge. Their homes have appreciated significantly since purchase, and a decline will cause them no financial difficulty. Disappointment, but not pain.

I know you realize this, but I should point it out anyways: This average number is much less meaningful without knowing the distribution. For example, this # is accurate if 50% have 100% equity and 50 % have 0% equity. Imagine if this were the case? Of course it's not, but neither is it true that 100% have 50% equity.
Also, this is a national average. I wonder what it is in the bubble areas (which is the main focus of people here)?

And honestly, I don't know if it's based on total outstanding mortgage debt vs. total US RE value, or if it's based on individual equity.
HERE's a striking example:
If Joe Blow in Nebraska owes only 25K on his 100K house, then he has a 75% equity position. If Joe Suck in San Francisco owes 300K on his 400K house, then he has a 25% equity position. So, in this situation, you have 50% national average equity position .
NOW look at the consolidated debt vs. equity: we have 25K + 300K = 375K debt. That leaves 500K - 375K = 125K equity.
So, this would imply a 125/500 = 25% national average equity position.
Pretty amazing that both numbers, 25% and 50%, can be considered technically correct.
I'd be curious to know exactly how they calculated the 50% national average number.

Just some food for thought regarding how numbers can mean different things.

242   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 6:52am  

I’d be curious to know exactly how they calculated the 50% national average number.

Of course it's calculated by those in the RE industry.

243   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 6:53am  

Praise be to allah.

It is clear that your belief is independent of the facts, and you have no interest in learning about the market. Perhaps, you should spare yourself the heresy of my data by not reading my posts.

244   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 6:58am  


Yes, the distribution around the average is important. In the bubble markets the average equity tends to be higher because the appreciation has been higher, thus adding to the owners equity position.

245   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 6:58am  

The 50% equity applies to all areas not just the bubble areas……..In the bubble areas, this percentage is much smaller!

Looks like allah beat me to the punch here. I could also add that averages can be deceiving, as in the fact that Lake Saint Clair is only 10' deep on average doesn't mean parts of it aren't much deeper, or that you can't drown in it. Some homeowners own their houses outright, others "own" nothing in the way of equity or very little (homedebtors). Average them together and, sure, it doesn't sound so bad.

Problem with this line of thinking is, you don't need 100% of homedebtors to default on their mortgages to have a huge impact on inventory and prices --only a small percetnage of them.

246   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:00am  

Of course, the first time buyers are more stretched in the hot markets, and any bumps in the road can have a bigger effect on them.

247   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 7:05am  

It is clear that your belief is independent of the facts,

You call your posts facts? I don't see anything but opinions!! ...and they're not good. Where are these facts? Do you have any links to some good sources of articles? I see some here http://tinyurl.com/444qj ..I would love to see some of yours... I am all about learning the market...that is why I am here...Why are you here if you think we are wrong? If I had any doubts of the FACT that we are right smack in the middle of the biggest housing crash in US history, I would not be wasting my time with a blog that believes in the bubble...... You won't see me going to an anti-bubble blog and tell them (the realtors and insecure marginal wannabe house-owners) who run it... that they are wrong.

248   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:06am  


It is very true that it takes only a small percentage of the market to shift the supply-demand balance because only a small share is sold each year. So, even if only 2% of homeowners are in trouble they would still be a significant factor in the market.

However, the bigger factor is prospective buyers no longer being able to buy. This is more significant to most markets than the troubles that come to some existing homeowners.

249   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 7:07am  


I don't think we're arguing completely at cross purposes here (see Zephyr's response to my points above). It's a good idea to keep in mind that we're all generally in agreement about the bubble.

We're mostly arguing over the scale/economic impact of the correction to come. I would put Zephyr in the category (along with Jack) of 'reasonable bull' or a moderate. He has a lot of experience in the mortgage industry and I believe his insights are well worth considering.

250   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:09am  


I though this blog was a reality parser – not a propaganda site for one point of view on the real estate bubble.

I am here to discuss the topic. We don’t have to all agree.

251   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:15am  


In response to your earlier posts, I remember four prior cycles. I have also studied the cycles back to the 1920s. However, the data for the 1950s and prior is no longer easy to find, and it was limited when I first studied this over 30 years ago. I had access to private data that I used for my first significant study.

Anyway, you asked about real estate related employment and its affect on the market and the cycle. First of all, RE employment has always been significant to the economy. It does grow in significance as the real estate activity increases over the cycle.

The GDP multiplier effect of real estate is much larger than most industries, so a dollar spent on a new home leads to more subsequent economic activity than a dollar spent on almost all other goods. Because of this the real estate boom contributes to self-accentuation of the boom. When the real estate market slows down it can cause, or significantly contribute to a recession, and the real estate downturn or bust.

