Post-Bubble Newspeak

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2005 Nov 9, 3:40am   33,536 views  193 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Excerpts courtesy Ben's site (original article at Inman.com - unfortunately for pay subscribers only: tinyurl.com/accv8)
"Empowering phrases keep the real estate sale moving" - Agents find success through word choice

The type of language we use is a powerful force in the sales process. Successful agents use 'empowering' phrases that keep both seller and agent from feeling like a victim. The phrase, 'I can't,' implies we have no control over outcomes. Try substituting the words, 'I choose not to.'"

"When you attribute your feelings to something or someone else you are also disempowering yourself. Saying, 'This market makes me so mad,' suggests all your problems are the market's fault and there's nothing you can do. Instead name your emotions without blame by saying, 'I'm upset prices are falling.' Now you have room to explore your feelings and consider your options for handling the situation."

"Or try the words of Julie Garton-Good, renowned trainer. Instead of saying, 'The market is terrible,' she says, 'The market has not been as generous lately,' or 'In the economy we are given today, the reward factor isn't as high as it was last year.' These words remind clients that markets are beyond our control, and good things will still come of a sale."

"In pricing, don't tell sellers to 'reduce the price.' Instead, give them the opportunity to, 'reposition the home in the market.' They don't 'have to list' at a certain price, they can, 'choose to place the property anywhere in the market that fits their needs, considering that homes sell faster at one price compared to another.' It's their choice."

Looks like our friends in the realty biz are "choosing to proactively reposition" themselves for a "less generous market" with a "much lower reward factor". In the near future they can encourage their overleveraged sellers to substitute their "needs-based pricing" for a more "reality-based model", and "empower" themselves by "right-sizing" asking prices, then bending over and grabbing their ankles (preferably while making a squealing sound) for prospective buyers. Or (one of my favorite posts from Ben's blog): "...I wouldn't say the market is tanking per se. I like to refer to it as a shit sandwich that must be eaten. -jt"

Gee... have I got the hang of it, yet? Double-plus un-good!


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120   OO   2005 Nov 11, 9:54am  

Not quite true, many prime neighborhoods like Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Saratoga, Monte Sereno (the prime part of Los Gatos), were all down >15% in 2001 and continued the trend well into 2003. If not for the loose credit, they would have continued their descent.

I am targeting a 40% reduction from the current price, if they don't go down that much, I stay put in my home. If they do, upgrade time.

121   Allah   2005 Nov 11, 10:01am  


Who needs a house out in marin....Is that all you get for the money?

Sorry Jack.....it's the beers talkin' now. :lol:

122   Allah   2005 Nov 11, 10:14am  

I am targeting a 40% reduction from the current price, if they don’t go down that much, I stay put in my home. If they do, upgrade time.

What if your house drops 40%?

123   HARM   2005 Nov 11, 10:14am  

I predict a 99% drop in anything not built on sand.

Liquefaction is Prime

124   Allah   2005 Nov 11, 10:19am  

I hear Troll Brothers is throwing in a McMansion dog house for fido.....woof! :lol:

125   OO   2005 Nov 11, 10:23am  

My house will drop less than the top prime areas in absolute value, because it is worth less to begin with. Also, my house a lot more potential buyers who can afford it when it drops 40% compared to say, Los Altos Hills. Therefore, for the owneroccupiers who want to upgrade to a better neighborhood or a larger home, they always hope for a big drop in the market, because the difference in price will be smaller.

Also, when the market tanks, and when I upgrade, I don't have to be locked in to a higher realty tax valuation, which was the major reason stopping me from upgrading in the last few years.

126   Allah   2005 Nov 11, 10:34am  

Therefore, for the owneroccupiers who want to upgrade to a better neighborhood or a larger home, they always hope for a big drop in the market, because the difference in price will be smaller.

Sure...if they have the supporting equity.

127   Peter P   2005 Nov 11, 10:39am  

Therefore, for the owneroccupiers who want to upgrade to a better neighborhood or a larger home, they always hope for a big drop in the market, because the difference in price will be smaller.

If only the drop will be uniform...

Many subprime areas are highly infested with newly abundant liquidity...

128   OO   2005 Nov 11, 10:57am  

The key is the supporting equity or savings put aside for trading up. Actually even the subprime areas can only drop so much in terms of aboslute value. Let's say you live in a 400K home, and have another 400K set aside for trading up to a 800K home. Your house can only drop to the max 400K, while in the same dire strait, the 800K home can drop easily over 400K.

