Lagging Vs. Leading Implosion Indicators

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2005 Dec 15, 3:13am   16,337 views  157 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Posted by DinOR in "Blog Party!!!" thread:

"While some of the Bulls may find this hard to believe Foreclosures are a “lagging indicator”. Ex post facto. Considering most people will do anything to save their home like let go of their toys, cancel memberships to health clubs, deplete savings, get a third job and then borrow from relatives this may be the “ultimate” lagging indicator. The article Mr. Up cites actually reaffirms the bear position. Banks have legions of motivations to show home loans as “performing” and they are not waiting for gov. intervention to bend over backwards for delinquent borrowers. If lenders start taking partial payments look out! If your parents rely on “pass-through” income from mortgage backed securities you might want to have that heart to heart.

Massive foreclosures are not a requirement at all. Think of it like a margin call. The market/stock has to crash first and then you have a margin call! Cause and effect. Engineers live in a black and white world, this is “gray” world, more art then science. Simply because the bears don’t have an exact date, time and percentage of equity implosion formula doesn’t mean our position is ill-advised. You don’t have to have a 75% correction for this to forever change your life. If you put 25% down on a million dollar home a 25% price correction just wiped you 100% out! You’ll need a 50% market appreciation to get back to break even. Under current conditions, good luck. The proceeds that I kept from the sale of my last home had better uses (kids college) than to be sacrificed to the housing crash god!"

Do you agree with this assessment? Why/why not? What do you consider to be leading indicators that we're past the peak and the bubble is deflating? Do you have any predictions about how the sequence of events or timing might play out?

What do you think of Peter P's "negative feedback loop" theory ? This is basically a 'tipping point' concept that postulates that once one domino topples, this will undermine market psychology and eventually cause the others to fall. If this is true, then we might expect that the bubble implosion process will look something like the reverse of the process that inflated the bubble to begin with.

Discuss, enjoy...


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67   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 4:54am  

Sales of new homes fell again in November to their lowest level since September 2001 as builders continued to be hammered by canceled deals, the local Building Industry Association reported Wednesday.

My eyes just flat out welled up with tears when I read this. But I must admit that I am more than a little offened that my "friends" on this blog didn't bother telling me that I could effectively double my pleasure by going to the GM/FORD/Dodge dealer after the open house and as my pen touches the paper on the over priced piece of shit SUV, get up and walk away. I'm hurt. Man, a composite FICO of 790, no debt, and a relatively high paying job works wonders on people. I can see the hurt looks now as I balk at actually taking the SUV home. No GI Joe with the Kung-Fu grip for your little fatties at home this Christmas Mr. SUV dealer. :)

68   KurtS   2005 Dec 16, 4:56am  

but unfortunately your theories do not conform to reality

That's right. All I see is stability for housing and the lending industry ad infinitum No cause for alarm, at all.

69   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 4:59am  

I just don’t like it when ignorants make judgemental posts about mobile home parks. They probably have never been and certainly never lived in one.

Herr Tiemann, mobile home parks? They are trailer parks and they are filled with tweakers, losers and scumbags. Always have been, always will be. But hey man, if these are your peeps by all means "buy" one to add to your burgeoning RE empire. Not to mention that they are tornado magnets.

Oh BTW I took the liberty of correcting your tags. Jackass. [] does not =

70   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 5:05am  

Herr Tiemann, I see the problem now, it's a matter of semantics, let me explain it to you, it's like this, if your "house" is "delivered" on a "truck" that is, if your "house" used to have "wheels" and was pulled behind a "truck" then it is a TRAILER Hope this helps. Good luck on that purchase though, hope it all works out for you :)

71   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 5:25am  

Fake P, I see that you are desperate in proving us wrong. :)

The market has its reality. Whether you can show that we are wrong or not will not change that reality.

72   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 5:34am  

"Let me know, I am a patient man and I will promise to check back with you."

Why don't you just watch the market and see what happens? I expect a drop of about 20% in the Bay Area over the next year. But who the Hell cares what I expect or think? I have made my own financial plans and decisions based on my own situation, what I think is most likely to happen, and where I choose to invest my own money. You should do the same.

74   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 6:29am  

Fake P's response: "My wishes and dreams are not equal to reality."

I personally have no wishes or dreams whatsoever concerning what is currently unfolding. I merely watch from the sidelines as a fascinated observer of history unfolding.

Anyway Fake P, why don't you STFU and go buy some condos?

75   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 6:35am  

SQT -- I have a family member who is a mortgage broker up in Sac. I asked him the other day how goes the bubble deflation up there? He says it is now most definitely a "sellers market"; he saw this coming and has been saving lots and lots during the boom times as were most of his co-workers. I'm sure Fake P knows better than the industry insiders though.

