Please help the REIC!

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2007 Feb 8, 9:30am   21,346 views  301 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

sad LiarRealtwhore

Please help the REIC and banksters! (for those unfamiliar with the term, please refer to the Housing Bubble Glossary).

They need our help. Signs their beloved mega-global housing/credit bubble is beginning to falter are now everywhere and unmistakable. No matter how low toxic-mortgage lenders lower "standards", it appears that they've exhausted their supply of typical FBs (innumerate 'tards and Marshall Reddick-worshipping specuvestors) and now they're even running short on falling-knife-catchers.

Sure, they're counting on a taxpayer-funded federal bailout of banks/lenders and GSEs --after all isn't that what taxpayers are for? They don't call it "Privatize profits, Socialize Risk" for nothing, do they? That's a gimme. Problem is, even with suckers like YOU footing the bill for some f***ing idiots' mistakes, there's still no way to avoid some pain for the industry players. Some toxic lenders have already gone out of business, while others are restating incomes/losses and teetering on the edge of insolvency --and this is only the beginning! Plus, lots of newly minted Realthwhores, fly-by-night mortgage brokers and hit-the-number appraisers are now facing unemployment.

This just will not do! Pain and negative consequences are for thrifty, responsible suckers like you --not the REIC!! Oh, the humanity... what to do, what to do?

Wait --I've got it!:

The biggest problem right now with maintaining that permanently high plateau is that rents cannot easily be inflated with debt, the way housing prices can. There is no such thing as a fraudulent cash-out refis, HELOCs or neg-ams for renters --they must pay their rent with real earned income and/or savings (yes, some people out there still have savings --can you believe it?!). Since renters must pay rent using real money vs. monopoly bubblebucks, there's no way to ignite crazy bidding wars on rentals. And global wage arbitrage is keeping wages firmly in check --no inflation happening there (crooked CEOs excepted, of course). Sadly, there's currently no way to funnel huge amounts of Fed/MBS/Chinese liquidity into the hands of renters, so they can bid rents to the sky.

And herein lies the solution: the REIC must create new debt vehicles for RENTERS!

Your assignment: How can the REIC and banksters create enormous new debt vehicles for renters, capable of inflating rents as high as house prices, thereby cancelling the rent-vs.-buy imbalance --without having to resort to any of that pesky wage inflation?

Discuss, enjoy...


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189   Allah   2007 Feb 10, 5:19am  

“perfer a women over a man”

Does he mean 'prefer' or 'pervert'?

190   DinOR   2007 Feb 10, 5:27am  



191   Jimbo   2007 Feb 10, 6:00am  

A few comments back, someone said that they knew of someone with a 4 1/4% FRM. Let me just say that I find that unlikely. What is their total APR? They must have paid a bunch of points or something to get that rate.

In any case though, that is a very good move.

I am much prouder of my 5 1/4% 30 year FRM than the price I paid for my duplex. Though it has appreciated quite a bit since 2003, I cannot convince my wife to unload it, or even half of it, since you guys have me convinced that it is unlikely to appreciate much over the next 20 years.

She works in finance and I showed her the bubblizer, so there is hope...

192   DinOR   2007 Feb 10, 6:25am  


That was probably me. I used to work with a guy that claimed whatever the *best possible rate was...... well that was what he got. Then again he'd been in the front row of Woodstock when Jimi Hendrix played the Star Spangled Banner. (rolls eyes into back of head) We figured out (given the range of ages he'd given over the years) that he would've been between 11 and 15 at the time.

Then, as now, it comes under "Whatever dude".

193   Jimbo   2007 Feb 10, 6:34am  

Heh, okay then. I never realized that loans ever even got that cheap.

Maaaaybe a 15 year, but even that was not really ever much lower than 4 3/4%. And that is not a jumbo, which is what you need here in the BA.

I do know a guy who got a 15 year FRM at 4 5/8% in Albequerque, but that was lowest one I have had from a reliable source. And I think he paid a point, so his real rate is a bit higher.

194   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 6:42am  

Riggs, or Myer-Briggs?

195   DinOR   2007 Feb 10, 6:48am  


It's just part of the frustration that comes w/this whole package. My buddies that cold call for mortgages are forever telling me about loanowners that "have a growing family tree" (as per FAB's youtube link) not being able to distinguish between fixed and teaser rates.

"Oh, my loan is at ____% ! Can you BEAT THAT!"

Uh.... lady, you're SURE that's "fixed"?

Pause..... Oh I'm SURE!

Pffft. Whatever dudette.