Real estate is driven by able demand – people with income and/or wealth who want to buy. Everything else is secondary. When employment goes up real estate does well. When employment is weak, real estate suffers.

The most commonly cited other factor for real estate demand is mortgage rates. However, history and market variances show that mortgage rates have an impact, but do not drive the markets. If the boom was caused by low mortgage rates then all communities would simultaneously experience the same or similar price movements and would be priced at comparable levels. However, the reality is nowhere near that.

The cycles are most pronounced in places where it is harder to provide new housing to satisfy the growing demand. Because the supply is slow to respond the supply-demand imbalance can only be addressed through price changes. Supply responds to demand on a lagging basis, and eventually overshoots the need as the market tops. The result is a growing oversupply and prices fall.

252   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 7:16am  

Why is no money down necessarily a speculation? Cash flow is what is important to service the debt. IO loans and ARMs are speculating on interest rate, not house appreciation. But if one couldn’t service the higher rate, house will be on the line.

When you are using no money down with an IO or NA (suicide loan), you are depending on the appreciation of the house to rise enough so you can refinance the loan with a fixed rate using the equity you have gained.....This is what most people who use these loans do.........If you put down no money, you have zero equity....even if prices stay the same, you will have to refinance eventually before the rate rises....If you have no equity, you will not be able to do that, nor would you want to do that............That makes you a speculator!

253   KurtS   2005 Nov 4, 7:25am  

re: speculation:
Taken off businessweek, possibly mentioned above:

Second homes made up an amazing 36 percent of houses
purchased last year, the NAR reports—13 percent for
vacation use and 23 percent primarily for investment.

I'm reading 23% investment here, and I gather investors normally have a first home, no?
Also, this has to be a national average, so there are undoubtedly areas where investment is far more concentrated. Given all the get-rich types in my locale, I'm certain the figure in far higher locally.

254   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 7:27am  

I though this blog was a reality parser – not a propaganda site for one point of view on the real estate bubble.

I am here to discuss the topic. We don’t have to all agree.

This is not a propaganda site.....and I am not here to attack you or anyone else.....If you have something to contribute...that is great...even if it's disagreeable. This is how people learn things which is what this site is all about.....but don't try to pass your own opinions as facts. I base most of my statements on facts and I can back them up with links to articles if I have to. Sorry that your feeling were hurt :(

255   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:27am  

Allah, Go look up speculator and speculation in the dictionary. If you do so, you will see that we are all speculators on this web site.

256   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 7:29am  

You say that 23% to 36% of recent buyers are speculators. But the article you linked said that this was second home buyers and investors.

Is an investor also a speculator if he would not have bought without high expectation of appreciation?

People do things for multiple reasons. Labels like investor, speculator, and second-home-buyer are not mutually exclusive.

257   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:29am  

allah, My feelings are not hurt.

258   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 7:30am  

Allah, Go look up speculator and speculation in the dictionary. If you do so, you will see that we are all speculators on this web site.

You mean we are not? :)

I definitely consider myself a speculator.

259   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:31am  

I don't really care what labels are used for different buyers. My inerest is in the market forces and the likely results.

260   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:33am  

I am a speculator on many things… investments, guessing the future…

261   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 7:38am  


Thanks for the analysis of "averages". I posted mine before reading yours (a frequent occurrence here, no?), but I think yours does of even better job of explaining why 50% nationwide average equity does not necessarily mean that most homeowners are in safe territory.

262   KurtS   2005 Nov 4, 7:42am  


Speculative Homeowner
While this term might not be found in a dictionary, I think this concept is true for a number of recent homebuyers. Hopefully most potential homebuyers work out the numbers before they buy, but those who use speculative reasoning to project their future costs/returns are indeed speculating IMO. Typical speculative homeowner behavior may include:

• Impulse buying "before they're priced out forever"
• Purchasing w/risky loan products, because of false confidence in "real estate only goes up", rescuing them from any possible default.
• Buying a beater home near market top, spending a half mil to rennovate, and assuming they'll profit selling in 5 years, because they projected the home will be worth 100% more on closing.
• Keeping present house, then pulling out equity to buy more condos or homes because of same speculative assumptions about the future.

All these cases are pretty well documented (and I know people who do all the above)

263   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 7:42am  

I don’t really care what labels are used for different buyers. My inerest is in the market forces and the likely results.

Same. :)

I like labels though. Without labels, we cannot call each other names. :)

264   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 7:44am  

Speculative Homeowner

Didn't we already have... labels... for them:

Specupants - speculating home occupants
Invesculators - investors who speculates

265   Peter P   2005 Nov 4, 7:45am  


Invescupants - home occupants who speculate in appreciation and also rent out rooms for the "cashflow".