As long as one has enough money set aside, it is almost always beneficial for the person trading up. I live in Los Gatos, I am sure when Los Gatos drops 40%, my target neighborhood will drop similarly, if not more in %, but definitely more in absolute value.

129   KurtS   2005 Nov 11, 11:33am  

Actually, it is such a weird “market moment” right now that I COULD see just about ANY scenario become reality!

Jack, I'm with you on that...after slogging through market data, economist's analyses, and stories here, all I can say is we're in strange times--and whatever happens, we'll be there together (more or less).

130   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 1:58pm  

Peter P:

You mention Home Depot… are you thinking of shorting?

I doubt that Home Depot will fall. Home improvement tends to be countercyclical to homebuilding and housing markets. It is true that Home Depot is also a bit of a mix with builder supply, but is mostly home improvement. When people can not trade up they are more likely to spend on modest upgrades to their current place. When things are tight they are more likely to do it themselves. That is precisely the sweet spot for Home Depot. Further, Bob Nardelli is a really smart guy. I would be reluctant to bet against him. I doubt that you will benefit from shorting HD.

Remember our Fannie Mae discussion… FNM had just collapsed to about $41 when we discussed that. You were considering shorting FNM. I said don’t do it. FNM immediately bounced and then rose to the high 40s and has since stabilized around $46. Any short would have been a real losing bet. I hope you didn’t do it.

131   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 2:15pm  

Peter P:

The weak point for Home Depot is their decline in customer service quality. I am assuming that they will improve this. This issue has been festering somewhat, and is not news. If they fix it the prospects improve. This weak spot is therefore a potential source of upside.

132   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 2:31pm  

Under the Armageddon scenario there will be very few unaffected investments. But such doomsday scenarios are farfetched.

133   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 2:39pm  

RIC, Doubling in five years is not the norm nor the average. There are many places that have appreciated by less. The national average is still largely affordable. Over time some locations become premium priced. It is not realistic to expect the average person to be able to buy in the premium-priced areas.

134   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 2:52pm  

I think shorting is very risky. There is very little margin for error and the clock is working against you.

To short HD you have to believe that the new information will drive the price down. What I am saying is that the negatives are already known and priced in. If HD fixes their service problem it is upside potential for the stock. If not, the stock will continue to under-perform. Do it yourself tends to do well during less favorable economic times. So a downturn could actually help Home Depot.

135   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 2:55pm  

However, I would neither buy nor short Home Depot. There are better places to be.

136   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 3:20pm  

Look at food production, agricultural equipment, transportation, and most high growth companies with strong cash flow and low debt.

137   OO   2005 Nov 11, 3:25pm  


thanks for the link, that further strengthens my decision to get the hell out of dollar before it becomes peso.

138   Zephyr   2005 Nov 11, 3:32pm  

The dailykos article suggests that it’s all a big conspiracy… Too many things to be a coincidence… hmmm…

It must be a conspiracy because random things never happen!

So, I guess it must be true. It all started with the Knights Templar almost a thousand years ago. They were all killed, but their conspiracy lived on. It is just now reaching its conclusion and the trap will be closed on us! Somehow they knew America would be discovered and be a world power when their conspiracy reached full effect. But that’s part of the conspiracy as well! Those of you who doubt the big conspiracy just wait, you’ll see… Elvis will be there too!

139   Peter P   2005 Nov 11, 6:37pm  

You mention Home Depot… are you thinking of shorting?

Not my suggestion...

140   Peter P   2005 Nov 11, 6:45pm  

Remember our Fannie Mae discussion… FNM had just collapsed to about $41 when we discussed that. You were considering shorting FNM. I said don’t do it. FNM immediately bounced and then rose to the high 40s and has since stabilized around $46. Any short would have been a real losing bet. I hope you didn’t do it.

Thanks for your concern.

To me, trading is not really about predicting the future. It is more about reacting to adverse or favorable outcomes. I do control my risks, so don't worry.

141   Peter P   2005 Nov 11, 6:47pm  

I think shorting is very risky. There is very little margin for error and the clock is working against you.

Very true. The most difficult part to manage is one's own emotion. Any rally can "force" a trader into taking a loss at the worst possible time.

142   Peter P   2005 Nov 11, 6:51pm  

Mr.Zyphyr, sir, your sarcasm falls on the deaf ears of those that have staked their futures on the implicit accuracy of the Elliot Wave, Tipping Points, and anonymous Blog Talk.

I am deaf, so I cannot hear you. :)

143   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 5:34am  

California schools can only get worse. It may or may not have anything to do with Prop 13, but the change in demographics itself would be damaging enough to public schools.