196   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 10, 7:23am  

Jimbo Says:

> A few comments back, someone said that they
> knew of someone with a 4 1/4% FRM. Let me
> just say that I find that unlikely. What is their total
> APR? They must have paid a bunch of points or
> something to get that rate.

Not a lot of people have FRMs under 5%, but quite a few people that locked their rates between March and July 2003 when rates dropped like a rock did get rates that low. The low rates are what helped so many FBs get in to homes. The yield on the 10 year treasury almost went below 3% in June 2003 and LIBOR was below 2% for most of 2002-04. P.S. I locked the rate on a 10 year fixed rate apartment loan in the summer of 2003 with all in rate (just) under 4.25%...

197   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Feb 10, 7:55am  

Somebody wrote on here why they "hate (somebody) so much".

Panic buying to "get in before (prices, loan rates) go up" is a (self-destructive) emotional reaction.

So is hate.

198   Jimbo   2007 Feb 10, 8:18am  

Wow, so it was possible. That was right about the time we purchased, March 2003.

Cheap money could still extend this out quite a bit. I don't really see any big impetus to drive rates up, but increased lender scrutiny of marginal homebuyers could have the same effect, at least on the bottom end of the market.

Haha, where did you get your number that 1/4 of the mortgages in Vallejo are in foreclosure? That numbers seems hard to believe to me. Is it just a "projected" number? If so, what is your source?

199   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 8:36am  

Probably Myer-Briggs. Too much time thinking about Friday Night Lights and very little time thinking about personality tests...

200   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 8:39am  

PS - anyone else here upgrade to Vista? I just bought a laptop loaded with Vista (because I recently spilled juice on my old laptop and killed it) and I'm not at all impressed. It seems to run very slowly.

I may return this laptop and get myself a Linux machine.

201   e   2007 Feb 10, 9:06am  

PS - anyone else here upgrade to Vista? I just bought a laptop loaded with Vista (because I recently spilled juice on my old laptop and killed it) and I’m not at all impressed. It seems to run very slowly.

I upgraded a laptop I got in 2004 with Vista. It actually boots FASTER. The other apps run just as fast.

The key is that I have 1.5 gigs of memory. If you don't have more than 1gig - uh... yeah... :(

202   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 9:08am  

No, I think it's 512 MB expandable to 2 gigs. I'll have to try it with a memory stick and see if that helps it run faster.

It does boot up faster.

203   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 9:31am  

Pitbull, kid on weekend, barely literate casanova wannabe, SHARING A BATHROOM...WTF?

Yes, of course I'd want to room with this guy. The only thing missing from the description is an interest in activites at 420 and the career choice of drummer in a garage band.

204   Brand165   2007 Feb 10, 10:16am  

I like the Debt Relief of America, Inc. banner ad right now. "Eliminate up to 75% of your debt. Never pay back the debt that is settled!"

See, money is free. We all need to loosen up our spending and borrowing so that we can keep the U.S. economy clipping along at its current rate of growth. And if you borrow too much, just settle the debt and get out of jail free!

205   Peter P   2007 Feb 10, 12:44pm  

No, I think it’s 512 MB expandable to 2 gigs. I’ll have to try it with a memory stick and see if that helps it run faster.

Yes, you definitely want at least 1 gig of RAM. What kind of memory stick do you have?

206   surfer-x   2007 Feb 10, 1:43pm  

Just remember, and tell yourself while you look into the mirror, "I am a baller", tell yourself this each and every day, when you drive your Hyundai, "I'm a baller", when you pay over 1/2 of your monthly take home pay towards a I/O mortgage, "I'm a baller", when you pay your rent with a credit card check, "I'm a baller", when you wonder why that 60" plasma didn't make you happy after all, "I'm a baller".

On second thought, just go fuck yourself.

207   surfer-x   2007 Feb 10, 2:36pm  

Why the fuck not?


208   e   2007 Feb 10, 3:20pm  

Actually, memory sticks can make Vista run faster. It's called ReadyBoost.

It really really really helps computers with only 512 MB according to the reports I've read.

209   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 3:32pm  

Looks like time to shop for a memory upgrade for the laptop.

I did run it with memory stick (pretty sure it's just a conventional mass storage device) and it really seems to help things run a bit faster and smoother.

210   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 3:36pm  

Peter P,

I just have a Memorex 512 MB stick I bought about three years ago.

211   Peter P   2007 Feb 10, 4:04pm  

Yeah, you need a memory upgrade instead. 512MB is marginal even for XP.

212   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 4:23pm  

Myer-Briggs is INTJ and ENFP and all that stuff. Based on Jungian constructs, never been validated on a population as constructs, full of binary opposites in execution, and much beloved of HR types...

