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2007 Mar 13, 4:56am   29,364 views  331 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Subprimes selling off again. Lots of pundits feigning astonishment that there might actually be a 2nd leg to the correction. Heaven forfend.

I'm not a full time investment professional, just someone who works with finance & economics a good bit. I'm hoping to get comment from our pros:

How far is the subprime ill likely to spread (US & Int'l)? I doubt it the damage remains isolated to lenders, banks and homebuilders. I also doubt it is likely to undermine CalPERS and leave grandma begging for bread crusts on the street.

For what it's worth, I think there's going to be at least a couple more nasty down-legs as hedge funds start eating it. A lot of "hedge" funds forgot the whole "hedge" part of "hedge fund". I expect a lot of mayhem as the lucky ones unwind and the others dissolve.

And I think most of the pundits are missing the big credit/liquidity squeeze that's approaching. Consumer spending hasn't been all HELOC driven, there's a whole pile of "junk" debt sitting around that people used to buy all the crap they have today. All it takes is for the Capital One's to start pulling in risk a bit -- making it a bit harder and more expensive to buy crap on credit -- and the early legs of this correction will be but fond memories.

Let's hope employment does stay strong long enough to stave off good old fashioned stagflation. Luckily, so far so good. Steep losses in real estate related employment are being absorbed by other industries. So far.


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92   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Mar 13, 11:43am  


I am fascinated by Google.

Some things don't make sense to me because they seem to defy sensible logic.

If I wait long enough, what I thought was "common sense" was right, and all the hip and cool spinmeister spin was lies.

Like, the overnight electricity shortage in California a few years ago, and the concomittant Google-like rise of Enron. (Yes, yes, probably supply is tight. But, we experienced an "overnight" shortage of massive proportions).

You see, I still have never, ever, heard one single person, of any age, of any degree of "internet savvy", say that they made a purchase from a website that Google helped them to find.

93   SFWoman   2007 Mar 13, 11:48am  


I just did, literally five minutes ago! I wanted to send my landscaping contractor a gift for really, really doing a great job (we are about 90% finished and he is an absolute perfectionist) and he likes exotic fruits so I googled 'Exotic fruit basket' and got a hit for Melissa's Deluxe Exotic Fruit Basket. I just ordered it.

94   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Mar 13, 11:51am  


Thank you for sharing, now I've heard of one. I think like bruceb is mentioning, there will be a reckoning to see if there's enough people like you for that capitalization. Time will tell.

95   Malcolm   2007 Mar 13, 12:26pm  

I didn’t even bother to point out the obvious signs of softening. Why would I at this point? It would be like pointing out the flaws and contradictions in someone’s religion. I then realized that real estate had become a religion, something that people worshipped and had faith, even with evidence to the contrary, in. The ‘Manifestation’ stuff, and prosperity Christianity are just attempts to blend this new Prosperity/Real Estate religion into established belief systems.

SFWoman, you rock. That is an awesome analogy. It is totally like that. That was just like that idiot Reality. He didn't have a point to make, just wanted to condem us for our beliefs. When people used to tell me I was a fool for thinking the party could end, I would ask them why can't it stop? Their reply, the trend points upwards. It was pure faith, they just thought it would keep going up despite evidence of the fundamentals being totally disconnected.

96   Malcolm   2007 Mar 13, 12:29pm  

SP -Although I was expecting it to happen, I was surprised by the speed and intensity with which subprime was hit. I am wondering if we should rethink our previous assumptions on how quickly this will roll once it actually starts.

This site is not a crystal ball. It is just a reminder of out of whack fundamentals. There is no timeline, just a predicted pattern of events, one logically leading to the other.

97   Malcolm   2007 Mar 13, 12:32pm  

I DVRd CBS news today. It is awesome. I don't believe there is ANYONE now calling for a recovery in the middle of 2007 anymore. I haven't heard the term soft landing in quite a while. They predict 18 to 36 months. That is a far cry from, 'a slowdown in the rate of appreciation.'

98   FormerAptBroker   2007 Mar 13, 12:43pm  

PAR Says:

> I’ve been collecting some data on BA foreclosures.