76   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 6:36am  

He says it is now most definitely a “sellers market”; he saw this coming and has been saving lots and lots during the boom times as were most of his co-workers.

Huh? Seller's market?

77   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 6:37am  

"But I think it’s still dramatic."

Oh come on, now YOU'RE being dramatic, that's just a Holliday slowdown. :)

78   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 6:37am  

"Huh? Seller’s market?"

Doh. Buyers market obviously.

79   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 6:43am  

The looser move would be to continue to rent where I am at about $1,500 a month versus pay $700 a month in a park so I can bank the difference and not let some other “better” person make a living off of my back any more.

Absofuckinglootly. Hey man, mileage may vary, good to hear that you're making out.

81   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 6:55am  


Those Nazi/shower references (deleted) were way over the line, as was the F--k You. Going on an anti-boomer rant is one thing, getting nasty & personal with another blogger is another. You may not like/agree with Ptiemann, but that's no excuse to go off like that. There are better ways to make your point.

All: Again, please keep it CIVIL and NON-PERSONAL with other bloggers.
You have been warned.

82   Allah   2005 Dec 16, 7:00am  

Bubbleheads: Your wishes and dreams are not equal to reality.

I got a feeling fake p will be eating these words come spring.

83   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:13am  

You have been warned.

Line? I wasn't aware there was a line. Harm you are funny, seems to me that Herr Teimann was the first to take it personal And even if you make them cry, what’s your satisfaction? That you are not the only loser? What a waste of a life. Did you issue a similar fatwa against him? Seems to me that the line was crossed then and once over the line who the fuck cares how far you go. Personal attack is a personal fucking attack, no matter the degree. Before you get on your fucking soapbox consider the background, fool.

84   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 7:25am  

The next time I return and knock on the door, I hope that this website would have already ceased to exist…:p

Yes, it will be renamed to "Bay Area Housing Crash Completed - How did prices fall 65% in two years?"

85   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 7:26am  


I missed ptiemann's initial insult on the first pass (now gone). You know I am a fan of your many inspired anti-boomer/speculator rants and that I'm not trying to play sides or favorites here.

Honest criticism, pointing out the flaws in someone's arguments or general bitching is one thing, but I just don't want this thread to devolve into another MP-style flame war, that's all.

86   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 7:26am  

Forgot the :) face.

87   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:29am  

HARM, fair enough. Thanks for the follow-up :)

88   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 7:33am  

@SQT --thanks!

@Surfer-X --cool. I'm still a fan ;-)

89   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 7:34am  

Sales down is not equal to a CRASH. In fact, it is so far from it that the distance is like one end of the universe to the other end.

Eh... volume is important information in determining trend continuation or reversal.

I do not know why you need to be defensive. I did not question your decision to buy given the parameters you have given earlier (4.5% 30YR FRM payment not much more than rent). I might have done the same thing given the same circumstances.

90   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:35am  

Ok can someone riddle me this, 1) what does "buy" mean, Well say Chuck the wife and I just "bought" this house. We put nothing down and make neg am payments each month. What does "buy" mean. 2) Isn't the guberment the only one who can actually "create" wealth? That is, they print the money. Debtors house goes up in value, debtor goes to bank yet again to extract that richly deserved equity to buy the wife the rabbit she's always wanted, bank makes the loan because they received their fee and don't really give a fuck if the loan gets paid back. Where does the money actually come from? The guberment?

What tickles me the most is that the bubble is of course just a pyramid scheme, and yes, I am sure a lot of people made money, the thing is the house doesn't do anything, it doesn't work, it doesn't produce, it just sits there. To think that it would just keep going up in value implies a faith in something that I just can't fathom. Here's the clue people, borrowed money isn't yours and if you were too fucking stupid to get out before the tumble, which by the way is occuring as we speak, then you deserve your place in the soup line.

91   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 7:36am  

I hope you guys will have another Blog party in the future when I can attend --I'm just dying to meet everyone. Maybe someone can bring a camera and get some snaps for me on Saturday??

92   Peter P   2005 Dec 16, 7:37am  

I hope you guys will have another Blog party in the future when I can attend –I’m just dying to meet everyone.

We will. My personal promise.

Maybe someone can bring a camera and get some snaps for me on Saturday??

I will try, if I remember to bring a camera. :)

93   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:37am  

Glen Gerry Bob Ross.

94   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:39am  

I'm actually 74% less offensive in person.