213   ozajh   2007 Feb 10, 4:28pm  


Peter P is correct, 512 MB is indeed marginal for XP.

I have just finished loading a couple of old boxes with XP Pro and Office 2003 for use as breakdown spares. CPU's are identical (AMD 1.3 Celerons, which themselves are a bit marginal). One has 512 MB and the other has 1 GB, and it's quite startling how much difference the extra memory makes.

Mind you, if you want slow I once saw a 64 MB laptop with XP loaded (an end-user decided to upgrade his software without seeking advice from the 'useless shower in IT Support', and then came bitching to us about performance).

XP actually did load and run (a bit of a surprise; 64 MB is below the Evil Empire's stated minimum), and once it was running you could do work if you could live with not-so-occasional long pauses, but it took 20-25 minutes from power-on to get the desktop. We politely suggested new hardware.

214   ozajh   2007 Feb 10, 4:32pm  


I would imagine ReadyBoost is using the memory stick to speed up page swapping. OK as a stop-gap, but not nearly as good as getting more true memory.

215   ozajh   2007 Feb 10, 4:36pm  

Here in South-Eastern Australia, both yesterday and today (Sunday, Oz time) the Canberra and Sydney papers have had HUGE spreads on the ongoing 'rental crisis', and how it's going to push up house prices so 'buy now before you're priced out forever'.

Sigh ... :(

216   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 5:28pm  

I remember GEOS out about the same time as Windows 3.0 (1990?), which was a pre-emptive multitasking, paged, multithreaded WYSIWYG GUI OS which ran over DOS on XT computers with 640K RAM and 20Mb hard disks, and produced near laser quality on dot matrix printers, when Windows required an AT at least and was swapped not paged. Further, installation was a no-brainer, much like XP today. For about $200 you got the OS AND a complete productivity package slightly more powerful than MS-Works. Two main differences were that many menus were multithreaded as 'tear-off' menus, so you could move around a document with the Format dialog pinned up and check the formatting as you went -- great productivity feature. No MS product does that even today. The other thing was that it would restore all your programs to their prior state when you shutdown and restarted -- docs opened at the same place you left them, etc.

A lot of it was written in assembly, and it never got much market share "for some reason". It was last being sold to African countries under a New Deal banner, which failed. Think a GEOS kernel is being used on some smartphones...

217   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 6:13pm  

because it was written in assembly, it took them a long time to publish a SDK. i was a mere babe in arms at university when it came out, i was ahead of my time ;)

218   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 6:16pm  

StuckInBA Says:
Tried Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy?
Never heard of it. Will google it.

I tried it when I was about 15. I couldn't get through it even then, found it very slow-moving and hardly worthwhile -- no Harry Potter-style stunts in it to keep the pages turning. LOTR-style fantasy doesn't work on me, I'm too hyper-real, believe it or not... ;)

219   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 6:37pm  


I'm not sure how much the 'rental media panic' in Oz right now is being stoked by REI interests. Not sure if it really is an issue. The SMH has run some very fair stories over time on the housing boom, I don't think they would start taking payola to run rental panic stories if there wasn't a shortage. I don't know why there should be a shortage tho, given all the apartments that are still being built -- unless it is a ploy by developers to get people to buy those apartments in panic. I heard at one stage there was a slow net loss of people from Sydney due to high prices... I can't find any weekend articles in The (Melbourne) Age on it, the (Sydney) SMH has been breathlessly talking about it for 2 weeks now...

220   Different Sean   2007 Feb 10, 7:06pm  

sorry, ajh, meant to say, what's your take on it? all through alexandria in sydney, new residential blocks are going up, and meriton is still building apace -- but developers are terrified of the downturn, and RE sales are slow... the only driver for rent increases is really the specuvestors who paid too much, and are looking to raise rents to cover losses -- and the fact that gen X, Y and Z are being locked out of housing by high prices forcing them to remain as renters indefinitely... this changes the whole % of ownership terrain...

221   Paul189   2007 Feb 10, 10:05pm  

@ Jimbo,

I mentioned a friend with a 15 year fixed at 4 5/8%. That was a conforming loan with no points. He nailed the low in rates!


222   Paul189   2007 Feb 10, 10:20pm  


When I was handed the check at the closing of the sale of our house 1 1/2 years ago I said to everyone in the room "the next time I buy a house I'll pay cash"


223   Allah   2007 Feb 10, 11:19pm  


No, I think it’s 512 MB expandable to 2 gigs. I’ll have to try it with a memory stick and see if that helps it run faster.

This may answer your question.