Once the banks take back the homes and the they are sold by the REO the Realtors will be able to report “Bay Area Home Sales Increase”…

99   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Mar 13, 12:50pm  


There have been some fringe articles, penned by comp-e-tent but out-side-the-tent economists, that have suggested a very fast meltdown in liquidity.

I think there is precedent for it, the margin calls for the dotcommers in March 2000. Remember how quick the plunge? After the margin call plunge, a protracted, less steep but even more deep, drop in the prices.

But "it's different this time". What is different? Unlike the 50% margin of the dotcom stocks, the "housing stock" is completely leveraged. And it's people's homes, not their 401K's or their play money. It's their homes.

And those homes have property tax collections based upon the values of those homes. Property taxes to pay for things like schools and public safety.

Yeah, it is different this time.

At least, the elite neighborhoods in this area that are in demand by rich Asians who continue to pay in cash, will be cushioned. But that's only for a few immigrant enclaves.

100   FormerAptBroker   2007 Mar 13, 12:50pm  

sybrib Says:

> You see, I still have never, ever, heard one single
> person, of any age, of any degree of “internet savvy”,
> say that they made a purchase from a website that
> Google helped them to find.

I go to Google and click the “more” button to get to Froogle to buy stuff at least once a week:


P.S. I still think that there are some real problems with copyright and click fraud…

101   Malcolm   2007 Mar 13, 12:57pm  

Hi Sybrib, my hunch is that rapid declines are now inevitable. I've always been cautious about guessing precise dates, because I used to have an annoying engineer friend who kept saying 'so when is this crash going to happen' or here's Malcolm, Mr. doom and gloom. I used to lay out scenarios and was admittedly unsure about how severe. I used to say we could end up with another depression or blood could run in the streets, I was not quite sure. I did know that if defaults led to tightening of the money supply then we would have a rapid price decrease.
I maintain that the bubble popped late 2004 to mid 2005 (depending on definition), and 2006 was the beginning of deflation. Now the pin prick is a rupture.

102   SFWoman   2007 Mar 13, 1:10pm  


I was going to take the cash for the fruit, break it up into billions of subatomic particles and send it over the cable lines to pay for the fruit, but it seemed like soooo much work so I just used the credit card.

Seriously, is there another way to pay for things online than with a credit card?

I also don't understand why Google was worth so much money. It's a really nice search engine, but 99.9% of the times I use the internet it isn't to purchase something, and usually when I do I just pop over to Amazon or Edmund Scientific (great for children's birthday gifts if you are ever stuck). I also don't see the barriers to entry in the search engine field as being all that high. The next young genius with a killer algorithm could steal away their business.

103   surfer-x   2007 Mar 13, 1:12pm  

Dare I say, dare I say


104   FormerAptBroker   2007 Mar 13, 1:14pm  

SFWoman Says:

> I then realized that real estate had become a religion,
> something that people worshipped and had faith, even
> with evidence to the contrary

Throughout history people have had a need to believe in something. Here in the Bay Area there is a huge drop in people who believe in “traditional” religions and a huge increase in people who worship Real Estate and the Environment.

If I announced at a party in SF that I thought the Bible or Book of Mormon was a fairy tale most people would probably agree with me, but if I announced that Real Estate was overvalued and SUVs were not causing irreparable harm to the environment I would be in trouble…

P.S. Did anyone read about the execution style shooting at the Oakland Church this weekend?

Reading between the lines I think we had a “flipper in trouble” The first line of the article said: “A successful businesswoman shot to death outside an East Oakland church had offered her estranged husband three of their jointly-owned six homes to settle a bitter divorce, but he angrily refused and killed her, according to her family and police. “

She was so “successful” in real estate that she still worked as “an administrator for California State Automobile Association”

Sounds to me like we might have found the African American “Casey Serin” who tried to flip her way to riches while in a bad marriage to a conflicted killer who didn’t work much…

105   DaBoss   2007 Mar 13, 1:42pm  

99.9% of Google Revenue is advertising.
Advertising dollar that would have gone to newpapers.
That is why newspapers are folding or being sold.

I worked at Yahoo for 18 months.. and hated it.

FYI when advertising dollar dives like it did in 2000
then expect Goog earnings to pop as did Yahoo.
Yahoo laid off 25% of its workforce that year.