95   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 7:50am  

"Sales down is not equal to a CRASH. In fact, it is so far from it that the distance is like one end of the universe to the other end." -- Fake P.

Wrong again. A real estate market, being inherently far less liquid than a financial market, will have a long sustained price decline caused by decreased transaction volume caused by decreased demand. Demand has decreased due to currently high cost and a rising interest rate environment which increases monthly cost. A real estate market crash will be spread over a minimum of two years and will likely last much longer. You're an idiot. I'm shocked that you can even read and type.

96   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 7:56am  


You’re an idiot. I’m shocked that you can even read and type.

Have you considered the liberal use of profanity?

97   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 8:01am  

"Have you considered the liberal use of profanity?"

I have, but in this guy's case, it would be like swearing at my dog. Yelling at a poor dumb animal just doesn't make sense because it's clear that it cannot comprehend certain concepts.

98   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 8:02am  

@SFR hehehehe, thanks for the laugh ;) dogs.

99   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 8:13am  

Hah hah hah hah! Give that monkey some darts and let him pick some Real Estate portfolios for us!

100   surfer-x   2005 Dec 16, 8:24am  

Way back during the boom boom dot com 90's, comedy central had a "stock pickin chicken" and it actually out performed the experts.

101   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 8:29am  

Have you considered the liberal use of profanity?

San Francisco RENTER,

Surfer-X was just being ironic here (see our previous exchange above). Instead of calling another blogger an "idiot", let me recommend some better, more flame-retardant variations:

"your arguments are illogical and not supported by the facts"
"the basis for your conclusions is badly flawed"
"you are employing a straw man/Reductio ad absurdum in your reasoning"

102   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 8:30am  

“Sales down is not equal to a CRASH. In fact, it is so far from it that the distance is like one end of the universe to the other end.” -Fake P

Also, given that the Universe is constantly expanding at the speed of light, your distance measurement is impossible to quantify according to the theory of relativity.

103   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 16, 9:44am  

Well folks, I'm just going to go off and bang my head against a wall so I don't have to read any more Fake P postings. Have a great weekend!

104   mat   2005 Dec 16, 10:35am  

Fake P,

IANAB (I am not a broker), but my understanding is that low sales volume in a market does not indicate crash directly, but it strongly indicates reversal of the trend. Since the market is extremely high right now reversal would mean prices going down (i.e. crash).

You are right though that in different state of market (e.g. falling market) low sales volume could indicate recovery, but I think the trend has been clearly established upwards during last 5 years.

By te way that is the reason why market volume is so closely monitored (and reported in news) for stock market as well. If volume falls investors get nervous for trend to reverse. If volume is up everybody is comfortable that current trend continues.

105   Allah   2005 Dec 16, 12:42pm  

Why must a reversal of trend ABSOLUTELY and NECESSARILY lead to a CRASH? Why? Why? Why? Most of you spoke as if you knew what exactly will happen in the future.

Fake p, I could tell you why....but it's pointless because its already been discussed previously...you can look though previous threads and find the answers....no need for us to repeat. If you want to see where the crash is starting to happen, read Seekonk foreclosure filings up 163 percent. This is Massachusetts.... It is ARM's and I/O (suicide)loans that have accounted for most of the foreclosures. In the bubble areas, many loans are of the I/O and N/A variety...and these loans are starting to adjust....just wait until spring, there will be many more! However, if you bought in this market, you have my condolences.

106   HARM   2005 Dec 16, 2:16pm  

Ah…finally someone in this blog is able to understand me and communicate to me at the same level.

*Ahem* I could easily respond with something snotty like, "wouldn't 'same level' be an arrogant blow-hard who distorts and exaggerates the other side's positions?", but since I'm glad Fake P's back, I'll let this one pass :roll:

My initial point is that even if there is a reversal of trend, there is still a huge gap between “reversal of trend” and “crash”. “reversal of trend” could lead to any of the following (and much more):
1. flat appreciation.
2. 1% decline every year for the next 10 years.
3. 5% decline every year for the next 5 years.
4. and on and on, the possibilities are endless.

'Scuze me, but isn't #3 almost EXACTLY what I and most 'bubble-heads' on this blog have been predicting for the last 6 months? I guess-timated it would be a 30-50% decline in CA over at least a 5-7 year period, based on how overvalued homes are vs. rents/incomes. Check out the archives --be my guest.

No one here has ever said a housing crash has to play out exactly like a stock market crash --RE moves much slower and is much stickier on the way down, mainly due to its relative lack of liquidity, much higher transaction times, complexity & costs, time/trouble it takes lenders to foreclose, etc.

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