I don't think we should chase "good school districts" anymore. In 10-15 years, private schools may become the only real choice.

144   Allah   2005 Nov 12, 5:39am  

California schools can only get worse. It may or may not have anything to do with Prop 13, but the change in demographics itself would be damaging enough to public schools.

Yes...this can happen....not to mention all the kids who become snobs in the richer areas of town. ;)

145   matt_walsh   2005 Nov 12, 8:07am  

Peter P Says:
“California schools can only get worse.”

You probably want to reserve judgement till you have kids. Some of the schools are very good. Plus, it is parental involvement that really counts.

There are some academically sound schools in some areas - Menlo Park, San Carlos, Cupertino. But I don't trust even these schools to be morally sound. I know a teacher at a very highly-regarded Palo Alto school whose colleague refused to follow Bush's request to have everyone pledge the flag after 9-11. I'm not saying it's immoral to disagree with Bush, but when we have *teachers* acting openly unpatriotic in front of kids, something has gone wrong.

I agree, parental involvement makes all the difference. But in a place where everyone needs (or wants) 2 incomes to make mortgage payments, how many have time for school? It's a vicious cycle. Crappy schools turn out crappy kids, crappy kids contribute less to society and the economy, taxes/defecits/crime go up, people have to work harder, people have less time for kids, schools get wose, repeat.

146   losstotheworld   2005 Nov 12, 11:02am  

hello every one
can we start a new discussion regarding how to overcome inflation/deflation / stagflation scenarios?

apart from the housing bubble is gold markets in a bubble too? if gold prices rise too much from here gold demand falls particularly in india ( only theoretical i do not have any material evidence for the same.). also there are alot of banks in india that are selling gold coins. does that mean anything?

Next relative to the price of gold, diamonds have not appreciated that much does it mean diamonds are a better buy now, to beat inflation and the housing bubble. If so what kinds of diamonds does one buy. i mean small or large, what grade, cut ,clarity, etc? which store or brand has better value in the long run?

how about other precious stones/ platinum.

147   OO   2005 Nov 12, 11:44am  

hesses fan

Diamond can already be easily manufactured, bearing exactly the same qualities as the real one, only that they are flawless, and there is absolutely no way you can tell if they are manufactured in the lab or by mother nature. Gold cannot be manufactured. In case you don't already know, almost all precious stones can be manufactured.

Diamond will be a terrible store of value going foward.

148   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 11:53am  

Plus, it is parental involvement that really counts.


You probably want to reserve judgement till you have kids. Some of the schools are very good.

Okay. I am reserving my judgement for later. :)

But how are schools going to get funding though? They are outside the machinary of free market.

149   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 11:56am  

Investors will be able to trade contracts electronically based on median home prices in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., or a composite index of the cities, the AP said.

Perhaps it will inspire some home equity insurance products?

Keep in mind that "hedging products" will also take fear out of potential homebuyers.

I think such products will be good for the markets.

150   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 11:57am  

Diamond can already be easily manufactured, bearing exactly the same qualities as the real one, only that they are flawless, and there is absolutely no way you can tell if they are manufactured in the lab or by mother nature. Gold cannot be manufactured. In case you don’t already know, almost all precious stones can be manufactured.

I thought gold can be manufactured using a colossal particle accelerator... ;)

151   quesera   2005 Nov 12, 12:22pm  

warning: off-topic divergent ranting blather to follow:

@matt_walsh: I know a teacher at a very highly-regarded Palo Alto school whose colleague refused to follow Bush’s request to have everyone pledge the flag after 9-11. I’m not saying it’s immoral to disagree with Bush, but when we have *teachers* acting openly unpatriotic in front of kids, something has gone wrong.

Complete abdication of logic. Refusing to follow the President is not unpatriotic. Teachers are not expected to be more patriotic than the average person. Pledging the flag is not patriotic. It is not immoral to be unpatriotic. It is not moral to follow. It is not immoral to not follow. Your statement implies your opinions, but it is not immoral for someone to disagree with you.

@Owneroccupier: Diamond can already be easily manufactured, bearing exactly the same qualities as the real one, only that they are flawless, and there is absolutely no way you can tell if they are manufactured in the lab or by mother nature.

But manufactured diamonds cost a bit more than natural diamonds. So far. And that's despite the DeBeers Corp's artificial product scarcity and exceedingly sleazy marketing practices... But, at least when you buy a manufactured diamond, you know your money isn't going to buy Kalashnikovs for the illiterate slavelords who kidnap six year olds and force them to crawl into holes in the ground to bring back pretty things for their massahs.