106   Lost Cause   2007 Mar 13, 1:54pm  

Pray to St Jude, the patron saint of hopeless cases.

107   surfer-x   2007 Mar 13, 1:58pm  

No panic, yet
March 13: Subprime concerns have investors backing off, but not panicking, Robert Heller, managing director of Chapdelaine Brokerage, tells CNBC's Erin Burnett.


I repeat ahahahahah

and no, that's not 2.4 million


108   Claire   2007 Mar 13, 2:04pm  

What does everyone think about the Alt-A's, will no doc loans be yanked?

109   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Mar 13, 2:13pm  

Space Age,

I understand about the advertising. But I'm skeptical that the advertisers are getting a good value proposition. Marketing places especially in the bicoastal organizations seem to be dominated by the beautiful people from good universities, their limited perspective blinding them of the big picture.

That's probably why the rise of WalMart caught them off guard.

110   DaBoss   2007 Mar 13, 2:34pm  

Yes, it funny how one goes to Walmart in Mt View and see plenty of Benz and BMWs.

111   DaBoss   2007 Mar 13, 2:35pm  

ALT A have been yanked. Its pretty much over.

112   StuckInBA   2007 Mar 13, 2:48pm  

ALT A have been yanked. Its pretty much over.

Alt-A is a loose definition. So not sure what do you mean when you say it's yanked. But I agree with your sentiment. If income documentation and down payments become mandatory, it is pretty much over.

113   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 13, 3:47pm  

Is it time to start petitions AGAINST a bailout?


Anybody who votes on the floor to give a thin dime to FBs will not get my vote come the next reelection.

114   Peter P   2007 Mar 13, 3:56pm  

Is it time to start petitions AGAINST a bailout?

LOL!!! :lol:

Like anyone cares.

115   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 13, 3:59pm  

I dunno... there are more NFBs than FBs around. Renters... 26 million who own their homes outright...

116   Jimbo   2007 Mar 13, 4:02pm  

Isn't any Jumbo an "Alt-A"? I would be suprised to find that lenders are no longer giving out jumbo loans of any kind.

117   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 13, 4:04pm  

That would CERTAINLY spell doom for the SFBayArea.

118   Different Sean   2007 Mar 13, 5:05pm  

it's showtime:

Market hit by US home loan crisis

The US Mortgage Bankers Association reported the proportion of mortgages in the initial stages of foreclosure rose to the highest rate on record, while the chief executive of the largest US home lender said the subprime mortgage industry is now in a 'liquidity crisis.' The subprime sector caters to borrowers with weak credit.

An unexpected drop in retail sales for February added to concerns.

'Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the stock market, a new panic has taken hold. This time it was the report by the Mortgage Bankers Association,' said Phil Flynn, vice president and senior market analyst at Alaron Trading in Chicago.

Shares of financial services companies with exposure to the mortgage market were among the biggest decliners. Citigroup Inc. was the biggest drag on the S&P 500, followed by JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp., while JPMorgan was the Dow's biggest decliner.

Investors worry that fallout from rising loan defaults in the subprime market could hurt consumer spending as lenders tighten credit amid the housing slowdown. The subprime mortgage market caters to borrowers with weak credit.

In an interview with CNBC television, Countrywide Financial Corp. Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo said the US mortgage sector is entering a "liquidity crisis," but that investors and speculators are overreacting by punishing healthier lenders as well as marginal ones.

"This is now becoming a liquidity crisis," and "it's going to get uglier," Mozilo said in an interview with CNBC television.

119   Different Sean   2007 Mar 13, 6:45pm  

I need to be fully awake to make sure I describe it using only publicly available info.

ooh... do they have alien technology too?

I also don’t understand why Google was worth so much money. It’s a really nice search engine, but 99.9% of the times I use the internet it isn’t to purchase something, and usually when I do I just pop over to Amazon or Edmund Scientific

I think that might have been what caused the tech wreck... something about zero revenues, fast burn rates and 500:1 P/E ratios...

I also don’t see the barriers to entry in the search engine field as being all that high. The next young genius with a killer algorithm could steal away their business.

Maybe the next genius who can stop credit card fraud at small stores by using a universal intermediary service! I'm on it now...