224   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 11:29pm  

Thanks to everybody for answering my Vista related questions. I guess I'm surprised that Toshiba sold a 514 MB computer preloaded with Vista even though it is apparently way under the requirement for good performance. The memory stick work around seems to help for now so I'll probably hold off on upgrading for a few month. I'm still thinking about returning this laptop and grabbing one of the last XP loaded notebooks.

225   DinOR   2007 Feb 10, 11:34pm  

I start today..... as I start every day. With nothing.

You see, (like most of us) I don't have a "pre-inheritance" to manage. So... I roll up my sleeves, get my hands dirty and start cold calling. In ways, it's the only thing I truly know. Even the slightest lack of faith, a second's indecision, a weak moment will kill you. You're DOA and the rest of the call is just so much socializing. You're not gonna get paid. Nada. Next call.

FAB, you're out of line. Telling some UCB grad. that if they "don't have a strong connection to the BA they might as well throw in the towel" is totally out of line. You DO have a strong connection to the BA. Good for you. But take away that "connection" and whadda ya' got? It must be "cushy" to wake up every morning and KNOW you'll be a zillionaire no matter how much you screw up.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up with nothing, other than what I make that day. Somehow, I always pull it out. I like it that way. If it wasn't for what you've inherited, what would you have? No, seriously?

I've always valued your contributions but your version of "American Royalty" just gotta stop. Fair enough?

226   astrid   2007 Feb 10, 11:52pm  


I think FAB gave pretty good advice overall, even if his views are skewed by his moneyed perspective. I guess he might throw in the towel if he doesn't have those things, but his comments shouldn't prevent the rest of us from trying.

Reading FAB's comments is a bit like reading the New York Times lifestyle section - every number comes with an extra zero or two.

227   astrid   2007 Feb 11, 12:53am  

I think my boyfriend used to pay rent with his 3% cashback card, he paid it off every month though.

228   FormerAptBroker   2007 Feb 11, 1:01am  

DinOR Says:

> You see, (like most of us) I don’t have a “pre-inheritance”
> to manage.

I don’t spends much time thinking about managing an inheritance since if my Mom dies in her late 90’s like most of the women in her family (who were not nearly as healthy as she is) I’ll be inheriting a lot of money in my mid 70’s (I probably will not have a lot of time to spend it since if I do make it to my mid 70’s I will have already outlived half the men in America and most of my Dad’s male relatives)…

> So… I roll up my sleeves, get my hands dirty
> and start cold calling. In ways, it’s the only thing I truly know.
> Even the slightest lack of faith, a second’s indecision, a weak
> moment will kill you. You’re DOA and the rest of the call is just
> so much socializing. You’re not gonna get paid. Nada. Next call.

I think that DinOR will be surprised to find out that on many Monday’s my hands still have some dirt under the fingernails (from working all weekend) when I get to the office and start cold calling to try and make money…

> FAB, you’re out of line. Telling some UCB grad. that if they
> “don’t have a strong connection to the BA they might as well
> throw in the towel” is totally out of line.

I didn’t mean to sound like I was telling anyone to “throw in the towel” I was just pointing out that there are a lot of other nice places (including places in NJ and CT) near big cities with plenty of jobs and nice people where it costs a lot less to live than it does here in SF BA.

> You DO have a strong connection to the BA. Good for you.
> But take away that “connection” and whadda ya’ got? It must
> be “cushy” to wake up every morning and KNOW you’ll be a
> zillionaire no matter how much you screw up.

My connection to the Bay Area has nothing to do with money and has to do with a large number of family and friends that live here ranging from cops to priests and carpenters to CEOs.

> Tomorrow, I’ll wake up with nothing, other than what I make
> that day. Somehow, I always pull it out. I like it that way.
> If it wasn’t for what you’ve inherited, what would you have?
> No, seriously?

I have not “inherited” a single penny from anyone ever and I’ve been living my life knowing that there is a chance I may never inherit a penny. My parents (who never finished college) were mad at me for joining a fraternity (since they thought that it was just a drinking club and would hurt my grades) and told me they would stop paying for college if I didn’t quit. I didn’t quit (since I was making enough as a part time property manager and maintenance guy to support myself) and have not taken a penny from my parents since I was a teenager.

> I’ve always valued your contributions but your version
> of “American Royalty” just gotta stop. Fair enough?

When my grandfather moved in with us after a stroke my parents had the rent from his nice big house in SF and were able to move to a big house in a real nice area where I met the real “American Royalty” (I used to carry their golf clubs and listen to them talk about their other “clubs” like Cypress, SFCG, SFYC, PU, Bohemian, SCP and others)…

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