If your sweetiepie insists that your love is only real if it takes the form of a geological curiosity, get her one that doesn't kill children. Or get a new sweetiepie.

152   losstotheworld   2005 Nov 12, 12:28pm  

dear owner occupier
thanks for the info. but now i have more questions. yes they can manufacture it in the lab. but the cost of producing diamonds particularly larger than.25-0.45 carats is prohibitively expensive. in fact natural diamonds obtained from known deposits are cheaper. Source (simon and shusters guide to gems and precious stones 1986 edition page no 88.)

well id like to know may be emeralds as an alternative to gold hedging?

153   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 12:41pm  

Complete abdication of logic. Refusing to follow the President is not unpatriotic. Teachers are not expected to be more patriotic than the average person. Pledging the flag is not patriotic. It is not immoral to be unpatriotic. It is not moral to follow. It is not immoral to not follow. Your statement implies your opinions, but it is not immoral for someone to disagree with you.

Pledging the flag is not necessarily patriotic. However, using one's position as a teacher to openly refuse a request by the president is not exacly nice.

154   OO   2005 Nov 12, 1:04pm  

As a good store of value, the object itself has to be as uniform as possible. All precious stone suffers from the lack of uniformity, because the value of a stone cannot be pinched down with precision, as we all know, precious stone values go up exponentially with the size but there is NO one applicable formula that everybody accepts. The existence of flaws, color variations also make it difficult to exchange value between one another. You have to be a lwell-trained expert to not get fooled in the business of precious stones, and none of us, all people who care about the store of value, can afford the time and energy to study so much.

Therefore, precious metals has always been a much better store of value due to its unformity- ease of understanding. One piece of 999 gold is exactly the same as another piece of 999 gold, one oz silver is exactly the same value as the other.

155   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 1:10pm  

As a good store of value, the object itself has to be as uniform as possible.

I agree. :)

I hate diamonds! I love gold.

156   Allah   2005 Nov 12, 1:15pm  

I hate diamonds! I love gold.

Besides once your wife gets her hands on the diamonds, you'll never get them back. :lol:

157   Peter P   2005 Nov 12, 1:57pm  

Besides once your wife gets her hands on the diamonds, you’ll never get them back.

My wife loves gold. She does not like diamonds. She much rather have devalued dollars than diamonds.

158   Girgl   2005 Nov 12, 2:24pm  

Peter P Says:
“California schools can only get worse.”

H.Z. Says:
You probably want to reserve judgement till you have kids. Some of the schools are very good. Plus, it is parental involvement that really counts.

I'd rather say: Some of the schools are better than other schools. Or at least have better test scores, which are just an indicator for how highly valued education in the particular neighbourhood is, not how good the school is, and definitely not how well your child will end up getting educated.

The worst problem IMHO are the ever-decreasing academic standards, especially in middle and high school, and yes, that happens even in the "good" school districts.
Being years behind other countries' school systems (needlessly!) in every single area, while not offering some commonly taught subjects at all or only to a very basic level is a pretty shameful picture for the technologically most advanced nation in the world.

But hey, there's no problem because our children won't need to compete globally.
Oh wait.

Is raising academic standards on anyone's political agenda in California?

I fear that if the issue gets more publicity, the bonus people pay these days for houses in school districts with good test scores might evaporate, and one has to add the cost of private school to the already substantial cost of living here.

159   Girgl   2005 Nov 12, 3:30pm  

Private schools are also over-rated. I’ve worked at both public and private schools, and have found that many parents who put their kids in private school do so because public school has a very low tolerance for misbehavior. But if you pay a private school enough money, they won’t bother telling you about the child’s problems. They also often do not offer counseling for children who need it, that has to be provided and paid for seperately by the parents. Private schools often talk a good ball game but seldom really deliver.

You're right. There are quite a few con artists in the private school business. I have some firsthand experience in that respect, too. If it wouldn't be off topic by miles in here, I'd share some of the horror stories. Choosing the right school is tough.

However, I have to say that IMHO public school's tolerance for misbehaviour is not really all that low. My daughter regularly brings home stories of low student discipline in her high school - the last shining example is a nerdy classmate who's constantly poked, prodded and otherwise bullied during class in a rather public fashion, and the teacher won't or can't stop it.
Another one is about a jock who publicly and loudly derides his somewhat shy female lab partner, I guess to increase his own popularity (he's homecoming king). No teacher intervention whatsoever.

The one thing that I personally saw that really made the difference was parental involvement. If the parents cannot make their children the priority, then they obviously shouldn’t have kids.

I could not agree more.

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