120   Bruce   2007 Mar 13, 7:07pm  

CR has posted a chart of prime ARM foreclosures by region.


121   Allah   2007 Mar 13, 10:45pm  

Is it time to start petitions AGAINST a bailout?


Anybody who votes on the floor to give a thin dime to FBs will not get my vote come the next reelection.

You can start with these guys, they have been fighting government waste for years!

122   Allah   2007 Mar 13, 10:59pm  

In fact, it looks like they are well aware of it.

123   SFWoman   2007 Mar 13, 11:08pm  


Sometime I would love to have that explained to me! I have never understood it.

I mentioned the subprime meltdown to my husband last night and said I saw the Countrywide guy on TV. My husband said 'Angelo?' I said I thought so. My husband said that he sees him at meetings a couple of times a year, that he's polite and nice, a very straight talker, no b.s. from the guy. If he disagrees with someone he comes right out and says so and what you see is what you get with the guy.

124   Allah   2007 Mar 13, 11:20pm  

Check this out, here is a real life example of lending standards getting tightened.

i did not know that mid-way through the process, the lender had the right to change what kind of financing they were going to offer!!!!!!!!

we were $20/week short on their income to expense ratio!!!!!!!!!!!

so they changed the financing on us, WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in the life of the loan this means that we would pay and extra $100,000 for our house

for $20?????!!!!!!!!!!

this throws a BIG monkey wrench into our ability to buy our house!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems they don't even understand why....typical FB! :lol:

125   DinOR   2007 Mar 13, 11:36pm  


Oh, I wouldn't doubt your husband's assessment of Angelo. These "big picture" guys can afford to be gracious. They have plenty of little people sweating the small stuff AND a "hit the numbers" sales force that allow them to sell 140 mil. of their own stock. A lot of these guys are "real nice" (when you don't work for them!) :)

126   DinOR   2007 Mar 13, 11:46pm  


I agree, the bubble popped in late 2004 to mid 2005. Absotively... posolutely! True, depending on your definition (and locale) it may have worked out a little differently but outside of a few rare instances everything purchased after that is really on the fence.

So many people were so confident that everything would do well all they focused on was "locking in the BEST possible rate". (Yeah, the guy's a 100K underwater) but check out that great rate of his!

127   DinOR   2007 Mar 14, 12:12am  


Bail-out... + ... billions... = ... BUY!

128   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 12:48am  

Here's an idea. I like the idea of a petition, but they are very hard to circulate. Maybe Patrick can help. We can have a contest to design a standard postcard or individual petition form. Maybe they can be posted somewhere online, maybe here, and we can vote on the best one. Then we set it up as a downloaded/printable document. People can then just put their name and address on it, and mail it in to Congress. The address can be preprinted as part of the form, or we can get really creative, and link the correct representative office to that field on the form by having the person enter their zipcode. If that is too much work we just direct them to the easiest place to find the proper address to send it in.

The form would have a simple message like, 'as a citizen of the United States, I wish to petition my representatives to restrain themselves on legislation to use taxpayer money to bail out borrowers who default on their home loans."

Then a place to sign date, a print name and address.

Then we email everyone we know to download the form and mail it in. We have a large enough community here that we could get critical mass pretty easily.

129   DinOR   2007 Mar 14, 12:53am  

The question is can congress craft a bail-out package in time for the big spring bounce?

I'm buying in anticipation 'cause once they get that baby passed all hell is gonna break loose! FB's flush with freshly minted post bubble bail-out bucks are going to want to trade up creating bidding wars!

The gub'ment will likely use the Zillow "make me move" pricing model and wire the cash directly to FB's account! Man... you guys are such a bunch of suckers! :)

130   DinOR   2007 Mar 14, 12:55am  

You're ABSOLUTELY right!

With a tax payer funded bail-out shoring up a ridiculously overpriced market we'll only get this one shot! Man, you called this right on the money!

131   skibum   2007 Mar 14, 12:58am  


You asked a while back about when the Chronicle will post a FB sob story? Well, at least for now here's one from CNN:


$1,300...$2,000...there goes your mortgage

When they bought their home in 2004, the Sanons had a feeling they were gettting in over their heads - they were right.

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