266   KurtS   2005 Nov 4, 7:48am  

Specupants - speculating home occupants
Invesculators - investors who speculates

Haha...I must have missed those.
From 50 threads previous, eh?

267   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 7:48am  

can't we all just get.... ;-)

Anyhow, from Zephyr's 3:15 post:

The GDP multiplier effect of real estate is much larger than most industries, so a dollar spent on a new home leads to more subsequent economic activity than a dollar spent on almost all other goods. Because of this the real estate boom contributes to self-accentuation of the boom. When the real estate market slows down it can cause, or significantly contribute to a recession, and the real estate downturn or bust.

Good point -- 100% agree.

Real estate is driven by able demand – people with income and/or wealth who want to buy. Everything else is secondary. When employment goes up real estate does well. When employment is weak, real estate suffers.

Here we part ways a bit. RE demand can also be driven by easy CREDIT (as in 4 years of negative real short-term rates thanks to the Fed). I could also turn this around and say that "when real estate goes up employment does well. When real estate is weak, employment suffers". Some studies have estimated the RE component of job growth in CA since 2000 to be 50% - as in half of new jobs being directly or indirectly related to RE, home improvement, construction, etc.

268   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 7:52am  

Now HARM You beat me to this one.

Real estate is driven by able demand – people with income and/or wealth who want to buy. Everything else is secondary. When employment goes up real estate does well. When employment is weak, real estate suffers.

The most commonly cited other factor for real estate demand is mortgage rates. However, history and market variances show that mortgage rates have an impact, but do not drive the markets.

Yes in a normal market this is what happens....This is no way near a normal market. In this market, people have been buying mostly because of the over lenient lending standards not just the low rates. It is this funny money that has driven the house prices into the stratusphere.....This easy money and loose credit will be gone and there won't be anything to support the prices when it does....unless everyone gets a huge and I do mean huge raise....not likely.

"Newly abundant liquidity can readily disappear" - Alan Greenspan

If the boom was caused by low mortgage rates then all communities would simultaneously experience the same or similar price movements and would be priced at comparable levels. However, the reality is nowhere near that.

Again it's the easy money............Houses cannot be built faster than fools can buy them using AG's fountain of money. Housing in the bubble areas is a combination of easy money and the desire to live there plus the fear of being priced out....that is why it is not comparable to non-bubble areas. Interest rates are rising and the suicide loans are getting harder to get because the FED wants to limit there useage to reduce speculation....Since most (if not all) people who are buying now are speculators, you can see it is working.

269   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 7:55am  

UCLA Anderson study - Housing accounts for 70 percent CA new jobs 2003-2005:

Bloomberg.com - Housing bubble accounts for 40 percent jobs since 2001, 68 percent new wealth:

270   Zephyr   2005 Nov 4, 7:56am  

Easier credit makes the buyer more able to buy. However, easy credit does not cause stagnant markets to thrive. Markets have risen while rates were rising as often as while rates were falling.

Real estate has been about half of the new jobs, but still a small part of the total jobs. It can not do it by itself.

271   Allah   2005 Nov 4, 8:04am  

Easier credit makes the buyer more able to buy. However, easy credit does not cause stagnant markets to thrive. Markets have risen while rates were rising as often as while rates were falling.

You are missing my point...it's not just the low rates....it's the fact that NOW you can get a loan without any collateral or good credit. Anyone with a pulse can get a loan....It was NEVER like that before. When this housing orgy ends, who is going to do the mopping up?

272   HARM   2005 Nov 4, 8:15am  

Easier credit makes the buyer more able to buy. However, easy credit does not cause stagnant markets to thrive. Markets have risen while rates were rising as often as while rates were falling.

I agree that easy credit is not always a required precursor to a bull RE market; however, the current run-up in prices (100%+ increases in CA since 2000) does seem to directly owe its existence to it. I see a clear cause-effect relationship here, especially with an explosion of lax lending in the form of IOs, neg-ams, no-docs, teasers, etc. only happening after the Fed lowered rates. Flippers/Specupants/Invesculators --whatever-- only seem to care about short-term payment "affordability" and assume record price appreciation will go on forever. Lenders sell off most of these toxic loans as MBSs to investors, so don't really care whether they go south or not.

Real estate has been about half of the new jobs, but still a small part of the total jobs. It can not do it by itself.

According to a 2003 California Builder online article (that's the newest stat I could find) RE accounted for approximately 13 percent of all economic activity in the state. It may be a little higher now, but even 13% is pretty significant. If, say, 25-50% of those jobs go *poof* in the next few years, the macro impact will be very significant.


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